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Friday, November 5, 2021

Jeffrey Toobin: Rudy Giuliani’s Leaked Election-Fraud Deposition May Be ‘Disastrous’ for Fox News (Video)


Jeffrey Toobin: Rudy Giuliani’s Leaked Election-Fraud Deposition May Be ‘Disastrous’ for Fox News (Video)

And former NYC mayor is “on the hook for millions of dollars” in libel case, attorney and CNN contributor says
 | November 5, 2021

CNN has been having a field day with Rudy Giuliani's deposition video cross-examining his claims of election tampering evidence, which included a purported trip in 2013/2014 by the heads of voting-systems companies Dominion and Smartmatic USA to Venezuela to participate in a "vote-fixing" meeting.

In the deposition, Giuliani said he was given that anecdotal -- and since debunked -- evidence about election fraud, a conspiracy theory that he reported during a press conference but never attempted to personally verify. The idea was to push the (conspiracy) theory that the 2020 U.S. presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump.

The press conference in question -- and thus, Giuliani's claims -- was covered by several conservative news outlets, including Fox News

Giuliani's public and false accusation has led to numerous libel lawsuits: Dominion sued Giuliani for $1.3 billion dollars and Fox News for $1.6 billion. Smartmatic USA sued Fox News for $2.7 billion.

Fox News has filed to dismiss both lawsuits, at the time telling TheWrap: “Fox News Media is proud of our 2020 election coverage, which stands in the highest tradition of American journalism, and will vigorously defend against this baseless lawsuit in court.”

"Before the press conference, I was told about it," Giuliani said of the Venezuela hearsay (and we're being generous in using that term) in the deposition. "Sometimes I go and look myself online when stuff comes up. This time I didn't have time to do it. It's not my job in a fast-moving case to go out and investigate every piece of evidence that is given to me."

"From America's Mayor to Trump's Stooge," Chris Cuomo said of Giuliani on his Thursday night program, which re-aired the deposition video.

Attorney and CNN contributor Jeffrey Toobin also reveled in Giuliani's floundering.

"In order to win a libel case like this, the plaintiffs have to show what's called 'reckless disregard for the truth,'" Toobin said. "That deposition to me looks like the definition of reckless disregard for the truth. The idea that you will go out in public and damage the reputation -- as Giuliani clearly did -- of these companies, without any sort of checking, without any sort of concern for whether what you're saying is true, seems to me, clearly libelous."

Toobin said he believes Giuliani is now "on the hook for millions of dollars."

"I think these libel cases will be disastrous for him, and they may as well be disastrous for the media outlets, including Fox News, that put it on uncritically," Toobin said.

Watch the video above. Toobin's turn comes around the 5-minute mark.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Democrats score MAJOR election victory


Today's Top Stories:

Democrat Phil Murphy wins reelection as Governor of New Jersey

Murphy is the first Democrat in 40 years to win a gubernatorial reelection in the state.

Here's what went wrong in the Virginia election

Brian Tyler Cohen breaks down the disappointing results for Democrats.

Republicans try to set TRAP for Democrats over Biden's new bill

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Disgraceful.

Speaker Pelosi adds paid family and medical leave back into spending bill
In a major shift, the House Speaker announced that four weeks of paid family and medical leave will be added back into the social spending bill, after Democrats had previously scrapped the provision from the package.

At least 8 Republicans who attended the Jan. 6 rally right before the insurrection won their elections
Some voters used their sacred right to vote to endorse a violent attack on American democracy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert deliver veiled threat to a deputy warden at Jan. 6th jail

The two far-right representatives reached for the nuclear option when their PR stunt backfired and they were denied access to the facility.

Voting machine company sues Newsmax and OAN for spreading lies about them stealing the election
Voting technology company Smartmatic sued the right-wing networks, saying they must be held accountable for spreading lies that their tech rigged the election against then-President Donald Trump.

Biden urges parents to vaccinate their 5 to 11-year-old children
The president called the CDC's authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for kids in the new age demographic "a giant step forward to further accelerate our path out of this pandemic."

Senate Republicans block John Lewis voting rights bill
At this point, the GOP cannot possibly make it any more obvious that they simply do not believe in the idea of democracy.

Twitter suspends Newsmax White House reporter who said vaccines contain Satanic tracking devices
Emerald Robinson's conspiratorial tweet about COVID-19 went viral and ended in the social media website temporarily blocking her access to her account.

Iran nuclear talks to resume November 29 after five months
The Biden administrations is striving to undo the near incalculable diplomatic damage done when Trump unilaterally pulled out of Obama's historic Iran deal.



Yes. Seriously.


POLITICO NIGHTLY: Covid didn’t vote


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With help from Tyler Weyant

People stand under a tent at a COVID-19 testing station in New York City.

People stand under a tent at a COVID-19 testing station in New York City. | Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

REPLY HAZY — A conversation between POLITICO’s former health editor Joanne Kenen and deputy health care editor Lauren Morello:

So Lauren, Virginia and New Jersey told us that voters don’t like Covid. Does Covid care?

Not at all, Joanne. I’m as tired of Covid as anyone, but the virus will keep doing its thing whether or not we acknowledge its presence or act to limit the threat. Many scientists think the virus will become endemic — that even after the pandemic ends, the SARS-CoV-2 virus will still circulate at some level. So we have to find a way to live with it.

Both of us have been worriers — one of the burdens of being a health reporter is we understood early on how bad this could get, although it’s been worse than even most of us worriers expected. But it’s really hard to figure out where things are now, particularly with the holidays coming. Overall cases and deaths are dropping — but we’ve been here before.

Yep. Holidays are a wild card — so many people travel for Thanksgiving, and then there’s Christmas, Hanukkah, school winter breaks. We saw cases surge last year because of all that mixing over the holidays. I think we’ll see some kind of bump this year, too, but I’m hoping it won’t be as bad because vaccines are widely available now. As of last night, everyone down to 5 years old is eligible.

How big a turning point is the vaccination eligibility for 5-11? A lot of parents have been so eager for this moment — but others, including some who are vaccinated themselves, are nervous. They want to wait until there’s more data.

The hesitancy among parents follows a familiar pattern: Vaccine hesitancy peaks before a group is eligible for the shot, then decreases over time. I think we’ll see that here — but the decline may be slower than with teens or adults. Many parents have absorbed the idea that Covid is less of a threat to kids. But as the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel made clear Tuesday, that’s all relative. An analysis by CDC staff estimates that Covid has caused far more deaths per year in the pre-teen kids than other familiar childhood illnesses like chickenpox, rotavirus and rubella did before we had vaccines for them.

The bottom line is that individual kids will benefit — and every little bit of vaccination helps the country’s chances of beating down this virus. Twenty-eight million kids are now able to get the vaccine.

So if all 28 million got vaccinated — which of course won't happen — it would make schools a lot safer and less stressful, and kids wouldn’t be spreading the virus to older people as much, either. But even with a lower number of kids getting vaccinated, it should be another way of making the virus more manageable, right? Also, I saw someone on Twitter talking about this, I forgot who but someone in public health — slumber parties could come back! (Though I think I’d require rapid tests along with the sleeping bags.) Luckily my kids are way, way, way beyond that stage. Slumber parties were exhausting.

Definitely. We need to use all the tools we have — especially vaccines, and at least for now, indoor masks. But then — bring on the pillow fights.

Let’s go back to that point you made about the coronavirus being endemic. That’s a scary word to people. It conjures up a permanent pandemic and all the bad stuff we’ve been living with, physically, economically, emotionally. But endemic means it’s here to stay. It doesn’t mean it’s peak pandemic now and forever, right? It doesn’t mean no slumber parties ever ever ever?

Nope. It means the virus will still be here, still infecting people, but at lower levels. There are a lot of questions still about what that looks like. If the virus behaves like measles, some countries might be able to vaccinate it away while other countries still get outbreaks. If the vaccines keep protecting us over the long term, infections might become milder. For most people, they’d be more of a nuisance than a danger.

But for now, even as things seem to be looking better, we’ll still have outbreaks. Colorado’s having one right now. And to control outbreaks, we’ll need to get better at testing, at surveillance, at springing into action to prevent further spread. But what about drugs? We expect the FDA to consider Merck’s new drug molnupiravir — I’m never going to learn to spell that without looking it up. And if that one works, we could have other drugs soon, as good or better.

Should we tell Nightly readers I just had to fix your spelling? One O, one U. Molnupiravir. Say that five times fast. The name comes from Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer. It’s a pill designed to be taken at home, twice a day for five days, started within five days of symptoms. In trials, it cut the risk of severe illness and death in half. It looks really, really good, and it could be authorized as early as December, which would give us another layer of protection.

We’re going to need drugs to dig our way out of this. Some people will never get vaccinated, but they’ll catch the virus. A small slice of vaccinated people will get significant breakthrough infections. And this coronavirus still might have pandemic potential — just like we worry about a pandemic from some of the nastier flu viruses. The frustrating thing is that we’ll really only figure this out with time. That’s one of the worst parts about Covid still — the uncertainty.

Welcome to POLITICO Nightly. Reach out with news, tips and ideas at Or contact tonight’s author at and, or on Twitter at @lmorello_dc and @joannekenen.


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— Pentagon predicts 5x increase in China’s nuclear weapons over next 10 years: A new Pentagon estimate says China will likely have “at least” 1,000 deliverable nuclear warheads by 2030 , a massive expansion in the size of Beijing’s stockpile. The U.S. estimated that the country’s atomic arsenal consisted of about 200 warheads just last year. The new assessment of China’s nuclear threat is highlighted in the annual China Military Power report released today, and comes amid fresh warnings of Beijing’s intentions toward Taiwan and new tests of nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles.

— Supreme Court appears likely to void New York’s gun-permit law: The Supreme Court appears inclined to wipe out a series of gun-control measures that require firearm owners to show a particular, unusual need to get a permit to carry a gun outside the home. During arguments today on New York state’s strict gun laws, the court’s conservative majority signaled that it is likely to rule that the constitutional right to keep and bear arms precludes states from insisting that individuals show “proper cause” before being licensed to carry a firearm for self-defense.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell | Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

— Fed to begin pulling plug on massive aid to economy: The Federal Reserve said today it will begin to slow its massive bond purchases later this month , the first step in removing its extraordinary pandemic-era support for the economy. The long-awaited move signals both optimism about the pace of job growth and wariness about price surges that have pushed inflation up to its highest level in decades. The central bank has been buying $120 billion a month in U.S. government debt and mortgage-backed securities, a process designed to supercharge its efforts to keep borrowing costs low for households and businesses.

— Voting machine company sues One America News over 2020 election claims: The voting machine company Smartmatic filed a lawsuit today against One America News Network, accusing the far-right cable channel of libeling and slandering the firm during coverage of the 2020 election. Smartmatic, along with competitor Dominion Voting Systems, became the object of intense fixation — and a number of conspiracy theories — by former President Donald Trump and his allies, who falsely alleged that the companies’ products were used to rig the presidential election for then-candidate Biden.


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SCHOOLED — Though it appears issues surrounding schools were a factor in Glenn Youngkin’s victory in the Virginia governor’s race, the results could also prove influential in how school boards across the country act and are filled. To learn more, Nightly’s Tyler Weyant chatted over Slack with education editor Delece Smith-Barrow.

Let’s start with the issue we heard a ton about in Virginia: parental involvement in schools. From a practical standpoint in K-12 right now, how involved are parents in setting curricula right now? And do you see possible changes after its apparent resonance in Virginia?

School districts generally establish curricula, but parents can certainly influence how curricula is implemented. Parents can petition their school board about changes, and local parent-teacher associations can plan events that impact learning, such as a fundraiser to raise money for a new school club. And maybe that club wants to focus on social justice. There can be a thin line between curriculum and extracurricular activities.

I think if enough powerful parents advocate for or against a certain class or subject, school districts take notice.

As for Virginia, I think many parents have loudly spoken out about a fear of curriculum that delves into the history of systemic racism, and many have incorrectly called it critical race theory. Glenn Youngkin is seen as a leader of sorts for those parents who are nervous about how history is being taught, which books may be assigned for homework.

I don’t think the basic mechanics of how curriculum is decided will change, though. We’ve long seen powerful, vocal parents sway how school districts and individual schools operate.

Incorrectly used or not, “critical race theory” seems like a phrase we are going to hear in more races around the country. How are schools talking about it at the local level?

Critical race theory is a legal framework that’s usually taught at the graduate level. It’s been co-opted and talked about as something taught in K-12 schools, though there isn’t any concrete proof that it is. “Critical race theory” has become a catch-all term.

A number of lawmakers around the country, as well as parents and education advocates, are determined to eliminate or tamp down discussions about systemic racism that they believe will make white students feel ashamed of their race and heritage. We’re also seeing school board races, which usually fly under the radar, become more high stakes as parents run to stop what they call critical race theory from being taught in schools.

What they’re talking about is a very divisive issue at the national, state and local level. It just depends on how you think history should be taught, how much slavery should be discussed, how the Civil War should be explained, etc.

How did the height of Covid — the shutdown of schools and the introduction of hybrid learning — change how parents think about their local school boards?

Some parents are also running to prevent stricter health protocols for students, such as mask mandates.

Because of Covid, I think more voters are seeing education and health as intertwined. They’ve always been intertwined, because schools have long regulated that you need certain vaccines to attend. But most of us have not had the opportunity to closely watch how a vaccine goes from being tested, then getting emergency authorization, then full authorization, until now.

Covid has made parents hyper aware of what it means to have their children or their children’s teachers vaccinated, and it’s made all of us think about how a school building is more than just a place to learn. It’s a place where people hug, push each other on the swing, crowd around a tablet to play games. As enriching as schools are, they’re also places for germs to spread. And if you’re there for six-plus hours a day, you can’t not focus on the health implications of those environments.


NEVER TEXT — A press leak of a text message sent by French President Emmanuel Macron to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is an “unprecedented new low” in the relationship between the two countries , France’s ambassador in Canberra, Jean-Pierre Thébault, said today.

The move will impact “how to proceed and also in terms of truth and trust,” Thébault said in an indignant speech to Australia’s National Press Club, Pierre-Paul Bermingham writes.

“You don’t behave like this on personal exchanges of leaders,” he added. “Doing so also sends a very worrying signal for all heads of state: ‘Beware, in Australia there will be leaks. And what you say in confidence to your partners will be eventually used and weaponized against you one day.’”

The unusual leak of direct correspondence between two world leaders came on Tuesday, as both countries continue to feud over the cancellation of an Australian order of 12 submarines from French defense contractor Naval Group, with Paris still furious over what it says was a lack of forewarning.


44 months

The longest sentence sought yet by federal prosecutors in a case stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol , for Scott Fairlamb, a former MMA fighter who was filmed punching a police officer in the head after breaching the building.


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy speaks during an election night event at Grand Arcade at the Pavilion in Asbury Park.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy speaks during an election night event at Grand Arcade at the Pavilion in Asbury Park. | Mark Makela/Getty Images

PANIC ON THE PARKWAY — New Jersey Democrats took solace today when the Associated Press declared Gov. Phil Murphy the winner of the election Tuesday over former Assemblymember Jack Ciattarelli.

But, privately, the party has been riven with shock, confusion and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. Democrats hadn’t detected a red undercurrent that propelled little-known legislative candidates to victory over previously well-entrenched Democrats and put Ciattarelli within striking distance of the governor. Their internal polling was dead wrong, Matt Friedman writes.

Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester), the state’s second most powerful elected official, appeared poised to lose reelection to a virtually-unknown and basically unfunded Republican, Ed Durr. Democratic state senators and their allies furiously worked the phones today to position themselves to replace Sweeney, who’s been in charge of the Senate for a record 12 years.

Sweeney’s likely defeat was a source of joy to Republicans as well as progressive Democrats, as he often allied with former Republican Gov. Chris Christie and was a key partner in enacting cuts to public worker benefits.

Joanne Kenen is the Commonwealth Fund journalist-in-residence at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


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Monday, October 4, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Peter Stone | Rudy Giuliani Is (Probably) Screwed



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Rudy Giuliani. (photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
FOCUS: Peter Stone | Rudy Giuliani Is (Probably) Screwed
Peter Stone, New York Magazine
Stone writes: "Has any political figure in recent years fallen farther and harder than Rudy Giuliani?"

Has any political figure in recent years fallen farther and harder than Rudy Giuliani? On the eve of September 11 — the 20th anniversary of the day that catapulted him into national renown — Fox News told him that he had been banned from appearing on the network, likely because Giuliani had helped land Fox in hot water for claiming that two election-technology companies had helped rig the election in favor of Joe Biden. Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic have since filed separate billion-dollar defamation lawsuits against both Fox and Giuliani, who is embroiled in so many costly legal shenanigans these days that he has apparently resorted to selling personalized video greetings over the service Cameo for a few hundred dollars a pop.

On top of that, his law license was suspended in New York and Washington, D.C., after he repeatedly lied to courts and in public statements to help Donald Trump overturn the 2020 election results with baseless charges of widespread fraud. He is reportedly “aghast” that Trump has declined to help him out financially, despite the fact that Giuliani, as Trump’s onetime personal lawyer, had been his fiercest henchman. Giuliani has gotten so desperate that his allies launched a Rudy Giuliani Freedom Fund, replete with an endorsement from tarnished lawyer Alan Dershowitz, that blasts “deep state” forces for Giuliani’s legal morass.

Giuliani is being treated, by all appearances, as a dead man walking. America’s Mayor, as he was once known, has been abandoned by his most powerful friend. He has lost his megaphone at Fox News and is now going around with a begging bowl for money. And at the center of Giuliani’s legal troubles is a web of overlapping federal investigations, including a criminal probe focusing on him personally, which some experts say could force him to yield to prosecutors in a case that may implicate the former president.

“Giuliani is facing a set of challenges unlike anything he’s dealt with before,” Michael Bromwich, a former inspector general at the Justice Department, told me. “The extremely serious criminal investigation that could send him to jail, the civil suits that could bankrupt him, the disbarment proceedings that may well end any opportunity to practice law ever again — it’s a tidal wave of problems with potentially devastating personal and professional consequences.”

Bromwich added, “It’s hard to think of any analogous case where a person who once rode so high — as a prosecutor, a New York mayor, a serious presidential candidate, and an international figure — has been brought so low in so many ways and where the damage has been entirely self-inflicted.”

If Trump’s conspiratorial crusade against the phantom of election fraud ensnared Giuliani in potentially ruinous civil lawsuits, it was Trump’s unscrupulous campaign against Joe Biden and his son Hunter that goaded Giuliani into consorting with the shady operators who are now in the crosshairs of American criminal prosecutors. One of those men, Ukrainian-born Lev Parnas, is due to be tried on October 12 on charges of making illegal campaign donations from a foreign source. Another Soviet-born operator, Igor Fruman, pleaded guilty in September to the same offense. Parnas and Fruman, who have lived in Florida for some time, were key allies in helping Giuiani dig up dirt on the Bidens in Ukraine in the run-up to the 2020 election.

Giuliani has not yet been charged with any crimes. Nor has he been implicated in the illegal-donation schemes that led authorities to nab Parnas and Fruman. Rather, the criminal inquiry into Giulani is focused on whether Trump’s former lawyer, during his sprawling fishing expedition with Parnas, Fruman, and others in Ukraine, violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a decades-old law that requires people who lobby the U.S. government on behalf of foreign officials or entities to disclose their activities to the Justice Department. Giuliani may also have legal headaches stemming from separate federal fraud charges against Parnas and a federal investigation into a Ukrainian politician suspected of meddling in the 2020 election.

“As Giuliani looks over the landscape he faces, it appears there are legal storm clouds in three separate matters, all of which could have potentially serious consequences for him,” said Michael Zeldin, a former federal prosecutor.

While we have grown accustomed to members of Trumpworld being mired in lawsuits, it is worth underscoring that Giuliani is confronting extreme levels of legal and financial risk — and he has few, if any, good options. “The emotional and financial pressure of a single long-term federal white-collar investigation can take a crippling toll on any target of such an investigation,” said Paul Pelletier, a former acting chief of the Justice Department’s fraud section. “Enduring multiple investigations, in addition to bar disciplinary actions and financial pressures, creates an enormous incentive to alleviate that pressure in some way. The only logical ways I know of are to plead guilty, cooperate, or both.”

The budding criminal case against Giuliani seems to have been jump-started by his extensive dealings with Parnas and Fruman, who were arrested at Dulles airport in October 2019 before they could hop on a flight to Vienna. Giuliani had tapped the two men to arrange contacts in Ukraine, including current and former prosecutors, who could help him develop and push conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden, who sat on the board of a Ukraine gas company. Trumpworld’s attempt to use a foreign power to damage the former president’s political opponent, as you may remember, was the basis for his first impeachment, in December 2019.

It was also, apparently, a major catalyst behind FBI agents’ raid of Giuliani’s New York office and apartment in April of this year, in which they seized 18 cell phones and computers. The raid signaled that Giuliani could face charges of illegal foreign lobbying — and perhaps more — from the same Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s office he once led.

“The fact that a judge issued the warrant, despite the high bar for obtaining one, would seem to indicate that Giuliani is at least a subject of what appears to include violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” Zeldin said, noting that “the warrant lists a who’s who of Ukrainian officials with whom Giuliani is believed to have been working in 2019–20.”

“If past is prologue, the search warrants conducted on the phones and electronic devices of Giuliani and his associates should soon begin bearing a cornucopia of fruit,” Pelletier told me. “That type of electronic evidence typically reveals compelling evidence of the criminal scheme outlined in the search-warrant affidavit. If and when that happens, the walls should close in pretty quickly on Mr. Giuliani and any identified criminal cohorts.”

The FBI also seized other electronic devices from the Washington, D.C., residence of conservative lawyer Victoria Toensing. A Giuliani ally, Toensing had a $1 million contract in tandem with her lawyer husband, Joe diGenova, to represent a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch, Dmytro Firtash, who had aided Giuliani’s Ukraine gambit, according to news reports. (Firtash denies having any communications with Giuliani or any involvement in efforts to dirty up the Bidens.) After the raid, Toensing said she was told she herself was not a target in the federal inquiry.

Giuliani and his attorney Robert Costello have vociferously denounced the FBI’s raid. Giuliani issued a statement boasting that his “conduct as a lawyer and a citizen was absolutely legal and ethical” and told Fox News, back when he was still in the network’s good graces, that prosecutors were “trying to frame him.” Giuliani has repeatedly denied lobbying for any foreign officials or entities.

Costello blasted the raids as “legal thuggery.” A former federal prosecutor in Manhattan, Costello stressed that his client agreed twice to answer prosecutors’ questions — with the exception of ones touching on privileged talks with Trump — and was turned down. Costello has said that Giuliani’s defense will rest in part on attorney-client privilege. (Costello did not return requests for comment.)

After the raid, a special master was appointed by a New York court to review whether the material seized by the FBI was protected from government scrutiny by attorney-client privilege. In September, a federal judge in New York nixed Giuliani’s request to have some of that material returned to him or destroyed, but a subsequent ruling limited what prosecutors could use to those materials dating from 2018 onward. Justice Department officials had likely anticipated such challenges. Mary McCord, a former prosecutor who used to lead the the department’s national security division, told me that approval for the raid “would not have been given absent very solid grounds.”

Judging from Parnas’s past public statements, too, the probe of Giuliani is serious. During Trump’s impeachment, Parnas made no secret in interviews that he took his cues from Giuliani and Trump as they tried zealously to find current and former officials in Ukraine to blemish Biden, linking his actions as vice-president under Barack Obama to Hunter’s Ukraine gig.

Parnas told Rachel Maddow in early 2020, “I wouldn’t do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani or the president.” Parnas stressed that high-level officials in Ukraine would have ignored him unless it was clear that he was their emissary. “That’s the secret” Trump administration officials were “trying to keep,” he said. “I was on the ground doing their work.”

During Trump’s impeachment, Parnas and his lawyer gave House investigators a trove of potentially incriminating materials, including a video of Parnas and Fruman dining with Trump at a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser in April 2018 and a photo of the two Giuliani pals dining with Donald Trump Jr. and a top Republican National Committee official at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel in 2019. Parnas has suggested the photos and other documents support his claim that Trump “knew exactly what was going on.” In response, Trump has said that he barely knew him.

Parnas and Fruman have been accused by the feds of making several illegal donations, including a $325,000 check to a pro-Trump Super PAC that was written not long after the two men attended a small dinner at Trump’s Washington, D.C., hotel on April 30, 2018, for PAC donors. There, they chatted with Trump, an encounter that Fruman recorded. Parnas raised dark concerns about the loyalty of the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, Marie Yovanovitch, that quickly prompted Trump to ask a nearby White House aide to “take her out” — which Trump did about a year later when he yanked her from the Kiev post. Her ouster was a key focus of Trump’s first impeachment and has reportedly figured in the Giuliani probe. Giuliani told The New Yorker in 2019, “I believed that I needed Yovanovitch out of the way. She was going to make the investigations difficult for everybody” by frustrating his attempts to get help from Ukrainian sources.

Former Justice Department officials see more trouble ahead. Gerry Hebert, who spent more than two decades as a senior lawyer in the voting-rights section at the department, said, “Parnas’s likely conviction may lead to his cooperation before he’s sentenced to prison … With his personal freedom at stake, the walls are closing in on more than just Giuliani’s legal career.”

There’s much, much more, though no other ongoing case appears to threaten Giuliani, criminally speaking, quite as directly as his dealings with Parnas and Fruman. Here is a summary of Giuliani’s other potential legal headaches:

(1) The New York Times has reported that federal prosecutors in Brooklyn are investigating election meddling involving a Ukrainian politician, Andrii Derkach, whom U.S. officials sanctioned in September 2020 and accused of having been an “active Russian agent” for more than a decade. Giuliani met at least twice with Derkach, in Kiev and New York, and appeared with Derkach on the far-right One America News Network in 2019 and a podcast in 2020 to peddle dubious claims to damage Biden. Although Giuliani initially called Derkach’s unsubstantiated claims about the Bidens “very helpful,” he switched to damage control after the news broke that the White House had received warnings that Giuliani was being targeted by a Russian influence campaign involving Derkach.

(2) Parnas faces a second trial for allegedly defrauding investors in a scam company he helped set up that funneled Giuliani $500,000 in consulting fees for his legal and technical services in what could have been a ploy to lure investors using Giuliani’s name. The company, named Fraud Guarantee of all things, was billed as a venture to protect its investors against corporate fraud, but it bilked those same investors of some $2 million, according to the indictment. Parnas’s business partner David Correia pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in late 2020, but he declined to cooperate with prosecutors and was sentenced to one year in jail. Parnas has pleaded not guilty and is slated to be tried separately on fraud charges after his first trial in October.

(3) According to Bloomberg, Giuliani faces a separate foreign-lobbying inquiry by federal prosecutors in his old office, who are looking into whether he may have been lobbying for Turkey in prodding the Trump administration in 2017 to drop charges against his law client Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-born gold trader based in Turkey who was accused of plotting to illegally funnel $10 billion to Iran despite sanctions against the country. Zarrab wound up copping a guilty plea and implicating Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the scheme. The investigation, which reportedly is a civil and not a criminal one, is also looking into whether Giuliani lobbied Trump to deport Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, a move the Washington Post has reported was a “top priority” of Erdogan’s.

It is the federal inquiry into Derkach that touches most closely the developing FARA probe of Giuliani, though it’s not publicly known how much attention is focused on their dealings and the Times says Giuliani himself is not a subject of the investigation. Still, ex-prosecutors tell me that Giuliani must be feeling the squeeze. Giuliani last year hurriedly distanced himself from past comments praising Derkach’s help by saying that Derkach had only provided him with “secondary information.” He also told the Washington Post that he was never informed that Derkach had ties to Russian intelligence.

On top of the ongoing probes, Giuliani’s two law license suspensions could have severe repercussions, particularly as they relate to the defamation suits that have been filed against him by Dominion and Smartmatic.

In late June, a New York appeals court suspended Giuliani from practicing law in the state on account of the serial false comments he made during his obsessive campaign to get courts to block Trump’s loss in the election. In its ruling, the court said Giuliani’s “misconduct cannot be overstated. This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden.” A Washington, D.C., court followed New York’s actions with its own suspension order, and permanent disbarment in New York seems a real possibility.

“The decision by the New York court to suspend Giuliani’s law license could be a very bad omen for Giuliani in the Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic defamation lawsuits,” Zeldin, the former prosecutor, told me. The court found that “there is uncontroverted evidence” that Giuliani “communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020.” As Zeldin noted, “These are the issues at the heart of the defamation actions.”

In August, a federal judge ruled against Giuliani’s attempt to dismiss the Dominion lawsuit. A lawyer for Giuliani last month said that he still believes some of his claims about fraud remain “substantially true.”

As the legal screws have tightened, Giuliani has remained defiant. In an August interview with NBC, Giuliani proclaimed that he was more than “willing to go to jail if they want to put me in jail. And if they do, they’re going to suffer the consequences in heaven. I’m not. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

While some experts say Giuliani, if he faces charges, will likely fold before going to jail, others are not so sure. Bromwich, the former inspector general, cautioned, “We don’t know the strength of the case prosecutors are building against Giuliani or when they will reach a decision on whether to bring charges.” And if Giuliani is charged, Bromwich said, “even in his current, diminished state, it’s hard to imagine him crying uncle. I would expect him to fight any criminal charges to the bitter end.”

One problem for Giuliani is that prosecutors have extra motivation in pursuing him, given the zealous lengths he has gone to undermine the democratic system that the Justice Department is supposed to protect. “Giuliani has made himself a very attractive target for prosecutors, because of who he is and what he’s done,” said Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor. “Prosecutors may view taking down Giuliani as a significant career achievement.”

Gillers added, “Giuliani has more than embarrassed the department. He’s betrayed what they hold dear, and that’s a motivating factor for going after him, if the proof is there.”

But there is no one that Giuliani has embarrassed more than himself. “It appears that Rudy Giuliani’s world is collapsing around him,” veteran GOP operative Charlie Black told me. “That is really sad. He was a national hero after his service to New York City, but getting tangled up with Donald Trump has brought a lot of trouble to Rudy.”



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