22 October 21
There Is a Perception That It’s Just Going to Be Here
People seem to think that because RSN is always been here (seemingly) that it always hill be. Don’t you believe it. This is a living breathing work in progress. RSN needs food and water like any other living thing.
Don’t starve RSN, so it will continue to be here.
Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News
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22 October 21
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Reader Supported News
Again a Nightmare Start on Fundraising — “2” donations so far for Friday “2”. Folks there is no way that can work, none, c'est impossible. Take a moment, give a darn and make a donation you can afford. Please and thank you.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News
Sure, I'll make a donation!

FOCUS: Robert Reich | Don’t Believe Corporate America’s “Labor Shortage” Bullshit. This Is an Unofficial General Strike.
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Website
Reich writes: "For the first time in years, American workers have enough bargaining leverage to demand better working conditions and higher wages – and are refusing to work until they get them."
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