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Showing posts with label WTO. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Charlotte Kilpatrick | The Grinches Hoarding Vaccine Patents



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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla talks during a press conference with European Commission President after a visit to oversee the production of the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine at the factory of US pharmaceutical company Pfizer, in Puurs, on April 23, 2021. (photo: John Thys/AFP/Getty Images)
FOCUS: Charlotte Kilpatrick | The Grinches Hoarding Vaccine Patents
Charlotte Kilpatrick, Salon
Kilpatrick writes: "Putting technical arguments of who-can-do-what aside, a bigger question is not who should be allowed to produce the vaccine - but who has the moral right to own it in the first place."

Nelson Mandela condemned Big Pharma for patent-protecting HIV drugs. Something similar is happening with COVID-19

In 1998 the South African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association teamed up with 39 pharmaceutical companies to sue Nelson Mandela's government for suspending international trade agreements that protected the patents to HIV antiretroviral medication.

At the time of the lawsuit, it was estimated that one in nine South Africans had contracted HIV, and the cost of providing the patent-protected medication was largely out of reach to the 4.7 million people in the country who needed it.

Defending his decision to bypass the WTO's agreement protecting intellectual property, Nelson Mandela said in a TV interview: "I think the pharmaceuticals are exploiting the situation that exists in countries like South Africa — in the developing world — because they charge exorbitant prices which are beyond the capacity of the ordinary HIV/AIDS person. That is completely wrong and must be condemned."

"The government is perfectly entitled, in facing that situation, to resort to generic drugs and it is a gross error for the companies, for the pharmaceuticals, to take the government to court," Mandela continued.

In deciding to ignore patent laws, Mandela made a moral decision that saving lives was more important than protecting private property rights. The pharmaceutical companies argued back that if developing countries could effectively steal their medicines, they would have less incentive to research new drugs in the future that could also save millions of lives.

Twenty-three years later, history is repeating itself. In October of 2020, South Africa and India noticed that the overwhelming amount of pre-purchasing agreements for COVID-19 vaccines were being negotiated by rich countries, meaning those countries would get the vaccine first. The two nations went to the World Trade Organization and asked for a temporary suspension on patents for all COVID-related medicines and technologies, so that the developing world could produce vaccines on its own without having to rely on handouts from COVAX or donations from rich countries.

It turns out they were right to worry. According to the New York Times COVID data tracker, 74% of all COVID-19 vaccines have gone to upper and middle income countries, while less than 1% have gone to low-income countries. More booster shots have been administered in rich countries than single shots given in poor ones. All the while, lower-middle income countries have suffered the highest estimated excess death rate from the virus.

The pharmaceutical lobby instantly lashed out against South Africa and India's proposal. Among their arguments was that even if they surrendered their patents, there weren't enough manufacturers in the developing world to make the vaccines — and, they argued that even if there were, it would take ages for the technical transfers necessary to get them up and running. That likely isn't true: this week, Doctors Without Borders identified 120 manufacturers in Asia, Africa and Latin America with the technical requirements and quality standards needed to produce mRNA vaccines.

But putting technical arguments of who-can-do-what aside, a bigger question is not who should be allowed to produce the vaccine — but who has the moral right to own it in the first place.

The COVID vaccines used in high-income countries were developed largely — in some cases entirely — with public funding. The AstraZeneca vaccine was invented at the Jenner Institute at Oxford University with 99% of public funding. Moderna received 100% of its funding for the vaccine from Operation Warp Speed, and the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was funded with almost half a billion dollars from the German government. Pharmaceutical companies have also invested huge sums of their own money in vaccine development, without which they would not have been able to bring about the vaccines so quickly.

But let's pretend that the public invested nothing, and it was only a small handful of multinational pharmaceutical companies that took the risk and invested millions of dollars to develop the vaccines. Surely the pharma companies are entitled to a reward for their investment, and the great service they are providing humanity by supplying life-saving medicine.

But how much should that reward be? Is a couple of million enough? How about a few billion? Pfizer has said it will make $33.5 billion in revenue from sales of its vaccine this year. Even after taking out a chunk that pharma companies say will be reinvested for the development of new medicines, Pfizer's shareholders are left with billions to line their Christmas stockings.

Western society has long enshrined the right to private property; as the old saying goes, possession is 9/10ths of the law. The pharmaceutical companies clearly have the right to sell their property – in this case, vaccines – to whomever it wants and at whatever price it sees fit. Yet Western societies are also governed by principles of The Enlightenment, among them a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." So what happens when these rights abut? Should somebody's right to "life" mean they have a right to take somebody else's private property? Representatives from the pharma lobby would likely say no, while global health advocates would probably say yes.

Because I'm home alone with my eight-year-old daughter and desperately trying to avoid watching the first Harry Potter movie for the hundredth time I decided to divert her attention away from the TV by asking her how she would resolve this moral dilemma. She responded in typical childhood fashion: "The pharma companies are not being very very nice, and if sick people need the vaccine they should go to the police and make the pharma companies give them the vaccine." I suppose that any daughter of a left-leaning journalist is likely to produce the same answer to this ethical quandary, but I'd be very interested to hear how the children of Pfizer's C-Suite would respond.

Children are usually quite good at answering black and white philosophical questions that lack nuance. Voldemort is bad, Harry Potter is good. Killing people is wrong, as is stealing Mommy's white chocolate bar. The public invested billions of dollars. Millions of lives are at stake along with hopes and dreams of getting back to "a normal way of life." If pharma companies are robbed of the rights to their private property for COVID-19 vaccines, who's to say the same won't happen for HIV or diabetes drugs.

Fortunately for policy makers, their jobs are not currently under threat by primary school–aged children. But delegates at the WTO are essentially being asked the same question, only with a lot more nuance that can easily derail the central question of how the global community should organise itself to respond to a public health emergency. It's been well over a year since the WTO council responsible for intellectual property agreements was asked to consider South Africa and India's proposal for an intellectual property waiver. So far nothing tangible has happened. If delegates don't know what to do about the waiver, perhaps they can turn to their children for advice, as their moral compass is apt to be more sound.

Another fun question to ask one's children is how much money the people should give the pharma companies in exchange for taking the vaccine and giving them to poor countries. My daughter said: "Maybe like five or ten euros." To her that is a lot of money.



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Thursday, December 9, 2021

POLITICO NIGHTLY: How to spot the next Omicron


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With help from Tyler Weyant

People wait in line to get tested for Covid-19 at a testing facility in Times Square in New York City.

People wait in line to get tested for Covid-19 at a testing facility in Times Square in New York City. | Spencer Platt/Getty Images

CONNECT THE DOTS — It’s been two weeks since South African scientists alerted the world of a new Covid variant on Friday, Nov. 26. Two weeks is also the amount of time the president’s top health adviser, Anthony Fauci, said it would take to get a better idea of what we’re dealing with when it comes to Omicron.

On cue, new info has been trickling out of South Africa this week, suggesting that while the variant is spreading like wildfire in the country, it’s possible the disease it causes is less severe — though it’s still way too early to really tell.

As for how Omicron will affect the U.S., figuring that out in two weeks was a “little optimistic,” Charles Chiu, an infectious diseases researcher at the University of California San Francisco, told Nightly.

We have the genomic sequencing data and capabilities, Chiu said. The problem is the U.S. lacks the infrastructure to quickly turn this information into action.

Unlike South Africa, the U.S. has a fractured virus surveillance system, with some states sequencing Covid cases at high percentages and others just examining a small number of samples. There’s no national standard for genomic virus sequencing, he said, and the result is an incomplete and biased picture of the current state of the virus — one that tends to ignore rural and minority populations.

It took U.S. health officials an extra five days — until Dec. 1  to detect Omicron, meaning we’re about a week behind South Africa, which has one of the world’s most robust national surveillance systems, Chiu pointed out. Once a country has access to a variant, it can take scientists up to two weeks to grow enough of a virus like Omicron for widespread distribution to labs, Chiu said. After that, scientists can conduct studies on the variant’s transmissibility, severity and ability to evade vaccines. Results from these studies in the U.S. will continue to roll out in the coming days and weeks.

There are a few reasons the U.S. was slow to identify a case from the new variant. Factors like population size and Omicron’s origin across the Atlantic Ocean, either in Europe or Africa, put us behind. But so did the U.S. system of public health, Chiu said.

Time is important — many U.S. labs don’t sequence a sample until two weeks after it’s collected, he said. This means the data is almost useless for contact tracing and other public health measures.

And U.S. labs are also not sharing the right data. The genome itself is virtually useless, Chiu said. You also need metadata attached to the sample, which would include valuable information such as the demographics of the person infected, whether they had symptoms, the severity of disease, and vaccination status. “We don’t have this sort of sample-to-answer-to-action pipeline that’s really needed to provide information as soon as possible,” Chiu said.

In the U.K., sequencing labs are processing hundreds to thousands of samples a day, Chiu said, tagging and annotating them with clinical metadata that’s then fed to hospitals and the country’s public health agency, so the information can immediately be applied in both clinical and public health decision making. Nothing like that happens in the U.S.

States like California have set goals to sequence 20 percent of Covid cases. But these samples aren’t linked to any clinical metadata, which Chiu blames on the lack of a national health care system in the U.S., as well as privacy and confidentiality concerns.

“On a national level, in some cases, we were unable to even release the ZIP code of where the sequence came from. Much less identifying information like potentially age or sex, or gender,” he said.

Finding a way to address this information-sharing blockade will be key to preventing future pandemics, he said. The U.S. can’t necessarily overhaul its entire health care system, Chiu said, but he thinks it should be possible to set new standards for how we collect and share public health data.

“We know that it’s only a matter of time before we’re going to see another virus or even a relative of this virus emerge and become the next pandemic,” Chiu said. “The next critical step that needs to be made is that we need to more tightly integrate our national surveillance system.”

Welcome to POLITICO Nightly. Reach out with news, tips and ideas at Or contact tonight’s author at, or on Twitter at @MyahWard.

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New York Attorney General Letitia James presents the findings of an independent investigation into then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in August in New York City.

New York Attorney General Letitia James presents the findings of an independent investigation into then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in August in New York City. | David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

THE DISH ON TISH — In a year that’s seen plenty of shocks in Albany, New York’s capital got another big stunner today: Tish James announced she would end her gubernatorial campaign and instead run for reelection as attorney general.

To find out more about what drove James’ decision, and how the Democratic field for governor is shaping up now, Nightly’s Tyler Weyant chatted with New York Playbook co-author Anna Gronewold. This conversation has been edited.

In the AG race James is headed to, does she clear the field with this move? And do folks in Albany expect her office will be making big moves as we head in 2022?

Good questions. Another dynamic at play is that a couple of politicians who were clearly interested in becoming AG hadn’t declared their candidacies yet, making us wonder if they were suspecting James wasn’t catching fire.

Running in an open field was one thing, but running against a popular incumbent and the first Black woman to hold the office? “I’m not trying to commit political suicide,” one of the potential, but undeclared, candidates told me.

But at least five Democrats had already declared their campaigns. At least one has already dropped out, at least one has said they are absolutely not dropping out, and the rest haven’t answered our calls yet.

There will be a primary, but Tish has an extreme advantage and should be pretty solid on fundraising for an incumbent AG campaign.

Continuing the work as AG is the reason she’s putting forth to suspend her gubernatorial campaign, and shortly before she made that announcement today, several news outlets reported that she is continuing to pursue her office’s high-profile probes into former president Donald Trump. A source familiar with the matter told us James is seeking a deposition from Trump on Jan. 7 at her New York offices as part of her investigation into potential fraud inside the Trump Organization. Funny the timing on that news!

James’ announcement seemed to take New York politicos by surprise. Did you have any indication at all this was coming?

Tish James seems to be fond of surprising everyone with timing, but I will offer my gratitude that it’s rarely at 5 p.m. on a Friday.

There have been tea leaves, especially in the past few weeks. Candidates aren’t required to report their fundraising until January, but several sources suggested hers wasn’t going to come even close to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s, who has raised more than $10 million for her reelection campaign since announcing in August.

And there was hardly any momentum in the early days when she announced. That seemed to slow even more in the past few weeks, as Bill Mahoney reported just this week . Her public and media fronts have been extremely limited, this from a seasoned politician who is employing seasoned consultants to run her campaign.

But if she dropped out, most people I speak with were predicting some time after the holidays but before the state party convention around February.

With James out, how do you see the governor’s race changing the next few months? Is Hochul the person to beat? Will we see a splashy Bill de Blasio entry soon?

Yes, Hochul was already the frontrunner. Polling from earlier this week showed that she was ahead of James (her closest opponent) with 36 percent of Democrats’ support, compared to 18 percent backing James. Other contenders weren’t in great spots: 10 percent supported New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, and 6 percent each backed Rep. Tom Suozzi and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. De Blasio, we should note, remains clearly interested, but has not declared candidacy yet.

But most of James’ support would likely go to Hochul. For instance, Brooklyn party chair Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn endorsed Hochul just minutes after James announced she was dropping out. Bichotte Hermelyn was someone who had publicly expressed strong support for James’ campaign as a Black woman and Brooklyn native. And Brooklyn would be a pretty big get for any Dem these days in a primary.

Obviously there’s a lot of time before the primary and polling has more recently … not been the valuable source of information we'd like. But, pending any wacky circumstances or political missteps, Hochul’s in an extremely strong position with her incumbency, and the support and cash she’s already gathered.

The historic nature of her being there also adds an edge — in September, 74 percent of voters — 84 percent of Democrats — said they felt excited to have the first woman governor in office. There would need to be a new political lane opened for someone to try and oust the state’s first woman governor who has had less than a year in office to prove herself.

And what Bill de Blasio decides is between him and God.


JOIN TUESDAY FOR A WOMEN RULE 2021 REWIND AND A LOOK AHEAD AT 2022: Congress is sprinting to get through a lengthy and challenging legislative to-do list before the end of the year that has major implications for women’s rights. Join Women Rule editor Elizabeth Ralph and POLITICO journalists Laura Barrón-LópezEleanor MuellerElena Schneider and Elana Schor for a virtual roundtable that will explore the biggest legislative and policy shifts in 2021 affecting women and what lies ahead in 2022. REGISTER HERE.


— Appeals court denies Trump effort to block White House records from Jan. 6 investigators: A federal appeals court panel has rejected former Trump’s effort to stop congressional Jan. 6 investigators from obtaining his White House records . “On the record before us, former President Trump has provided no basis for this court to override President Biden’s judgment and the agreement and accommodations worked out between the Political Branches over these documents,” wrote Judge Patricia Millett of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, joined by Judges Robert Wilkins and Ketanji Brown Jackson. The court delayed the effect of its order for two weeks, allowing Trump’s attorneys time to either ask the full bench of the D.C. Circuit to consider the issue or take it to the Supreme Court.

— Senate passes Schumer-McConnell debt limit pact: The Senate passed a one-time loophole tonight to empower Democrats to raise the debt limit on their own , a major step toward warding off mid-December economic fallout. The chamber cleared the bill in a 59-35 vote, sending it on to President Joe Biden. Once signed into law, the measure would give Senate Democrats a free pass to raise the U.S. borrowing limit in a simple-majority vote, rather than facing the usual 60-vote hurdle to move legislation forward.

— Biden reaffirms Ukrainian sovereignty support in Zelensky call: Biden today reassured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of the United States’ support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, as the country steels itself for a potential Russian invasion on its eastern frontier. “President Biden voiced the deep concerns of the United States and our European Allies about Russia’s aggressive actions towards Ukraine and made clear that the U.S. and our Allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of a further military intervention,” according to a White House readout of the call, which lasted more than an hour.


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— FDA authorizes Pfizer Covid booster for 16-, 17-year-olds: The Food and Drug Administration authorized a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for 16- and 17-year-olds today, giving those teens access to the shots as the Omicron variant spreads worldwide. The decision comes just over a week after the companies first sought the expansion of their emergency use authorization for the vaccine as a booster. Eligible teens will be able to get the shot once they are at least six months past their second dose.

— Biden calls summit ‘inflection point’ for democracies: Biden invoked the late civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis and pledged that he would continue to push for the passage of federal voting rights legislation when he commenced his administration’s first Summit for Democracy today. In his opening remarks at the outset of the two-day virtual event, Biden hailed Lewis — the Georgia Democrat who served in Congress for more than three decades and was the youngest leader of the 1963 March on Washington — as “a great champion of American democracy and for civil rights around the world.”

— Lawyer: Capitol Police whistleblowers face retaliation: Multiple people who worked in the Capitol Police intelligence division on Jan. 6 raised concerns about the department before and after the insurrection and have since faced retaliation , according to an employment lawyer representing the whistleblowers. “I represent a group of U.S. Capitol Police whistleblowers who worked in IICD [Intelligence and Interagency Coordination Division] on January 6, 2021,” Dan Gebhardt of the Solomon Law Firm, PLLC told POLITICO in a statement. “They have made a multitude of internal complaints regarding gross mismanagement and intelligence failures by certain IICD managers that contributed to the events of January 6, 2021. As a result, there have been multiple retaliatory actions against the whistleblowers, including two proposed removals.”


52 years

The length of time since the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits was as low as today’s numbers, according to Labor Department data. Unemployment claims dropped by 43,000 to 184,000 last week, the lowest since September 1969.


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SYSTEM FAILURE  It’s been 20 years since China entered the global trade body, the World Trade Organization, a move that gave it access to the international trade system.

Was it worth it? Some officials and lawmakers have regrets, arguing that China’s gains from WTO entry on Dec. 11, 2001, came at an unfair cost to the U.S. economyPhelim Kine writes.

Most U.S. lawmakers who paved the way for China’s accession to the WTO by agreeing to normalize trade relations with China through approval of Permanent Normal Trade Relations in May 2000 would rather not talk about their vote.

POLITICO canvassed eight senators still in the chamber who voted in favor of the bipartisan move, as well as one former senator who is now a state governor. The only one to respond, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), said in a statement that China’s WTO accession helped reduce poverty in China and benefited U.S. agriculture, but that “clearly the arrangement hasn’t lived up to our hopes of 20 years ago.”

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The U.S. health care sector is responsible for 8.5% of U.S. emissions. Decarbonizing the health system can help limit the harmful effects of climate change and its impact on marginalized communities.

UnitedHealth Group is partnering with the National Academy of Medicine to meaningfully reduce the carbon footprint of the U.S. health care system.

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