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Showing posts with label TARRIO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TARRIO. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Biden strikes back against Texas abortion ban


Today’s Action: Demand Congress pass legislation protecting abortions in all 50 states!

Today's Top Stories:

Biden Justice Department vows to protect women seeking abortions in Texas

The DoJ said it would not tolerate violence against those seeking abortion services in the state and that officials were exploring ways to challenge the assault on women's health.

Take Action: Add your name to repeal the Hyde Amendment and make abortion safe, legal, and affordable!

Climate change is the greatest threat to public health, top medical journals warn
Ahem. Do we have our attention yet?!

Take Action: Demand Big Oil execs testify before Congress about their WILLFUL destruction of the planet!

Texas Republicans pull horrific stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Disgusting.

Miami Herald shreds Ron DeSantis over latest vaccine claim: "Profile in selfishness"
DeSantis claimed last week — as his state continued to experience a deadly surge in the highly contagious delta variant ― that receiving the shot is "about your health and whether you want that protection or not" and "doesn’t impact me or anyone else."

Take Action: Hold Florida Governor Ron DeSantis liable for his criminally negligent response to the pandemic!

Jim Jordan flunks basic US history, receives impromptu vaccine lesson on Twitter
The wrestling-coach-turned-mouthpiece-for-the-proudly-uninformed received a history lesson on Twitter after making a laughably incorrect claim about vaccines in the United States.

Lindsey Graham's Afghanistan prediction leaves interviewer stunned

During a sit-down interview with the BBC, the Trump lackey casually predicted, "We will be going back into Afghanistan, as we went back into Iraq and Syria."

Take Action: Tell President Biden to tax the wealthy to fund the $3.5 trillion infrastructure plan!

Texas abortion snitching site pulled offline for second time
Snitches get glitches.

Army veteran and Democratic star Richard Ojeda makes clear: The media got Afghanistan wrong

No Dem Left Behind: Major Ojeda stops the finger pointers in their tracks.

Top official at nation's largest LGBTQ group fired over ties to Cuomo
Unlike today's wagon-circling Republicans, progressives WILL hold their own accountable for their actions, because principles matter.

GOP shouldn't have House majority if pushing conspiracies and lies, Republican rep says
"I think if we're going to be in charge and pushing conspiracy and pushing division and pushing lies, then the Republican Party should not have the majority," Rep. Adam Kinzinger said.

Judge says Ohio hospital cannot be forced to use ivermectin to treat COVID, reversing earlier decision
Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Michael Oster Jr. said the drug — which is primarily used to deworm horses but has been promoted by some doctors, some Republicans and the popular podcast host Joe Rogan to combat the coronavirus — "is not an effective treatment for COVID-19."

Proud Boys leader turns himself in, begins serving 5-month sentence in DC jail
Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, chairman of the Proud Boys, spent the final hours before his surrender pleading for online donations for his family from far-right sympathizers.



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Demand Congress pass legislation protecting abortions in all 50 states!

Pro-choice activists are still struggling against Greg Abbott’s draconian "heartbeat ban" that went into effect last week, which blocks the majority of abortions — at six weeks — before most women even know they’re pregnant. Even worse, there’s zero exceptions for rape or incest. 

The law came into effect just days after the Supreme Court decided to take on Mississippi’s extremist abortion law, which bans the procedure at 15 weeks. With a 6-3 right-wing supermajority, we may be looking at the end of a woman’s right to choose as we have known for the past 50 years. 

Support for Roe v. Wade is both strong and bipartisan, with 60-70% of Americans in favor. And more importantly, regardless of polling, no similar issue regarding men’s health is subject to the whims of popular vote. 

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and demand they pass federal abortion protection laws that enshrine Roe v. Wade into law!

Texas’ new law sets a dangerous precedent for state governments across America, with emboldened anti-abortion groups threatening to implement "heartbeat bans" elsewhere. Recent Supreme Court decisions only empower them even more. Our leaders need to move quickly to ensure that the right to choose is protected at the federal level, before we lose decades of progress.

For any woman, having a child is a monumental event. It should absolutely be a choice to do so. 

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and tell them to pass federal protections for abortion access before the Supreme Court further guts Roe v. Wade! 

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition rejecting Republicans’ assault on women’s rights, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

RSN: Andy Borowitz | FDA Withdraws Approval From "Whatever Drug Rand Paul Is On"


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Rand Paul. (photo: Getty Images)
Andy Borowitz | FDA Withdraws Approval From "Whatever Drug Rand Paul Is On"
Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker
Borowitz writes: "Explaining that it was taking the action 'out of an abundance of caution,' the Food and Drug Administration has withdrawn its approval from 'whatever drug Rand Paul is on.'"

Charlie Watts, drummer with The Rolling Stones, Great Britain, circa 1970. (photo: Archive Photos/Getty Images)
Charlie Watts, drummer with The Rolling Stones, Great Britain, circa 1970. (photo: Archive Photos/Getty Images)

Charlie Watts, the Rolling Stones' Drummer and Inimitable Backbone, Dead at 80
Joe Gross, Rolling Stone
Gross writes: "Charles Robert 'Charlie' Watts, the Rolling Stones' drummer and the band's irreplaceable heartbeat, has died at age 80."

A health care worker administers a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. (photo: Roger Kisby/Bloomberg/Getty Images)
A health care worker administers a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. (photo: Roger Kisby/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Why the FDA's Pfizer Approval Could Be the COVID Game-Changer America Desperately Needs
David Axe, The Daily Beast
Axe writes: "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday finally gave America's most popular COVID-19 vaccine - the two-dose messenger-RNA jab from New York pharma Pfizer - full, unqualified authorization."

New York's chief judge, Janet DiFiore, swears in Kathy Hochul, right, as the first woman to be New York's governor in Albany. (photo: Hans Pennink/AFP/Getty Images)
New York's chief judge, Janet DiFiore, swears in Kathy Hochul, right, as the first woman to be New York's governor in Albany. (photo: Hans Pennink/AFP/Getty Images)

Kathy Hochul Sworn in as First Female Governor of New York State
Ed Pilkington, Guardian UK
Pilkington writes: "Kathy Hochul, the first woman to become governor of New York state, will make her debut speech from the executive mansion in Albany on Tuesday, after she was sworn into the post in a private ceremony in the early hours."

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced on Aug. 23 to five months in jail for two crimes, including burning a stolen Black Lives Matter flag. (photo: Reuters)
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced on Aug. 23 to five months in jail for two crimes, including burning a stolen Black Lives Matter flag. (photo: Reuters)

Proud Boys Leader Henry 'Enrique' Tarrio Sentenced to Five Months in Jail
Paul Duggan, The Washington Post
Duggan writes: "Henry 'Enrique' Tarrio, a national leader of the Proud Boys, a far-right group with a history of violence, was sentenced Monday to five months in jail for two crimes, including setting fire to a stolen Black Lives Matter banner during a tumultuous demonstration in Washington after the election defeat of President Donald Trump."

Noting that the Constitution protects the right to protest, D.C. Superior Court Judge Harold L. Cushenberry Jr. said Tarrio’s conduct in the Dec. 12 demonstration “vindicated none of these democratic values. Instead, Mr. Tarrio’s actions betrayed them.”

The banner was stolen from Asbury United Methodist Church, a historic Black church at 11th and K streets NW, as far-right protesters marched in Washington in support of Trump’s effort to delegitimize President Biden’s election victory. Tarrio pleaded guilty last month to burning the banner and to a charge of attempted possession of a high-capacity ammunition magazine.

“That day I made a grave mistake, a very, very bad mistake,” Tarrio, 37, said, appearing in court via video from Miami, where he lives. Wearing glasses and a patterned leisure shirt and occasionally sipping from a water bottle, he sat mostly expressionless throughout the half-hour proceeding.

“I’d like to profusely apologize for my actions,” he said, before Cushenberry sentenced him to 155 days in the D.C. jail. The judge rejected defense lawyer Lucas Duncie’s request for a sentence of community service, to be performed in Miami.

The judge ordered Tarrio to report to the jail within two weeks.

In a victim impact statement, Asbury’s senior pastor, the Rev. Ianther M. Mills, wrote of the “emotional and psychological impact” of the banner-burning on the church’s “aging congregation, many of whom, if not part of it themselves, are direct descendants of individuals who traveled north during the Great Migration” in the early and mid-20th century, when millions of African Americans fled oppression in the Jim Crow South.

“They migrated here in search of opportunity, but also to escape the stress, fear and anxiety of terror, including acts of social and racial injustice,” Mills wrote.

“Imagine, if you please, a marauding band of seemingly angry white men moving about the city, apparently looking for trouble,” she added. “Now imagine the images conjured up in the minds of Asbury’s congregants as a result of these white men burning the BLM banner: visions of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, cross burnings. . . . ”

When he pleaded guilty on July 19, Tarrio said in court that if he had “known that the banner came from a church, it would not have been burned.” Authorities said the banner was stolen by “unidentified members” of the Proud Boys before being set afire on a street corner. Tarrio was not charged in the theft.

“Mr. Tarrio does not seem to have yet fully accepted responsibility,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul V. Courtney told the judge Monday. “Now he denies knowing that the banner came from a church at all, even though there is video that shows him standing on the church’s lawn . . . at the time other members of the Proud Boys were stealing and marching with the banner.”

The Dec. 12 demonstration, during which several far-right groups roamed through downtown Washington, fighting with counterprotesters and others, was a prelude to the violent unrest of Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol, trying to stop Congress from confirming Biden’s election victory.

Prosecutors have charged numerous alleged members or associates of the all-male Proud Boys with having various roles in the Jan. 6 riot, including aggressive attacks on police that helped the mob breach the Capitol. Four alleged Proud Boys leaders are accused of directing the Jan. 6 assault, including a man who had been with Tarrio during the Dec. 12 demonstration, authorities said.

During a previous court hearing, Courtney said the plea agreement under which Tarrio was sentenced does not “prevent the government from bringing different or additional charges” against him in the future “based on his conduct on January 6th, 2021, or any other time.”

Tarrio, who has not been charged in the Jan. 6 riot, has denied being involved in planning the assault on the Capitol.

More than three dozen people were arrested Dec. 12, and four people were stabbed in a clash involving supporters and opponents of Trump. Police said four churches, including Asbury Methodist, were vandalized that night. One of them, Metropolitan AME Church, on M Street NW, has sued Tarrio and the Proud Boys organization. The civil case is pending in D.C. Superior Court.

“Tarrio made very clear that he was proud of his crime,” Courtney said in a sentencing memo filed in court ahead of Monday’s hearing. “He sought to exploit and profit from his criminal conduct in an apparent effort to bring himself and the Proud Boys increased media attention.”

After the Dec. 12 demonstration, but before he was arrested, Tarrio told The Washington Post that he did not regret burning the banner. He said he thinks the BLM movement, and the movement known as antifa, short for anti-fascist, are threats to the United States.

Around the same time, on the far-right social media platform Parler, Tarrio, who is of Cuban descent, said he had burned the banner “out of love . . . for a country that has given my family SO MUCH.”

He wrote: “The burning of this banner wasn’t about race religion or political ideology it was about a racist movement that has terrorized the citizens of this country. I will not standby and watch them burn another city,” an apparent reference to last summer’s racial justice protests.

In last year’s first presidential debate, on Sept. 29, Trump was asked whether he would be willing to denounce extremist groups such as the Proud Boys. Trump replied: “Proud Boys — stand back and stand by. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.”

In his sentencing memo, Courtney, apparently referring to Jan. 6, said, “It was certainly foreseeable to Tarrio” that his boasting about Dec. 12 on social media “sent his followers the message that traveling to Washington, DC, to engage in violent and destructive activity was not only acceptable but encouraged.”

As for the Proud Boys’ ideology, Courtney relied on a description published by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, a research organization in the social sciences department of the U.S. Military Academy.

The center said, “The group’s narratives amplify anti-Marxist and anti-communist sentiment . . . and distorts those sentiments by mixing in misogynistic, fascistic, and ethno-nationalist worldviews.”

After the Dec. 12 demonstration, D.C. police obtained an arrest warrant for Tarrio in the banner burning, charging him with destruction of property, a misdemeanor.

On Jan. 4, two days before the mob besieged the Capitol, police stopped a car in which Tarrio was riding shortly after it entered Washington. While taking him into custody, they said, they searched his book bag and found two high-capacity ammunition magazines bearing Proud Boys symbols.

The magazines, illegal in the District, were empty but capable of holding a total of 60 rounds. They were compatible with AR-15 and M4 rifles, authorities said. Tarrio told police that he sold such magazines on the Internet and had planned to deliver the two in his bag to a buyer who was in the city for the Jan. 6 pro-Trump march.

In addition to the destruction-of-property offense, Tarrio was charged with two felony counts of possessing high-capacity magazines.

As part of a deal with prosecutors, one of the felony charges was dismissed, and the other was reduced to a misdemeanor count of attempted possession. On July 19, he pleaded guilty to that offense plus the destruction-of-property charge.


Palestinians wait in line to have their documents checked before crossing the Rafah border with Egypt, southern Gaza Strip, Sunday, June 6, 2021. (photo: Felipe Dana/AP)
Palestinians wait in line to have their documents checked before crossing the Rafah border with Egypt, southern Gaza Strip, Sunday, June 6, 2021. (photo: Felipe Dana/AP)

Egypt Closes the Border With Gaza Indefinitely
Excerpt: "On Monday, Egypt indefinitely closed the Rafah border crossing, which had been reopened to provide humanitarian assistance during Israel's attacks on the Palestinian people in May."

This border crossing is practically the only exit door to the outside that the Palestinians have.

n Monday, Egypt indefinitely closed the Rafah border crossing, which had been reopened to provide humanitarian assistance during Israel's attacks on the Palestinian people in May.

The closure decision comes after the violent incidents in Gaza on Saturday, when Israeli troops fired at the civilian population, injuring 41 people. The Palestinian protests occurred in response to the Israeli bombing of alleged military targets of the Islamist movement Hamas.

The closure of the border crossing would have occurred as a security measure taken in reaction to the breaking of the promise made by Hamas to maintain calm in the territory under its control.

Hamas authorities argued that the protests were caused by the Islamic Jihad, a movement which is “opposed to political engagement with Israel and is sharply critical of the Palestinian Authority and its policies,” as ECFR explained. Egypt. however, did not accept that explanation.

Gaza’s Interior Minister spokesperson Eyad al Bozzom, who said that the Egyptian authorities informed them about the closure of the border crossing on Monday, explained that he remains in contact with the Egyptian authorities to make the crossing operational again as soon as possible.

Since May, the Rafah border crossing has allowed the evacuation of the wounded from Gaza, the entry of humanitarian assistance, and the transport of materials for the reconstruction of the Palestinian territory, which was severely affected as a result of the Israeli bombings.

Previously, the border crossing was closed most of the time. This border crossing is practically the only exit door to the outside that the Palestinians have. In order to use it, the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip need a special permit from the Egyptian authorities to access their territory.


Smoke billows from a large steel plant as a Chinese laborer works at an unauthorized steel factory in Inner Mongolia, China, on Nov. 4, 2016. (photo: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)
Smoke billows from a large steel plant as a Chinese laborer works at an unauthorized steel factory in Inner Mongolia, China, on Nov. 4, 2016. (photo: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

Michael T. Klare | China 2049: A Climate Disaster Zone, Not a Military Superpower
Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch
Klare writes: "In recent months, Washington has had a lot to say about China's ever-expanding air, naval, and missile power."

This will be the last TomDispatch piece until September 7th. As always, I’m taking these two weeks off. I hope, in the (quite literal) heat of the moment, some of you get a break, too. As always, I urge TD readers to do what you’ve done so movingly all these years: visit our donation page and consider contributing something to the site so that it can continue to wander into our ever-stranger future. Tom]

Think of it as an irony of the first order that Joe Biden’s foreign-policy team came into office promoting new cold-war policies against the rising power on this planet, China. After all, even if it is that, it’s rising in a world that only recently experienced its warmest month on record. The very term “cold war,” in fact, seems like an artifact of ancient history at a time when, among other places, the U.S.Europe, and Canada have all been setting new heat records and experiencing fires of a sort seldom seen before. In this sense, the Biden foreign-policy team and the Pentagon, as they maneuver to confront the Chinese Navy not off the California coast but from the Indian Ocean to the South China Sea to the Taiwan Strait, couldn’t seem more out of touch with the deeper realities of our world.

I guarantee you one thing: at the moment, they’re doing their planning for forming alliances against a rising China in air-conditioned rooms, because it’s been hot as hell in Washington — or by Zoom because it’s still a pandemic country. Yes, against all reason and sense, the U.S. continues to build ultra-expensive new nuclear weapons (having in recent years dumped several nuclear treaties), while fretting eternally about China’s upgraded but still relatively modest nuclear arsenal. As it happens, though, the future “battles” the U.S. and China might find themselves in, as TomDispatch regular Michael Klare, author of All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change, writes today, could be of a very different, even if still world-endangering nature. To be won, they would have to be fought not against each other, but together. Welcome to a new-style hot-war world. Tom

-Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

China, 2049
A Climate Disaster Zone, Not a Military Superpower

n recent months, Washington has had a lot to say about China’s ever-expanding air, naval, and missile power. But when Pentagon officials address the topic, they generally speak less about that country’s current capabilities, which remain vastly inferior to those of the U.S., than the world they foresee in the 2030s and 2040s, when Beijing is expected to have acquired far more sophisticated weaponry.

“China has invested heavily in new technologies, with a stated intent to complete the modernization of its forces by 2035 and to field a ‘world-class military’ by 2049,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified in June. The United States, he assured the Senate Armed Services Committee, continues to possess “the best joint fighting force on Earth.” But only by spending countless additional billions of dollars annually, he added, can this country hope to “outpace” China’s projected advances in the decades to come.

As it happens, however, there’s a significant flaw in such reasoning. In fact, consider this a guarantee: by 2049, the Chinese military (or what’s left of it) will be so busy coping with a burning, flooding, churning world of climate change — threatening the country’s very survival — that it will possess scant capacity, no less the will, to launch a war with the United States or any of its allies.

It’s normal, of course, for American military officials to focus on the standard measures of military power when discussing the supposed Chinese threat, including rising military budgets, bigger navies, and the like. Such figures are then extrapolated years into the future to an imagined moment when, by such customary measures, Beijing might overtake Washington. None of these assessments, however, take into account the impact of climate change on China’s security. In reality, as global temperatures rise, that country will be ravaged by the severe effects of the never-ending climate emergency and forced to deploy every instrument of government, including the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), to defend the nation against ever more disastrous floods, famines, droughts, wildfires, sandstorms, and encroaching oceans.

China will hardly be alone in this. Already, the increasingly severe effects of the climate crisis are forcing governments to commit military and paramilitary forces to firefighting, flood prevention, disaster relief, population resettlement, and sometimes the simple maintenance of basic governmental functions. In fact, during this summer of extreme climate events, military forces from numerous countries, including AlgeriaGermanyGreeceRussiaTurkey, and — yes — the United States, have found themselves engaged in just such activities, as has the PLA.

And count on one thing: that’s just the barest of beginnings. According to a recent report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), extreme climate events, occurring with ever more frightening frequency, will prove ever more destructive and devastating to societies around the world, which, in turn, will ensure that military forces just about everywhere will be consigned a growing role in dealing with climate-related disasters. “If global warming increases,” the report noted, “there will be a higher likelihood that [extreme climate] events with increased intensities, durations and/or spatial extents unprecedented in the observational record will occur.” In other words, what we’ve been witnessing in the summer of 2021, devastating as it might now seem, will be magnified many times over in the decades to come. And China, a large country with multiple climate vulnerabilities, will clearly require more assistance than most.

The Zhengzhou Precedent

To grasp the severity of the climate crisis China will face, look no further than the recent flooding of Zhengzhou, a city of 6.7 million people and the capital of Henan Province. Over a 72-hour period between July 20th and July 22nd, Zhengzhou was deluged with what, once upon a time, would have been a normal year’s supply of rainfall. The result — and think of it as watching China’s future in action — was flooding on an unprecedented scale and, under the weight of that water, the collapse of local infrastructure. At least 100 people died in Zhengzhou itself — including 14 who were trapped in a subway tunnel that flooded to the ceiling — and another 200 in surrounding towns and cities. Along with widespread damage to bridges, roads, and tunnels, the flooding inundated an estimated 2.6 million acres of farmland and damaged important food crops.

In response, President Xi Jinping called for a government-wide mobilization to assist the flooding victims and protect vital infrastructure. “Xi called for officials and Party members at all levels to assume responsibilities and go to the frontline to guide flood control work,” according to CGTN, a government-owned TV network. “The Chinese People’s Liberation Army and armed police force troops should actively coordinate local rescue and relief work,” Xi told senior officials.

The PLA responded with alacrity. As early as July 21st, reported the government-owned China Daily, more than 3,000 officers, soldiers, and militiamen from the PLA’s Central Theater Command had been deployed in and around Zhengzhou to aid in disaster relief. Among those so dispatched was a parachute brigade from the PLA Air Force assigned to reinforce two hazardous dam breaches along the Jialu River in the Kaifeng area. According to China Daily, the brigade built a one-mile-long, three-foot-high wall of sandbags to bolster the dam.

These units were soon supplemented by others, and eventually some 46,000 soldiers from the PLA and the People’s Armed Police were deployed in Henan to assist in relief efforts, along with 61,000 militia members. Significantly, those included at least several hundred personnel from the PLA Rocket Forces, the military branch responsible for maintaining and firing China’s nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs.

The Zhengzhou disaster was significant in many respects. To begin with, it demonstrated global warming’s capacity to inflict severe damage on a modern city virtually overnight and without advance warning. Like the devastating torrential rainfall that saturated rivers in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands two weeks earlier, the downpour in Henan was caused in part by a warming atmosphere’s increased capacity to absorb moisture and linger in one place, discharging all that stored water in a mammoth cascade. Such events are now seen as a distinctive outcome of climate change, but their timing and location can rarely be predicted. As a result, while Chinese meteorological officials warned of a heavy rainfall event in Henan, nobody imagined its intensity and no precautions were taken to avoid its extreme consequences.

Ominously, that event also exposed significant flaws in the design and construction of China’s many “new cities,” which sprouted in recent years as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has worked to relocate impoverished rural workers to modern, highly industrialized metropolises. Typically, these urban centers — the country now has 91 cities with more than a million people each — prove to be vast conglomerations of highways, factories, malls, office towers, and high-rise apartment buildings. During their construction, much of the original countryside gets covered in asphalt and concrete. Accordingly, when heavy downfalls occur, there are few streams or brooks left for the resulting runoff to drain into and, as a result, any nearby tunnels, subways, or low-built highways are often flooded, threatening human life in a devastating fashion.

The Henan flooding also exposed another climate-related threat to China’s future security: the vulnerability of many of the country’s dams and reservoirs to heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers. Low-lying areas of eastern China, where most of its population is concentrated, have always suffered from flooding and, historically, one dynasty after another — the most recent being the CCP — has had to build dams and embankments to control river systems. Many of these have not been properly maintained and were never designed for the sort of extreme events now being experienced. During the Henan flooding in July, for example, the 61-year-old Changzhuang Reservoir near Zhengzhou filled to dangerous levels and nearly collapsed, which would have inflicted a second catastrophe upon that city. In fact, other dams in the surrounding area did collapse, resulting in widespread crop damage. At least some of the PLA forces rushed to Henan were put to work building sandbag walls to repair dam breaches on the Jialu River.

China’s Perilous Climate Future

The Zhengzhou flooding was but a single incident, consuming the Chinese leadership’s attention for a relatively brief moment. But it was also an unmistakable harbinger of what China — now, the world’s greatest emitter of greenhouse gases — is going to endure with ever-increasing frequency as global temperatures rise. It will prove particularly vulnerable to the severe impacts of climate change. That, in turn, means the central government will have to devote state resources on an as-yet-unimaginable scale, again and again, to emergency actions like those witnessed in Zhengzhou — until they become seamless events with no time off for good behavior.

In the decades to come, every nation will, of course, be ravaged by the extreme effects of global warming. But because of its geography and topography, China is at particular risk. Many of its largest cities and most productive industrial zones, including, for example, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Tianjin, are located in low-lying coastal areas along the Pacific Ocean and so will be exposed to increasingly severe typhoons, coastal flooding, and sea-level rise. According to a 2013 World Bank report, of any city on the planet, Guangzhou, in the Pearl River Delta near Hong Kong, faces the highest risk of damage, financially speaking, from sea-level rise and associated flooding; its neighbor Shenzhen was described as facing the 10th highest risk.

Other parts of China face equally daunting threats from climate change. The country’s densely populated central regions, including major cities like Wuhan and Zhengzhou as well as its vital farming areas, are crisscrossed by a massive web of rivers and canals that often flood following heavy rainfall. Much of China’s west and northwest is covered by desert, and a combination of deforestation and declining rainfall there has resulted in the further spread of such desertification. Similarly, a study in 2018 suggested that the heavily populated North China Plain could become the deadliest place on Earth for devastating heat waves by century’s end and could, by then, prove uninhabitable; we’re talking, that is, about almost unimaginable future disasters.

China’s distinct climate risks were brought to the fore in the IPCC’s new report, “Climate Change 2021.” Among its most worrisome findings:

* Sea-level rise along China’s coasts is occurring at a faster rate than the global average, with resulting coastal area loss and shoreline retreat.

* The number of ever-more-powerful and destructive typhoons striking China is destined to increase.

* Heavy precipitation events and associated flooding will become more frequent and widespread.

* Prolonged droughts will become more frequent, especially in northern and western China.

* Extreme heatwaves will occur more frequently, and persist for longer periods.

Such onrushing realities will result in massive urban flooding, widespread coastal inundation, dam and infrastructure collapses, ever more severe wildfires, disastrous crop failures, and the increasing possibility of widespread famine. All of this, in turn, could lead to civic unrest, economic dislocation, the uncontrolled movements of populations, and even inter-regional strife (especially if water and other vital resources from one area of the country are diverted to others for political reasons). All this, in turn, will test the responsiveness and durability of the central government in Beijing.

Facing Global Warming’s Mounting Fury

We Americans tend to assume that Chinese leaders spend all their time thinking about how to catch up with and overtake the United States as the world’s number one superpower. In reality, the single greatest priority of the Communist Party is simply to remain in power — and for the past quarter-century that has meant maintaining sufficient economic growth each year to ensure the loyalty (or at least acquiescence) of a preponderance of the population. Anything that might threaten growth or endanger the well-being of the urban middle-class — think: climate-related disasters — is viewed as a vital threat to the survival of the CCP.

This was evident in Zhengzhou. In the immediate aftermath of the flooding, some foreign journalists reported, residents began criticizing local government officials for failing to provide adequate warning of the impending disaster and for not taking the necessary precautionary measures. The CCP censorship machine quickly silenced such voices, while pro-government media agents castigated foreign journalists for broadcasting such complaints. Similarly, government-owned news agencies lauded President Xi for taking personal command of the relief effort and for ordering an “all-of-government” response, including the deployment of those PLA forces.

That Xi felt the need to step in, however, sends a message. With urban disasters guaranteed to become more frequent, inflicting harm on media-savvy middle-class residents, the country’s leadership believes it must demonstrate vigor and resourcefulness, lest its aura of competency — and so its mandate to govern — disappear. In other words, every time China experiences such a catastrophe, the central government will be ready to assume leadership of the relief effort and to dispatch the PLA to oversee it.

No doubt senior PLA officials are fully aware of the climate threats to China’s security and the ever-increasing role they’ll be forced to play in dealing with them. However, the most recent edition of China’s “white paper” on defense, released in 2019, didn’t even mention climate change as a threat to the nation’s security. Nor, for that matter, did its closest U.S. equivalent, the Pentagon’s 2018 National Defense Strategy, despite the fact that senior commanders here were well aware of, even riveted by, such growing perils.

Having been directed to provide emergency relief operations in response to a series of increasingly severe hurricanes in recent years, American military commanders have become intimately familiar with global warming’s potentially devastating impact on the United States. The still-ongoing mammoth wildfires in the American West have only further reinforced this understanding. Like their counterparts in China, they recognize that the armed forces will be obliged to play an ever-increasing role in defending the country not from enemy missiles or other forces but from global warming’s mounting fury.

At this moment, the Department of Defense is preparing a new edition of its National Defense Strategy and this time climate change will finally be officially identified as a major threat to American security. In an executive order signed on January 27th, his first full day in office, President Joe Biden directed the secretary of defense to “consider the risks of climate change” in that new edition.

There can be no doubt that the Chinese military leadership will translate that new National Defense Strategy as soon as it’s released, probably later this year. After all, a lot of it will be focused on the sort of U.S. military moves to counter China’s rise in Asia that have been emphasized by both the Trump and Biden administrations. But it will be interesting to see what they make of the language on climate change and if similar language begins to appear in Chinese military documents.

Here’s my dream: that American and Chinese military leaders — committed, after all, to “defend” the two leading producers of greenhouses gases — will jointly acknowledge the overriding climate threat to national and international security and announce common efforts to mitigate it through advances in energy, transportation, and materials technology.

One way or another, however, we can be reasonably certain of one thing: as the term makes all too clear, the old Cold War format for military policy no longer holds, not on such an overheating planet. As a result, expect Chinese soldiers to be spending far more time filling sandbags to defend their country’s coastline from rising seas in 2049 than manning weaponry to fight American soldiers.

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Michael T. Klare, a TomDispatch regular, is the five-college professor emeritus of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and a senior visiting fellow at the Arms Control Association. He is the author of 15 books, the latest of which is All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change. He is a founder of the Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy.



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