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Showing posts with label JAMAAL BOWMAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAMAAL BOWMAN. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

I am beyond proud to endorse Sen. Biaggi in her run for Congress


Bowman for Congress

Today, I am officially endorsing State Senator Alessandra Biaggi for Congress to represent New York's 3rd District!

I am beyond proud to endorse Sen. Biaggi in her run for Congress. She leads with relentless compassion, she's bold, principled, and most importantly, she loves people. She is a champion for women's rights and the working class, and her countless victories in the State Senate show that she truly understands the urgency of this moment.

Sen. Biaggi was a champion of my first ever campaign for Congress and I am more than excited to return the favor. I hope you will join me today in supporting Sen. Biaggi's campaign as she prepares for a competitive yet hopeful race. We're all working towards the same goal to build an inclusive and just future for all of us and not just the privileged few. So can we count on you right now to split a $10 donation to support Sen. Biaggi's campaign and our movement?

Many of us know that up until the recent redistricting changes Sen. Biaggi represented a part of our very own NY-16 — and we've put our all into building up our progressive movement together in our shared community. And now that the new district maps find Sen. Biaggi in an entirely new district, it's crucial that we continue to support her bold, progressive leadership.

After Sen. Biaggi's historic primary victory in 2018, unseating Jeff Klein, she has been a key progressive ally in Albany, championing causes we value like expanded voting rights, protections for reproductive healthcare, affordable housing, and worker protections.

As a member of Congress, I am working hard to build up a nation that works for everyone, and I have full confidence that Sen. Biaggi, with her tireless advocacy, is looking to do the same. I look forward to her joining me at the nation's capital so together we can continue to fight for working New Yorkers and for a society that embodies the ideals of justice, equality, and solidarity.

We have a real chance to elect a leader who is undeniably good for NY-3, a leader who is determined to bring positive and long-lasting progressive change to New York. But we can't do it alone. Will you please split a $10 contribution between Senator Alessandra Biaggi's campaign and our movement? We can't afford to lose out on this clear opportunity to make early investments in our progressive future.

Peace and love,

Jamaal Bowman



Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one. 

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Friday, February 4, 2022

Our job's not done. That’s why I'm running for re-election.


Bowman for Congress

I wanted you to hear it from me — I'm officially running for re-election to Minnesota's 5th Congressional District.

I'm running again because I love my district, and I believe a better world is possible. And while we've made a lot of progress, our job's not done.

Finishing what we started means addressing the economic and income inequality issues that are holding workers back and systematically forcing families into poverty. It means creating a healthier, more livable world for future generations. And it means consistently putting human rights at the center of U.S. foreign policy, opposing war and militarism, and pursuing accountability for human rights abuses wherever they occur.

We can do it — but we've got to prepare to fight back against the status quo that's hell-bent on stopping our progress.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman and I are fighting in Congress every day to build a better world for everyone, no matter their income or ZIP code. To help prepare for the tough election year ahead and make sure we can continue our work for progress, can you split any amount between our re-election campaigns?

From the donors pouring large sums of money into the 5th District, to far-right Republicans who dedicate their time to attacking me with Islamophobic smears, so many people have tried to silence me and our movement over the past four years. Last election, my opponents and ultraconservative donors spent upwards of $20 million to try to unseat me and stop our movement in its tracks.

But we're still here.

We can win and bring more people than ever into our movement — no matter how much money our opponents spend or how much hate they throw at us — because you've shown time and time again that you're dedicated to our shared progressive vision. And you're willing to organize and fight for it.

So today, we're hoping you'll keep up your support. Please split a donation between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and my re-election campaign so we can continue fighting for the bold, progressive change we started together.

We're still in the middle of a pandemic, facing the gravest income inequality since the Great Depression, and dealing with the worst iteration of the Republican Party since segregation.

We can't ignore these issues — we need to tackle them head-on. For the 5th District and Minnesotans, and for all working people, families, immigrants and refugees, and our movement.

And I know that together, we can. Thank you for being part of a movement that never gives up in the fight for racial, social, environmental, and economic justice for all.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar


Donate »


 Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one.

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

We must tell the truth about African American History



I love this country, its people, and the ideals we strive for.

Many people would soon like to forget or ignore the horrific failures in our past. But because I love this country, I believe it's imperative that we tell the whole truth about our nation, including our country's long history of racism, oppression, and slavery.

That's why I support efforts by my colleague Rep. Jamal Bowman to invest $10 million in the National Museum of African American History and Culture to support African American history education programs for students, educators and parents.

Tell Congress: Support African American History and pass the African American History Act!

The African American History Act is set to increase the national capacity for African American history education while also funding and improving the resources of the National Museum of African American History and Culture:

  • Developing and maintaining accessible resources to promote an understanding of African American history.
  • Engaging with local and state leaders interested in incorporating these resources in curricula.
  • Engaging with the public through programming, resources, and social media to increase awareness of African American history through a social justice and anti-bias lens.
  • Convening experts and creating and providing scholarly work.
  • Translating new and existing NMAAHC work into multiple languages for accessibility.

Bobby Kennedy famously said, "Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live."

We can't hide from our past, but we can certainly learn from it. Not only for ourselves, but for the world around us.

African American culture and history is embedded in the fabric of our nation. To short change students of African American history, is to short change them of the knowledge and the truth about our nation's history.

Tell Congress to pass the African American History Act!



Paid for and authorized by the Re-Elect McGovern Committee.


This email was sent by Jim McGovern
Jim McGovern for Congress
PO Box 60405
Worcester, MA 01606
United States

Email is an important way for Jim McGovern to keep supporters like you informed about critical issues and to build a winning grassroots campaign. 

Black History Month


Bowman for Congress

Happy Black History Month!

As I say, every month is Black History Month — but February is a great time to recognize and honor the history and enduring legacy that Black people in this country hold. And every day, but especially the next 28 days, I want to celebrate and uplift our excellence, our accomplishments, our humanity, our futures, and so much more.

Today, I'm thinking about everything Black people, generation after generation, have already put on the line for our freedoms and rights. I've asked myself, what would Fannie Lou Hamer say and do at this moment if she were still with us? What about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or John Lewis, or Claudette Colvin?

I honor their legacies and their work — the thousands of steps they've marched on tired feet and the countless times they put their lives on the line so that their sons and daughters could live to fight another day. Without them, there is no me — the first Black member of Congress to represent my district in American history.

I'm thinking about what we can do today in order to move our country and our democracy forward. I'm proud to have used my role in Congress to legislate for my communities and for Black history, too; like the African American History Act, which will invest $10 million over a five-year period in the National Museum of African American History and Culture to support African American history education programs.

Above all, I'm thinking about how we can continue to legislate and build our communities based on love and care for one another. To put our humanity above all.

I hope you'll join me in the fight as we work towards this future — not just for some, but for everyone.

Peace and love,

Jamaal Bowman



 Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one.

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Sunday, January 30, 2022


Bowman for Congress

This is a longer email about what our movement's been up to in January — and why we could really use your support, right now.

If you don't have time to read it, please consider donating what you can to help us reach our $20,000 end-of-month goal before Monday at midnight. Thank you.


As we wrap up the first month of the new year, we wanted to take a moment to pause, step back, and reflect on all that's happened so far. But before we do, we have a favor to ask:

We're two days away from our end-of-month fundraising deadline, and we're still lagging behind where we thought we'd be. If you're able to chip in anything at all — even $3 makes a huge difference — please do so at this link to help us shore up the gap.

Now, here's a recap of everything that's happened this January on Team Bowman:

📍 We continued to keep an eye on congressional redistricting.
With our first re-election happening this year, we want to make sure that Jamaal is set up for success to earn another term in Congress.

While nothing is set in stone, we're currently keeping an eye on things, changing our organizing strategy to fit the needs of our new district, and regularly checking in with current constituents.

🦠 In the face of the omicron variant, we demanded more COVID relief.
Rather than demanding that people get back to work and put their lives on the line, Jamaal led the charge in demanding that Congress come together to pass another relief package with $2,000 monthly survival checks, increase COVID testing in schools, and pass a new federal minimum wage and guarantee sick time for all workers.

🗳️ The Senate effectively shut down the passage of voting rights legislation, but Jamaal still stood for these rights in protest — and was arrested.
Along with twenty youth organizers and faith leaders, Jamaal stood in support of our voting rights and held our leaders accountable for their part in obstructing justice.

The fight for voting rights isn't over, and we'll continue to demand justice and accountability for those who have been left without a voice for far too long.

👀 Shortly after Jamaal's arrest — yet another establishment Democratic challenger announced their intent to challenge Jamaal.
In his announcement, this challenger noted that Jamaal is "too far left to get re-elected" and that "Democrats in Westchester don't want a progressive representing them in Washington".

If there's anything the past two years have shown us — we know that that's not true. But this does confirm what we've always known: re-election is not a given, and we need to organize as hard as we can in order to make sure Jamaal stays in Congress.

From the very beginning, our progressive movement has always been about meeting the immediate needs of our community just as much as it's about creating structural change.

We're hopeful to continue this work into the rest of 2022 and beyond — but we need your help. Please, chip in $10 or whatever you're able to our campaign today and help us reach our $20,000 end-of-month goal.

Thank you,

Team Bowman



Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one. 

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708


Friday, January 28, 2022

Let me refresh your memory


Bowman for Congress

Hey, it's Jesse — Jamaal's Finance Director. DIS

This year, our grassroots movement will go up against a major obstacle on our path to keep Jamaal in Congress — the new redistricting maps for NY-16. For the past few weeks, we've detailed to you just how much of a change these new maps will bring to our campaign strategy, and these changes are even more impactful now that we know of a potential new challenger to Jamaal's seat.

Hitting our fundraising goals month over month allows us to create a safety net of support for Jamaal and our campaign during these drastic changes to our election landscape. As a people-powered movement, we need to come together in moments like these to ensure that our momentum is maintained and our movement continues to grow.

If you don't remember how drastic the newly proposed NY-16 maps are, let me refresh your memory:

These new boundaries add on a massive new area of New York that we'll have to hit hard with our voter outreach efforts. Our in-district voter demographics will see a major shift — with a 10% decrease in Black voters and a 27% decrease in Latino voters. What's more, the new northern part of the proposed district is both less dense and less accessible by public transit, so mobilizing our volunteers to reach these new areas will be even more challenging, expensive, and time consuming than before.

The new maps will also cut off strong, progressive areas where we already know we have Jamaal's support and will bring in about 15% more Trump supporters. And the addition of a potential, more moderate challenger means that we'll need to be even more proactive and determined in our voter outreach efforts. So it's crucial that we're prepared to take on the costs of our growing organizing efforts.

We can't afford to lose out on any opportunity to grow our base of supporters and ensure NY-16 remains a progressive district. So please help us reach our end-of-month fundraising goal with a contribution of $10 or any amount and help us prepare for the fights ahead.

Let's do this,

Jesse Guy-Herman, Finance Director
Bowman for Congress


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

This year is the midterms

Bowman for Congress

It's no secret that when it comes to the fate of our democracy and collective future, there is much at stake this election year.

This is not just a pivotal time for our campaign, but for our progressive movement. If we want to continue making progress and advancing legislation that meets the scale and scope of the crises we face — we need even more strong, progressive leadership in Congress. 

That's why it's critical we elect those leaders this midterm election year, and why Jamaal's proud to have been the first federal member to endorse these leaders:

  • Jessica Cisneros, House of Representatives, TX-28
  • Greg Casar, House of Representatives, TX-35

Both of these leaders have primary elections coming up in just under three weeks — 20 days, to be exact. So let's make sure that our movement continues to grow — not just in New York's 16th, but everywhere. Will you chip in $10 or whatever you can and boost our collective movement? 

As Jamaal often says: Congress must work for the people, not the other way around. It's critical that we have more people in positions of power who can help manifest that within our society and government.

We need to elect people who are focused on fair wages, protecting working families, Medicare for All, reproductive rights, voting rights, immigration rights, and so much more. But we can't do it alone.

Both Jessica Cisneros and Greg Casar are up against entrenched establishment opponents who often put profits and special interests above the needs of their constituents. If we can boost support for their campaigns in these next twenty days before voters send in their ballots and head to the polls, we'll have the chance to see long-lasting progress, not just in Texas, but in similar communities all over the country.

Please, split a donation between Jessica Cisneros, Greg Casar, and Jamaal Bowman today — and let's continue growing our movement in the halls of Congress.

— Team Bowman


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

More right-leaning and less diverse


Bowman for Congress

A few months ago, we saw the first draft of redistricting maps in New York — maps that included our very own congressional district — and now, the state's Independent Redistricting Commission is slated to vote on these maps on January 3.

Unfortunately, if these proposed maps go through, securing re-election for Jamaal will be more difficult than we planned for. (We'll explain why below.)

We need to be prepared for everything and anything, and that starts with having a strong fundraising base going into 2022. That's why we're hoping you'll support us as we strive to reach our $75,000 end-of-year fundraising goal.

To give you an idea of how this will impact us, here's where our boundaries are now, and where they could be:

  • The Bronx — including the area that included the middle school Jamaal taught at for years — will be all but removed from his district. 
  • Democratic voters in general are expected to be significantly more moderate than they are in Jamaal's current district. 
  • The proposed new district's population will be about one-third more Republican and one-third less Black than Jamaal's current district.

In short, the proposed map gives Jamaal a more right-leaning and less diverse electorate. This means that Jamaal will face more moderate challengers to his seat, and make securing re-election and staying in Congress more challenging and expensive than anticipated.

What's more, New York will lose a House seat in redistricting — and come 2022, Democrats will be scrambling to hang onto our super-narrow majority.

Jamaal's work is just getting started in Congress. As one of the strongest progressive voices we have in the House, his leadership is critical to the success of our progressive agenda — and we need to make sure that we have all the tools we need to keep him in Washington for years to come.

So please make your best donation today — of $10 or any other amount — and help us reach our $75,000 end-of-year goal so we can best prepare for the year and fights ahead.

Thank you,

Luke Hayes, Campaign Manger
Bowman for Congress

As the Organizing Director for Team Bowman, it's my job to look towards the future and help to carve out a robust game plan to mobilize, energize, and set our progressive movement up for success.

And in 2022, I know there will be plenty of opportunities to see our movement succeed, but only if we have the funds, and the support, to help us reach our goals.

There are over 775,000 potential voters in NY-16. So that means, we'll need to put even more effort into outreach, promotions, and on-the-ground canvassing to gear up for our re-election campaigns. In 2022, we're going to need to hone in on a whole new group of untapped voters and potential supporters who may not know who Jamaal is just yet.

It takes $0.10 to reach out to a single voter in NY-16 and mobilize them to join our movement. So if we scale up our math, we can calculate that just one donation of $5 means we can mobilize at least 50 potential voters, a donation of $10 means we can reach out to 100 NY-16 voters, and so on and so forth.

In addition, the more we grow our progressive momentum, the more opportunities we'll be able to take in support of our communities through canvassing, volunteering, and mutual aid efforts. We're going to need a dedicated and massive base of supporters to ensure that our progressive momentum continues to flourish while Jamaal fights for us in Congress.

The point is, small numbers can add up to a massive impact for our progressive movement. With your donation, we can ensure that our team continues to proactively plan our voter outreach efforts and continue to turnout the vote for Jamaal. 

Onward together,

Kelsie O'Leary, Organizing 
Bowman for Congress


Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one. 

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Friday, December 24, 2021

Tell the truth


Ro Khanna

As many of you know, I spent 20 years as an educator before Congress. I saw firsthand how transforming a child’s learning environment can unlock their full potential and lead us into a true and educated democracy.

But in today’s current education system, our democracy and our history is being challenged, and this ignorance to the truth has left many students all over the country subject to dishonest and unjust education.

That’s why I am honored to present the African American History Act today. This act will invest $10 million over a 5 year period in the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) to support African American history education programs that are available to all. This bill will fund a variety of activities, all of which will allow the NMAAHC to continue supporting educators, students, and families in learning about African American history.

If you stand with me and believe that African American history is a prevalent part of our past, present, and future, please add your name and support the African American History Act today.

The African American History Act is set to increase the national capacity for African American history education while also funding and improving upon a variety of the NMAAHC’s resources such as:

  • Developing and maintaining accessible resources to promote an understanding of African American history.
  • Engaging with local and state leaders interested in incorporating these resources in curricula.
  • Engaging with the public through programming, resources, and social media to increase awareness of African American history through a social justice and anti-bias lens.
  • Convening experts and creating and providing scholarly work.
  • Translating new and existing NMAAHC work into multiple languages for accessibility.

Education and literacy play key roles in ensuring all of us have access to high quality and historically accurate information. And a multiracial democracy ensures that the social, economic, and political rights of all in the United States requires us to tell the full truth about our country’s history.

The truth should always be available to all and inspire us to move towards the direction and knowledge of a true democracy. Investing and supporting African American history to fight back against those who villainize the truth is the antidote to organized ignorance, which in turn will support our work to build a multiracial democracy.

Please stand with me in support of the African American History Act and our efforts to ensure that our students are granted an education rooted in tolerance, love, and justice for humanity — not fear or hate — by adding your name today.

Peace and love,

Jamaal Bowman

Small donors like you keep us going. To contribute via check, please address to Ro for Congress, PO Box 3513, Santa Clara, CA 95051.

Paid for by Ro for Congress

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The people cannot be left behind


Bowman for Congress

Content warning: this email mentions strongly racist remarks

Two nights ago, I made an appearance on CNN to immediately discuss Senator Joe Manchin's decision to vote no on the Build Back Better agenda. And as I write to you today, my response on CNN has led to hundreds of tweets, texts, emails, and calls filled with racist comments directed at me and my place in Congress.

My statements on CNN have been the catalyst of dozens of calls from supporters of Joe Manchin's decision. Some of these responses to me have been as follows:

"You are nothing but an Affirmative Action figure Jamaal. I salute your racism with both middle fingers."

"I hope Manchin beats the [expletive] black out of you!! Let's go back to slavery if you are going to be so [expletive] stupid you [expletive]." 

"White people are superior."

"I am tired of tax money going to Black people. All Black people do is steal, crime, and cry, it's always somebody else's fault."

It is tremendously frustrating for me as a Black man in America to be witness to Manchin, a white man, choosing white ignorance and removed leadership. And to all of those who believe this is not about race — as long as the beneficiaries of Manchin's intransigence continue to be primarily white, and those who continue to suffer are poor, women, Black, brown, and Latino, this will always be an issue embedded in racism, in addition to sexism and classism.

This is exactly why tens of millions of Americans have been disillusioned by our government, not just the Republican party but the Democratic party as well. Joe Manchin's decision, albeit infuriating, was not surprising to our progressive movement — and only further proved that big money is stripping away the most effective parts of our democracy.

For months, we've watched Manchin, his special interests, donors, and lobbyists hack away at the Build Back Better Act under the guise that it was fiscally irresponsible. But the truth is it's not, and Manchin has been vehemently against supporting a bill that disproportionately uplifts those who have been historically left behind and disenfranchised for far too long.

The Build Back Better Act unapologetically supports people of color, women, children, and those who are living in poverty. It could help to lift them out of poverty, and so much more. So Manchin's inability to sign onto this bill only further proves that he would rather prioritize his own profits over the needs and interests of the people. Manchin is a millionaire with the privilege to obstruct such a critical piece of legislation, all while his own constituents and millions of Americans all over the country are suffering and calling on him to do the right thing.

But let's be clear about one thing. I will not let this dissuade me from continuing to fearlessly fight for those who need it the most both in NY-16 and beyond. Whether it's passing the Build Back Better Act in order to support working people and families, or working to protect and expand our voter rights that disproportionately affect Black and brown communities — there is still a world of work ahead of us and we can't stop now.

Please join me in continuing this fight for true progressive change. Now more than ever our progressive movement needs to stand together as a united movement in order to build the democracy we all deserve.

Peace and love,

Jamaal Bowman


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021


Bowman for Congress

Just last week, Rep. Omar was attacked by Lauren Boebert, an insurrectionist and a Republican member of Congress. She called Ilhan a member of "jihad squad" and insinuated that all Muslims are terrorists.

This sort of behavior is reprehensible, and Lauren Boebert and her actions have no place in our Congress, in fact they are a threat to our democracy. It's not the first time Ilhan has faced Islamophobia serving in Congress, and we must call attention to it when it occurs and prevent it from recurring.

Ilhan's presence and work here in Congress fortifies the truth that all are welcome in the United States and within the systems we are tirelessly working to transform. We must continue, then, to root out Islamophobia everywhere and anywhere it exists, and stand beside her in solidarity and action.

We cannot stand by as Islamophobia, anti-Blackness, anti-immigrant sentiment, and xenophobia are trafficked into the halls of Congress. If you agree, please split a donation between Ilhan and our campaign. Let's show that our Squad — and our movement — is big and strong, even in the face of violence.

Our response to these attacks cannot be one of silence.

That's why last week, I was honored to be one of the colleagues that stood with Ilhan to call for Lauren Boebert to be stripped of her committees, in the same way we called for Marjory Taylor Greene to be stripped of her committee assignments. I urge all my colleagues to join our call.

At the end of the day, the hatred that insurrectionists like Lauren Boebert have in their hearts is no match for our progressive coalition. But we must continue to fight for what's right, and demand accountability.

Thank you for your support of our movement, as always.

Peace and love,



To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Yesterday's loss in Virginia


Bowman for Congress

Last night, Democrats came up short in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe was defeated by Trump-endorsed Glenn Youngkin in the election for Virginia governor. This happened one year after Joe Biden won the state over Donald Trump by ten percentage points.

Make no mistake: this devastating loss is a result of what's going on right now in Congress with the Democratic Party.

It's an even more devastating loss if you consider what this means for our future in the 2022 midterms. One political analyst even noted that last night's results reflect a political environment where Republicans could "comfortably" take back both the House and Senate.

We need to fight back with everything we've got in 2022 — not just to keep the House and Senate, but to also keep unapologetically progressive leaders like Jamaal in Congress, fighting for our agenda. Will you please chip in $10 or any other amount?

The pundits and corporate Democrats blaming progressives for yesterday's loss have it backwards. Progressives like Jamaal have been vocal about the need to pass both of President Biden's bills since the beginning. Had corporate Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema not blocked progress — we could have delivered many of the most popular policies of our time for the people months ago, instead of squandering the opportunities we have.

Progressives are working hard to deliver for the people, because they realize that's what they were sent to Washington to do in the first place. But establishment Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continue to stall on passing the Build Back Better Act and infrastructure, all for their own benefit and the benefit of their corporate interests.

Democrats can win when Democrats deliver. Rather than losing hope or giving up the fight, our mandate is clear: we must continue to organize and do the work for a better tomorrow. We must continue to put the needs of people first, and continue to hold the line — this is our New Deal moment to secure the most protections for the most people.

This is an urgent moment as we seek to keep both the House and Senate moving into 2022. We need leaders like Jamaal, now more than ever, to keep pushing Congress in a more progressive direction to meet the moment and fulfill their promises to the American people. Please in $10 to support his leadership in Washington today. Thank you!

In solidarity,

Bowman for Congress


Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one.

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Monday, October 18, 2021

Sharing some thoughts on the Build Back Better Act


Bowman for Congress

Hey, it’s Jamaal.

I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts on why we must pass the Build Back Better Act.

Before I came to Congress, I spent 20 years as an educator working with children and families — particularly those who came from neglected and poverty-stricken communities. I've seen firsthand just how necessary and urgent federal and social resources are needed in these communities.

Which is why, in the wake of what could be one of the most influential infrastructure votes of our generation, I'm often struck with so much confusion.

I simply cannot understand how my moderate colleagues want to scale down the Build Back Better Act by compromising on key issues like child care, paid leave, and Medicare expansion, along with so much more.

The majority of Americans — many of whom are constituents of these moderate representatives — are ready to make these big investments in our economy. The majority of Democrats in Congress are too. And if we are able to use our time in Congress effectively, we can finally start investing our funds into resources that make our lives better instead of staying stagnant. But there are a few people who are holding us back.

Many of my colleagues are wealthy, white, and have not encountered the same instances of violence and loss that are directly connected to poverty and trauma as a result of bad policy.

And, we will continue to negotiate bad policy if we don't go big on social, climate, and infrastructure issues while we still have the chance.

Enough. I am tired of watching our government systems leave behind Black and Latino people, women, immigrants, seniors, kids, and poor people behind in the name of "compromise".

We need to solve the climate issue, we need to prioritize care in our economy, and we need to ensure that every American has a chance to thrive. The Build Back Better Act is a clear step in the right direction of uplifting and supporting all of us, not just the privileged few.

If you stand with me and the progressive coalition in this fight to bring true, transformative change to our communities through passing the full $3.5 trillion reconciliation package please support our movement today so we can continue advocating for this change.

Peace and love,

Jamaal Bowman


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Friday, October 8, 2021

[Watch Now] Jamaal Bowman on CNN


Bowman for Congress

Yesterday, Jamaal went on CNN to address establishment Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin's statement as to why he won't be supporting the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

Our country's infrastructure is out of date and failing us. NY-16's infrastructure was built over 100 years ago and in no way will it stand against our growing climate crisis and the many issues that come with it.

For the past week, Jamaal has been out on the streets assessing the damage caused to our community from Hurricane Ida. Homes, businesses, houses of worship and more were destroyed in this latest display of our climate crisis, and most importantly, our community lost fifty cherished lives.

The tragedies that have impacted our communities, not only in NY-16 but all across the country, demonstrate the urgency for big, bold, and progressive legislation that will finally address the crisis we face. And Sen. Manchin's inability to recognize this urgency and our dire need for a swift response that matches the scale and scope of this crisis will only lead to more destruction, and more loss.

It's crucial that we continue to put the pressure on establishment actors who will do everything in their power to slow down our progress. That means uplifting progressive leaders who are ready to shake the status quo for our cause, and continue supporting the progressive politicians like Jamaal who are in Congress fighting for our needs day in and day out.

Reaching our fundraising goals each month plays a key role in our ability to continue fighting for the progressive values we care about. Not only does it allow Jamaal to remain 100% focused on finding the solutions we need, but it reaffirms to our challengers and the political establishment that our voices are powerful and influential.

Let's continue pushing for this crucial progress together

Thank you for your continued support,

Bowman for Congress

Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one. 


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708


Monday, September 13, 2021

There's no question, Jamaal is the progressive champion for NY-16


Bowman for Congress

With September well underway, and the end of the FEC quarter speeding towards us, we're doubling down on our efforts to make September one of the strongest fundraising months our campaign has ever seen.

Together, our grassroots campaign has moved mountains and continues to push our progressive coalition further than ever before — but we know there's still so much more work to be done before the quarter ends.

With the bipartisan Senate infrastructure and reconciliation bills looming, along with the critical attention needed for those who've been continuously affected by our growing climate crisis, and more — our communities need bold, progressive, and thoughtful representation to bring us the solutions we need.

There's no question: Jamaal is the progressive champion for NY-16, but our continued success and progressive momentum depends completely on how hard we fight for it. 

When we elect our representatives into office, we have complete faith in their ability to bring long-lasting, beneficial change to our communities. We believe in their capacity to provide policies and solutions that truly meet the scale and scope of the issues we face. And most importantly, we believe in these elected representatives to have our communities' best interests at heart when in Congress.

Yet when it comes to our best interests, many of our elected representatives — both Republican and conservative Democrats alike — have chosen time and again to put profits over the needs of the people.

Democrats like Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin have positioned themselves against the progressive coalition in hopes of maintaining financial support from corporate donors. The result? Key policies like child care, climate action, education, affordable housing, clean energy, healthcare and the expansion of Medicare, and so much more are at risk. And unless we continue building up our progressive coalition, we'll continue to see our needs be pushed to the side in favor of big checks and harmful policies.

Let's give Jamaal and our progressive campaign the grassroots push we need to keep amplifying our values and community needs in Congress and beyond. Please chip in to our campaign today so we can keep fighting for the progressive change our communities deserve.

Thank you for your support,

Team Bowman


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Bowman for Congress

With just two days left in the month, we wanted to quickly check in with you about how our campaign is doing when it comes to fundraising — and share your supporter record with you. 

And even if you haven't had a chance to chip in to our movement this year: We're so grateful for your support thus far. Trust us when we say that this grassroots campaign wouldn't be the same without you and our team of dedicated supporters; each and every one of you make this campaign, and our movement, what it is today. 

As we close out August and look towards the next few months — and further down the horizon, at the 2022 midterms — there's a lot we have planned. We need to continue growing our movement, making smart and proactive investments in voter outreach, and more. 

If we want to execute those plans, we need to act now. That's why we set a goal to raise $20,000 over email by midnight ET on August 31.

Right now, we're $10,000 away from reaching our goal with less than 48 hours to get there. Can we please count on you to chip in again towards our campaign's future plans? Jamaal doesn't accept a single penny from corporate PACs or lobbyists, and our movement is largely funded by individuals like you:

Thank you, thank you, thank you —  

Team Bowman


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708


Saturday, August 21, 2021

57 years ago


Bowman for Congress

In 1964, our government began a dedicated effort to end poverty in our country with the passage of the Economic Opportunity Act. But since its passage 57 years ago, our elected officials have done exponentially more to uphold an unjust status quo that continues to play a major role in the epidemic of poverty in our country today.

Make no mistake: Poverty is by political design. Every time the Democratic establishment compromises on key legislation — like the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package — the most vulnerable people in our communities lose out on another opportunity to see meaningful change that meets the scale and scope of the crises we face.

Now more than ever, we need Jamaal's voice and progressive leaders like him fighting for the people, not the predatory interest groups that actively fight against our needs. Please make a contribution today to help support Jamaal and our progressive movement so we can continue to grow our momentum both in Congress and in our communities.

In Congress, Jamaal knows that the only way we'll see transformative change is through unwavering leadership and bold legislative action. He's seen firsthand just how debilitating political processes like the filibuster, bipartisanship can be in preventing our progressive coalition from enacting powerful policy solutions that can answer our communities' call for change.

It's critical that we continue to fight back against poverty by dedicating our resources to amplifying key policy and legislation like the reconciliation package, a Green New Deal for Public Schools, the Broadband Justice Act, the Care Economy Act, and every other progressive initiative on the House floor.

Each day is a new opportunity to recommit to the struggle for genuine economic, social, and political equality. Together, we can dedicate our work to centering poor, disabled, and marginalized people by investing in programs that support them.

Let's work to uplift Jamaal and our progressive coalition for change. Please chip in today to help strengthen our movement and continue growing our progressive momentum for Jamaal both in Congress and in our communities.

Thank you for your support,

Bowman for Congress


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