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Showing posts with label JOHN BARRASSO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JOHN BARRASSO. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2021

Trump turns on DeSantis in festering GOP feud


Today’s Action: End the filibuster and pass the Women’s Health Protection Act!

Today's Top Stories:

Trump takes aim at DeSantis: "I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else"

The disgraced ex-president, a two-time popular-vote loser, claims he's still the man to beat in 2024. Sure, why not.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to cancel Trump's deadly Line 3 oil pipeline!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Fox News' Chris Wallace just cornered a Republican with the perfect question

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso failed to answer a simple question on funding universal pre-K, because, well, there is simply no credible excuse not to fund universal pre-K.

Kyrsten Sinema pulls DISGUSTING stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

Ex-Trump aide Corey Lewandowski bragged about killing two men before groping donor according to police report
A top Republican Party donor who accused Lewandowski of groping her during a fundraiser outlined his entire night of bad behavior to local police — including the fact that he apparently bragged about stabbing and killing two men.

Take Action: Charge everyone involved with the MAGA coup, INCLUDING Trump!

Progressive Dems throw cold water on Manchin's $1.5 trillion reconciliation package counterproposal
Rep. Pramila Jayapal expressed openness to a White House-backed climate and social spending plan that cost less than $3.5 trillion, but she firmly rejected Sen. Joe Manchin’s suggested $1.5 trillion price tag for the massive legislative proposal, stating flatly, "That's not going to happen."

Take Action: Tell your governor to distribute federal rental assistance funds now!

Whistleblower confirms Facebook knowingly spreads hate, violence, and misinformation

Profit over public good?! Shocking!

Take Action: Tell Facebook to end its algorithm that spreads disinformation NOW!

Geraldo Rivera ups ante in Fox News feud, takes swipe at "vaccinated d*ckheads" spouting anti-vax bullsh*t
Shots fired over shots taken!

America's race crisis through the lens of one man and his dog

American Refugee: A black man walks his pit bull through a white neighborhood. What could go wrong? LISTEN.

Omarosa, newly freed from her NDA, suggests Trump won't "be healthy enough" for a 2024 run
To be fair, he wasn't healthy enough to run in 2016 or 2020, either.

Major probe accuses South Dakota of rivaling offshore tax havens
Over a dozen US states, led by South Dakota, have become "leaders" in "peddling financial secrecy," according to a global investigation of leaked documents, known as the "Pandora Papers," published this past weekend.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to cancel Trump's deadly Line 3 oil pipeline!

Jan. 6 House Select Committee to issue "criminal referrals" for witnesses who defy subpoenas
They are not messing around, folks.

Steve Bannon calls for "shock troops" to "deconstruct" state when GOP takes Oval Office
Just your average, run-of-the-mill political tough talk from an esteemed statesmen! No dystopian overtones or authoritarian threats to be found here, people.



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: End the filibuster and pass the Women’s Health Protection Act!

Thousands of abortion activists across the country marched in support of reproductive rights this weekend in over 600 US cities. The support for protections against laws like the draconian "heartbeat" bill in Texas is overwhelming, and we have to keep building on the momentum of this past weekend to fight harder than ever for fundamental freedoms in women’s health.

The House recently passed a sweeping health bill that addresses the attacks on abortion care by GOP state officials. It would protect abortion access at the federal level without medically unnecessary and, frankly, cruel restrictions, such as waiting periods, mandatory ultrasounds, and biased counseling. Titled the Women’s Health Protection Act, it would confirm the right to abortion by healthcare providers, requiring them to provide that care. 

But none of that can pass with the filibuster in place. 

Call (202-224-3121) or write your senators and tell them to end the filibuster and pass the WHPA, before the Supreme Court and state governments further gut a woman’s right to choose! 

Reproductive rights across the nation are under relentless attack, despite the fact that abortions are still ostensibly protected by the Constitution as decided in Roe v Wade. This past week, Gov. Greg Abbott has said he will not even look at a bill that would provide exceptions for rape and incest in Texas. It’s clear that today’s Republican Party is devoid of humanity for women, and we urgently need our leaders to band together and codify the freedoms guaranteed by Roe v Wade.

We need everyone calling and writing their senators, demanding an end to the archaic filibuster and a resumption of their legislative obligations.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your senators to demand an end to the filibuster and the passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition to repeal the horrific Texas abortion ban now, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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