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Showing posts with label LOUIS DEJOY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOUIS DEJOY. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Katie Porter decimates Louis DeJoy's tenure as postmaster in just 90 seconds


On Monday, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) posted a blistering takedown of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, highlighting the rapid decline in service at USPS on his watch.
Specifically, Porter grilled a witness about a recent audit showing the deterioration of delivery times under DeJoy's tenure.

On Monday, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) posted a blistering takedown of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, highlighting the rapid decline in service at USPS on his watch.

Specifically, Porter grilled a witness about a recent audit showing the deterioration of delivery times under DeJoy's tenure.

"The audit found that by the spring of 2020, mail delivery was right around 92 percent — that is 92 percent of the mail got there within the standard of on time," said Porter in a hearing, holding up a whiteboard displaying the data. "That dropped to 80 percent by the fall of 2020, and by January of 2021 was hovering around 61 percent. I realize this has gone up somewhat since then, but I wanted to ask you, when did Mr. DeJoy take over as postmaster? Do you know?"

"The summer of 2020," said the witness.

"The summer of 2020," repeated Porter. "So June of 2020. And what happened after he took over? Did the rate of on-time mail delivery go up or down?"

"Went down," said the witness.

"I'm a professor, and I used to do a lot of grading," said Porter. "And 92 is considered widely like an A-minus, 80 is considered hanging on, hanging on to the lowest possible B. 60 percent is at best a D-minus. The Postal Service delivers 48 percent of the world's mail. It is an institution, it is a civic treasure. And we let it get all the way, what you found, is we let it get all the way down to that D-minus level."

DeJoy cannot be fired directly by President Joe Biden, as he serves at the pleasure of the USPS Board of Governors. Since taking office, Biden has appointed several new governors, but Democrats still don't have a practical majority because one of the nominally Democratic appointees, Ron Bloom, is a Trump appointee and supporter of DeJoy. Biden will have more appointments open up in the new year.

Watch below:

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Biden SLAMS door on Trump's insurrection cover-up


Today's Top Stories:

Biden refuses to assert privilege over Trump documents sought by January 6 committee

The disgraced ex-president will soon find his dirty laundry on full display.

Right wing appeals court puts temporary hold on judge's order blocking Texas 6-week abortion ban
Republican judges are trampling constitutional rights in a quest to control women's bodies.

Kyrsten Sinema pulls DISGUSTING stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

20 state attorneys general sue USPS over Louis DeJoy's mail slowdown
Trump's Postmaster General is inhibiting mail delivery, which is a crime.

Trump caught making fraudulent disclosures about DC hotel
At this point it would be shocking if he'd been honest on a disclosure.

House committee probing Jan. 6 weighs criminal contempt referral for Steve Bannon over subpoena refusal
Trump's top white supremacist could soon find himself locked up.

Ted Cruz said these Democratic mayors support 'abolishing the police.' His office wouldn't provide any evidence
Donald Trump called him "lyin' Ted" because even a broken clock...

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthrone, and Lauren Boebert's extremism costing them support from their voters

United Rural Democrats: New extremists in Congress are taking their districts for granted while delivering nothing for them. United Rural Democrats are organizing on the ground to shock Republicans by winning back Middle America. But they need your help!

Trump calls GOP Sen. Ben Sasse "loser," "sleazebag," "quiet little boy"
For the disgraced ex-president, a friend is just an enemy he hasn't made yet.

Many Jan. 6 rally organizers poised to comply with committee, top Trump aides expected to rebuff
Gonna make the insurrection reunions awkward.

Jobs report disappoints but wages are on the rise
America's economy is broken for the majority of families, and it's time for a change.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. refuses to resign after calling LGBTQ community "filth"
Republicans sure seem to hate a lot of people.


Yes. Seriously.


Trump misled public about Washington hotel finances, House panel says

The House Oversight and Reform Committee obtained documents from the General Services Administration, which leased the Old Post Office building to Trump for his hotel.
A view of the Trump hotel for our story on conflict of interest in the new Trump administration, in Washington, DC.
Pedestrians pass the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., in 2016.Bill O'Leary / The Washington Post via Getty Images file

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump provided “misleading information about the financial situation” of his hotel in Washington while he was in office, according to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

The committee, which recently obtained documents from the General Services Administration, found that Trump reported his hotel in downtown D.C. brought in $150 million in income while he served in the White House, but the hotel actually incurred more than $70 million in losses.

“By filing these misleading public disclosures, President Trump grossly exaggerated the financial health of the Trump Hotel,” the committee said Friday in a news release.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Trump Organization called the committee's assertions "intentionally misleading, irresponsible and unequivocally false" and said the former president's company had rescued a "crumbling asset which was costing American taxpayers millions of dollars each year."

"Simply stated, this report is nothing more than continued political harassment in a desperate attempt to mislead the American public and defame Trump in pursuit of their own agenda," the spokesperson added.

When Trump first applied to lease the Old Post Office Building in 2011 for his hotel, he also provided the federal government with information that the committee said “appeared to conceal certain debts.” Records show Trump specifically didn’t show outstanding balances for properties he owned in other major cities like New York, Chicago and Las Vegas, the panel said.

The committee also said the newly obtained documents show that from 2017 through 2020, the Trump International Hotel in D.C. received about $3.7 million in payments from foreign governments, which it said raises “concerns about possible violations of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.”

While he served in the White House, Trump also received “a significant financial benefit” from Deutsche Bank that allowed him to postpone making payments on the $170 million loan for the hotel, the committee said.

“Mr. Trump did not publicly disclose this significant benefit from a foreign bank while he was president,” the committee said.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., chairwoman of the committee, said Friday that her panel will continue to pursue its probe of Trump’s lease of the property. The committee has been investigating the issue since Trump was in office.

“For too long, the president has used his complex network of business holdings to hide the truth about his finances,” Maloney said. “The committee will continue to vigorously pursue its investigation until the full truth comes to light so that Congress can address the unresolved ethics crisis left by Trump and prevent future presidents from profiting off of the presidency.”


Friday, October 1, 2021

Biden strikes back against Texas abortion ban


Today’s Action: Ending the federal prohibition on cannabis? Not possible with the filibuster in place!

Merck seeks emergency approval for pill that cuts COVID deaths in half

Today's Top Stories:

Biden takes Texas to court over abortion ban

The president is arguing that District Judge Robert Pitman should halt Republicans' draconian law and restore women's choice over their own bodies.

Take Action: Repeal the horrific Texas abortion ban NOW!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Kyrsten Sinema sinks herself with disgusting comment

The backstabbing Senator made clear she doesn't care what the people want.

Texas’ abortion ban suddenly set to BACKFIRE on Republicans

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Wow.

Pelosi delays vote on trillion-dollar infrastructure bill after hours of negotiations
Democrats need to strike an agreement on separate, much larger social safety net and climate legislation before progressives will join the vote.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to cancel Trump's deadly Line 3 oil pipeline!

Biden signs bill to avert government shutdown, funds government through Dec. 3
Congress passed the bill earlier in the day and the president signed it into law shortly after, with less than five hours to spare.

Alex Jones found liable in two Sandy Hook conspiracy theory lawsuits


Joe Manchin, America’s climate decider-in-chief, is a coal baron
The idea of eliminating fossil fuels is "very, very disturbing", Manchin said in July when specifics of Biden’s climate agenda surfaced.

America's race crisis through the lens of one man and his dog

American Refugee: A black man walks his pit bull through a white neighborhood. What could go wrong? LISTEN.

Alabama governor defends plan to use relief funds to build prisons
She was given money to help her constituents and is using it to lock them up.

Fact check: Did the Marine who Trump brought on stage at rally actually hoist a baby over a wall at Kabul airport?
We'll give you one hint, the answer rhymes with low!

Louis DeJoy to slow down some mail delivery starting today
Reminder: it is a crime to inhibit delivery of the mail, so the actions of Trump's USPS chief are criminal.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw fined $5,000 for skirting house metal detector
Republicans tasked with making laws think they're above it.

Take Action: Tell Congress to expel Madison Cawthorn!



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Ending the federal prohibition on cannabis? Not possible with the filibuster in place!

Crucial legislation is still being stopped before it even has a chance to be debated by Mitch McConnell’s minority veto (AKA the filibuster), and it’s putting legislation that could dramatically change the lives of millions of Americans — including the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, which is still building up support. 

The bill would legalize cannabis at a federal level and help regulate it, which is a huge step in granting freedom to nonviolent offenders, ending the war on drugs, and relieving capacity in the prison system. It doesn’t make sense for someone in California or Illinois to be in possession of a significant amount of THC legally, while someone with that same amount of substance in another state could be imprisoned.

We can’t fix any of it with the filibuster in place.

Call (202.224.3121) or write your senators and call for an end to the filibuster and their support of Schumer’s Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act! 

Legalizing marijuana doesn’t just help those incarcerated for possession – it helps those ‘merely’ arrested or convicted for possession as well, which can lead to lost employment, ineligibility for public housing, suspended drivers licenses, and restrictions on student loans.

And the racial disparities in marijuana-related arrests are well-known; a black person is anywhere from four (national average) to fifteen times (in certain areas) more likely to be jailed than a white person in our country. The filibuster has been historically used to uphold racist Jim Crow laws, so it’s not surprising it’s still being used to deepen racial disparities today.

We’re long overdue for a national overhaul of marijuana laws, if only for how our government and police forces have weaponized it, targeting our most vulnerable and oppressed communities. 

Call (202.224.3121) or write your senators to tell them to eliminate the filibuster and co-sponsor the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition for a primary challenge to Kyrsten Sinema, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Trump's spokesperson trashes him in disturbing detail


Today’s Action: Women’s Health Protection Act? Not with the filibuster in place.

Today's Top Stories:

Trump's former press secretary releases damning book on her time in White House

Stephanie Grisham reveals her former boss to be a petty, thin-skinned misogynist who talked to her about his penis. So yeah, no surprises.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Virginia's Republican governor candidate sinks himself making a self-sabotaging claim on camera

Glenn Youngkin admitted that if he wins in November, he'll endanger the lives of the very people who vote for him. Odd strategy.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to cancel Trump's deadly Line 3 oil pipeline!

Texas’ abortion ban suddenly set to BACKFIRE on Republicans

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Wow.

Generals testify on Capitol Hill about Afghanistan withdrawal
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said that had the US military remained in Afghanistan past the Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline date, Americans would have been exposed to substantial risk.

Mail delivery is about to get permanently slower and pricier for the holidays, following changes by Louis DeJoy
Trump's corrupt postmaster general continues to use his position to cause hardship for the American public.

Trump plans to sue to keep White House records on Capitol attack secret
The disgraced former president will ask the courts for help covering up his crimes.

Mitch McConnell blocks Democrats' attempt to raise the debt ceiling on their own, pushing the country closer to a default
The federal government is now on the verge of both defaulting on its debt and shutting down.

Take Action: Tell Congress to prioritize families and pass President Biden's historic Build Back Better Act AS IS!

Democrat Veronica Escobar is holding Texas Republicans accountable

Veronica Escobar: During a devastating power outage, Ted Cruz jetted off to Cancun. Now, with a pandemic surging, Texas Republicans are focused on passing draconian abortion bans, suppressing minority voters, and demonizing immigrants. Luckily Veronica Escobar, the Democratic congresswoman from the border, isn't letting them get away with it!

January 6 rioter who said she looked for Pelosi "to shoot her in the friggin' brain" pleads guilty to misdemeanor for illegally protesting
The Justice Department declined to charge Bancroft with threatening Pelosi because he uttered the comment while she was exiting the Capitol, which lawyers say makes it harder to prove the threat was serious.

Capitol Police chief sees rising threats from Republican extremists
Trump supporters continue to be among the greatests threats to public safety.

Take Action: Tell Facebook to end its algorithm that spreads disinformation NOW!

DeSantis orders Florida agencies to not assist Biden's immigration efforts
The Republican governor is picking a fight with the president to score political points with no regard for impact on people's lives.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to take action against DeSantis for his reckless pandemic response!

Arizona audit backers turn on each other after recount flop
The audit report landed with a thud on Friday, only proving, if anything, that Joe Biden won Arizona by more votes than previously realized.


What in the world?

Common sense...


Today’s Action: Women’s Health Protection Act? Not with the filibuster in place.

It’s been weeks since the Supreme Court allowed Texas to criminalize abortion, and the American people are still waiting for federal measures to protect abortion seekers. Abortions are still ostensibly protected by the Constitution as decided in Roe v Wade, and yet those who seek or provide the important health care service can still be threatened with retaliation and unjust obstacles.

Even this past week Governor Greg Abbott has said he will not even look at a bill that would provide exceptions for rape and incest in the heartbeat bill. It’s clear that today’s Republican Party is devoid of humanity for women, and we urgently need our leaders to band together and codify the freedoms guaranteed by Roe v Wade.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your Senators to demand an end to the filibuster, and the passage of federal abortion protections immediately through the Women’s Health Protection Act!

The House recently passed a sweeping health bill that addresses the attacks on abortion care by state officials. It would protect national abortion access without medically unnecessary and, frankly, cruel restrictions such as waiting periods, mandatory ultrasounds, and biased counseling. It would confirm the right to abortion for healthcare providers, requiring them to provide that care. 

But none of that can pass with the filibuster in place. We need everyone calling and writing their Senators, demanding an end to the archaic filibuster and a resumption of their legislative obligations.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your Senators and tell them to end the filibuster and pass the WHPA, before the Supreme Court and state governments further gut a woman’s right to choose! 

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition to demand private companies implement vaccine mandates, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...