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Showing posts with label RENEWABLE ENEERGY. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2021

RSN: Harvey Wasserman | Stop the Insane Nuke Bailout



Reader Supported News
21 August 21

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A worker at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant descends to the spent fuel storage area. Uranium is stored in the blue pool. (photo: The San Luis Obispo Tribune)
RSN: Harvey Wasserman | Stop the Insane Nuke Bailout
Harvey Wasserman, Reader Supported News
Wasserman writes: "Buried deep in Joe Biden's various infrastructure deals is a bailout every bit as insane as the original decision to stay in Afghanistan - up to $50 billion in handouts to keep old nuke reactors operating ... at least until they blow up."

The cost of our arrogant lunacy in Afghanistan was thousands of lives and maybe $2 trillion.

The cost of the inevitable explosion at one or more of these crumbling jalopy nukes could be millions of lives and trillions in both destroyed property and an irradiated ecosphere.

Throughout the globe, the Solartopian technologies of wind, solar, batteries, and efficiency are skyrocketing in production while their prices plummet. But Biden’s proposed bailout would take a huge amount of capital away from clean, job producing renewables and put it into expensive, dangerous, obsolete reactors.

Richard Nixon in 1974 – amidst the Arab oil embargo – promised there’d be a thousand “Peaceful Atom” nukes in the US by the year 2000. In that year there were 104. Today there are 93, with the number still dropping – but not fast enough.

Every day these fast-deteriorating reactors become more likely to explode. Under the Price-Anderson Act of 1957, their owners are exempted from liability if their negligence lets a reactor carpet the American landscape with deadly radiation.

Because they’re not on the hook for the apocalypse they might cause, reactor owners have no particular incentive to expensively maintain these nukes as they sink into decrepitude. And thus the taxpayer and the individual citizen (YOU!) must absorb the cost of the meltdowns/explosions we all know are coming.

The rationale for the bailout is that aging atomic reactors – even ones long since amortized – cannot compete with the onslaught of renewables, batteries and efficiency. Allegedly, in our “free market capitalist” country, we all must compete. But when major corporate assets like nuke reactors can’t, apparently they must be bailed out.

The “problem” is obvious: the cost of operating and maintaining old nukes is skyrocketing. So is the cost of building new ones. The last two under construction in the US – in Georgia – have already doubled in cost (approaching $30 billion) and are still not open. If they ever do open (God help us!!!) the electricity they’d produce would be far more expensive than the wind turbines and solar panels that will surround them.

Indeed, from 2009 to 2019, the price for solar photovoltaic electricity dropped by 89%. For on-shore wind, it went down by 70%.

An epic rush to off-shore wind is on … Big Time. Ironically, some of those gigantic turbines in the ocean are set to send juice through undersea cables into switching stations once used by nuclear plants such as California’s San Onofre (now shut) and Diablo Canyon (set to go down in 2024-5). The juice they send will be cheaper, safer, cleaner, more reliable and far better for human health and eco-sustainability than anything the Peaceful Atom has ever produced. They will NOT, for example, be producing radioactive waste the likes of which is being sloppily stored ONE HUNDRED FEET from the tide line at San Onofre.

What they WILL do is bury King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes and Gas), which entrenched fossil/nuclear fuel interests rely on to keep control of our energy supplies.

The lengths to which the corporate dinosaurs will go to preserve these old reactors is astounding. The owners of two extremely decrepit and dangerous nukes on Lake Erie helped funnel a $61 million bribe to the Speaker of the Ohio House in exchange for a $1 billion ratepayer bailout (since repealed). Disgraced governor Andrew Cuomo helped shut two extremely dangerous old nukes at Indian Point, near Manhattan, but forced through $7.6 billion in handouts for four falling-apart upstate reactors, at least one of which the owner wanted to shut. Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois and other states are in various stages of bailout madness.

But now Biden wants to take the disease federal. The reactors he wants to save for $50 billion cannot compete with new wind or solar. They may temporarily sustain an aging, fast-retiring workforce. But they’ll create no new training or safe longterm employment for a rising Solartopian generation.

Burning at 571 degrees Fahrenheit, the reactors will continue to heat the planet daily … and when they explode. The carbon they emit while operating and in fuel production will fuel the climate crisis. The wastes they create remain forever unmanageable.

In all, the Biden bailout is a disgrace, a planet-heater, and a real threat to human survival. Please join those working against it.

The advances in renewables over the past ten years are unprecedented in human history. They are poised to help us solve the problems of energy sustainability and climate chaos.

We don’t need an insane nuke bailout getting in the way. Let’s stop it!!!

Harvey Wasserman wrote Solartopia! Our Green-powered Earth and The People’s Spiral of US History: From Jigonsaseh to Solartopia ( He co-convenes The Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Coalition zoom call Mondays at 5 p.m. Eastern (

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.



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Sunday, August 8, 2021

CC News Letter 08 August - Urban poor at the mercy of town planners


Dear Friend,

In north and south of India houses of urban poor are being demolished and even Supreme Court's orders are not being followed.

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

The Rehabilitation Policy for Khori Gaon is not ready, The orders of Supreme Court are not being followed
Press Release

In Khori Gaon, hundreds of families have been displaced and thousands of houses are being brutally demolished
each day. After the completion of the demolition drive, the destitute working-class residents are being forced to live without any shelter. They are also being immediately and forcibly removed from the area and being threatened with police action. Despite the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court on August 3rd, the Municipal Corporation of Faridabad has not provided any e-mail to the thousands of displaced residents to lodge complaints. No back office has been set up at Radha Swami Satsang Centre either.

In Khori Gaon, hundreds of families have been displaced and thousands of houses are being brutally demolished each day. After the completion of the demolition drive, the destitute working-class residents are being forced to live without any shelter. They are also being immediately and forcibly removed from the area and being threatened with police action.

Despite the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court on August 3rd, the Municipal Corporation of Faridabad has not provided any e-mail to the thousands of displaced residents to lodge complaints. No back office has been set up at Radha Swami Satsang Centre either.

Most of those uprooted from Khori Gaon in the recent demolition exercise were working class citizens. These people had built their small houses with their hard-earned money or by taking loans or by selling the land and property in their ancestral villages. The residents have witnessed very stressful times starting from 14th July 2021. They have suffered physical injuries and mental torture. They have also been treated inhumanly and disrespectfully. After the lockdown enforced unemployment they were subjected to the brutal demolition exercise which has taken their homes away. Most residents are lying on the road or beside the remains of their demolished houses, some are living on rent while few are living with their relatives.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court in its order dated August 3 on page 4 had ordered that the Haryana Government should finalize the rehabilitation policy framed by the Municipal Corporation of Faridabad for the desolate residents of Khori Gaon till the next date of hearing. (The order of the Supreme Court dated 03-08-2021 is attached). Now since it is the Haryana Government itself looking after the entire policy, it is necessary that the historical injustice is recognized and corrected.

Rekha, Pinki and other residents of Pushpa have repeatedly sent letters to the Haryana government, the litigants have appealed to the government that the government should simplify the process of rehabilitation and it should be made more inclusive. Their consent should also be taken. Mainly, the scope of eligibility should be increased whereby any Voter ID card registered on any address, any documents of residence of Khori Gaon like family identity card, birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, children’s school admission papers, property papers, any of the land purchase Documents, ration card, banking account, etc. should be considered as the basis of rehabilitation.

Everyone’s house was demolished. Therefore, until there is proper rehabilitation for the people, there should be proper arrangements for food and shelter.

Due to the immediate eviction of thousands of families from Khori village, the rents of houses in the surrounding areas have increased rapidly. Therefore, rental allowance of houses should be made at least ₹ 5000 per family till proper rehabilitation is done.

It has also been repeatedly told to the government that the flats of Dabua Colony of Faridabad being given for rehabilitation are in very bad condition. There is no security of any kind. No electricity and water too. Most of the flats do not even have any windows or doors.

The Supreme Court, in its order dated 7 June 2021, had ordered the removal of possession from the forest land. The court had left the rehabilitation to the state government. After demolition of more than 10,000 houses and more than lakh people in Khori Gaon, the Supreme Court should also keep similar strict orders regarding rehabilitation.

The Haryana government should issue an email to register complaints and set up a backup office on Radha Swami Satsang urgently.

Haryana government should prepare a rehabilitation policy which takes into consideration the historical injustices faced by the residents of Khori Gaon and caters to the needs of the suffering citizens.

In Solidarity

Concerned Citizens for Khori Gaon

National Alliance of People’s Movements

Dalit families targeted in Demolition Drive Undertaken by Bangalore Development Authority
Press Release

Dalit families targeted in Demolition Drive Undertaken by Bangalore Development Authority in Doddabettahalli  (Yelahanka Hobli, Bangalore North)

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