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Showing posts with label LIN WOOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIN WOOD. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

GOP rep rips Gaetz, Greene as Republican feud erupts


Pfizer says booster dose of vaccine protects against omicron variant

Today's Top Stories:

House select committee prepping contempt charges for Trump's ex-chief of staff

Mark Meadows' 11th-hour refusal to fulfill his agreement to cooperate with the January 6th committee leaves everyone wondering what, or who, changed his mind.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: GOP congressman torches Matt Gaetz & Marjorie Taylor Greene in viral video

Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw trashed "grifters" Matt Gaetz & Marjorie Taylor Greene over their supposed conservative values as a festering Republican feud erupted in public.

Major news on the future of Roe

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Wow.

More than 400 Hill staffers demand House leaders act after Boebert's anti-Muslim remarks
"The recent remarks by Rep. Boebert have heightened the climate of Islamophobia on the Hill, creating a feeling of anxiety and fear for many Muslim staff, our families, and communities, and leaving many of us to look to our congressional leaders for support."

Oxford high school shooter assigned court-appointed lawyer after parents' astonishing move
Ethan Crumbley's parents found a new way to abandon their son as all three face trial for the tragic mass murder.

Marjorie Taylor Greene "under the influence of the devil," former Trump lawyer claims
Her feud with infamous "Stop the Steal" lawyer and professional right-wing grifter Lin Wood has managed to descend to a new circle of absurdity.

Biden confronts Putin over alarming troop build-up at Ukrainian border

In stark contrast to his his Putin-pleasing predecessor, President Biden warned the Russian dictator about escalating the conflict in their high-stakes meeting.

Richard Ojeda SLAMS Republicans over the their hateful attacks on women

No Dem Left Behind: With the Supreme Court hearing arguments on a Mississippi abortion ban, the right to choose is more under threat than ever. Richard Ojeda has a few choice words about how this puts rural folks at risk.

QAnon congresswoman says jailed MAGA rioters are being taught critical race theory in custody
Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps finding new ways to lower the bar and redefine preposterous.

Steve Bannon denied delay request, criminal contempt trial date set
Attempts by the former chief strategist for the Trump White House to stonewall Congress' investigation into the January 6th insurrection just blew up in his face.

Trump's new media company embarrasses itself in first public test
The proposed Trump Media & Technology Group filed an "investor presentation" with regulators, and Wall Street can't stop laughing.

House approves massive defense bill with pay increases for troops
The NDAA, negotiated by leaders in both parties, will boost pay by 2.7% for service members, overhaul the military justice system, and update diversity training.



Yes. Seriously.


Sunday, December 5, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Bess Levin | Oops: Tucker Carlson Allegedly Asked Hunter Biden to Write His Son a College Recommendation Letter



Reader Supported News
04 December 21

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Tucker Carlson. (photo: AOL)
FOCUS: Bess Levin | Oops: Tucker Carlson Allegedly Asked Hunter Biden to Write His Son a College Recommendation Letter
Bess Levin, Vanity Fair
Levin writes: "If you've had the unfortunate opportunity to catch any of Fox News' programming since, well, the inception of the network, you've probably noticed that most of the hosts and guests regularly take completely insane positions, like that in the midst of a global pandemic, people shouldn't wear masks and get vaccinated."

So that’s curious.

If you’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to catch any of Fox News’ programming since, well, the inception of the network, you’ve probably noticed that most of the hosts and guests regularly take completely insane positions, like that in the midst of a global pandemic, people shouldn’t wear masks and get vaccinated. They do this while, behind the scenes, virtually everyone they work with follows company-mandated protocols intended to keep people from contracting COVID-19. In other words—and you might want to sit down for this revelation—they’re shameless hacks who talk out of both sides of their mouths.

In related news from Vice:

A leaked copy of an email exchange between Hunter Biden and Tucker Carlson suggests that the Fox News host once asked the now president’s son to write a college recommendation letter for his son. Yes, the same Carlson who spent weeks attacking and obsessing over every detail of the Hunter Biden laptop story, asked for a recommendation letter for his son, Buckley, who was trying to get into Georgetown University, Biden’s alma mater.

“I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Buckley’s behalf,” Carlson wrote in a 2014 email to Biden. “So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”

Vice News could not verify the authenticity of the email exchange, and Carlson and Biden did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The alleged friendship between Carlson and Biden was revealed by pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood via his Telegram account. It’s not at all clear how the email conversation, if it is real, came into Wood’s possession, though Vice writes that it was “previously posted on Telegram by David Clements, an election truther who is close to Wood.”

Buckley Carlson did not end up going to Georgetown, instead attending and graduating from the University of Virginia.

Wood, who is best known for batshit, baseless election-fraud claims, appears to have gone scorched earth on Carlson in response to the Fox host’s post-acquittal interview with Kyle Rittenhouse, in which the teen criticized Wood, who represented him for a short time last year, and claimed Wood “took advantage” of him and that the $2 million raised for bail was for the lawyer’s “benefit.”

“When I sue Tucker Carlson and Fox and take Old Tucker Boy’s sworn testimony upon cross-examination, I will be sure to ask him ALL about his ‘buddy-buddy’ relationship of years with HUNTER BIDEN!!!” Wood wrote on Telegram before posting a screenshot of the email exchange.

The college recommendation request, if true, would obviously be deeply rich given Carlson’s and Fox’s psychotic coverage of the president’s son. As Insider notes, in April, Carlson baselessly claimed that Biden watches child pornography. During the 2020 presidential campaign, he regularly attacked Biden, calling him a “fallen man.”

Trump lawyer who wrote step-by-step plan for Mike Pence to overturn the election would rather not talk about writing step-by-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

John Eastman doesn’t want to get into the details of his attempts to overturn the 2020 election, presumably because they make him look extremely guilty. Per Politico:

John Eastman, the attorney who helped former president Donald Trump pressure then vice president Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 election, has asserted his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, according to a letter he delivered to the January 6 committee explaining his decision not to testify. “Dr. Eastman hereby asserts his Fifth Amendment right not to be a witness against himself in response to your subpoena,” his attorney, Charles Burnham, wrote in a letter to Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) dated December 1.

“Members of this very Committee have openly spoken of making criminal referrals to the Department of Justice and described the Committee’s work in terms of determining “guilt or innocence,” Burnham continues. “Dr. Eastman has a more than reasonable fear that any statements he makes pursuant to this subpoena will be used in an attempt to mount a criminal investigation against him.”

Burnham added: “While Dr. Eastman emphatically denies committing any illegal acts, he nonetheless has a reasonable fear that the requested information could be used against him in court.”

As Politico notes, Eastman “worked closely with Trump to attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.” He spoke at the January 6 rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol, and as we learned in September, wrote a six-step plan outlining how Pence should block the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

Eastman discussed his attorney’s letter on Thursday during an interview on Steve Bannon’s podcast, War Room, calling the January 6 committee a “farce” and telling listeners to donate to his legal defense fund, Politico noted. “We’ve got to push back on [the committee] if we’re going to control the direction of our government," Eastman said, not exactly convincing people of his innocence.

Kevin McCarthy officially adopts the “it’s not a lie if you believe it” school of thought

To be fair, he’s been here for a while.

Interesting take given that the individuals in question are (1) the parents of a kid accused of killing four people, (2) currently fugitives, and (3) were just charged with involuntary manslaughter



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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Racist murderer's lawyer equates Al Sharpton to KKK


Today's Top Stories:

Attorney for Ahmaud Arbery’s murderer regrets not equating Sharpton and other Black pastors to KKK during trial

Clarifying his objection to Black pastors attending the trial, defense attorney Kevin Gough suggested there was a double standard at play since Klan members wouldn't be allowed in.

Super-mutated Omicron variant reaches three more European countries
Although the United States has not yet confirmed any cases of the Omicron variant, Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Saturday that he wouldn’t be surprised if the variant was already circulating in the country.

Kevin McCarthy HUMILIATES himself with ultimate fail

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: What an embarrassment.

Trump says top US general should be "tried for treason" for intervening to prevent a war with China
The disgraced ex-president and man of many grievances said that Gen. Mark Milley should be "tried for treason" — a crime punishable by death — for taking steps to prevent a war with China during his term.

More trouble with QAnon: Now ex-Trump lawyer Lin Wood says "Stop The Steal" is a "deep state" plot
Yes, Democats embedded in Trump's government secretly tricked Trumpers to try to violently stop Biden from taking office. Riiiiiight.

QAnon Hero Michael Flynn secretly said QAnon is "total nonsense"

MAGA rioter who compared insurrectionists to Disney World crowds denied pre-trial release for 6th time
Prosecutors requested that Judge Amit Mehta deny Kenneth Harrelson's latest try at release, saying his request was "rife with outlandish arguments." In a previous plea for release that Mehta denied, Harrelson cited COVID-19 conspiracy theories as a reason that he should be released from custody before his trial.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorn, and Lauren Boebert's extremism costing them support from their voters

United Rural Democrats: New extremists in Congress are taking their districts for granted while delivering nothing for them. United Rural Democrats are organizing on the ground to shock Republicans by winning back Middle America. But they need your help!

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr. taunt the WHO for skipping "Xi" to name the new coronavirus variant "Omicron"
Following an announcement on Friday that the new variant would be called Omicron, speculation arose that two letters were skipped to avoid confusion with the English word "new" and avoid antagonizing Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Jared Kushner raising Saudi cash after cozying up to crown prince while working for Trump
Trump's son-in-law, who has presided over several high-profile investment failures in the business world, is banking on a sizable contribution from the kingdom's $450 billion Public Investment Fund for his new investment firm.


Yes. Seriously.


Sunday Funnies

Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny

Saturday, November 27, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Kyle Rittenhouse Has Set Off a QAnon Civil War



Reader Supported News
26 November 21

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WHO CAN STEP UP AND CONTRIBUTE? — We need volunteers to offer a little support to this project. Who can contribute $100? Way behind where we need to be for January at this point. Who do we have, who's out there? In earnest.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News

Sure, I'll make a donation!


Kyle Rittenhouse's comments about his former lawyer, a top leader in the QAnon world, has unleashed a toxic battle within the conspiracy movement. (photo: Sean Krajacic/Getty)
FOCUS: Kyle Rittenhouse Has Set Off a QAnon Civil War
David Gilbert, VICE
Gilbert writes: "Kyle Rittenhouse's comments about his former lawyer, a top leader in the QAnon world, has unleashed a toxic battle within the conspiracy movement."

Kyle Rittenhouse's comments about his former lawyer, a top leader in the QAnon world, has unleashed a toxic battle within the conspiracy movement.

While most Americans are preparing to have a nice day with their families on Thanksgiving, pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood is spending the holiday on Telegram, complaining about his children, and sparking a civil war in the QAnon world.

Wood, who said on Thursday that his children would once again not be spending Thanksgiving with him, has spent the last three days in an increasingly toxic battle on the encrypted messaging app where Wood has blasted his critics and praised his defenders.

The spat, which began when Kyle Rittenhouse publicly accused Wood of “taking advantage” of him, has consumed the QAnon world, sucking in almost every major figure in the Q universe, including disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell (who is currently in the middle of a four-day live stream marathon), and right-wing talking head Dan Bongino.

QAnon followers, who had until now almost universally seen Wood as a leading figure within the movement, have been divided, unsure whether to continue to follow Wood or turn their backs on him.

As some QAnon believers spend Thanksgiving in Dallas awaiting JFK’s return, the Wood controversy threatens to cause a schism within the QAnon church that could irrevocably change the course of the movement.

The controversy began, as many things do these days, with Tucker Carlson. The increasingly far-right adjacent Fox News host secured the first interview with Rittenhouse after he was acquitted of all charges in the killing of two people and wounding another with an assault rifle during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin last summer.

During the interview, Rittenhouse said Wood, who briefly represented the teenager last year, had “taken advantage” of him, had been the reason he spent 87 days in jail, and said the $2-million raised by Wood’s Fight Back group for Rittenhouse’s bail was "for their own benefit."

Almost immediately the Wood pile-on began.

“I’ve told everyone what a horrible person Lin Wood is,” Greene tweeted moments after the interview aired, adding that Wood’s actions were “evil” and said he “should go to jail for what he did to Kyle.”

Many others joined in such as Bongino, former White House aide Sebastian Gorka, and Pizzagate promoter Jack Posobiec, but what really sparked a wider split in the QAnon world was Wood’s criticism of Flynn, seen by many within the movement as the de facto leader of QAnon today.

When Flynn didn’t come out swinging in defense of Wood, the lawyer lashed out, making wild accusations about Flynn and his links to Israeli spying company NSO, his meeting with Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, and his use of an obscure prayer during a religious conference in September that some believed was Satanic.

Wood does not blame Rittenhouse for what has happened, but instead blames Dave Hancock, the former executive director of Wood’s Fight Back fundraising group.

Wood alleges that Hancock (who he has referred to variously as Fraudcock, Bellycock, Thiefcock, and Liarcock in recent Telegram posts) is part of an orchestrated campaign to defame him which is being perpetrated by the “mockingbird media.” He also alleges that Hancock is in a relationship with Rittenhouse’s mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, and has used this relationship to influence what the teenager says.

As usual, Wood has provided no evidence to back up his claims.

While many major figures have blasted Wood, there are some who have sided with the lawyer.

These include Lindell, who thanked Wood for “all of his efforts and for reaching out to me and others to bail out Kyle Rittenhouse.” Also part of Team Wood is QAnon John, the influential organizer of the QAon-centric Patriot Roundup events that took place in Dallas and Las Vegas earlier this year.

Jordan Sather, another influential QAnon figure, however, has sided with Team Flynn, claiming Wood has promoted “numerous frauds, clickbait accounts, and highly questionable individuals” on his Telegram channel. Sather, for context, has promoted the use of bleach to treat COVID-19.

With the anonymous leader of QAnon now silent for almost a whole year, and with Trump languishing in Mar-a-Lago without a Twitter account, QAnon followers have been left to find new leaders to follow.

Flynn and Wood, who have appeared multiple times on stage together over the course of the last year at MAGA conferences, have become two of the biggest and most influential voices in the movement.

As a result, any falling out between the pair will have a significant impact on the wider QAnon movement and what direction it takes in the future. Many have predicted that QAnon is likely to break off into smaller factions, and we have already seen this happen with the JFK cult in Dallas in recent weeks.

But maybe there is still a chance for reconciliation. On Wednesday night Wood said that he forgives his enemies and on Thursday morning, he booted up Telegram and told his 725,000 followers: “I find peace of mind in knowing that informed, non-brainwashed people who love America know that the false accusations against me should be thrown in the garbage can like the turkey bones after Thanksgiving lunch.”



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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Trump lawyers sanctioned over big lie


Today's Top Stories:

Trump lawyers sanctioned over big lie

"This lawsuit represents a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process," US District Judge Linda Parker said, adding that Donald Trump's argument "was never about fraud — it was about undermining the People's faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so."

Fox hosts accidentally embarrass themselves live on air

There's trying to have it both ways, and then, there's this.

Take Action: Tell cable companies to drop Fox's carriage fees - or we'll drop cable!

Fox News CAUGHT pulling disgusting stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

Kabul airport "terrorist attack" threat prompts U.S. and allies to urge citizens to stay away
Maybe Trump freeing 5,000 Taliban fighters and their leader was not a good idea.

Take Action: Call on the US to immediately bring in more Afghan refugees!

House Jan. 6 committee demands Trump White House records
They're not messing around.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

Death sentence upheld for Dylann Roof, who killed 9 in South Carolina church shooting
The June 17, 2015, attack in Charleston was a racially motivated hate crime, a jury found.

Pelosi denounces congressmen's surprise trip to Kabul: "This is deadly serious"

The military had to take emergency precautions and divert resources for the unexpected arrival of the renegade reps.

Ex-Trump spy chief cozies up to Serbia’s pro-Moscow strongman
The America first crowd just loves getting in bed with foreign dictators.

Biden hosts Israel's new prime minister, with Iran at the top of the agenda
Netanyahu is finally out, and questions remain about how the right-wing Naftali Bennett will govern.

Man who plotted to kidnap Michigan governor over pandemic safety measures is sentenced to 75 months in prison
Reminder to Republicans: No matter how much you hate masks, kidnapping, murder, and attempting to violently overthrow the government are still crimes.

Take Action: Call on cities to pass laws proven to mitigate gun violence!

Gavin Newsom could lose recall vote if California Democrats don't show up
This is not a normal election, and California is far from assured of staying blue.


Today’s Action: Sign up to attend a March On for Voting Rights in your area THIS SATURDAY!

In the past eight months, there have been 389 voter suppression bills introduced across 48 states. These laws specifically target methods of voting that increase turnout, things like mail-in voting, banning ballot boxes, reducing early voting hours — and even going so far as to criminalize water distribution to long voting lines. 

These laws pave the way for Republicans to rig elections by keeping Democrats from voting, and communities across America need protections at the federal level immediately. That’s why OD Action is cosponsoring March On For Voting Rights in major cities around the country THIS SATURDAY. 

See if there are any March On For Voting Rights events in your area this Saturday, and if there are, sign up to attend! Can’t make it? Share about the event using the hashtag #VotingRightsMarch!

In the fight for our democracy, we need all hands on deck. We’ve already seen incredible acts of determination from legislators like the Texas Democrats, who risked arrest to block voter suppression bills; from Joyce Beatty, the Democrat from Ohio, who gathered an all-Black female protest at the Capitol and was subsequently arrested. Together, we have so much power -- use that power and join those leaders in the struggle for voting rights this weekend!

Make your voice loud and clear by signing up for a March On For Voting Rights event in your area, this Saturday! If you can’t make it, do your part to share the event using the hashtag #VotingRightsMarch!

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...