Frank -- There are lots of exciting things happening at Brand New Congress right now.
Right now (6:30pm ET) BNC’s newest elected representative, Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, is taking her oath of office. And you can watch it live with us at bnc.today/sheila!
Earlier today our Executive Director, Adrienne Bell, announced the latest addition to the BNC 2022 slate: Erica Smith for NC-02!
Erica is an engineer, an educator, and former State Senator running for the newly opened seat in NC-02 – a once-safe Democratic seat that has been gerrymandered by NC Republicans into a toss-up.
And as we speak, mail-in ballots are landing in mailboxes across Texas, where two BNC candidates are up for vote in the March 1st primary – Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Jessica Mason (TX-30).
With Erica joining the slate, we have 22 candidates (including our now FIVE elected representatives!) to support between now and November.
Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick won her primary by just five votes in November – now she’s being sworn into Congress. Every call we make, every text we send, every door we knock puts us one step closer to victory. That means every dollar matters.
In solidarity,
Team BNC
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