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Showing posts with label JON OSSOFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JON OSSOFF. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2022

Damning details of Trump's fake electors plot revealed


US and Russia meet in Switzerland as Ukraine crisis deepens

Today's Top Stories:

Rudy Giuliani personally oversaw plot to use fake electors to steal the election

Trump campaign officials, led by Giuliani, spearheaded efforts in 2020 to put forward illegitimate electors from seven states that Trump lost.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Senator Jon Ossoff delivers showstopping speech

The rising Democratic star advocated carving out the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation.

Sinema pulls stunning move ahead of voting rights vote

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

DA in Georgia requests special grand jury for Trump probe
In a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court, the DA said it's needed because a "significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses" won't cooperate.

YouTube shuts down Oath Keepers channels
The ban comes in the wake of authorities bringing sedition charges against the militia's leader.

Mitch McConnell sparks backlash for implying Black people aren't real "Americans"

Even by decrepit Republican standards the Senate minority leader's latest comments are horrifying.

1/6 House committee presses for an interview with Ivanka Trump
The House select committee investigating the MAGA riot at the Capitol is asking the ex-president's daughter and then-senior White House adviser Ivanka Trump to voluntary cooperate with its investigation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorn, and Lauren Boebert's extremism costing them support from their voters

United Rural Democrats: New extremists in Congress are taking their districts for granted while delivering nothing for them. United Rural Democrats is organizing on the ground to shock Republicans by winning back Middle America. But they need your help!

Justice Sotomayor calls Supreme Court's handling of Texas' abortion ban "disastrous for the rule of law"
As the fate or Roe vs. Wade hangs on a knife's edge, the need for fundamental reform on the high court is clearer than ever.

FBI probe targets Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar’s home, campaign HQ in Texas
The FBI conducted what it described as "court-authorized" law enforcement activity at the Laredo home of Rep. Cuellar on Wednesday.

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert asks a group of Jewish Capitol visitors if they're doing "reconnaissance"
Boebert has repeatedly come under criticism for inflammatory comments directed at, well, folks who don't look like her.

Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested outside US Capitol during voting rights protest
Capitol Police arrested Bowman, along with nearly 30 other demonstrators who have been on a hunger strike in support of voting rights legislation.



Yes. Seriously.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

RSN: Joel Segal and Harvey Wasserman | The Dem Failure to Follow the "Georgia Way" Lost Virginia and Points Toward Fascism



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Republican Glenn Youngkin won the election for governor in Virginian this week. (photo: Win McNamee/Getty)
RSN: Joel Segal and Harvey Wasserman | The Dem Failure to Follow the "Georgia Way" Lost Virginia and Points Toward Fascism
Joel Segal and Harvey Wasserman, Reader Supported News
Excerpt: "The predictable corporate Democrats' Virginia defeat came because the party's gerontocracy refused to do the 'Georgia Way' grassroots organizing that won for Biden in 2020 and captured two US Senate seats on January 5, 2021 - the day before Trump's attempted Capital coup."

The predictable corporate Democrats' Virginia defeat came because the party’s gerontocracy refused to do the “Georgia Way” grassroots organizing that won for Biden in 2020 and captured two US Senate seats on January 5, 2021---the day before Trump’s attempted Capital coup.

Running on issues of the economy, human rights and the ecology, Georgia’s breakthrough on-the-ground campaign did everything the Democrats should have done to win in Virginia.

Let’s look at the history:

The long-shot presidential victory of Joe Biden in Georgia, 2020---followed by the virtually impossible January 5, 2021 US Senatorial victories there of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof---changed the world.

Biden’s unlikely 2020 victory in Georgia was critical to removing Donald Trump from the White House. Georgia had not gone for a Democrat since southerner Bill Clinton ran in 1992, with Ross Perot splitting the right-wing vote.

Even more unlikely was the January 5, 2021 US Senate victory of two Democrats, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof. Together they brought the Upper House to a 50-50 tie, giving Vice President Kamala Harris the decisive vote that has radically transformed the balance of power on Capitol Hill.

These earth-shaking Democratic victories sparked an epic political transformation not only because of where they happened---but because of how.

Georgia was founded in the 1700s by James Oglethorpe as a Utopian colony. Some 60,000 prisoners were brought there from England with the purpose of starting a new life.

But as the slave system took root, Georgia became a bastion of racism and inequality. A lynchpin of the Confederacy and then of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow bigotry toward both blacks and Jews is deeply ingrained in the state’s DNA. If the 2021 victories of one of each in fact indicate a pivotal shift in the Georgia worldview, it would have huge long-term impacts on the American electoral calculus.

But even more important may be the nature of the modernized grassroots organizing that made those victories possible---and which the Democrats just ignored in Virginia, with catastrophic results.

Organizing within the African-American community dates back to before the Revolution, with the founding by Prince Hall of predominantly black Masonic lodges whose progeny are still active and effective. In 1911, during the first Progressive Era, blacks and whites together formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Today the NAACP is a major force in American politics. Substantial chapters function statewide in Georgia, and in Atlanta, where legendary organizer Ray McClendon serves as Political Director.

In 2018 Stacy Abrams worked with McClendon and others to fire up a grassroots network that put her on the brink of becoming America’s first female African-American governor. By virtually any standard, her rightful victory was wrongfully denied through a massive Jim Crow disenfranchisement staged by Georgia’s conservative white establishment.

Among those powering Stacy’s campaign were the “Divine Nine,” a network of African-American sororities and fraternities whose current membership and active alumni have become a major force in grassroots organizing nationwide.

For decades the Democratic Party has raised hundreds of millions of dollars from corporate donors and private citizens…and then ignored this critical grassroots African-American infrastructure while---as in Virginia this fall---squndering the core of that cash on electronic media buys, largely in urban areas.

In the new millennium, especially through the breakthrough campaigns of Howard Dean, Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, much of the fundraising focus has shifted to small internet-based donors. Millions of such small donations---Bernie’s average was $27---could diminish or eventually supplant the totals coming in from the rich and the corporations. To say that would embody a monumental shift in the American balance of power is to vastly understate the case.

But at least equally important could be the shift to nitty-gritty on-the-ground organizing as brought to bear in Georgia 2020-1, primarily by Andrea Miller of the computer-savvy Center for Common Ground, Professor Emeritus Gloria Tinubu and the Atlanta NAACP’s McClendon. As documented in a breakthrough series of first-person accounts “The Georgia Way” ( relied on person-to-person campaigning in both urban and rural areas where “retail” politics, advanced internet capabilities and hands-on Get-Out-The-Vote made all the difference.

As in Virginia, untold boatloads of Democratic Party cash traditionally pours into corporate media coffers to buy endless hours of radio-TV-internet advertising. But precious few grassroots dollars sustained hundreds of volunteers who did the nitty-gritty work in Georgia of meeting, greeting and activating otherwise ignored voters both in rural areas and the inner cities.

These dedicated activists also kept watchful eyes on how the registration records were being kept, how the polls were being operated, how the ballots were protected, counted and recounted…and much more.

In response, the Trump-Bannon Republicans are rushing to enact dozens of restrictive laws through the gerrymandered authoritarian Georgia legislature, and many more like it throughout the US. They are infiltrating election boards and precinct staffs with GOP operatives whose mission will be to subvert elections and guarantee the Republicans gain absolute power in 2022 and 2024.

It’s no coincidence that Donald Trump’s violent White Supremacist attack on the US Capital came within 24 hours after the non-violent grassroots victory in Georgia.

The only antidote to a democracy-killing Jim Crow coup is in the on-the-ground organizing that won these amazing victories. The Georgia Way showed that the power of coordinated grassroots campaigning can win even in the Peach State, even with very little money, even in a presidential and two Senatorial races where the odds on winning such a trifecta were virtually nil---and where the tangible political impact can hardly be overstated.

The reality that the American majority strongly supports a progressive agenda…and democracy itself. The Millennial/Zoomer generations---now a third of the country---are demanding broad social, cultural and ecological advances to guarantee themselves a liveable future. A powerful overall American majority has transcended the curses of racism, homophobia, sectarian hatred and misogyny. We support free and fair elections for all. We want an end to untreated illness, poverty, homelessness, hunger, ignorance, militarism, ecological suicide and more.

The usual howls of blame from the party elite and its bloviating army can’t hide that progressive social, economic and ecological programs are supported by a majority of the nation, of which Millennial/Zoomers are now fully a third. Only they can stop the Trump/Bannon putsch in 2022 and 2024.

Democracy depends on grounded, people-centric grassroots campaigning. The Georgia Way must now become American way.

By ignoring it, the Democrat elite opened the Virginia door to American fascism.

It can’t happen again!

Joel Segal … Harvey Wasserman co-convene the Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Coalition zoom calls every Monday, 5pm Eastern Time ( Harvey’s The People’s Spiral of US History ( will be published in January, 2022. As an aide to former Congressman John Conyers, Joel wrote the Affordable Care Act.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.



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Saturday, August 7, 2021

My plan to guarantee the Right to Vote


This week I introduced the Right to Vote Act of 2021.


Building on the Voting Rights Act of 1965, my bill establishes the *first ever* affirmative right to vote under federal law, and will FORCE Georgia Republicans and other state governments to defend themselves in court when they try to make it harder for Americans to vote.


Half a century ago, my mentor Congressman John Lewis had his skull fractured by a billy club while marching across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, demanding voting rights for black Americans. 


The courage and sacrifice of those who crossed the bridge that day — marching into a storm of clubs, dogs, and firehoses — paved the way to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


But today, half a century later, Republican politicians in Georgia and across the country are trying to make it harder to vote –– targeting black voters with surgical precision with news laws based on Donald Trump’s disgraceful lies — all to gain a partisan advantage in elections.


That’s why this week I introduced the Right to Vote Act of 2021.


My legislation that will establish, for the first time ever, an affirmative right to vote under federal law –– empowering American citizens to challenge in court any action taken by a state or local government that makes it harder for them to access a ballot. 


Here’s what my new bill does: 


➤ The Right to Vote Act builds on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by establishing the first-ever statutory right to vote in federal elections — protecting U.S. citizens from laws that make it harder to cast a ballot.


➤ And it allows Americans to enforce that right by taking a state or local government to court in the event that it enacts or implements any measure that diminishes access to the ballot.


➤ The Right to Vote Act will protect ALL actions necessary for an American to participate in an election, including registering to vote, obtaining any ID required to vote, casting a ballot, and ensuring that ballot is counted. The Right to Vote is fundamental. 


But right now federal law *does not affirmatively guarantee* Americans; right to cast our ballots. 


That’s why it’s crucial that we PROVE the force of our movement to pass the Right to Vote Act — immediately.


So, help me drum up grassroots momentum for the Right to Vote Act by signing your name here →.....

Let’s get this done. 


Sen. Jon Ossoff 


Jon Ossoff for Senate
P.O. Box 450326
Atlanta, GA, GA 31145
United States

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