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Showing posts with label TEXAS ARSON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TEXAS ARSON. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sinema accidentally reveals why she's blocking Dem agenda


Today's Top Stories:

Sinema leaves DC for corporate fundraiser as she blocks Biden budget

Corporations are sparing no expense to buy off the Arizona senator as she stands in the way of giving the American people the support they need.

Take Action: Tell Congress to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better Act!

Biden undeterred by delays in budget, infrastructure
"I believe that I can get this done. I believe that when the American people are aware what's in it we can get it done."

Texas’ abortion ban suddenly set to BACKFIRE on Republicans

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Wow.

Man arrested for trying to blow up Democratic HQ
"This person was not happy with the current political climate, he blamed this office and who they represent for a lot of the issues that he saw as problems with the country," said Austin Fire Captain Jeffrey Deane. "For that reason, this was an intentional act, this was the intended target."

Whistleblower says Facebook fueled Capitol riot
The social media giant has become a dangerous breeding ground for disinformation and hate.

Take Action: Tell Facebook to end its algorithm that spreads disinformation NOW!

Massive crowds gather for marches against GOP war on women
We have the energy. Now, it's time to get to work.

Take Action: Repeal the horrific Texas abortion ban NOW!

Kristi Noem tries to do damage control over corruption allegations — it did not go well
The Republican governor tried to blame everyone but herself for her crimes. The party of personal responsibility, sure.

America's race crisis through the lens of one man and his dog

American Refugee: A black man walks his pit bull through a white neighborhood. What could go wrong? LISTEN.

Biden sides with ranchers getting squeezed by corporate meatpackers
Fed up with the meatpacking industry, some farmers are opening their own small meat processing plants while the Biden White House works on new regulations.

Senate passes short-term highway funding extension
Problem delayed, not solved.

Joe Rogan says Biden faked getting a booster
Observers believe Rogan may have faked having a brain.

13-mile oil slick hits California beaches
Coasts have yet to be threatened by any solar or wind slicks.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to cancel Trump's deadly Line 3 oil pipeline!

Vaccine mandates work...

Not forgotten...


Sunday Funnies

Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition telling Kyrsten Sinema to abolish the filibuster, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

11 Trump organizers subpoenaed over insurrection


Today’s Action: Freedom to Vote Act? Not with the filibuster in place.

Breaking: Schumer announces deal to avert shutdown

Today's Top Stories:

January 6 committee targets insurrectionist organizers of Stop the Steal rally in latest batch of subpoenas

Organizers of the rally that tried to overthrow the democratically elected government will be forced to disclose their coordination with Trump's White House.

Take Action: Tell Congress to expel Madison Cawthorn!

YouTube bans anti-vaccine activists, blocks all anti-vaccine content
About time.

Take Action: Tell Facebook to end its algorithm that spreads disinformation NOW!

Texas’ abortion ban suddenly set to BACKFIRE on Republicans

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Wow.

New video shows arson suspect igniting Austin, TX, democratic offices with Molotov cocktail
Katie Naranjo says the damage to their Austin headquarters was meant to intimidate, instead, she says the smashed glass door, small fire, and note are having the opposite effect.

A fake version of the Arizona audit report is circulating in QAnon groups, and it claims Trump won the election
For those keeping score at home, this is a sham report of a sham audit to support of the sham accusations from a sham president.

Judge suspends Britney Spears' dad's conservatorship

Freed Britney.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls out moderate Dems for threatening Build Back Better agenda
"I personally don't think it's an accident that the ones that a lot of lobbyists love are in the much smaller, underfunded bill, that don’t make prescription drugs easier to buy and more affordable, etcetera."

Take Action: Call on Joe Manchin to support Biden's reconciliation package!

America's race crisis through the lens of one man and his dog

American Refugee: A black man walks his pit bull through a white neighborhood. What could go wrong? LISTEN.

Former aide Corey Lewandowski made unwanted sexual advances on a Trump donor
The sexual predator apple doesn't fall far from the disgraced ex-president tree.

Homeland Security to end Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy in "coming weeks"
President Joe Biden's administration announced Wednesday it will seek to end in several weeks a Trump-era policy that forced migrants to wait in Mexico for immigration hearings.

Senate parliamentarian again blocks giving legal status to immigrants in budget bill
The top Senate official tasked with interpreting the chamber's rules blocked Democrats' second bid to legalize undocumented immigrants through a budget bill on Wednesday.

Krysten Sinema holds lobbyist fundraiser and immediately threatens standoff over Biden agenda
The Arizona Democrat is pushing her party to the brink of disaster — and now we know why.


My body, my choice...

Your body, my choice...


Today’s Action: Freedom to Vote Act? Not with the filibuster in place.

Still in the minority, Senate Republicans have weaponized the filibuster this past session to block critical legislation from passage. Nothing has been off-limits — climate measures, educational investments, and voting protections have all been pushed aside by GOP senators hellbent on blocking President Biden’s agenda. 

Our democracy is in need of serious reform. The Freedom to Vote Act would protect against partisan gerrymandering, expand early voting, and help rein in big money politics, but there’s no way it (or anything else) can pass with the current filibuster rules in place. 

Call (202.224.3121) or write your senators and demand an end to the filibuster and the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act! 

The Freedom to Vote Act builds on the For the People Act to deliver critical voting measures and redistricting provisions that are absolutely necessary for our future elections. All across the nation, conservative state legislatures are passing anti-voter laws that would greatly affect their most marginalized constituents’ right to vote.

The filibuster has been historically used to uphold racist Jim Crow laws, so it’s hardly a surprise that it’s being used for suppression now. It’s an outdated tactic that needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible, before any further badly needed legislation is thwarted.

Call (202.224.3121) or write your senators to tell them to eliminate the filibuster and advance the Freedom to Vote act!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition calling for South Dakota's Governor to resign, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...