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Showing posts with label HENRY CUELLAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HENRY CUELLAR. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

We’re just one month out election day


Email from Brand New Congress

It’s official: we’re just one month away from the TX-28 Democratic Primary.

For those of you who haven’t met me yet, I’m Jessica Cisneros. I’m the proud daughter of Mexican immigrants, a lifelong Texan, and a human rights lawyer running to defeat one of the most right-wing Democrats in Congress, Henry Cuellar. Please allow me to explain why I’m determined to win. Then, I hope you’ll consider splitting a $28 contribution between my campaign and Brand New Congress today:

For far too long, Henry Cuellar has put special interests before his own constituents. Before I ran for Congress the first time, Cuellar sided with Donald Trump on nearly 70% of his votes. His campaign was, and still is, bankrolled by the Koch network, the private prison industry, and big corporate PACs.

And just recently, the FBI raided Henry Cuellar’s mansion and campaign office, even seizing his property, as part of a court-ordered investigation by the federal agency tasked with corruption and bribery cases. Cuellar refuses to say why he is involved and says he’s committed as ever to winning this race. I believe South Texas deserves a transparent representative who is focused on serving the District, not someone under FBI investigation who is more interested in serving corrupt Washington interests. 

Even though we were heavily outspent in the last election, we lost by only 2,746 votes – just 3% of the vote. We came so close because we built a big, diverse, inclusive grassroots movement in South Texas. This time, we’re going to win if we can build on that momentum. But I need your help as we get closer to the primary. 

Will you help bring bold, progressive change to South Texas by splitting a contribution between my campaign and Brand New Congress today? It’s absolutely critical for us to raise as much money as possible before our primary.

This campaign is about much more than defeating Cuellar. It’s about sending representation to Congress that will fight tooth and nail for working people, for immigrant communities, for all of my neighbors in South Texas who have been ignored, neglected, and disenfranchised. 

Texas’s 28th District is what some people call a “blue seat.” But our representative, Henry Cuellar, hasn’t acted like a Democrat in Congress. Instead, he’s catering to his corporate donors, the NRA, Big Oil, private prison companies, and big banks.

I’m running because we need a representative who’ll fight for a path to citizenship, Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal that creates good-paying union jobs.

I’m running because we need to get big money out of politics and stop letting corporate donors stack the deck in D.C.

I’m running because this moment, in the wake of a devastating pandemic, requires Democrats in Congress who will actually get things done, not stand in the way.

Despite everything stacked against us, we defied expectations by barely losing our primary in 2020. But it was just the beginning.

Together, this time, we are going to prove that a big grassroots movement can take on the machine and win. But, I can’t do it without you, so please help us out in the final stretch.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who supported us last time, and who is stepping out to support us as we get closer to the primary.

In solidarity,

Jessica Cisneros
Candidate for Congress, TX-28
Brand New Congress




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Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Mailing Address:
Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588


Sunday, January 30, 2022

NEW: Cuellar's ties to Azerbaijan oil company


Justice Democrats

By now you know the FBI raided Rep. Henry Cuellar’s home and campaign office earlier this week. Today, we learned the FBI investigation is about business relationships in Azerbaijan.

We also JUST learned more about Henry Cuellar’s relationship with oil executives in Azerbaijan. This just broke from The Intercept:

Headline from the intercept: After forging ties with Azerbaijan oil executives Rep. Henry Cuellar pushed nation's agenda in Congress

It’s an investigative report about a trip Cuellar took to Azerbaijan, the murky web of funding and relationships Cuellar formed with oil executives, and Cuellar’s subsequent advocacy for Azerbaijan oil interests.

Cuellar’s corporate-backed re-election campaign is in trouble, but he still has a ton of campaign money to try and get through this news cycle. But we can’t let him win re-election. We must send a flood of support to Jessica Cisneros to ensure we can defeat Cuellar in this rapidly approaching House primary.

Cuellar has millions, can you help Jessica close the gap at this momentous point in the race? Rush a split donation to Jessica’s campaign and Justice Democrats right now so we can defeat Cuellar.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats


Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Federal candidates or officeholders mentioned above are not asking for more than $5,000 per calendar year from individuals or other federally permissible sources, nor are they asking for any funds from corporations, labor unions, or any other federally prohibited sources.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932
Email us:

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

POLITICO NIGHTLY: The Covid lull is coming

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Presented by AT&T

People walk through Grand Central Terminal in New York City.

People walk through Grand Central Terminal in New York City. | Spencer Platt/Getty Images

‘WE’RE NOT SURE JUST WHAT THAT MEANS YET’  After weeks of skyrocketing Omicron cases and feeling like everyone you know, and their brother, has Covid — a surge that has led deaths to surpass 2,100 a day, the highest since early 2021 — experts are saying that a period of reprieve is in sight.

Even Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota who is known for never celebrating victory against Covid too early and correctly projecting Omicron’s destructive path as a “viral blizzard,” says we may have a moment to breathe in a few weeks once the new variant completes its rapid burn through the country.

Nightly talked with Osterholm about what we know about the approaching lull in the pandemic and how it should inform our behavior and public policy. This conversation has been edited.

Describe the lull that you and other experts say is in sight.

When we talk about a lull, we’re not sure just what that means yet. Maybe case numbers will come back down to baseline and what they were before Omicron showed up, but maybe they’re not going to be. But nonetheless, they’ll still be substantially lower in incidence than we saw in December, early January.

We’re following closely what’s happening in countries that experienced Omicron before we did, and it’s notable. If you look at South Africa right now, the number of cases increased dramatically from a baseline, hit the peak and then came down sharply. But if you look today, they still have almost 12 times as many cases a day as they did before Omicron occurred.

But what’s even more concerning is what we’ve seen in the United Kingdom. If you look there, and it appears to be tied to school kids and their parents — we saw cases come down 10 days ago, we saw them level off, and go back up again. Over the last two days, they’re going back up, not dropping. And so that could also signal that this tail is going to be more volatile than you might imagine.

I think that we could very easily see another variant emerge. I don’t know that to be the case, but I don’t know any scientific evidence would support it wouldn’t.

I know you don’t have a crystal ball, but how long do you expect this lull to last before we see another variant? 

I actually do have a crystal ball! It’s just coated in 5 inches of mud.

But we don’t know. This is where humility has to be the main point we keep reinforcing. I saw some of the talking heads six weeks ago who said, “Well, don’t worry, this surge won’t be that bad because we have vaccines. It’s not going to be like 2020.” Some of them now are the very people saying how bad this is.

Anybody who does any model that predicts more than four weeks out, be careful. Because their models are based totally on pixie dust. If in the first week of November, just as Omicron was emerging, someone said, “I’m going to model it for the next 30 days,” you would have never picked up any of this.

Is that what we should expect at this point in the pandemic — a period of reprieve and then a new variant?

I see people wanting to immediately say we’re heading to the endemic stage. I’m a card-carrying epidemiologist of 46 years. I’ve written a lot about epidemics, and pandemics and endemics, and I can’t tell you for the life of me what the hell endemic means right now.

If we go into a four-month period of relatively limited transmission, is that endemic? Well, then what happens if in September, we see a new variant emerge that suddenly causes an Omicron-like situation?

We have to be careful about the choice of terms. Is this virus going to go away? The answer is no. Will it cause future challenges? The answer is likely yes. We will not likely see the kind of immunity that will come from either vaccination or from previous infection that will be sustainable. You saw the Israeli data today; they’re recommending a fourth dose for everybody 18 years of age and older.

Only a third of people who have had two doses of vaccines — so they’re vaccine friendly — have gotten a booster, which we know has been important in reducing the risk of serious Omicron infection. So do you think we’re going to do better with a fourth dose?

We’re going to have to learn to live with this virus. But at the same time, I’m optimistic that if we can really put in place very aggressive and well-described systems for testing and drug deployment, we can surely do a lot to reduce serious illness.

Welcome to POLITICO Nightly. We had a couple more questions for Osterholm, including on Omicron-specific vaccines and what life will look like in The Lull. Read on, and reach out with news, tips and ideas at Or contact tonight’s author at, or on Twitter at @MyahWard.


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Speaking of vaccines — Pfizer announced today it’s starting clinical trials for an Omicron-specific vaccine. Shouldn’t we be more worried about the next variant? 

That’s exactly it. First of all, companies should not be deciding what the next vaccine should be. They should be manufacturing the vaccines that the public health and regulatory world determine are important. So I think this is putting the cart before the horse to have companies out there pursuing, and even in a sense promoting, vaccines for specific variants.

When the lull comes, what should our behavior look like? Should this period affect vaccine and mask mandates and other public health measures? 

I think most mandates are going to go out the window. I think society is going to demand it.

I think most of the behaviors — it won’t matter what we say — they will be, in a sense, an attempt to be as normal as they were before Omicron hit, or for that matter, before Covid hit. We might not like the wind, but it’s going to blow. We can’t stop it.

And so I think the challenge is going to be: Will we at that time continue to do everything we can to get more people vaccinated, particularly kids, to get people who are at high risk to get their additional booster dose? We’re going to have to continue that.

The second thing is we need to do everything we can to continue to expand testing capacity. What I don’t want to see happen is: We may not be using all the tests, so we throw them away. No, at this point, we’ve got to have a surge capacity and be prepared for what happens if we do see an Omicron-like surge in the fall. What will we be doing for the health care workers? Will we have more? I think salaries, and we’re looking at benefits, for health care workers to stay on the job. What kind of support can we provide health care workers, many of them who are suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome?

Then if another surge doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. You can say it was wasted. I would rather always be sorry for something I did rather than something I didn’t do.


JOIN NEXT FRIDAY TO HEAR FROM GOVERNORS ACROSS AMERICA : As we head into the third year of the pandemic, state governors are taking varying approaches to public health measures including vaccine and mask mandates. "The Fifty: America's Governors" is a series of live conversations featuring various governors on the unique challenges they face as they take the lead and command the national spotlight in historic ways. Learn what is working and what is not from the governors on the front lines, REGISTER HERE.


— Hoyer: Voting rights bill, BBB ‘very much alive’: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer remains optimistic that Democrats will pass the voting rights legislation and the Build Back Better bill despite roadblocks but offered few details about how that could happen. “I do not buy your characterization of the Voting Rights Act being ‘dead’ in the Senate,” Hoyer told POLITICO Playbook co-author Rachael Bade. “It certainly is not in the shape I’d like it to be in, but we’re not going to forget about that.”

— Rep. Jim Cooper retires after Tennessee district dismantled: Democratic Rep. Jim Cooper, a 32-year veteran of Congress, will retire at the end of this year, after Tennessee Republicans shredded his Nashville-based district into three pieces in redistricting. He is the 29th House Democrat to leave the chamber to retire or seek higher office during this Congress.

— Judge presses ahead with April trial for several Oath Keepers: A federal judge insisted today that the first criminal trial for Oath Keepers who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 open in Washington this April, a timeline he said he was committed to despite vocal objections from some defense attorneys who worry they wouldn’t have enough time to wade through a massive — and growing — trove of digital evidence. Judge Amit Mehta set the April 19 date for a subset of the 22 Oath Keepers charged with a sweeping conspiracy to obstruct the transfer of presidential power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

— Cuellar on FBI raid: I intend to win reelection; the investigation will clear me: A defiant Rep. Henry Cuellar declared that he would seek — and win — reelection, six days after an FBI raid of his home and campaign offices. In a video statement recorded outside of his childhood home, the senior Texas Democrat vowed that his name would be cleared in the probe and thanked supporters. But he offered no explanation for why the FBI searched his property less than six weeks before he faces a tough primary against progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros.


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U.S. Embassy Charge d'Affaires Kristina Kvien and Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Rostyslav Zamlynskii  speak to the media following the unloading of weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, and other military hardware delivered on a National Airlines plane by the United States military at Boryspil Airport near Kyiv in Boryspil, Ukraine.

U.S. Embassy Charge d'Affaires Kristina Kvien and Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Rostyslav Zamlynskii speak to the media following the unloading of weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, and other military hardware delivered on a National Airlines plane by the United States military at Boryspil Airport near Kyiv in Boryspil, Ukraine. | Sean Gallup/Getty Images

TENSIONS HEADACHES — Biden said he told Russian President Vladimir Putin that the United States would deploy thousands of troops to Eastern Europe if Russia continues its military buildup along Ukraine’s border or mounts a renewed invasion of the country, Quint Forgey writes.

But the American president also said he would not send troops into Ukraine, even as the White House warned that Russia was likely to move its forces across the border at any moment.

Biden’s remarks came after Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin placed the roughly 8,500 troops “on a heightened preparedness to deploy,” Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said at a news briefing on Monday, with the “bulk” of those troops intended to bolster the NATO Response Force.

NATO has not yet activated that multinational force in response to Russia’s aggression, although the alliance announced on Monday that several of its European member states were deploying additional ships and fighter jets to Eastern Europe and putting new forces on standby. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday accused the United States of “escalating tensions” by putting the troops on high alert, telling reporters that Moscow was “watching these U.S. actions with great concern.”


62 percent

The decrease in OpenTable restaurant reservations in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 24, 2022 compared with Jan. 24, 2019.


STEP INSIDE THE WEST WING: What's really happening in West Wing offices? Find out who's up, who's down, and who really has the president’s ear in our West Wing Playbook newsletter, the insider's guide to the Biden White House and Cabinet. For buzzy nuggets and details that you won't find anywhere else, subscribe today.


FILLING IN THE GRID — The launch of the website Grid earlier this month represented the latest bet that the market for explainer journalism still exists in the digital space.

But unlike others in the field, Grid has a unique origin story, one that involves early ties to a global consulting firm best known for its crisis communications management and lobbying work on behalf of foreign governments, most notably the United Arab EmiratesMax Tani and Daniel Lippman write.

Months before Grid brought on board any writers or staff, the new digital media organization hired APCO Worldwide to help with its launch. The global marketing and consulting firm, which is headquartered in D.C. but is a registered lobbyist for various clients based in the UAE, confirmed to POLITICO that it “provided consulting services for Grid during the first half of 2021.”

A spokesperson said it has no continuing role with the digital news organization, which launched earlier this month. And Laura McGann, Grid’s top editor, said in a statement that APCO did not win a competitive bidding process for a PR contract for the site. The contract, instead, has gone to DKC News, which does public relations work for Grid.

But Grid maintains links to APCO, which represents a number of major UAE clients, including the company’s state-owned oil company.


A message from AT&T:

Brooke Dryden’s daughter was diagnosed with learning disabilities at an early age. She requires an individualized education plan and weekly therapy with speech specialists. However, rural Colorado does not have the kind of specialists she needs. With the help of accessible and affordable broadband, Brooke is able to ensure that she receives regular virtual therapy and never falls behind. Brooke’s dream is to see her daughter not just survive but thrive in the world. That’s why AT&T is dedicated to helping close the digital divide with a $2 billion, 3-year commitment, so more low-income families like Brooke's can achieve their American Dream. Learn more.



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 POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA


Monday, January 24, 2022

Cuellar shows up at anti-abortion event


Justice Democrats

Yesterday, Henry Cuellar accepted an award from March for Life, an extreme anti-abortion group that opposes Roe v. Wade. That was his FIRST public appearance since his house and campaign office were raided by the FBI.

It’s bad enough that Henry Cuellar takes millions from Big Oil, Wall Street, private prisons, Big Pharma, and other corporate PACs. It’s really bad that his home and office were raided as part of an investigation led by the DOJ team that handles issues related to bribery, corruption, election crimes, and more.

And it’s despicable that Henry Cuellar continues his advocacy AGAINST abortion rights. He’s the only anti-abortion Democrat remaining in the House, he’s co-sponsored anti-abortion legislation with Republicans, and he was the only Democrat to vote against a bill to codify Roe v. Wade after Texas enacted extreme abortion restrictions in the state.

We must take advantage of this moment and help progressive fighter Jessica Cisneros defeat the anti-abortion corporate-backed Cuellar. Split a contribution between Jessica and Justice Democrats right now so we can ensure Jessica defeats Cuellar. These are the last few weeks of the campaign and your donation can make the difference.

None of this is good news for Henry Cuellar’s campaign. The FBI showing up to Cuellar’s house raises major issues for his re-election campaign and Democratic primary voters overwhelmingly support abortion rights.

Just a few days ago, things were looking very good for Cuellar’s re-election. He reported having $2.3 million in corporate-backed campaign cash — far more than Jessica Cisneros, who isn’t taking a dime of corporate PAC money.

Honestly, we were worried that we might get outspent badly and lose this race.

Now, the race is blown wide open. With the FBI raid AND Cuellar championing his anti-abortion positions, we have an opportunity to get voters to reconsider Cuellar before they start casting ballots in just a few weeks.

There is a very good chance that Jessica Cisneros can win this race if we see a huge surge in fundraising right now. So, can you split a donation to Jessica and Justice Democrats so we can send Jessica to Congress?

In solidarity,

Alexandra Rojas, Executive Director
Justice Democrats

Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Federal candidates or officeholders mentioned above are not asking for more than $5,000 per calendar year from individuals or other federally permissible sources, nor are they asking for any funds from corporations, labor unions, or any other federally prohibited sources.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932
Email us:

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Rep. Cuellar? Corrupt?


Sunrise Movement Logo


Earlier this week, the FBI raided the house of Representative Henry Cuellar aka ‘Big Oil’s Favorite Democrat’ aka the incumbent our endorsee Jessica Cisneros is challenging.

This latest act of corruption is no surprise to us. ​But it gives us another reason for us to elect Jessica Cisneros and give TX-28 the representation it deserves.

At the same moment Rep. Cuellar's house was being searched by the FBI, Sunrise Movement volunteers were making thousands of calls to TX-28 voters for Jessica Cisneros because we believe it’s time for her leadership. But with just weeks until voting starts, we need your help.

Can you contribute $10 or any amount toward our Texas Primary GOTV Fund to help us replace Henry Cuellar and send Jessica to Congress?

It doesn't take an FBI raid to find out that Rep Cuellar is corrupt...All it takes is a Google Search.

From granting extensive favors to border security lobbyists, to an ‘A’ rating from the NRA, to being ‘Big Oil’s Favorite Democrat’, Henry Cuellar has made it clear he’s corrupt.

Unlike Cuellar, Jessica Cisneros understands the crises we face, and she is ready to take power from corporate Democrats like Cuellar and give it back to her community. But we need to make sure we reach as many voters as possible.

In early 2020, Texas progressive champ Jessica Cisneros nearly defeated Henry Cuellar, Congress' most conservative "Democrat." Her path to victory has never been clearer, but we can’t stop our work to elect her now.

With only weeks until the start of early voting in TX-28, we need to give all that we can to make sure TX-28 finally elects Jessica Cisneros. We’ve already made 115,000 calls, and you can get us even further. 

In solidarity,

Paris, Sunrise

Sunrise is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. If someone forwarded you this email, sign up here to get updates from Sunrise. 

Paid for by Sunrise PAC, 50 F St. NW STE #800, Washington, DC 20001.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Henry Cuellar's FBI entanglements


Justice Democrats

Here’s what we know about Henry Cuellar:

The FBI raided his home and office as part of an investigation led by the DOJ team that handles issues related to bribery, corruption, election crimes, and more. That investigation is related to ties between U.S. businessmen and Azerbaijan.

Two FBI agents outside Henry Cuellar's house

We separately also know the ties between Cuellar and a dark money anti-abortion group could violate federal election law, according to investigative reporting at The Intercept. A close aide to Cuellar launched the dark money group and is spending money to defeat Justice Democrat Jessica Cisneros.

Ryan Grim Verified @ryangrim

Henry Cuellar is in a lot of trouble, and this could be more:

His longtime aide teamed with abortion ban zealots to launch a dark money group in September that is spending big in the race, likely breaking the law

Jessica is locked in a primary election battle with Cuellar, where Cuellar has millions from corporate PACs and lobbyists. These revelations about Cuellar could push Jessica to victory, but only if we all lift Jessica up at this critical moment. It seems like Cuellar is still planning to run, but Jessica has the momentum. The election is on March 1 and in-person early voting starts in just 24 days.

Can you split a $10 donation to Jessica’s campaign and Justice Democrats today? Every dollar right now helps us capitalize on this moment and add Jessica to the Squad in Congress.

Since the Cuellar news dropped, folks like you helped Justice Democrats raise $17,302 from 545 donations for Jessica’s campaign — that’s an average donation of $31.74 (just a bit over the magic number $27). And Jessica’s campaign raised more than $70,000.

This is how a grassroots campaign can defeat a corporate-backed incumbent like Cuellar. He’s got millions in the bank and ties to the biggest corporate interests in America: Big Oil, private prisons, Wall Street, and more. But we have momentum right now and need to keep it going. It’s the ONLY way we can defeat such a powerful, well-funded incumbent.

Last time, Jessica lost by only 2,746 votes — just 3%. This time, we can seal the deal and elect another fighter for working families to the U.S. House.

Thanks for everything you do for our Justice Democrats slate.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Federal candidates or officeholders mentioned above are not asking for more than $5,000 per calendar year from individuals or other federally permissible sources, nor are they asking for any funds from corporations, labor unions, or any other federally prohibited sources.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932
Email us:

Damning details of Trump's fake electors plot revealed


US and Russia meet in Switzerland as Ukraine crisis deepens

Today's Top Stories:

Rudy Giuliani personally oversaw plot to use fake electors to steal the election

Trump campaign officials, led by Giuliani, spearheaded efforts in 2020 to put forward illegitimate electors from seven states that Trump lost.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Senator Jon Ossoff delivers showstopping speech

The rising Democratic star advocated carving out the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation.

Sinema pulls stunning move ahead of voting rights vote

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

DA in Georgia requests special grand jury for Trump probe
In a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court, the DA said it's needed because a "significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses" won't cooperate.

YouTube shuts down Oath Keepers channels
The ban comes in the wake of authorities bringing sedition charges against the militia's leader.

Mitch McConnell sparks backlash for implying Black people aren't real "Americans"

Even by decrepit Republican standards the Senate minority leader's latest comments are horrifying.

1/6 House committee presses for an interview with Ivanka Trump
The House select committee investigating the MAGA riot at the Capitol is asking the ex-president's daughter and then-senior White House adviser Ivanka Trump to voluntary cooperate with its investigation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorn, and Lauren Boebert's extremism costing them support from their voters

United Rural Democrats: New extremists in Congress are taking their districts for granted while delivering nothing for them. United Rural Democrats is organizing on the ground to shock Republicans by winning back Middle America. But they need your help!

Justice Sotomayor calls Supreme Court's handling of Texas' abortion ban "disastrous for the rule of law"
As the fate or Roe vs. Wade hangs on a knife's edge, the need for fundamental reform on the high court is clearer than ever.

FBI probe targets Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar’s home, campaign HQ in Texas
The FBI conducted what it described as "court-authorized" law enforcement activity at the Laredo home of Rep. Cuellar on Wednesday.

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert asks a group of Jewish Capitol visitors if they're doing "reconnaissance"
Boebert has repeatedly come under criticism for inflammatory comments directed at, well, folks who don't look like her.

Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested outside US Capitol during voting rights protest
Capitol Police arrested Bowman, along with nearly 30 other demonstrators who have been on a hunger strike in support of voting rights legislation.



Yes. Seriously.


"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...