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Showing posts with label AMAZON DESTRUCTION. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2024




Free Donziger
Did you see this critical message from Steven?

Steven just started a new crowdfunding campaign to mobilize people all over the world to demand President Biden pardon him after his private corporate prosecution at the hands of Chevron. (To donate to this campaign, please click here.)

As you know, Chevron hit Steven with what is probably the most vicious corporation retaliation campaign in history after he helped Amazon communities in Ecuador win a huge $10 billion pollution judgment. 

Chevron was furious. The company not only wanted to evade the judgment, it wanted to destroy Steven.

This is why we are fighting back. Not just to protect the affected Amazon communities and their lawyers, but also to protect the right of all of us to challenge corporate abuse in the U.S. without fear of retaliation.

The good news is this: 14 prominent US attorneys have written a powerful letter to President Biden laying out all the reasons to grant an immediate pardon to Steven. This is a huge development. 

To force Biden to act, we need your immediate help. 

Will you join us in calling for President Biden to pardon Steven by rushing $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or even $1 immediately? We need every donation possible to enable us to "crank up the volume" so the White House will not be able to ignore this critical issue. →

In solidarity,

The Free Donziger Team

---------- Forwarded message ---------

I'm reaching out today with some URGENT NEWS.

As you know, in 2019 I was prosecuted directly by Chevron on a bogus contempt of court charge that led to over two years in detention without trial. It was the nation’s first and only private prosecution – and in my opinion, it was a deeply corrupt attempt by a fossil fuel giant and a U.S. trial judge to silence me after helping Amazon communities win a landmark $10 billion pollution judgment.

The fallout was brutal.

Chevron used the private prosecution to confiscate my passport, leaving me unable to travel to see my clients. My law license was taken, leaving me unable to work.

The entire attack was blatantly illegal and a violation of the Constitution and international law, according to five jurists from the United Nations and three federal judges in this country.

But that didn’t stop Chevron and its goon squad of high-priced corporate lawyers from continuing to carry out this scheme.

As a result, I have been severely hindered in my ability to help the Indigenous peoples of Ecuador enforce their judgment by seizing company assets around the world. If I can’t travel, I cannot organize lawyers to do the work.

Today, I am fighting back for both myself and my family – and the Amazon communities. And I am doing it in a completely different way than before.

I have filed a petition, signed by fourteen prominent lawyers, demanding President Biden pardon me for my Chevron-orchestrated contempt conviction. Presidents almost never pardon people for minor convictions like mine – but this one is different.
Donziger v Chevron

My conviction is a wholesale attack on the rule of law, on Indigenous peoples, and on the right to protest –– and it must not stand.

A pardon is the only way I can continue my fight against Chevron. It is the only way the Indigenous peoples of Ecuador will be able to secure justice. And it is the only way the right to protest can truly be protected.

But I need your help.

I’ve launched a crowdfunding campaign to help fund a global grassroots campaign that will force Biden to act.

We need to raise enough funds to mobilize millions around the world to pressure the White House.

I do not believe the President will pardon me without people like yourself pushing him.


This battle isn't just mine—it's a stand for justice, for protecting our planet, and for fighting corporate oppression.

It’s really about all of us and what kind of society we want to live in.

People power must win against Chevron’s billions. Please join us!

With gratitude,


Steven Donziger is a U.S. human rights attorney who helped communities in Ecuador’s Amazon win a historic multibillion-dollar pollution judgment against Chevron for the dumping of billions of gallons of cancer-causing oil waste onto Indigenous ancestral lands. Since the judgment issued in 2013, Chevron has used dozens of law firms and 2000 lawyers to carry out a demonization campaign targeting Steven to send a message of intimidation to all environmental advocates. Steven served 993 days of detention at home and in prison after being prosecuted directly by a Chevron law firm in the nation's first corporate prosecution; he still faces the threat of additional jail time after he appealed an order to turn over confidential information held by his Indigenous clients.

Donate NOW to help support Steven as he and the Ecuadorian communities continue their fight for corporate accountability, environmental justice, Indigenous rights, and Free Speech.

All funds are administered by the Friedman Rubin law firm in Seattle. Funds are used to pay legal fees and Steven’s basic household and work expenses given that Chevron has taken his law license.

Paid for by Donziger Defense Fund

Our mailing address is:
Frente de la Defensa de la Amazonía
245 W 104th St Apt 7D
New YorkNY 10025-4280

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