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Showing posts with label BILL CASSIDY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BILL CASSIDY. Show all posts

Monday, August 9, 2021

Top Biden official makes MAJOR mandate announcement


Today's Top Stories:

Top US health official: It's time for vaccine mandates

As the nation enters a brutal fourth wave of COVID cases and deaths, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins said it may be time for mandatory vaccinations.

Take Action: Weigh in on if you think Americans shouldn't have to face financial hardship because of medical bills.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Fed up GOP senator finally rips Republican governors on air

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, a medical doctor, castigated members of his own party for playing deadly politics with the resurging pandemic.

Florida Governor makes deadly misstep

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: It doesn't get worse than this.

Major report warns climate change is accelerating and humans must cut emissions now
There is still time to avoid catastrophic warming this century, but only if countries around the world stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible, scientists warn.

Take Action: Add your name to tell Congress — Fund green buses, not Bezos

Former acting attorney general testified about Trump's efforts to overturn election
Jeffrey Rosen gave more than two hours of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee over the weekend, detailing the disgraced ex-president's extraordinary attempts to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th Select Committee Subpoena Trump and Insurrectionist Supporting Republicans NOW

President Biden congratulates Team USA, extends White House invitation

The president shared a heartfelt message to the athletes of Team USA, standing in stark contrast to the petty vitriol spewed by his predecessor.

Take Action: Tell President Biden — No new oil and gas leases on public lands!

Anti-vaxx "scamdemic" talk radio and Newsmax host dies from COVID
Dick Farrel was a vocal and staunch advocate against the coronavirus vaccines, calling them "bogus." He also railed against figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom he called a "lying freak."

Take Action: Tell Facebook: Stop spreading right wing hate and disinformation!

Inside America's secret war

American Refugee: Go inside the story of CIA betrayal of soldiers who fought for the US and how President Biden hopes to repeat a catastrophe as America withdraws from Afghanistan.

Trump sails away as Rudy Giuliani drowns in legal bills
As Giuliani struggles with mounting legal bills, the former president’s longtime friend can’t even get a retweet.

Florida hospitals are filling up as COVID-19 cases hit an all-time high
Approximately 1 in 4 hospital beds in the state has a COVID-19 patient in it, as Gov. Ron DeSantis continues his crusade against science in the name of freedom. Or something.

Florida church holds vaccination clinic after six members die of COVID in just two weeks
Pastor George Davis said that four of the deaths were members under the age of 35 and that they were all healthy — but that none of them were vaccinated.

Cuomo top aide resigns as embattled governor faces potential impeachment
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's top aide Melissa DeRosa resigned late Sunday, less than a week after the release of a report from the state attorney general that found Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women.





Today’s Action: Sign up to attend one of Indivisible’s Democracy Can’t Wait rallies on Tuesday!

This Thursday, August 12th, census data is going to be released that will allow states to begin drawing new districts. Without proper voter protection laws at federal and state levels, fair districting will not be guaranteed. 

That’s why the good folks at Indivisible are hosting Democracy Can’t Wait rallies across the nation to call for action on the For The People Act before the Senate leaves for August recess. These events will collectively serve as a national day of action calling for an end to the filibuster and the passage of this crucial voter legislation — before this Senate session is adjourned. 

Find the nearest Democracy Can’t Wait rally through Indivisible, and sign up to attend! Some cities have virtual options, like Louisville, KY, and Philadelphia, PA. If you can’t make it to a rally, call your senators at (202-224-3121) and demand they work to end the filibuster and pass federal voter protection laws!

GOP-backed voter suppression laws are being passed at the state level with nearly no protection at the federal level. Republican senators are holding the most marginalized constituents’ right to vote hostage. Indivisible is absolutely right, our democracy can’t wait. We need our senators to pass the For The People Act before they adjourn for their five-week recess, and all of us need to be as loud as possible until they do.

Sign up for one of Indivisible’s Tuesday rallies or call your senators and demand they do their job to protect our democracy. Whatever you do, don’t be quiet. Our right to free and fair elections is at stake.

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition telling President Biden and Congress to guarantee healthcare to all Americans, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Biden makes HUGE move on Gitmo


Today’s Action: Pass the For The People Act!

Today's Top Stories:

Biden administration transfers its first detainee from Guantánamo Bay

President Joe Biden has begun efforts to finally close the detention facility at the US enclave on the southeast coast of Cuba.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Republican senator embarrasses himself on Fox News

Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy fumbled over his words as he attempted with a straight face to blame Democrats for politicizing vaccinations.

Take Action: Add your name to call for EVERY STATE to expand Medicaid to those who need it!

Texas Democrats FINALLY dish on Manchin conversation

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

"Eloquently nasty" spyware from Israeli firm was reportedly used against dozens of journalists, politicians, activists
Military-grade spyware developed and licensed by the private Israeli firm NSO Group was found on the smartphones of 23 journalists, business executives, human rights activists, and at least one woman close to murdered Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Take Action: Tell Congress to hold big tech accountable for their anti-democracy monopolies that trample the rights of regular Americans!

Trump and Giuliani could face criminal investigation in Arizona over their attempts to overturn election
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs wrote to the state's Attorney General Mark Brnovich to urge him to launch a criminal investigation into Trump and his allies over the potential violations of state election laws following revelations of a coordinated pressure campaign to stop the counting of ballots in Maricopa County.

Take Action: Tell Sen. Kyrsten Sinema to listen to HER OWN STATE and abolish the damn filibuster!

Former surgeon general says CDC "premature" to ease mask rules as delta variant spreads
Dr. Jerome Adams expressed regret over his dismissal of masks early in the pandemic and warned against repeating his mistake in the face of the highly transmissible variant.

Gloria Richardson, influential yet largely unsung civil rights pioneer, dies at 99

"She did it because it needed to be done, and she was born a leader."

Take Action: Tell Schumer: The infrastructure bill MUST include the climate justice and equity!

Kamala Harris heads to Walter Reed for routine checkup following meeting with Texas Democrats who later tested positive for virus
Symone Sanders, senior advisor and chief spokesperson for Harris, said that the vice president and her staff at the meeting were not at risk of exposure to the virus and the routine appointment was unrelated.

Matt Gaetz accidentally poses with prankster for beach photo
"People think you're a pedophile!"

Security forces, police ignored assassinated Haitian president's final pleas for help
Foreign mercenaries got past at least three police checkpoints on the road to Jovenel Moïse’s house and past presumably dozens of security agents inside his walled-off compound to gain access to his second-floor bedroom.

Chinese government recruiting criminal hackers to attack Western targets
The Biden administration and US allies blamed the Chinese government for a sprawling web of cyberattacks, including a blizzard of hacks into Microsoft email servers in March and intrusions for which Beijing partnered with cyber criminals.





Today’s Action: Pass the For The People Act!

This past week, Texas Democrats heroically left the Lone Star state en masse in opposition to sweeping GOP voter suppression laws being hammered through Gov. Abbott’s special legislative session. Abbott has been unable to find any legitimate examples of voter fraud to appease Trump, but that’s not stopping him from attempting to make it harder for millions of working class Texans to vote following 2020’s record turnout.

Texas Democrats are holding strong against 21st-century Jim Crow restrictions. By breaking quorum they were able to temporarily stop the GOP’s vote, but are now facing the very real threat of arrest upon their return. With this sacrifice, they are hoping to call national attention to the need for stronger federal voting protections. 

The passage of federal voting protections is our last line of defense against GOP voter suppression laws. Call (202-224-3121) or email your senators and tell them to work to end the filibuster and pass the For The People Act immediately!

Texas Democrats aren’t the only ones who need our support. Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) led a group of Black women into the Hart Senate Office Building last week in peaceful protest against the disenfranchisement of marginalized voters happening across the country. She was arrested within minutes of being told to leave — notably quicker than any of the thousands of insurrectionists threatening the Capitol on January 6th. The disparities of treatment are clear.

Legislators like Joyce Beatty and Texas Democrats are working nonstop in Washington, DC to protect their most marginalized constituents’ right to vote. Every one of our elected representatives should be fighting for the same.

Call (202-224-3121) or email your senators and demand that they pass a sweeping federal voter protection efforts through the For the People Act now, and remind them our democracy depends on it!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition telling President Biden and Congress to close Guantanamo Bay, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...