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Showing posts with label CHRIS CHRISTIE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHRIS CHRISTIE. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

GOP squanders $276 million on failed partisan stunt


Today’s Action: Mask up and get vaccinated!

Today's Top Stories:

Gov. Newsom cruises to victory in resounding recall election that cost taxpayers more than $276 million

The recall election foisted upon Californians by Republicans cost taxpayers more than a quarter BILLION dollars. Remember that the next time they cry about fiscal conservatism.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Chris Christie called out, lambasted over hypocrisy on live TV

The former New Jersey governor and one-time presidential hopeful joined the chorus line of Republicans attempting to both embrace and absolve themselves of Donald Trump, and clear-eyed folks simply aren't having it.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar is leading the fight against Greg Abbott's failed leadership

Veronica Escobar: With the pandemic surging amid GOP vaccine disinformation, the Republican governor is focusing his energy on controlling women's bodies and suppressing minority votes — but Texas' rising Democratic star is refusing to let him get away with it.

Justice Department asks federal judge to block Texas' new abortion ban
The Biden administration asked the court to implement a preliminary injunction against the "unconstitutional" six-week ban while their lawsuit plays out in federal court.

Take Action: Demand Congress expand the Supreme Court and END the shadow docket!

Debt limit standoff intensifies as McConnell says Republicans oppose raising it
Democrats are in charge, so naturally Republicans are worried about the national debt again.

Take Action: Call out Republicans taking credit for the Rescue Plan they opposed!

Worried Trump could "go rogue," US general took secret action to protect nuclear weapons, new book claims

Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, Trump's top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took secret action to limit the then-president from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

Boebert, other GOP members party in NYC with Capitol rioters and AOC challenger
The conservative establishment is normalizing far-right domestic terrorism in plain sight.

FINALLY - promising news on voting rights legislation!

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

GOP embraces vocal anti-vaxxers — whose actions happen to be hurting the economy
Just months after praising COVID-19 vaccines as the product of the former president’s "Operation Warp Speed" and American ingenuity, Republicans have embraced a vocal anti-vaccine minority whose macabre preference for illness and death coincidentally is hurting the economy and the President Biden’s approval numbers.

Take Action: Tell Congress to expand Medicare!

Trump reportedly "spewed expletives" at Mitch McConnell after the senator acknowledged President Biden's win on the Senate floor
For four long years, the executive branch of the US government was run by a septugenarian man-child.

Boy Scouts of America secure $1 billion to resolve sex abuse claims spanning decades
The Boy Scouts of America secured more than $1 billion in new settlements to resolve sex abuse claims, with $787 million coming from insurance group The Hartford and another $250 million from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of its chartered organizations.

Epidemiologist says at-home testing is key to stopping COVID
Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiology professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, has been an outspoken proponent for wide availability of rapid tests, even with the arrival of effective vaccines.



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Mask up and get vaccinated!

In Florida alone last week, in a single day, 1,200 people lost their lives due to COVID. In one state. What’s worse, Floridians have been forced to fight their own governor over simple, life-saving mask requirements in schools. 

We are far, far away from achieving the necessary numbers to reach herd immunity and protect the most vulnerable among us. As our ICUs fill up — overwhelmingly with unvaccinated Americans — children who cannot get vaccinated are increasingly among the gravely ill. The CDC recently found that unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to die from COVID than vaccinated people. 

We have an obligation to take all necessary precautions to slow the spread of this pandemic. And — once again — let’s be honest, it’s not that hard. 

Get the free shot and put a piece of cloth over your face. You know, so you don’t kill your neighbor, or your aunt, or your co-worker.

Follow the updated CDC guidelines and mask up indoors, even if you’re vaccinated. While you’re on the website, check out their recommended conversation points for talking to a loved one about getting vaccinated! 

Vaccines work. They’re safe, too. Not getting vaccinated puts the entire nation at risk — the immunocompromised, the elderly, the millions of children currently ineligible for vaccination, etc. Hospitals are overwhelmed, diverting other emergencies due to lack of resources and staff. Our health care system has been exhausted by COVID, and this is just one of the simplest ways you can do your part to flatten the curve.

Take a few moments to review and share the updated CDC guidelines to mask up indoors, even if you’re vaccinated. Then, check out the CDC’s suggested talking points to help drive up vaccination rates!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition mandating vaccines for air travel, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Melania pours cold water on Trump's 2024 campaign plans


Today’s Action: Tell the Senate to pass the PRO Act for Labor day!

Today's Top Stories:

Melania Trump tells friends she has no interest in being first lady again

Turns out we have something in common with Melania after all.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Chris Christie just made a fool of himself over the new Texas law on national TV

The former Republican governor tied himself in knots trying to defend the indefensible.

Take Action: Demand congress pass legislation protecting abortions nationwide!

Texas Republicans pull horrific stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Disgusting.

More than 100 Democratic lawmakers introduce legislation to lower Medicare eligibility age to 60
Reminder to the "all politicians are the same" crowd, one party is trying to get Americans affordable healthcare while the other tries to take it away.

Take Action: Tell Congress to expand Medicare!

Trump's Ambassador Craft steered US government business to her boss’ hotel
"An American diplomat using their position to line the president’s pockets is an example of the casual corruption that permeated the Trump administration and undermines confidence in the United States," said Jack Patterson of American Oversight.

Judge stops Tennessee governor's anti-mask order
The judge did not agree with the Republican position that people have an inalienable right to endanger the lives of those around them.

White nationalist Richard Spencer's life is in shambles as Charlottesville trial looms

White nationalist Richard Spencer's life is in shambles as Charlottesville trial looms


The legal minds who tried to overturn the election for Trump are being welcomed back Into polite society
Hey let's grab a cocktail and you can tell me about that time you tried to overthrow American democracy.

They said they were vitamins: Inmates in Arkansas jail say they were unknowingly given ivermectin to treat COVID-19

Minnesota officers purged texts, emails after being sued over George Floyd protests
Just some casual destruction of evidence.

Labor Day lessons from the American union movement's hidden history
This year, find inspiration in the bravery and sacrifice of generation after generation of workers who had nothing left to give — but still gave everything they had.

Take Action: Add your name to call for Congress to make the Child Tax Credit permanent!


What in the world?



Today’s Action: Tell the Senate to pass the PRO Act for Labor day!

For many Americans, it will be another year of muted Labor Day celebrations, thanks to Covid year 2.

But that doesn’t change the meaning behind this day: to honor and further the labor movement and our workers that keep this country moving in the face of national tragedy. Our essential workers have received floods of thanks (as they should), but not necessarily the actual protections or hazard pay they need and deserve. And still, a year and a half into the pandemic, hospitals are understaffed and at capacity. 

In honor of Labor Day (created in response to 19th century worker’s strikes), we hope you’ll take a few moments out of your day to email or call (202.224.3121) your Senators demanding they support the PRO Act when they reconvene!

The PRO Act, or the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, would protect and guarantee the right to union membership and democratized workplaces. Everyone should have the right to organize their workplace and join a union, especially since wages have decreased while the cost of living has increased -- due in no small part to the fact that fewer than 11% of American workers are now unionized.

History shows that unions work. Teachers striking in LA in 2019 negotiated a 6% raiseStriking Frito-Lay workers in Topeka, Kansas, and Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, have shown us just how valuable the right to unionize is by fighting incredibly wealthy corporations for better working conditions.

The fact is when unions thrive, American workers and families thrive too. It’s that simple. The PRO Act is an essential step in that direction.

Email or call (202.224.3121) your Senators and tell them to help pass the PRO Act in support of worker’s rights!

PS — If you haven't alreday, please don't forget to sign the petition to create a Sepcial Envoy to combat anti-Islamic hate, and be sure to follow OD Action on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

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