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Showing posts with label MY PILLOW CEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MY PILLOW CEO. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2021

GOP Leader has reporter DRAGGED away for Jan 6 question


Today’s Action: Allow low-risk federal prisoners to remain on home detention!

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka dies at 72

Today's Top Stories:

GOP Leader has reporter dragged out of the room after he confronts him about Jan 6

Kevin McCarthy did NOT like being called out — and his team lashed out in a deplorable fashion.

Take Action: Remove McCarthy as Minority Leader for his complicity in the January 6th insurrection!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Fox News hosts clash live on air over vaccine

As Americans die en masse for listening to their advice, the Republican propagandists are tying themselves in knots deciding what to say next.

Take Action: Add your name to demand Congress Stop Wall Street's predatory capitalism!

Trump gets slammed with bad news… twice.

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

Republican congressman who’s suing Pelosi over masks gets Covid
Who could've seen this coming?

Take Action: Weigh in on if you think Americans should have to face financial hardship because of medical bills.

Rudy Giuliani admitted he lied about feds slipping him info ahead of 2016 election, watchdog finds
The 2016 election was upended just as Giuliani went on the radio and claimed "active agents" had shared "rumors" about the Hillary Clinton email probe. Turns out Rudy was full of it even then.

Schumer moves to shut down debate on infrastructure bill in key step toward final vote
Passage could occur as early as Saturday.

Take Action: Tell Schumer: The infrastructure bill MUST include the climate justice and equity!

Charles Booker: Rand Paul "weaponizes hate" rather than uniting

Kentucky's progressive star pulled no punches in his takedown of the state's heartless junior senator.

Take Action: Support Charles Booker's fight to Rand Paul!

Inside America's secret war

American Refugee: Go inside the story of CIA betrayal of soldiers who fought for the US and how President Biden hopes to repeat a catastrophe as America withdraws from Afghanistan.

Biden signs bill to award Congressional Gold Medals to police who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 in emotional ceremony
They risked their lives to protect America from a violent Republican coup attempt.

MyPillow guy goes off-the-rails in CNN interview
The dude is seriously deranged — a perfect Trumper.

Newsom allowed to blame recall on "Republicans and Trump supporters," judge rules
"The Court finds there is nothing false or misleading about describing the recall effort’s leaders as Trump supporters."

Take Action: Add your name to tell Congress — Fund green buses, not Bezos

How Trump stiff-armed Congress — and gaslighted the courts — to build his wall
Congress’ power of the purse was ignored, but lawmakers remain divided over how to respond.


Preventable pandemic...

Good fight, bad fight...


Today’s Action: Allow low-risk federal prisoners to remain on home detention!

Since the beginning of high COVID-19 transmission in America over a year ago, thousands of Federal prisoners have returned home to serve their sentences on home detention. Due to the contagion levels of prisons in tandem with prison overcrowding, it made sense for the most vulnerable of prisoners to serve time elsewhere. These prisoners have reconnected with their families, have jobs, and are held to strict conduct… but now, they might have to return back to federal prison.

The Biden Administration broke silence on the issue to announce that the federal prisoners who have been reintegrating into society on home detention would be forced to return back to prison one month after the end of the declared state of emergency. While it isn’t known when this could end, discussions on prison overcrowding needs to begin now. 

Write President Biden and tell him that with the uncertainty of new variants, the safe thing to do is to keep reintegrated prisoners on home detention for the rest of their sentence!

Pre-pandemic, nine state prisons and the Federal Bureau of Prisons were operating at 100% capacity or more. When you consider the pandemic, social distancing was not an option. 

The pandemic aside, our prisons are way too full. Overcrowding in prisons raises the rates of suicides, violence, poor healthcare, less visitations, less educational and rehabilitation opportunities… It’s incredibly inhumane, and the pandemic makes it all the more deadly. Decarceration has been highly suggested by health officials in order to slow the spread.

We need healthy and rehabilitative prisons that treat prisoners like people, not ones that pack in as many prisoners as possible to benefit from exploitative practices such as prison labor. 

Write President Biden and demand that reintegrated prisoners on home detention for the remainder of their sentences in order to combat prison overcrowding!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition Demand Congress pass an eviction moratorium that protects EVERY American!, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: A 7-Point-Plan to Reinstate Donald Trump as President 'in Days, Not Years' Was Handed Out at CPAC



Reader Supported News
11 July 21

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11 July 21

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Attention to the Fundraiser ... Please! Everyone please hold up and donate. This is taking FAR too long for what amounts to a few donations. DONATE, folks! Thanks to all.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News

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President Trump. (photo: Jim Watson/Getty)
FOCUS: A 7-Point-Plan to Reinstate Donald Trump as President 'in Days, Not Years' Was Handed Out at CPAC
Alia Shoaib, Business Insider
Shoaib writes: "Attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas have been handed cards outlining a 7-point-plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president 'in days, not years.'"

ttendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas have been handed cards outlining a 7-point-plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president 'in days, not years.

Forbes reporter Andrew Solender posted an image of the card on Twitter.

The cards seemed to have been made by a group called Patriots Soar, which was not affiliated with the event organizers.

The outlandish plan involves ousting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and eventually installing Donald Trump in her place.

Donald Trump as Speaker would then call for a vote to impeach, charge, and remove "imposters" President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

As the Speaker of the House is third in the line of presidential succession, Trump would then take up the presidency again in this highly improbable scenario.

The plan hinges upon Republicans regaining control of the House, which they plan to do by pulling back the curtain on "the horror show" of the Democrat Party, causing groups such as the Black Caucus to "flip" sides.

The card links to a website that elaborates on the madcap scheme to reinstate Trump and claims to have proof connecting the Democrat party to satanic sacrifices.

The messaging alludes to popular QAnon-affiliated conspiracy theories that accuse the Democrat party of secret satanic abuse. A recent study found that around a quarter of Republicans believe that Satan-worshiping pedophiles control the US government.

The conspiracy theory that Trump will soon be reinstated as president has been popularised by prominent supporters, including MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and the lawyer Sidney Powell.

The card also refers to the widely debunked conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was fraudulent, which has been rejected dozens of times in court.

Insider has previously reported that there is no legal path for Trump to be reinstated.

CPAC, an annual gathering of top US conservatives, is taking place in Dallas this weekend. Donald Trump is scheduled to speak on Sunday.

Other speakers include Donald Trump Jr. and other Trump allies such as former Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina.



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