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Showing posts with label REAL JUSTICE. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Organizing to win in Texas

Real Justice

When we organize, we win.

We’ve organized to help incredible change-makers win across this country. And right now, we’re organizing to help this slate of candidates with our partner organization Grassroots Law PAC, who are fighting for transformative justice, win their primaries March 1st — and early voting begins in Texas in just one week!

  • John Creuzot’s reelection campaign for Dallas County District Attorney
  • Joe Gonzales’ reelection campaign for Bexar County District Attorney
  • Albert Roberts for Tarrant County District Attorney
  • Zohaib “Zo” Qadri for Austin City Council District 9*
  • Bob Libal for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2
  • Susanna Ledesma-Woody for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 4

With the first ballots being cast in just one week, there’s no time to waste. Make a contribution today to help our incredible Texas slate win by powering their early voting efforts! 100% of your contribution goes directly to their campaigns and will give them the resources they need to organize in their communities.

*Zo’s not up in the primary, but powering his campaign NOW means he’ll have what it takes to win in November!

We have seen some of the most restrictive, racist, voter suppression efforts being conducted in Texas.

People like the Republicans in the Texas Legislature understand the power of Black and brown voters. Those in power aren’t passing these laws because they are worried about election security — it is because they don’t want their systems of power threatened.

That’s why we organize to elect candidates who will fight for their communities, who will be champions for real justice, and who will do the work to protect their communities when they are under attack.

Early voting starts one week from today. We have a big opportunity to reelect some incredible candidates who have already done life-changing work for the people they represent — as well as supporting community leaders who are on the forefront of our fights. Rush a contribution to support our Texas slate ahead of early voting and help them win on March 1st!


Chris Lazare
Organizing Director
Real Justice


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Pol. Adv. paid for by Real Justice PAC, Authorized by John Creuzot Campaign, Joe Gonzales Campaign, and Albert Roberts Campaign. Not authorized by any other federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Five days until early voting in Texas!!


Real Justice

FIVE DAYS. That’s how much time is left until Texans start casting their ballots for the March 1st primaries.

That means five days until people can start voting for the slate of AMAZING candidates we are supporting in partnership with Grassroots Law PAC. If you’re ready to help this slate win, rush a donation to their campaigns now!

  • Albert Roberts for Tarrant County District Attorney
  • John Creuzot’s reelection campaign for Dallas County District Attorney
  • Joe Gonzales’ reelection campaign for Bexar County District Attorney
  • Zohaib “Zo” Qadri for Austin City Council, District 9*
  • Bob Libal for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2
  • Susanna Ledesma-Woody for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 4

*Zo’s not up in the primary, but powering his campaign NOW means he’ll have what it takes to win in November!

I can’t say it enough. Texas is GROUND ZERO in our fight.

We have a chance to elect — and reelect — people who are paving the way when it comes to transforming our justice system. We must stop the absolutely VICIOUS cycles of mass incarceration which has been the result of decades of policies that criminalize our communities.

Please Let’s help our slate turn out the voters to help them WIN! Make your best possible gift right now. 100% of your contribution goes directly to their campaigns. There’s never been a more important time to show our support!!

When we talk about building upon the incredible work we’ve done at Real Justice, this is what we mean.

Our opponents are working more than ever before to stop all of our hard-fought progress.

But we’re not intimidated. We are tilling the soil for future wins. County by county. City by city. State by state. THAT’s how we transform our justice system.

There’s just five days until people start voting — which means there’s no time to waste in making sure our slate has the resources they need to win.

Rush a donation to this incredible justice slate and be a part of making history for transformative justice in Texas. Let’s do this!!!

Love and appreciate all your help,



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Pol. Adv. paid for by Real Justice PAC, Authorized by John Creuzot Campaign, Joe Gonzales Campaign, and Albert Roberts Campaign. Not authorized by any other federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Operation Lone Star


Real Justice

You may have heard about ‘Operation Lone Star’.

It is an insidious, racist effort launched by Texas Governor Greg Abbott last March which deployed THOUSANDS of law enforcement officers to the Southern border and gave them wide authority to arrest migrants if they were suspected of criminal trespassing on state or private property.

This means that people could be arrested for misleading charges and then detained for MONTHS without ever being given a chance to get legal representation or to apply for asylum.

But Travis County DA José Garza, a DA that we helped elect, just successfully argued on behalf of someone who was arrested under Operation Lone Star. The judge in charge of the case ruled the operation as unconstitutional in this specific case, laying the groundwork for future challenges to the program elsewhere.

DA Garza has been doing absolutely incredible work, and this is just another example in which he has followed through on his promise to challenge powerful actors who violate peoples’ rights.

If a different DA had been in place, it’s likely this would never have happened. Operation Lone Star could have been able to continue without interruption, endangering the lives of thousands of migrants and creating a separate, underground legal system with no limits.

We know the truth. It’s people like you that helped DA Garza win his election — and together, we’ll make sure he can continue delivering on his promises. Will you join us in standing with DA José Garza and split a contribution between his reelection campaign and Real Justice today?

Our opposition is scared.

They see our successes.

They see what we are able to accomplish when we come together to elect progressive DAs who aren’t afraid to challenge the worst actors in our so-called ‘justice system’ and build a new kind of justice system that cares for our communities, instead of incarcerating us.

DA José Garza is doing exactly what he set out to do. Now we need to have his back as he inevitably faces even more attacks and attempts to roll back the progress he has made as Travis County DA.

Split a contribution between his reelection campaign and Real Justice today to keep up the fight for transformative justice.


Real Justice


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Paid for by Real Justice PAC, Authorized by José Garza Campaign. Not authorized by any other federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Thursday, February 3, 2022

CRUCIAL month in Texas


Real Justice

There’s only ONE month left in our CRITICAL March 1 primary elections, and I don’t want us to miss out on some amazing electing justice champions. ALL hands on deck!!!

I can honestly say that this moment is one of the most exciting chances we have to build an INCREDIBLE bench of local justice champions in Texas. Here’s who Real Justice and our partner Grassroots Law PAC have endorsed:

  • John Creuzot’s reelection campaign for Dallas County District Attorney
  • Joe Gonzales’ reelection campaign for Bexar County District Attorney
  • Albert Roberts for Tarrant County District Attorney
  • Zohaib “Zo” Qadri for Austin City Council District 9*
  • Bob Libal for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2
  • Susanna Ledesma-Woody for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 4

We need to give them all the support we can to win big on March 1. Please, Frank, make your BEST gift possible to help our incredible Texas slate win in just one month. 100% of your contribution goes directly to their campaigns and will give them the resources they need to organize all out!!!

You and I know what people say when it comes to elections in states like Texas.

That it’s impossible to win because it’s in the hands of right-wing lawmakers. That there’s no point in investing time or money, especially in Black and brown candidates, because they ‘can’t win.’

That’s because those folks in power try to MAKE it that way. There’s a long, appalling history of suppressing Black and brown voters and making it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to even cast a ballot.

That’s part of why Texas is GROUND ZERO in our fight.

We’re supporting changemakers who are at the forefront of ending mass incarceration, redefining public safety, and who will till the soil for even bigger wins — city by city, county by county, state by state.

With the primaries in just one month, this is no time to slow down. It is all gas, no breaks. Make your best gift to support our Texas slate and keep building power for transformative justice!

Let’s GO!!!


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Pol. Adv. paid for by Real Justice PAC, Authorized by John Creuzot Campaign, Joe Gonzales Campaign, and Albert Roberts Campaign. Not authorized by any other federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Texas is ground zero in our fight


Real Justice

We’re building the bench for transformative justice in Texas.

During the past year, we have seen some of the most extreme laws passed and actions taken in the country.

Whether it has been attacking abortion rights, suppressing Black and brown voters, or playing into the machine of mass incarceration, or an attack on undocumented people with Operation Lone Star.

But even with those attacks, there have been INCREDIBLE leaders who have stepped up to run for office in their communities — who have done incredible work and are running for reelection — and are all people working tirelessly for a better future for all Texans.

Texas is ground zero in our fight for transformative justice and we’re proud to support all of these incredible candidates along with our partner organization, Grassroots Law PAC, who will work hand in hand to advocate for the people they represent:

  • John Creuzot’s reelection campaign for Dallas County District Attorney
  • Joe Gonzales’ reelection campaign for Bexar County District Attorney
  • Albert Roberts for Tarrant County District Attorney
  • Zohaib “Zo” Qadri for Austin City Council District 9
  • Bob Libal for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2
  • Susanna Ledesma-Woody for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 4

Will you make a $3 contribution to our Texas justice slate today to continue building power for our movement on the local level? Primaries are coming up fast on March 1, so we don’t have much time.

These candidates are committed to ending mass incarceration, stopping the criminalization of Black and brown people, building community-centered alternatives to policing, and holding police accountable for their crimes.

They understand how deeply intertwined every issue is in our fight for justice — that public health, safety, and prosperity is in danger when there’s MORE investment in policing and LESS investment in community services.

We would not be able to mobilize to help people go home from prison and help change the minds of thousands to see the cruelty of mass incarceration.

One of our biggest priorities this year is to go even deeper in communities across the country to elect amazing local candidates who will partner with our DAs so we can create even bigger transformative change. And Texas is where it starts.

Winning these races will send a huge signal to our opponents: they can’t stop our progress or slow us down. It will take all of us making sure these candidates have the resources they need. Make a contribution to this slate of amazing candidates and help them win!

Let’s do this!!

Real Justice


Pol. Adv. paid for by Real Justice PAC, Authorized by John Creuzot Campaign, Joe Gonzales Campaign, and Albert Roberts Campaign. Not authorized by any other federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Announcing our next endorsement!


Real Justice

We endorsed Wesley Bell for St. Louis County Prosecutor when he first ran for the office in 2018 — and he won in a LANDSLIDE.

He ran on an unapologetic platform to transform justice in St. Louis County by fighting to end mass incarceration, growing diversion programs, stopping the criminalization of poverty and substance misuse, and stopping prosecutions of low-level offenses.

Now, he’s running for reelection and we’re so proud to endorse his reelection campaign. A few dollars could mean the difference between a win and a loss. Can you chip in to support Wesley right now? 100% of contributions will go directly to his campaign.

When we said we would defend our elected DAs to make sure they could keep working for transformative justice in their communities, this is what we meant.

Prior to winning his election in 2018, Wesley was a public defender and has been on the forefront of transforming what justice looks like in St. Louis, from working to reduce crime to expanding options that are alternatives to incarceration.

Wesley is EXACTLY the kind of justice champion we need to keep in office so he can keep building on the work he has done and building power along with our other DAs across the country.

We can’t afford to lose any ground. We have some big fights ahead. It’s never been more important to defend our elected DAs and help them continue to deliver in the fight for transformative justice.

Chip in to Wesley’s reelection campaign today and help him keep fighting for the people of St. Louis.


Chris Lazare
Organizing Director
Real Justice

Paid for by Real Justice PAC,, DeMarco Davidson, Treasurer. Authorized by Friends of Wesley Bell, not authorized by any other federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Monday, January 24, 2022

We wouldn’t be here without you


Real Justice

This is going to be our most important year yet.

We’re targeting specific DA races across the country where we know we can run strong candidates who will fight to end mass incarceration and focus on harm reduction.

We’re working with our partner organization Grassroots Law PAC to help elect even more change-makers on the local level who will deepen the structural change that our elected DAs have made in communities across the country.

We’re working to defend our elected DAs against a string of unprecedented attacks and make sure they can stay in the office to keep delivering on the promises they made to their communities.

Here’s the thing.

We’re facing even MORE attacks from our opponents who are intent on rolling back ALL the progress we’ve made — from electing incredible justice champions, to working on undoing harmful policies that have fed the machine of mass incarceration, to mobilizing to free those who have been wrongfully incarcerated for decades — and we need to be ready.

That’s where you come in. We can’t say it enough — people like you are who make all our work possible.

Will you rush a donation today and make sure we can keep all of our plans on track? We didn’t quite hit our last fundraising goal so a big push now is critical.

Without you, frankly, we would not be where we are today.

We would not have elected amazing justice champions like Larry Krasner, Kim Foxx, Jason Williams, José Garza, and more, who have already done life-saving work in their communities.

We would not be able to mobilize to help people go home from prison and help change the minds of thousands to see the cruelty of mass incarceration.

And we would not have been able to hold so many murderous cops accountable through the work of our elected DAs.

So, when you wonder how we’ve done all this work so far, look to yourself. This is what you have helped build.

We’re so grateful to be taking on such important fights with you. In 2022, we’re taking our work to new heights and we can’t do it without you.

Make a donation right now and help continue the fight for transformative justice.

Let's go,

Real Justice

Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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Let me tell you what the news is not reporting


Real Justice

Let me tell you what the news is not reporting⁣

If you were to look in almost any news publication in the past year, they’d have you believing that murder rates are rising across the country and that to fix that, we need to invest MORE money in police and in prisons.

They would have you believe that policies aimed at harm reduction by getting rid of sentencing on low-level crimes are what’s causing this ‘lawlessness’.

That’s not true.⁣

First of all, murder rates were down, WAY down, in many large cities across the country in 2021. In Boston, they were down 26%. In St. Louis, they were down 25%. In Miami, they were down 15%. In Seattle, they were down 22%.

Second of all, a perceived increase in crime is EXACTLY what our opponents use to fuel a frenzy of fear to invest more money in a system that endangers the lives of poor, working class people — especially Black and brown people.

Instead of addressing the root causes of injustice and harm, their solutions are to increase funding for police officers, invest in opening new jails and prisons, and fuel the ongoing crisis that is mass incarceration.

Police won’t be able to solve the crimes we need to be solved — like murders. In fact, the rate of them solving these crimes are HORRIBLE.

It’s heartbreaking. We see this pattern over, and over, and over. As I’ve said before — it causes more arrests, more incarceration, more poverty, more despair, which leads to more drug use, which leads to a vicious cycle of mass incarceration that is inescapable.

We at Real Justice have to put a stop to this. And the good news is, the work we have done to combat this horrific harm has been working.

In the places where we have already elected good DA’s, we are succeeding in enormous ways. It’s not always perfect. But it’s progress.

Those DA’s are prosecuting violent cops who never would’ve faced accountability of any kind without those DA’s in office.

They are freeing the innocent, mostly Black men who have been wrongfully imprisoned.

They are overhauling what true public safety actually means in their cities.

And they are working hard to undo policies that contribute to mass incarceration.

We have big plans for this work in 2022. We are helping lay the groundwork for future wins, but we are also defending the progress we’ve made. District by district. City by city. All across the country.

We can’t do it without you. Please, I’m asking if you’ll make your best gift to Real Justice, to make sure we can hold our opponents accountable and elect justice champions who understand the root causes of crime and are doing everything they can to transform what justice looks like in this country.

Love and appreciate you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

We’re so excited for you to see this


Real Justice

We've officially launched our brand new website for Real Justice — click here to be one of the first to visit!


What we’ve included on our website is a product of everything we have accomplished together.

From giving an overview of our strategy to elect civil rights-minded prosecutors who use the powers of their office to reduce mass incarceration, police violence, and injustice, to highlighting the work of our elected DAs and their big accomplishments, to giving you ways to get even more involved with the fight at Real Justice: we’re so proud to share this with you.

We’re especially excited to have our new DEFEND page — where we're naming which of our DAs are facing coordinated and highly funded attacks, calling out our opposition, and highlighting the exact strategies they are using in an attempt to roll back all the progress we have made.

We say it often but it’s true. This work — all of it — has never been possible without your support.

So when you read through our plans, our endorsements, our wins, our strategies, and the new ways you can help keep up the fight, know that you are who made this happen.

You have saved lives.

You have helped elect justice champions across the country who have done transformative work for their communities.

You have helped us build on our strategy and been a crucial part of informing the work we do. We’re so grateful you’re with us.


Real Justice


 Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Email us:

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A painful prediction for 2022 & A surge of support


Real Justice

This is a bit of a longer email, but it’s important. Please take a few moments to read the whole thing and my request at the end.

You may have heard me talk about this on my podcast ‘The Breakdown’ last week.

For most of my life, I have actually been an extremely optimistic guy.

But right now, I have a very painful prediction for 2022 and beyond — in some ways, it’s not so much a prediction because I already see it underway.

I want to prepare you for it and help you understand it, ok?

We are about to enter a horrible new era of extreme mass incarceration that will rival the worst periods in modern American history.

If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to be in the era of mass incarceration in the late 1970s, 1980s, into the early 90s, it feels a lot like it does today.

Jails are overflowing. Prisons are getting more crowded. There are even states across this country starting to talk — again — about building NEW jails, NEW prison, for MORE people.

Here’s the thing. As author James Forman Jr. says in his book “Locking Up Our Own”, during that era of mass incarceration, Black communities were grasping for straws on how to solve a legitimate problem of widespread crime.

But when Black communities try and find the answers, the police show up and try to say they can be the solution.

The problems that Black communities face — you can’t police your way out of those problems.

Rather than solve the violent crimes they need to solve, most of policing is completely reactionary and does not intervene with the ROOT causes of crime.

They are not normally the force that stops bad things from happening. They are built to be reactionary.

And when the media starts to frenzy about ‘rising crime’, people — good people — say we need more police. All that does is destabilize Black and brown communities.

It causes more arrest, more incarceration, more poverty, more despair, which leads to more drug use, which leads to a vicious cycle of mass incarceration that is inescapable.

What we are about to see in 2022 is an exploding rate of mass incarceration — and when that happens, police brutality explodes as well.

The crisis of police brutality is about having an extreme police presence and having millions and millions of police encounters, the math just says that you will also then have hundreds or THOUSANDS of brutal police encounters. It’s a simple math problem.

So, the goal of my life has been to reduce mass incarceration which will also reduce police violence — and finally allow for some stability in Black communities.

That way, we will have our communities present without mass incarceration interfering with everything we do.

Here’s what I know. Police won’t be able to solve the crimes we need to be solved — like murders, home robberies, and sexual assaults. The rate of them solving these crimes are HORRIBLE.

When cities pour money into policing, the police will continue to bust more people for more low-level crimes — and we’ll be off the races.

SO many people are arguing for a re-funding of the police. It won’t make things better.

But listen to me. WE at Real Justice have a way to help put a stop to this. We’re depending on a surge of year-end donations to make sure we actually can, heading into 2022.

We can do it by electing DA's who will hold the police accountable, who will fight to end mass incarceration, and who will put efforts into community care — not criminalization of our people.

In the places where we have already elected good DA’s, we are succeeding in massive ways. The progress is not perfect. But it is real progress.

Those DA’s are prosecuting violent cops who never would’ve faced accountability of any kind without those DA’s in office.

Those DA’s are freeing the innocent, mostly Black men who have been wrongfully imprisoned.

Those DA’s are overhauling what true public safety actually means in their cities.

In 2022, we want to continue this work. We want to not only till the soil for future wins, but defend the progress we’ve made. District by district. City by city.

Love and appreciate you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Email us:

Real Justice


When I sent the email late last night about my prediction for 2022 — on how we will see a huge increase in mass incarceration and how we can work to stop it — I wasn’t sure what to expect.

But since then, we saw a HUGE surge of support. This community always amazes me and the way you show up for Real Justice and the fights we take on together. Thank you.

Here’s the truth. We’re still short on our year-end goal of $530,000, and in order to make sure we can kick off our 2022 plans to fight back, we need to make sure we hit this goal. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Email us:

Sunday, December 26, 2021



Real Justice

Let’s talk about one of the most powerful and dangerous players in the anti-justice recall effort: the San Francisco Police Officers’ Association.

The SF POA has a long history of blocking justice and equality, from opposing the racial integration of police to more recent efforts to block a citywide ban on deadly chokeholds. Now they are targeting changemaking District Attorney Chesa Boudin, spreading lies about justice to block police accountability. 

The San Francisco POA has massive funding and influence, and it will take all of us stepping up to combat their campaign against police accountability. 

We know police are not effective at stopping crime. In fact, The San Francisco Police Department only solves 3% of theft cases. Despite ignoring or failing to solve nearly every instance of theft, San Francisco police officers remain some of the highest paid in the nation with a starting salary of $90,000, and an all-time high budget of $692 million from 2019-2020. 

Meanwhile, Chesa's office has prosecuted almost all of the burglaries that resulted in arrest, and is doing justice-minded work to end the black-market operations that make thefts profitable in the first place, stopping crimes at their source. But the Police Officers’ Association doesn’t want you to know that.

The San Francisco POA wants to stop Chesa Boudin and his groundbreaking justice work in favor of a racist justice system that targets the poor and marginalized and uses millions of taxpayer dollars to line their own pockets. We have to stop them.

Thank you for stepping up,

Real Justice

Paid for by San Franciscans Against the Recall of Chesa Boudin, sponsored by Real Justice PAC.

Committee major funding from:

1. Real Justice PAC ($100,000) – contributors include Grassroots Law PAC ($200,000), Patty Quillin ($20,000)

2. Dignity CA SEIU Local 2015 ($15,000) – contributors include Service Employees International Union ($4,998,657.72), SEIU Local 2015 ($2,000,000)

3. Smart Justice California Action Fund ($15,000) – contributors include Elizabeth Simons ($425,700), Patty Quillin ($195,000)

Financial disclosures available at

Friday, December 24, 2021

One more thing before the holidays


Real Justice

I know you may be preparing to take some well-deserved time with friends, family, or just some time for yourself as the holiday gets underway — and I really hope you can. Please just take a minute to read this request from me before you do, ok?

This time of year is a big one for organizations like Real Justice. This is our biggest fundraising push before the end of the year. Raising what we can RIGHT NOW helps us stay ready for the new year.

Before the rush of next week, I’m asking, will you make a donation and help Real Justice stay on track for all of our extremely important plans in 2022?

We have some big fights ahead.

Our opponents are throwing EVERYTHING they can at Real Justice, because they know our efforts are working.

They know we are changing the hearts and minds of so many folks by showing them the cruelty of mass incarceration and electing leaders who will transform this system into one of community care.

If you can, make your best possible gift to Real Justice before you step away for the holidays. Please. Your support is what makes everything we do possible.

As we prepare to take the time to celebrate or recognize this holiday time however we all plan to, I am asking if we can all take a moment to think of those who won’t be able to do so.

Because of the cruelty of mass incarceration, there are THOUSANDS who will be spending this holiday season alone. Most won’t even be able to get in contact with their families or those they know in their lives.

At the end of the day, we are trying to bring people home.

To reunite families.

And end the cycles and cycles of harm directly caused by mass incarceration and our so-called ‘justice’ system.

That’s the work of Real Justice. That is what your support makes possible. And knowing we can keep up these fights because of people like you keeps the hope in my heart that we can build a better world without this cruelty.

If you’re still reading this, thank you. I’m so, so, grateful to have you in this fight. If you can, make your best possible gift before you take off for the holidays, so we can keep fighting to reunite families and transform this system.

I hope you have a happy, healthy, joyful holiday and can get some rest. You deserve to have these moments of peace.

Love and appreciate you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Email us:

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What 2022 has in store


Real Justice

2022 is going to be a big year for Real Justice, and the truth is there is ZERO time to lose in planning ahead.

You’re an integral part of this movement. So, I want to be transparent with you about where we are right now and our plans for the year ahead, ok?

Below I will unpack our top level plans for 2022. But if you’re already onboard, will you help Real Justice get a jumpstart on the year ahead by making your best gift towards our $530,000 year end goal? With your help, I KNOW we can meet it.

I have to be honest. This is a slower fundraising year for us.

But this team still showed up in force.

You helped elect more DAs who will do transformational work in their communities – 21 to date since we started. These DAs are now on the forefront of the fight to dramatically reduce mass incarceration. They are exonerating innocent people. They are holding police accountable. And they are fighting for real solutions to public safety.

You helped defend our elected DAs from disingenuous attacks from wealthy right-wing figures and dark money groups.

And you helped continue the fight for true justice that centers communities rather than criminalization.

That's amazing. But next year will need to be HUGE. We will need to defend our progress – not ceding any ground to our opponents. We will have to play more DEFENSE than we’ve EVER had to before. We will DEEPEN the change we make for communities by electing brilliant ALLIES for our DAs. And we will still need to elect NEW underdog champions.

So here are our 2022 election plans.

  1. Defend our DA justice champions against attacks from police groups and wealthy conservatives. The DAs we have helped elect are leading the fight to end mass incarceration, police violence, and keep their communities safe. That’s why our opponents are launching UNPRECEDENTED attacks to strip them of power – via recall campaigns or targeting those up for re-election. That is why we are preparing to roll out campaigns in more counties to make sure we do not lose any seats in 2022.
  2. Deepen the change we make by electing new allies to work hand-in-hand with our district attorneys – via our partner Grassroots Law PAC. Mayors and City Council Members set police budgets, hire and oversee police chiefs, and set spending priorities for their entire cities. We can turn past DA victories into even deeper structural change that benefits the people if we ensure that we have these allies in office.
  3. Grow our ranks by electing bold, underdog candidates for DA in strategic counties across the country. Since we launched in 2017, we have already helped elect 21 district attorneys, but this is no time to slow down. We can impact MILLIONS more lives in more districts if we grow the ranks by targeting open seats and supporting a few key challengers to take down incumbents. These races will be incredibly tough – but together we can win.

I speak from the bottom of my heart when I say none of this would be possible without you. Will you make a donation today to help us crush our year-end goal and hit the ground running 2022? That is the BIGGEST way you can make an impact right now.

Thank you for being with us in this fight.

It really means so much to me, and all of us here at Real Justice.

Love and appreciate you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Email us:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

We have an opportunity to bring people home


Real Justice

I am so grateful for every single person who has contributed, volunteered, showed up in their communities, and made a difference.

But, there is something that’s been heavy on my heart, and it’s part of why I am so committed to what we do at Real Justice. I hope you’ll hear me out, ok?

This holiday season, there are thousands of people who will not be able to see their loved ones because they are incarcerated.

Because of mass incarceration, they won’t be sitting down at the dinner table. They won’t be joining in the holiday festivities. They may not even be able to CALL or SEE their loved ones.

Antonio, it’s heartbreaking. It’s deeply wrong.

And here’s the thing.

By electing progressive justice champions who understand the harm of mass incarceration and are committed to doing everything in their power to ending it, we have an opportunity to change that reality.

While we won’t ever repair the full pain caused by this horrible system, we can bring an end to the hurt from the separation of mass incarceration.

We can help bring people home to their families and loved ones.

We’ve already seen this happen with the change-makers that we have elected together.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has moved to vacate more than 114 convictions since she took office.

Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams has been working to free people who have been incarcerated for over FIVE DECADES due to incredibly racist laws.

The work we do is life-changing.

With your help, families have been reunited. People have been able to go home. I can never overstate how incredible that is.

This team has stepped up in such huge ways in the past. I need you with us more than ever before today ends.

Love and appreciate you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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Friday, November 19, 2021

Julius Jones and the murderous DA who put him in this position


Real Justice

Thank you to this Real Justice community who stepped up to fight for the life of Julius Jones.

Huge news broke just hours before he was scheduled to be executed. The Governor stopped the execution, but gave Julius life in prison WITHOUT parole. His family is simultaneously relieved and crushed. His team will continue to fight for his freedom.

And together, we will fight to stop these injustices from happening again.

But let me unpack something important, OK?

None of this should have happened in the first place. There is one person who could have freed Julius years ago and stopped all of this crushing pain: Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater.

Not only did DA Prater not step up to save Julius’ life – he actively fought to murder him by trying to undermine the Pardon and Parole Board’s clemency vote.

DA Prater ignored all the signs of Julius’ innocence, and there were many.

Do you think this would happen in a county with a Real Justice-elected DA?

NEVER in a million years.

If there had been a better DA with principles on this case, Julius would not have been on death row in the first place. In fact, Julius may have been home free years ago. 

We have proven that when we elect DAs with compassion and principle, we can save lives.

That is why Real Justice is launching a big campaign to replace DA David Prater. But I need you to join us, OK? A new DA could fight for Julius' freedom.

Help us defeat District Attorney David Prater and more murderous DAs like him. Rush a donation right now and be a founding member of this effort. Any amount gets us closer to stopping these senseless injustices.

Thank you so much for all the work you did to help save Julius’ life.

I am so deeply grateful for this community.

Thank you,


Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee. Authorized and paid for by Real Justice PAC, 3041 Mission St. #327, San Francisco, CA 94110, (469) 436-6262.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

This was preventable


Real Justice

I write to you with a really heavy heart today. Because there’s a sad truth we have to acknowledge. Just hear me out, ok?

In 3 days, Julius Jones is scheduled to be executed.

The Oklahoma Pardon & Parole Board voted TWICE to commute his sentence to life with parole. But Governor Stitt is ignoring them completely.

What really makes my heart ache, though, is that this all could have been avoided from the start.

The District Attorney on this case, David Prater, could have freed Julius Jones with the stroke of a pen a long time ago. Instead, DA Prater has been hellbent on murdering Julius.

And if we had another DA in that office — one who was principled and understood that we need to rebuild our justice system — Julius would already be free.

We must work to elect DAs all across the country so that innocent people like Julius Jones are able to walk free. Please chip in to support Real Justice so we can elect candidates who will intervene in disastrous cases like Julius’ and save innocent lives.

After you’ve donated — or if you’re unable to chip in today — I need you to call key decision-makers in Julius’ case at 405-777-7840 and demand his freedom.

I know that this work is hard.

But it’s some of the most important work we will do in our lifetimes.

The work we do is — and I don’t think I can ever emphasize it enough — a matter of life or death.

Thank you for hearing me out. I appreciate you.

With love,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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Friday, November 5, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse trial


Real Justice

I’m seeing red. I can barely type straight.

Earlier today, one of the jurors in Kyle Rittenhouse’s homicide trial was dismissed after telling a sick, twisted joke.

The juror said: "Why did the Kenosha police shoot Jacob Blake seven times? Because they ran out of bullets."

🤬🤬🤬 This right here is what we’re up against. Our pain is a joke to them. And this was somebody ON THE JURY whose racism just happened to be exposed.

The only way we will transform this racist justice system is with a nationwide movement – and it starts with electing transformative District Attorneys everywhere. But right now we are eyeing 11 races for 2022, and our resources are not where they need to be.

Please, we can’t dismantle systemic racism without your financial support, ok? Make a gift and help us show racist folks like this juror that we are changing this system from the inside out.

Appreciate you!


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

You helped these candidates win


Real Justice

Last night, our message rang loud and clear:

We ran 9 candidates on transformative platforms, AND ALL 9 WON.

Congratulations to Larry Krasner, Alvin Bragg, Ramin Fatehi, Stephanie Morales, Chelsa Wagner, Wrenna Watson, Lisa Middleman, Nicola Henry-Taylor, and Tiffany Sizemore.

The work they do will truly save lives. And together, we proved that our movement WINS when our candidates support bold ideas like ending discriminatory policing, holding cops accountable, banning cash bail, and combating mass incarceration.

That said, the work does not stop here. We can’t get complacent.

All year long, DAs that we helped elect have been facing GRUELING recall efforts fueled by dark money groups and extreme right-wing billionaires. They’re throwing everything they can into rolling back the progress our candidates have made.

The victories we earned last night are going to put an even larger target on our backs. We need to be ready for a brand new wave of attacks and lies:

Make a contribution to Real Justice right now so we can continue electing candidates like the 9 we elected last night, then stand by their side when they face these kinds of attacks.

We need to reiterate it: the fact that these attacks are ramping up is proof that our theory of change is WORKING.

Together, we have helped save lives by electing compassionate, outside-the-box District Attorneys who’ve gone on to transform their communities and the way the justice system treats millions of constituents.

The stakes going into 2022 couldn’t be higher.

We’ve already seen their misinformation campaigns by these dark money groups begin to sow distrust and confusion. We’ve responded accordingly — directing our resources into making sure people know the truth about the records of these DAs and the incredible work they’ve done since being elected.

Truth be told, we’re putting a lot of money into these efforts.

If we don’t keep up the pace on our fundraising efforts, we won’t be as well funded as we need to be in order to continue supporting more critical DA races in 2022 — and help ensure we can protect those we have already elected.

If you’re with us, make a contribution of whatever you can afford and help us stay ready for the fights ahead. With you by our side, we know we’ll be ready.


Real Justice

Email us: info@realjusticepac.orgPol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Jermaine Hudson


Real Justice

For just a second, I want you to close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to be imprisoned for 22 years.

Really take a moment and think hard about it.

Pretty horrifying, right?

22 years is how long this man below, Jermaine Hudson of Louisiana, stayed in prison for a crime he never committed. The whole thing was fabricated by his accuser.

FOR YEARS, Jermaine had tried to tell his story and appeal the conviction, but the former DA of Orleans Parish REFUSED to listen and was known for openly fighting against recanting witnesses in multiple cases.

This past March — thanks to the work of newly elected Orleans Parish DA Jason Williams — Jermaine was finally able to walk free.

This is why the work to elect new DAs who understand the systemic inequalities of our criminal justice system matters SO much.

Let me be clear.

If Jason hadn’t been elected, Jermaine would most likely STILL be in prison serving a sentence for a crime he never committed. The work to elect DAs like Jason Williams changes LIVES. And we must continue the fight to make sure this work continues.

That’s where you come in. The contributions of grassroots supporters have helped make what we’ve done at Real Justice POSSIBLE. Make a donation today and help elect more people like Jason Williams into DA offices across the country.

This work is difficult.

EXTREMELY difficult.

Every time we take on the corrupt, racist criminal justice system, we know we will be attacked by the people inside that system. That’s why we need to elect people who will fundamentally CHANGE that system. And I’m so grateful that you’re a part of this fight.

Thank you for everything you’re doing,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

There are more than just a few corrupt DAs


Real Justice

My friends,

You’ve heard me talk about why our work at Real Justice PAC is so important, and if you’ll stick with me here, I want to talk about why — right now — it is more critical than ever that we continue to keep up the fight.

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen headlines about the incredible work that DAs are doing to disrupt the status quo and do right by their communities.

These are DAs that WE helped elect together and I’m SO proud of that.

But we have also seen headlines about DAs exposed for their corruption and siding with law enforcement and even protecting the very people they are investigating.

Here’s what that tells me: our work has never been more critical than right now.

When we mount organizing campaigns, when we call for justice, and when we support candidates who run against those same corrupt and racist DAs — we are enacting the EXACT change we need.

That’s why I’m asking if you’ll pitch in to Real Justice before our mid-month fundraising deadline on 9/15. We need to do everything we can to elect compassionate and principled DAs and defeat the corrupt DAs who perpetuate a systemically racist policies.

Here’s the thing — and I hate to say it — but there are more corrupt DAs than just the ones who make the headlines.

There are more DAs who will side with law enforcement and with systemically racist procedure. They are doing everything they can to stop the pursuit of justice because they know they are complicit.

There are more DAs who will shield law enforcement with racist procedures. They are doing everything they can to stop the pursuit of justice because they know they are complicit.

But, we are also seeing what it looks like when we elect DAs who are doing the work to protect EVERYONE they represent and work to undo decades of harmful, racist practices.

Those who are in opposition to this movement are scared. I know this because the attacks keep mounting. We can’t afford to slow down now.

That’s why your support is so important. With your help, we’ve elected DAs all over the country who are doing the important and necessary work of reimagining what it means to be a District Attorney. We’ve come so far thanks to you — please make a donation to help us keep up the fight.

Appreciate you,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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