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Showing posts with label ISLAM. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

CC Newsletter 21 Dec - Time for a Climate Insurgency?


Dear Friend,

Since our annual fundraising appeal went out three weeks ago, we've raised about 60% of the funds needed to continue our operations for another year. However, we've a long way to go to meet our target. We need a lot more people to come forward to support our work. Kindly support CC. You can do so here

Today, we can see the emergence of climate solidarity all around us. We can see the emergence of new solidarities—self-preservation transformed to common preservation. But our solidarity is still blocked by a world order based on the war of all against all. One way to overcome our thrust to mutual destruction could be to transform the global climate movement into a global climate insurgency.

If you think the contents of this news letter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one
family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Time for a Climate Insurgency?
by Jeremy Brecher

Today, we can see the emergence of climate solidarity all around us. We can see the emergence of new solidarities—self-preservation transformed to common preservation. But our solidarity is still blocked by a world order based on the war of all against all. One way to overcome our thrust to mutual destruction could be to transform the global climate movement into a global climate insurgency.

Joe Biden presidency on the skids. World must take note.
by M K Bhadrakumar

American politics took a dramatic turn on Sunday with the announcement by the West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin that he “cannot vote” for
the Build Back Better Act, President Joe Biden’s signature $2.2 trillion bill to overhaul the country’s health care, education, climate, immigration and tax laws.    This deals a potentially insurmountable political blow to the core of Biden’s economic agenda on which the fate of his entire presidency is heavily predicated

Gabriel Boric, Speech as President-elect
by Gabriel Boric

We publish here in full the speech with which Gabriel Boric Font thanks the people of Chile for the enormous vote received, which makes him the youngest President the country has ever had in its history.

Again Police Repression in Dhinkia
Press Release

Around 2pm on 20th Dec, 2021, the villagers of Dhinkia made a massive demonstration against the state and police repression at Mahala village border. Suddenly police forces entered Dhinkia village
from back side and started thrashing and beating people. Some villagers sustained severe injuries. The police have arbitrarily arrested two persons Mr. Ajodhya Swain and Ms. Milirani Swain without any reason. Those who sustained injuries include Natha Samal, Prakash Jena,Bhramar Das and Lokanath Swain.

The Nazi Language of German Anti-Vaxxers
by Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young

In Germany, conspiracy myths linked to the Coronavirus pandemic are spreading particularly well in the former East-Germany state of Saxony. Not by accident, Saxony remains a stronghold of Germany’s Neo-Nazi party, the Alternative for Germany or AfD. In 2021, believers in conspiracy myths are getting a lot more attention with their numbers decreasing compared to the year 2020. Yet, there are huge regional differences inside Germany.

Kurosawa’s Ikiru and the current spate of resignation among professionals
by T Vijayendra

Like our hero, Kanji Watanabe, in the film people at first are confused as to what to do. Like him many want become reckless consumerists. On line work also helps people to have combine holidays and work. Hence in spite of the pandemic and travel restrictions people are mindlessly going on holidays and partying. And like him they are slowly finding out that this is no solution.

Subject Surveillance to Democratic Norms and Full Transparency
by Venkatesh Narayanan and Sandeep Pandey

The free speech has to be protected from due-process-free government intrusion. Dragnet surveillance has to be opposed. The use of surveillance technology on any resident by any government authority should pass through case-by-case judicial oversight  – securing a magistrate’s warrant every
time before deploying to use – no exceptions. Aggregate numbers under surveillance should be available periodically as parliamentary reports.

Matters of faith and religion
by T Navin

Religion and matters of faith have limitations in universalizing human values and establishing a society built on it. Sometimes it also serves the rich and powerful in society. The belief in ‘god’ who will take care of those suffering in this world or in the other world after death prevents actions to change the structural conditions which lead to suffering.

Declaration from 2nd National Conference of All India Union of Forest Working People
Press Release

We reaffirm our belief in the unity of the working classes, oppressed castes, minority communities, struggles for human rights and justice movements
against fascism, communalism, war, feudalism, patriarchy, casteism and all forms of capitalism and imperial hegemony. We continue to be committed to work together to build broader alliance of all progressive people’s struggles.

Disempowering Beauty Pageants
by Shantanu Dutta

Even in competitions where personality, charity or skill are taken into account, these qualities remain only secondary to physical beauty. Moreover, any charitable work or other achievements that might result from beauty contests could have easily happened without them. despite this supposed evolution, beauty pageants do not belong in a world where feminist ideals are gaining greater acceptance; where women are assuming more positions of power; and where the idea that people are worth more than their looks is finally being normalised.

A routine wrong & 2 Constitutional amendments
by Dr Madabhushi Sridhar

The States are primarily responsible for the welfare of the residents in their limits. The 105th Constitution Amendment that has been notified on August 19, 2021 aims at giving States back their authority to specify socially and educationally backward classes (OBCs).

How Did Islam Reach the Subcontinent: Through Socialization or Coercion?
by Dr Abdul Ahad

How did Islam reach the Subcontinent: through Socialization or Coercion; Trade or Invasion? It is a very important question which has a direct bearing on the social ecology in which people live their lives nowadays. It requires a fair and satisfactory answer to clear the doubts that have crept into the minds of many people owing to their not so clear understanding of Islam’s arrival in the Subcontinent.

Egg in mid-day meals- Resistance
is against child rights
Press Release

On November 23 2021, in the context of serious malnutrition, the Government of Karnataka announced that eggs would be provided three days a week as part of the mid-day meal scheme, to students in seven districts, namely, Bidar, Raichur, Kalaburagi, Yadgir, Koppal, Ballari and Vijayapura. This move was welcomed by activists and nutritionists who also insisted that eggs be extended to 5 days of the week and in all districts of the state. But certain groups have objected to this in the name of vegetarianism

Monday, August 30, 2021

CC News Letter 27 August - Terrorist strikes in Kabul: A political windfall for Taliban


Dear Friend,

The horrific terrorist strikes in Kabul on Thursday which killed at least 12 US servicemen and dozens of civilians will lead to a higher level of cooperation between the US and the Taliban. The commander of CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie disclosed to journalists on Thursday that the US was already sharing information on terror threats in Afghanistan with Taliban. As he put it, “We share versions of this information with the Taliban so that they actually make searches… We think they’ve thwarted some.”

Kindly support honest journalism to survive.

If you think the contents of this news letter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Terror bombs, gunfire kill at least 72 in Afghanistan capital
by Patrick Martin

In what the US military described as a “complex attack,” several terrorists attacked a screening checkpoint at a gate into the Kabul airport and a nearby hotel on Thursday, inflicting a horrific toll of death and destruction. Unnamed Afghan health officials told the media that at least 60 Afghan citizens were killed and another 140 wounded. The Pentagon said that 12 US Marines were killed and 15 wounded. Many of the wounded civilians and soldiers were in critical condition and the death toll could rise significantly.

Terrorist strikes in Kabul: A political windfall for Taliban
by M K Bhadrakumar

The horrific terrorist strikes in Kabul on Thursday which killed at least 12 US
servicemen and dozens of civilians will lead to a higher level of cooperation between the US and the Taliban. The commander of CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie disclosed to journalists on Thursday that the US was already sharing information on terror threats in Afghanistan with Taliban. As he put it, “We share versions of this information with the Taliban so that they actually make searches… We think they’ve thwarted some.”

New Taliban, New Afghanistan?
by M Adil Khan

The fall of the US/NATO/Afghan Puppet Army in Afghanistan has turned all military calculus upside down – world’s mightiest have been defeated by the world’s smallest, a jungle army, the new Taliban!

The Neocons Speak: Afghanistan as Political Real Estate
by Dr Binoy Kampmark

When the tears dry, it is worth considering why there is so much
upset about the fall of Kabul (or reconquest) by the Taliban and the messy withdrawal of US-led forces.  A large shield is employed: women, rights of the subject, education.  Remove the shield, and we are left with a simple equation of power gone wrong in the name of paternalistic warmongering.

Two Decades After  Assassination, the Lion of Panjshir Continues to Inspire Resistance
by Bharat Dogra

Just two days before the horrible 9/11 attack on the USA, on September 9  2001, another extremely tragic attack took place in  far-away Afghanistan which resulted in the assassination of rebel commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the fabled Lion of Panjshir.

Quad meets the “Saigon moment”
by M K Bhadrakumar

The regional tour of Southeast Asia by the US Vice-President Kamala Harris got inundated with
the tsunami of criticism over the United States’ frantic efforts to complete the evacuation out of Kabul Airport by the month-end. Again, Israel being a hugely attractive topic in US news cycles, Harris’ visit to Singapore and Vietnam may get marginalised with the arrival of the new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in Washington later today.

Genesis of Right Wing Islamic Activism
by Syed Ehtisham

The US believed that Muslims between Greece and China, ‘The Arc of Islam’ would function as fire wall against the USSR, and might even incite the restive Muslims inside the USSR to open rebellion. The U.S. and other Western countries and Israel have in turn befriended, manipulated, double crossed and cynically used the Mujahideen as cold war allies. After the USSR withdrew from Afghanistan, they disdainfully ditched the fighters and must accept a major share of responsibility for the emergence
of Islamist ‘terrorism’.

Phony War/ Phony Empire
by Philip A Farruggio

Well, you can see on the literally thousands of clips showing the chaos in Afghanistan… as if it only wasn’t always like this. Twenty years ago the Junior Bush Cabal , as I label them, decided to listen to their empire handlers and create a Phony War in Afghanistan and then another one in Iraq

Bangla Sanskriti Manch: Spreading solidarity in Covid times
by Amit Sengupta

The pre and post-Covid era in contemporary Bengal has resurrected several civil society groups who have pushed the threshold in crafting a new secular and progressive discourse, while reaching out to people in crisis and resurrecting old-fashioned values of human compassion, shared spaces, and idealism. Among such groups, the sustained and committed grassroots endevour of the
Bangla Sanskriti Manch has been remarkable.

Voices from the Covid Battlefield –  Episode Five
by Dr J Amalorpavanathan

Here we talk to Dr J Amalorpavanathan, a senior vascular surgeon, champion of public health and currently member of the Tamil Nadu State Development Policy Council. He was also the Convenor of Tamil Nadu’s highly successful Cadaver Transplant Program.

Farm Laws and the Farmers Protest – A discussion
by Colin Todhunter

A discussion hosted by the World Sikh Parliament network and run on KTV – a UK-based satellite TV channel for the Sikh diaspora

In India, the number of women farmers is steadily declining and the number of women agricultural laborers is increasing.
by Vikas Parashram Meshram

At present, there is a discussion of farmers’ movement all over the country.    The Supreme Court has constituted a four-member committee.  However, one of the members withdrew his name.  During the hearing of the case, the apex court directed the farmers’ lawyer A.P.    Singh said that women, children and old men of the movement should be sent home.  The women farmers who have joined the agitation are outraged.  They say that women work harder in the fields than men, so why should we leave the movement and go home?  We do 73 per cent of the agricultural work – sowing seeds, weeding, etc. – so we will not go anywhere from the place of agitation.

Samar Sen Gave Indian Revolutionary Journalism A New Dimension
by Harsh Thakor

On 23rd August, we commemorated the 34th  death anniversary of Samar Sen, one of the most creative and dynamic persons in Indian history. The founding of Journal ‘Frontier’ in 1968 on April 14th , marked a new epoch in the history of progressive or revolutionary democratic journalism in India and worldwide.

Govt of India’s decision to import GM soymeal into India patently illegal
Press Release

The Coalition for a GM-Free India, a civil society platform that had been in the forefront of struggles against hazardous gene technologies being deployed in India, has termed the decision of Government of India to import GM soymeal as patently illegal.

Hate — impact on daily life
by Sheshu Babu

Almost every day one or more news on humiliation or oppression of minorities is heard, especially muslims are
at the receiving end most of the time. They are not even being allowed to eek out a living by continuing petty and small business.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...