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Last night, our volunteers reached 212,000 calls made in support of Jessica Cisneros!
Helping Jessica win her primary is too important and the stakes are too high for us to not do everything we can in order to win. In 2020, Jessica lost to Corrupt Henry Cuellar by only ~2,000 votes, which means every vote counts.
We just added even more shifts - which means even more chances to get on the phones and motivate Texas voters to turn out for Jessica. But we need your help in order to fund these efforts.
Helping Jessica win her primary is too important and the stakes are too high for us to not do everything we can in order to win. In 2020, Jessica lost to Corrupt Henry Cuellar by only ~2,000 votes, which means every vote counts.
We just added even more shifts - which means even more chances to get on the phones and motivate Texas voters to turn out for Jessica. But we need your help in order to fund these efforts.
Can you spare $10 — or whatever you can — to our Texas Primary GOTV fund to help our volunteers contact Texas voters? We need to call as many voters as possible to win!
This is our opportunity to elect a community organizer. To uplift one of our own.
Someone who in a storm, in a crisis, would help distribute food and raise money for hotels, not someone who profits off of our pain.
Jessica Cisneros is a Green New Deal for Texas, and we need to finish the work we started in 2020 by calling as many voters as possible before early voting starts on February 14.
Will you donate $10 to the Texas Primary GOTV Fund and support our efforts to make calls for Jessica Cisneros before early voting starts? Your help could make the difference in getting a voter to turn in their ballot.
Let's do this y'all!
In solidarity,
Sunrise is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.
Paid for by Sunrise PAC, 50 F St. NW STE #800, Washington, DC 20001.
It’s almost time.
Brand New Congress and our team of grassroots volunteers have been planning and organizing for months, and we are ramping up in a big way to Get Out the Vote in the Lone Star State!
Voters will begin heading to the polls in Texas in just 10 days, so we have to be ready to pull out all the stops for Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Jessica Mason (TX-30).
Don’t forget, most primaries are decided by the early vote – especially now that more people are taking advantage of vote-by-mail and early voting to avoid long lines and big crowds on Election Day.
Just like we did for Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, we have to bring everything we have to these races. Primary election results are usually razor-thin. And you don’t get much closer than FIVE votes, which is what got Sheila over the top last month.
Early support from Brand New Congress helped Sheila win that primary. Those five votes put Sheila in Congress, and your support was a big reason she won.
We got an early win with Sheila’s victory last month. Now Texas is going to set the tone for the rest of the year.
There’s a sea change happening right now, and we are seeing many encouraging signs that momentum is shifting in favor of BNC candidates across the country.
We can’t slow down now. That’s why we’ve got to turn out for Texas. Can you pitch in to help us get out the vote for Jessica Cisneros and Jessica Mason, where early voting starts in just 10 days?
BNC is proudly powered by small dollars. Our average contribution is just $17, and many people give small recurring contributions of $10 or less. Even giving $5 or $10 a month can make a huge difference.
Your $5 monthly contribution could help us turn out a few more votes. And Frank, that can be enough to flip an election.
If you can sign up for a recurring contribution today, we promise no amount is too small – every dollar makes a difference.
Whatever you are able to give today, we are grateful for your support. We ARE going to elect a Brand New Congress together.
In solidarity,
Brand New Congress
Mailing Address: |
Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. |
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