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Showing posts with label ROADS & BRIDGES. Show all posts

Monday, October 18, 2021

Here's what's in the bipartisan infrastructure bill


Here's what's in the bipartisan infrastructure bill

Updated 3:06 PM ET, Thu September 23, 2021

This story originally ran July 28. It has been updated to reflect the current status of the bill.

(CNN)The Senate passed a massive bipartisan infrastructure bill in early August after months of negotiations.

In total, the deal includes $550 billion in new federal investments in America's infrastructure over five years.
    However, the package would add $256 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years, the Congressional Budget Office said in a report.
      The bill must be approved by the House before it can head to President Joe Biden's desk. But House progressives don't want to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure legislation before also voting to pass a separate $3.5 trillion spending bill that would remake a lot of the country's social safety net system -- and also likely raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations.
      The infrastructure package is far short of the $2.25 trillion proposal that Biden unveiled in March. That measure, known as the American Jobs Plan, included money for roads, bridges and public transportation, but it drew criticism from many Republicans for also making investments in areas not traditionally considered infrastructure, such as caregiving for aging Americans and workforce training. A lot of those provisions ended up in the separate spending bill.
        Here's what we know so far about the latest version of the infrastructure package, according to the CBO report, an updated fact sheet provided by the White House, as well as the bill text and 57-page summary.

        Funding for roads and bridges

        The deal calls for investing $110 billion for roads, bridges and major infrastructure projects, according to the summary. That's about the same amount agreed to in a bipartisan bill in June but significantly less than the $159 billion that Biden initially requested in the American Jobs Plan.
        Included is $40 billion for bridge repair, replacement and rehabilitation, according to the bill text. The White House says it would be the single, largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the interstate highway system, which started in the 1950s.
        The deal also contains $16 billion for major projects that would be too large or complex for traditional funding programs, according to the White House.
        Some 20%, or 173,000 miles, of the nation's highways and major roads are in poor condition, as are 45,000 bridges, according to the White House.
        The investments would focus on climate change mitigation, resilience, equity and safety for all users, including cyclists and pedestrians.
        Also included in the package is $11 billion for transportation safety, including a program to help states and localities reduce crashes and fatalities, especially of cyclists and pedestrians, according to the White House. It would direct funding to highway, truck and pipelines and hazardous materials safety efforts.
        And it contains $1 billion to reconnect communities, disproportionately Black neighborhoods, that were divided by highways and other infrastructure, according to the White House. It will fund planning, design, demolition and reconstruction of street grids, parks or other infrastructure.

        Money for transit and rail

        The package would provide $39 billion to modernize public transit, according to the bill text. That's less than the $49 billion contained in the earlier bipartisan deal and the $85 billion that Biden initially wanted to invest in modernizing transit systems and help them expand to meet rider demand.
        The funds would repair and upgrade existing infrastructure, make stations accessible to all users, bring transit service to new communities and modernize rail and bus fleets, including replacing thousands of vehicles with zero-emission models, according to the White House.
        The deal would also invest $66 billion in passenger and freight rail, according to the bill text. The funds would eliminate Amtrak's maintenance backlog, modernize the Northeast Corridor line and bring rail service to areas outside the northeast and mid-Atlantic regions, according to the White House. Included in the package is $12 billion in partnership grants for intercity rail service, including high-speed rail.
        The funding is the same as in bipartisan framework but less than the $80 billion Biden originally wanted to send to Amtrak, which he relied upon for decades to get home to Delaware from Washington, DC.
        It would be the largest federal investment in public transit in history and in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak 50 years ago, according to the White House.

        Broadband upgrade

        The bill would provide a $65 billion investment in improving the nation's broadband infrastructure, according to the bill text.
        Biden initially wanted to invest $100 billion in broadband.
        It also aims to help lower the price households pay for internet service by requiring federal funding recipients to offer a low-cost affordable plan, by creating price transparency and by boosting competition in areas where existing providers aren't providing adequate service. It would also create a permanent federal program to help more low-income households access the internet, according to the White House fact sheet.

        Upgrading airports, ports and waterways

        The deal would invest $17 billion in port infrastructure and $25 billion in airports to address repair and maintenance backlogs, reduce congestion and emissions near ports and airports and promote electrification and other low-carbon technologies, according to the White House.
        It is similar to the funding in the bipartisan deal and Biden's original proposal.

        Electric vehicles

        The bill would provide $7.5 billion for zero- and low-emission buses and ferries, aiming to deliver thousands of electric school buses to districts across the country, according to the White House.
        Another $7.5 billion would go to building a nationwide network of plug-in electric vehicle chargers, according to the bill text.

        Improving power and water systems

        The bill would invest $65 billion to rebuild the electric grid, according to the White House. It calls for building thousands of miles of new power lines and expanding renewable energy, the White House said.
        It would provide $55 billion to upgrade water infrastructure, according to the bill text. It would replace lead service lines and pipes so that communities have access to clean drinking water, the White House said.
        Another $50 billion would go toward making the system more resilient -- protecting it from drought, floods and cyber attacks, the White House said.

        Environmental remediation

        The bill would provide $21 billion to clean up Superfund and brownfield sites, reclaim abandoned mine land and cap orphaned gas wells, according to the White House.

        How Congress will pay for it

        The White House and Congress have been looking at a multitude of measures that would pay for the proposal.
        But while lawmakers claim the bill pays for itself, the CBO score found it would instead add billions of dollars to the deficit over 10 years.
        The bottom line is that the legislation would directly add roughly $350 billion to the deficit, when taking into account $90 billion of spending in new contract authority, said Marc Goldwein, senior vice president at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan group that tracks federal spending.
        The CBO brushed aside several major provisions that lawmakers said would help pay for the bill, such as repurposing certain unused Covid relief funds and using the savings generated by certain states terminating pandemic unemployment benefits early. The agency found these measures would provide roughly $22 billion in savings, rather than the roughly $263 billion claimed by lawmakers, Goldwein said.
        Also, the report found that the Federal Communications Commission's spectrum auctions would generate far less than the $87 billion originally claimed by lawmakers.
        The CBO also said that the bill would raise about $50 billion by imposing new Superfund fees and changing the tax reporting requirements for cryptocurrencies, among other measures.
        According to the bill text and the 57-page summary of the bill released last week, lawmakers leaned heavily on repurposing unused Covid relief funds to pay for the legislation. The bill text lists savings from rescinding unobligated appropriations for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program for small businesses and nonprofit groups, the Paycheck Protection Program, the Education Stabilization Fund and relief for airline workers, among others.
        Another item in the bill text is $53 billion that stems in part from states opting to terminate the pandemic unemployment benefits early to push the jobless to return to work. Some 26 states announced that they would stop at least one of the federal unemployment programs before they are set to end in early September -- though Indiana and Maryland have had to continue the payments after losing court battles. Also, the Congressional Budget Office reduced its forecast for the unemployment rate because of the improving economy.
        More savings would come from delaying a controversial Trump administration rule that would radically change how drugs are priced and paid for in Medicare and Medicaid until 2026, at the earliest. The measure would effectively ban drug makers from providing rebates to pharmacy benefit managers and insurers. Instead, drug companies would be encouraged to pass the discounts directly to patients at the pharmacy counter. It is currently expected to go into effect in 2023. The summary lists the savings as $49 billion and the CBO report as nearly $51 billion.
        Also, the infrastructure proposal relies on generating $56 billion in economic growth resulting from a 33% return on investment on the long-term projects, according to the summary.
        Biden said in a statement that the bill won't raise taxes on people making less than $400,000 a year and does not include a gas tax increase or fee on electric vehicles. He initially called for raising taxes on corporations to fund the infrastructure investments -- but that proposal did not make it into the latest package after strong opposition from Republicans.

        What's missing

        The deal leaves out Biden's proposal to spend $400 billion to bolster caregiving for aging and disabled Americans -- the second largest measure in the American Jobs Plan.
        His proposal would have expanded access to long-term care services under Medicaid, eliminating the wait list for hundreds of thousands of people. It would have provided more opportunity for people to receive care at home through community-based services or from family members.
        It would also have improved the wages of home health workers, who now make approximately $12 an hour, and would have put in place an infrastructure to give caregiving workers the opportunity to join a union.
        Also left on the sideline: $100 billion for workforce development, which would have helped dislocated workers, assisted underserved groups and put students on career paths before they graduate high school.
        The deal also leaves out the $18 billion Biden proposed to modernize the Veterans Affairs hospitals, which are on average 47 years older than a private-sector hospital.
        What's also out is a slew of corporate tax hikes that Biden wanted to use to pay for the American Jobs Plan but that Republicans staunchly opposed.
          Biden's original proposal called for raising the corporate income tax rate to 28%, up from the 21% rate set by Republicans' 2017 tax cut act, as well as increasing the minimum tax on US corporations to 21% and calculating it on a country-by-country basis to deter companies from sheltering profits in international tax havens.
          It also would have levied a 15% minimum tax on the income the largest corporations report to investors, known as book income, as opposed to the income reported to the Internal Revenue Service, and would have made it harder for US companies to acquire or merge with a foreign business to avoid paying US taxes by claiming to be a foreign company.

          Friday, October 8, 2021

          RSN: FOCUS: Bernie Sanders | Nothing Will Happen if We Look at This Reconciliation Process as a Spectator Sport



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          Bernie Sanders. (photo: Antonella Crescimbeni)
          FOCUS: Bernie Sanders | Nothing Will Happen if We Look at This Reconciliation Process as a Spectator Sport
          Bernie Sanders, Reader Supported News
          Sanders writes: "It is no secret that our nation faces enormous needs."

          It is no secret that our nation faces enormous needs.

          We have more income and wealth inequality than at any time in the last century. More than 90 million Americans are uninsured or under-insured. Seniors lack the dental, hearing and vision care they desperately need, and as a country we pay more for prescription drugs than any other developed country in the world.

          Over 500,000 of our people are homeless and more than 18 million households are paying more than 50 percent of their limited incomes on housing. At the same time our child care system is dysfunctional and enormously expensive, and we have one of the highest rates of childhood poverty of any major nation.

          Many of our teachers are underpaid and are forced to teach in schools with broken chairs, flooded classrooms, and inadequate support staff. Meanwhile, too many young adults either cannot afford to get a higher education or enter the workforce with obscene amounts of debt.

          Our roads and bridges are crumbling and we need to rebuild our water systems, wastewater treatment plants, broadband, and other aspects of our physical infrastructure.

          And all of this is occurring while the existential threat of climate change has already ushered in an era with more floods, more extreme weather, more wildfires, more drought, more ocean acidification, more disease, more lost economic activity, and threatens the very habitability of our planet for future generations.

          In other words, we live in an unprecedented moment in history, and there is an enormous amount of work that has to be done.

          The good news is that the $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill written by the Budget Committee is a serious effort at addressing these and other long-neglected crises. And while this compromise budget is less than I had wanted, this proposal will be the most consequential piece of legislation for working people, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the poor since FDR and the New Deal of the 1930s.

          The bad news is, passing this legislation will not be easy. It will require taking on the greed and power of corporate America and the billionaire class who have enormous control over what goes on in Washington. It is no secret that they will do everything they can to protect their profits and maintain the status quo in this country.

          We are taking on a pharmaceutical industry that has spent $4.7 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions over the past 20 years, an average of almost $250 million per year. And just last week, they launched another seven-figure ad buy against provisions that would save taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and lower the cost of drugs by 50 percent by having Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices — savings that will be used to cover the dental care, hearing aids and eyeglasses seniors desperately need — an idea that a recent Kaiser poll found enjoys the support of almost 90 percent of the American people. Now I get that the pharmaceutical industry owns the Republican Party and that no Republican will vote for this legislation, but there is no excuse for Democrats not supporting it.

          We are taking on a fossil fuel industry that, between 2000 and 2016, spent more than $2 billion lobbying against legislation to protect our planet from climate change, and has only ramped up the pace of their efforts since then. They too recently launched a major advertising effort against the bill that would finally take on the threat of climate change by transforming our energy systems away from fossil fuels and toward energy efficiency and sustainable energy — while creating good-paying jobs for working people and young people.

          We are taking on business lobbyists that have described our bill as an “existential threat” because at a time when the gap between the rich and everyone else is growing wider, when two people own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent, and when some of the wealthiest people and biggest businesses pay nothing in federal income taxes, we are asking the billionaire class and large profitable corporations to finally pay their fair share in taxes.

          That, and more, is what we are up against. In this legislation we are taking on the entire American ruling class who will do everything they can to protect their wealth and power.

          This fight will not be easy.

          Money dominates almost everything that goes on in Congress.

          Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the coal and oil companies, the health care industry, agribusiness and the rest of corporate America spend billions every year not just on campaign contributions, but also on lobbying. And they get what they pay for: the desires of the rich and powerful are well-attended to while the pain of working families is ignored.

          But I believe this time could be different.

          Yes. I believe this time we can overcome the insatiable greed that exists in much of corporate America.

          Yes. I believe we can take on the fossil fuel industry, effectively combat climate change and transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

          Yes. I believe we can take on the pharmaceutical companies and end the international disgrace of being the only country that allows the drug companies to charge whatever they want for prescription drugs, while making sure seniors get the vision, dental, and hearing aids they need.

          Yes. I believe we can take on the billionaire class, finally make them start paying their fair share of taxes, and tell them, “No, you can’t have it all. You can’t continue to have huge tax breaks while children go hungry, while people can’t afford medicine, while seniors can’t chew their food, while our planet burns.”

          No. We will not be able to accomplish any of these goals through this Reconciliation Bill if we look at this process as a spectator sport, assuming others — especially those in Congress — will do it for us without your participation.

          They won’t.

          The future is in your hands. So make your voice heard — help me tell my colleagues that yes, people are tuned into this reconciliation debate, and want action:

          Please add your name to tell Congress it is time to prioritize the needs of people who don’t know how to manipulate the system like the billionaire class of this country and pass the $3.5 trillion compromise Reconciliation Bill that will finally address the real pain of people in this country while saving our planet for future generations.

          Humanity is at a crossroads. We can either continue down the current path of greed, consumerism, oligarchy, war, racism, and environmental degradation. Or we can lead the world in moving in a very different direction.

          The choice is ours.

          In solidarity,

          Bernie Sanders

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