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Tuesday, February 8, 2022
CC Newsletter 08 Feb - The Thucydides Trap: Stumbling blindly into nuclear war
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Let’s stop the biggest expansions of nuclear weapons in years
The time to turn away from nuclear weapons is NOW.
But as I write, powerful members of Congress are working to pour even MORE money into the already-massive U.S. nuclear arsenal — heightening the possibility of a nightmare scenario: nuclear war.
With geopolitical tensions running high, it won’t be easy to push back, and that’s why we need you with us.
Can you donate $15 now to help us make sure Congress doesn’t greenlight one of the biggest expansions of nuclear weapons in years and pour fuel on the fire of a global arms race?
Together, we’ll stop this latest attempt to fund a new nuclear arms spree — because we can’t do it without you. Thanks for all you do to push for peace.
— Annika
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), two powerful members of the congressional Armed Services committees, are working overtime to spend BILLIONS of dollars to expand the already-massive U.S. nuclear arsenal with more subs, bombers, and land-based missiles — unnecessary, apocalyptically dangerous weapons.
It’s this backward thinking that will do little to make us safe, and with the Doomsday Clock ticking closer toward midnight[1] and the risk of conflict between the United States and Russia increasing day by day, adding fuel to this fire only heightens the possibility of a nightmare scenario: nuclear war.
But thankfully, it’s not a done deal.
Right now, a fight is brewing in Congress over how and where BILLIONS of funds authorized for the Pentagon should be spent, and we’ve got just a few precious weeks to push back. We’re gearing up to double down during an incredibly urgent moment — raising the alarm in the media, and mobilizing our champions in Congress along with grassroots activists like you to stop this latest attempt to fund a new nuclear arms spree. And we need you with us.
As we step up, we need to ask if you can too. Can you make an urgent $15 donation to fuel our work to stop one of the biggest expansions of nuclear weapons in YEARS? Not everyone reading will donate, and if you are, we need you with us.
The reality is that building more nuclear weapons only entrenches a global arms race that could have devastating impacts on all of us.
The exorbitant amount of money nuclear weapons cost — well over a TRILLION dollars in the coming years — could, and SHOULD, be invested in the needs of our communities instead. Given this cost, as well as the dire threat they pose to millions of people around the globe, abandoning the development of new nuclear weapons should be an easy choice.
Instead, we’re seeing the acceleration of a new nuclear arms race. That looks like the Pentagon and their hawkish friends in Congress pitching hard to spend the additional BILLIONS Congress authorized late last year on a new generation of weapons.
That includes Trump's pet projects like the nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missile (SLCM-N) — a nuke that multiple presidents from George H.W. Bush to Obama chose to keep in storage or retire, and that experts say are a colossal waste of money.
Now, with tensions rising in Ukraine, hawkish members of Congress are seizing crises and conflicts as opportunities to expand the U.S. war machine, and getting set to fill the Pentagon’s nuclear weapons wishlist. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
We’ve got just a few critical weeks to pull out all the stops to keep the pressure on Congress to push them away from ANY nuclear weapons spending increases. But it won’t be easy, and that’s why we need you with us.
Can you donate $15 now to help us make sure Congress doesn’t greenlight one of the biggest expansions of nuclear weapons in years and pour fuel on the fire of a global arms race?
For the last three years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has set the Doomsday Clock at just 100 seconds to midnight.
It reflects the terrifying reality that we’re all too close to global catastrophe, and it’s fueled in no small part by our reliance on nuclear weapons. But doomsday is not a foregone conclusion, and second by second, we’re committed to turning it back.
Thank you for working for peace,
Faith, Shayna, Yint, and the Win Without War team
[1] Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "At doom’s doorstep: It is 100 seconds to midnight"
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Thursday, October 28, 2021
RSN: Norman Solomon | Climate Emergency Includes the Threat of 'Nuclear Winter'
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Wishful thinking aside, the threat of nuclear war has not receded. In fact, the opposite is the case. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been moving the “Doomsday Clock” ever closer to cataclysmic midnight; the symbolic hands are now merely 100 seconds from midnight, in contrast to six minutes a decade ago.
A nuclear war would quickly bring cataclysmic climate change. A recent scientific paper, in sync with countless studies, concludes that -- in the aftermath of nuclear weapons blasts in cities -- “smoke would effectively block out sunlight, causing below-freezing temperatures to engulf the world.” Researchers estimate such conditions would last for 10 years. The Federation of American Scientists predicts that “a nuclear winter would cause most humans and large animals to die from nuclear famine in a mass extinction event similar to the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.”
While there’s a widespread myth that the danger of nuclear war has diminished, this illusion is not the only reason why the climate movement has failed to include prevention of nuclear winter on its to-do list. Notably, the movement’s organizations rarely even mention nuclear winter. Another factor is the view that -- unlike climate change, which is already happening and could be exacerbated or mitigated by policies in the years ahead -- nuclear war will either happen or it won’t. That might seem like matter-of-fact realism, but it’s more like thinly disguised passivity wrapped up in fatalism.
In the concluding chapter of his 2017 book The Doomsday Machine, Daniel Ellsberg warns: “The threat of full nuclear winter is posed by the possibility of all-out war between the United States and Russia. … The danger that either a false alarm or a terrorist attack on Washington or Moscow would lead to a preemptive attack derives almost entirely from the existence on both sides of land-based missile forces, each vulnerable to attack by the other: each, therefore, kept on a high state of alert, ready to launch within minutes of warning.”
And he adds that “the easiest and fastest way to reduce that risk -- and indeed, the overall danger of nuclear war -- is to dismantle entirely” the Minuteman III missile force of ICBMs comprising the land-based portion of U.S. nuclear weaponry.
The current issue of The Nation magazine includes an article that Dan Ellsberg and I wrote to emphasize the importance of shutting down all ICBMs. Here are some key points:
** “Four hundred ICBMs now dot the rural landscapes of Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and Wyoming. Loaded in silos, those missiles are uniquely -- and dangerously -- on hair-trigger alert. Unlike the nuclear weapons on submarines or bombers, the land-based missiles are vulnerable to attack and could present the commander in chief with a sudden use-them-or-lose-them choice.”
Former Defense Secretary William Perry wrote five years ago: “First and foremost, the United States can safely phase out its land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) force, a key facet of Cold War nuclear policy. Retiring the ICBMs would save considerable costs, but it isn’t only budgets that would benefit. These missiles are some of the most dangerous weapons in the world. They could even trigger an accidental nuclear war.”
“Contrary to uninformed assumptions, discarding all ICBMs could be accomplished unilaterally by the United States with no downsides. Even if Russia chose not to follow suit, dismantling the potentially cataclysmic land-based missiles would make the world safer for everyone on the planet.”
Frank von Hippel, a former chairman of the Federation of American Scientists who is co-founder of Princeton’s Program on Science and Global Security, wrote this year: “Strategic Command could get rid of launch on warning and the ICBMs at the same time. Eliminating launch on warning would significantly reduce the probability of blundering into a civilization-ending nuclear war by mistake. To err is human. To start a nuclear war would be unforgivable.”
“Better sooner than later, members of Congress will need to face up to the horrendous realities about intercontinental ballistic missiles. They won’t do that unless peace, arms-control and disarmament groups go far beyond the current limits of congressional discourse -- and start emphasizing, on Capitol Hill and at the grassroots, the crucial truth about ICBMs and the imperative of eliminating them all.”
At the same time that the atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases have continued to increase, so have the dangers of nuclear war. No imperatives are more crucial than challenging the fossil fuel industry and the nuclear weapons industry as the terrible threats to the climate and humanity that they are.
Norman Solomon is the national director of and the author of many books including War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death. He was a Bernie Sanders delegate from California to the 2016 and 2020 Democratic National Conventions. Solomon is the founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.
Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2021
RSN: FOCUS: Noam Chomsky | The Doomsday Clock: Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and the Prospects for Survival
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When TomDispatch posted this piece of Noam Chomsky’s in June 2016, the hands on the famed Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists had, as he pointed out, recently moved ominously closer to “midnight” — 180 seconds or three minutes away. That was 2016. Five years later, those hands sit even more ominously at 100 seconds to midnight (as they have since 2020), closer than they’ve ever been since that magazine established its clock in 1947.
Chomsky wouldn’t be surprised. He predicted as much in this essay then, given the obvious growth in the world-ending dangers humanity faced, whether of the instant (nuclear) kind or of the longer-term (climate change) sort. A remarkable thinker, he at that moment already grasped that the all-too-voluntary Paris Accords, completed the previous year, would be assured of failure (as we now know they are). And before Donald Trump was even elected, Chomsky saw the deeper dangers this country faced as well, terming it “the undermining of functioning democracy.”
In this piece, Chomsky did something rare then (and still rare today): he linked the two ways that humanity has found to functionally wipe itself off the planet — the sort of apocalyptic powers that, once upon a time, were left to the gods. Sadly, “midnight” could come all too quickly in a world as on edge as this one. After all, the U.S. is still putting staggering sums of taxpayer dollars into developing ever newer generations of nuclear weapons like the Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent, an intercontinental ballistic missile that may cost $264 billion over its lifetime. Meanwhile, the Pentagon continues to “modernize” its whole nuclear arsenal to the tune of a projected $1.7 trillion in the decades to come. Or the apocalypse could arrive slowly indeed, as carbon dioxide and methane continue to head into the atmosphere in remarkable amounts, potentially turning this planet into a fossil-fuelized hothouse. And I’m sure you won’t be surprised to know that Noam Chomsky saw it all coming long ago.
By the way, in 2016, when I wrote my initial introduction for this piece, the price being quoted for modernizing that American arsenal was “only” a trillion dollars before, as I put it then, “the usual cost overruns set in.” And, of course, they have. Under the circumstances, I think it’s suitable to end this new introduction to Chomsky’s now-classic essay with the final paragraph I wrote for it five years ago:
“It’s no small horror that, on this planet of ours, humanity continues to foster two apocalyptic forces, each of which — one in a relative instant and the other over many decades — could cripple or destroy human life as we know it. That should be sobering indeed for all of us. It’s the subject that Noam Chomsky takes up in this essay from his remarkable new book, Who Rules the World?” Tom
-Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch
[This essay is excerpted from Noam Chomsky’s new book, Who Rules the World? (Metropolitan Books).]
Since then, there has been good reason to consider moving the hands even closer to doomsday.
As 2015 ended, world leaders met in Paris to address the severe problem of “unchecked climate change.” Hardly a day passes without new evidence of how severe the crisis is. To pick almost at random, shortly before the opening of the Paris conference, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab released a study that both surprised and alarmed scientists who have been studying Arctic ice. The study showed that a huge Greenland glacier, Zachariae Isstrom, “broke loose from a glaciologically stable position in 2012 and entered a phase of accelerated retreat,” an unexpected and ominous development. The glacier “holds enough water to raise global sea level by more than 18 inches (46 centimeters) if it were to melt completely. And now it’s on a crash diet, losing 5 billion tons of mass every year. All that ice is crumbling into the North Atlantic Ocean.”
Yet there was little expectation that world leaders in Paris would “act with the speed or on the scale required to protect citizens from potential catastrophe.” And even if by some miracle they had, it would have been of limited value, for reasons that should be deeply disturbing.
When the agreement was approved in Paris, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who hosted the talks, announced that it is “legally binding.” That may be the hope, but there are more than a few obstacles that are worthy of careful attention.
In all of the extensive media coverage of the Paris conference, perhaps the most important sentences were these, buried near the end of a long New York Times analysis: “Traditionally, negotiators have sought to forge a legally binding treaty that needed ratification by the governments of the participating countries to have force. There is no way to get that in this case, because of the United States. A treaty would be dead on arrival on Capitol Hill without the required two-thirds majority vote in the Republican-controlled Senate. So the voluntary plans are taking the place of mandatory, top-down targets.” And voluntary plans are a guarantee of failure.
“Because of the United States.” More precisely, because of the Republican Party, which by now is becoming a real danger to decent human survival.
The conclusions are underscored in another Times piece on the Paris agreement. At the end of a long story lauding the achievement, the article notes that the system created at the conference “depends heavily on the views of the future world leaders who will carry out those policies. In the United States, every Republican candidate running for president in 2016 has publicly questioned or denied the science of climate change, and has voiced opposition to Mr. Obama’s climate change policies. In the Senate, Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, who has led the charge against Mr. Obama’s climate change agenda, said, ‘Before his international partners pop the champagne, they should remember that this is an unattainable deal based on a domestic energy plan that is likely illegal, that half the states have sued to halt, and that Congress has already voted to reject.’”
Both parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period of the past generation. Mainstream Democrats are now pretty much what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” Meanwhile, the Republican Party has largely drifted off the spectrum, becoming what respected conservative political analyst Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein call a “radical insurgency” that has virtually abandoned normal parliamentary politics. With the rightward drift, the Republican Party’s dedication to wealth and privilege has become so extreme that its actual policies could not attract voters, so it has had to seek a new popular base, mobilized on other grounds: evangelical Christians who await the Second Coming, nativists who fear that “they” are taking our country away from us, unreconstructed racists, people with real grievances who gravely mistake their causes, and others like them who are easy prey to demagogues and can readily become a radical insurgency.
In recent years, the Republican establishment had managed to suppress the voices of the base that it has mobilized. But no longer. By the end of 2015 the establishment was expressing considerable dismay and desperation over its inability to do so, as the Republican base and its choices fell out of control.
Republican elected officials and contenders for the next presidential election expressed open contempt for the Paris deliberations, refusing to even attend the proceedings. The three candidates who led in the polls at the time — Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson — adopted the stand of the largely evangelical base: humans have no impact on global warming, if it is happening at all.
The other candidates reject government action to deal with the matter. Immediately after Obama spoke in Paris, pledging that the United States would be in the vanguard seeking global action, the Republican-dominated Congress voted to scuttle his recent Environmental Protection Agency rules to cut carbon emissions. As the press reported, this was “a provocative message to more than 100 [world] leaders that the American president does not have the full support of his government on climate policy” — a bit of an understatement. Meanwhile Lamar Smith, Republican head of the House’s Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, carried forward his jihad against government scientists who dare to report the facts.
The message is clear. American citizens face an enormous responsibility right at home.
A companion story in the New York Times reports that “two-thirds of Americans support the United States joining a binding international agreement to curb growth of greenhouse gas emissions.” And by a five-to-three margin, Americans regard the climate as more important than the economy. But it doesn’t matter. Public opinion is dismissed. That fact, once again, sends a strong message to Americans. It is their task to cure the dysfunctional political system, in which popular opinion is a marginal factor. The disparity between public opinion and policy, in this case, has significant implications for the fate of the world.
We should, of course, have no illusions about a past “golden age.” Nevertheless, the developments just reviewed constitute significant changes. The undermining of functioning democracy is one of the contributions of the neoliberal assault on the world’s population in the past generation. And this is not happening just in the U.S.; in Europe the impact may be even worse.
The Black Swan We Can Never See
Let us turn to the other (and traditional) concern of the atomic scientists who adjust the Doomsday Clock: nuclear weapons. The current threat of nuclear war amply justifies their January 2015 decision to advance the clock two minutes toward midnight. What has happened since reveals the growing threat even more clearly, a matter that elicits insufficient concern, in my opinion.
The last time the Doomsday Clock reached three minutes before midnight was in 1983, at the time of the Able Archer exercises of the Reagan administration; these exercises simulated attacks on the Soviet Union to test their defense systems. Recently released Russian archives reveal that the Russians were deeply concerned by the operations and were preparing to respond, which would have meant, simply: The End.
We have learned more about these rash and reckless exercises, and about how close the world was to disaster, from U.S. military and intelligence analyst Melvin Goodman, who was CIA division chief and senior analyst at the Office of Soviet Affairs at the time. “In addition to the Able Archer mobilization exercise that alarmed the Kremlin,” Goodman writes, “the Reagan administration authorized unusually aggressive military exercises near the Soviet border that, in some cases, violated Soviet territorial sovereignty. The Pentagon’s risky measures included sending U.S. strategic bombers over the North Pole to test Soviet radar, and naval exercises in wartime approaches to the USSR where U.S. warships had previously not entered. Additional secret operations simulated surprise naval attacks on Soviet targets.”
We now know that the world was saved from likely nuclear destruction in those frightening days by the decision of a Russian officer, Stanislav Petrov, not to transmit to higher authorities the report of automated detection systems that the USSR was under missile attack. Accordingly, Petrov takes his place alongside Russian submarine commander Vasili Arkhipov, who, at a dangerous moment of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, refused to authorize the launching of nuclear torpedoes when the subs were under attack by U.S. destroyers enforcing a quarantine.
Other recently revealed examples enrich the already frightening record. Nuclear security expert Bruce Blair reports that “the closest the U.S. came to an inadvertent strategic launch decision by the President happened in 1979, when a NORAD early warning training tape depicting a full-scale Soviet strategic strike inadvertently coursed through the actual early warning network. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski was called twice in the night and told the U.S. was under attack, and he was just picking up the phone to persuade President Carter that a full-scale response needed to be authorized right away, when a third call told him it was a false alarm.”
This newly revealed example brings to mind a critical incident of 1995, when the trajectory of a U.S.-Norwegian rocket carrying scientific equipment resembled the path of a nuclear missile. This elicited Russian concerns that quickly reached President Boris Yeltsin, who had to decide whether to launch a nuclear strike.
Blair adds other examples from his own experience. In one case, at the time of the 1967 Middle East war, “a carrier nuclear-aircraft crew was sent an actual attack order instead of an exercise/training nuclear order.” A few years later, in the early 1970s, the Strategic Air Command in Omaha “retransmitted an exercise… launch order as an actual real-world launch order.” In both cases code checks had failed; human intervention prevented the launch. “But you get the drift here,” Blair adds. “It just wasn’t that rare for these kinds of snafus to occur.”
Blair made these comments in reaction to a report by airman John Bordne that has only recently been cleared by the U.S. Air Force. Bordne was serving on the U.S. military base in Okinawa in October 1962, at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis and a moment of serious tensions in Asia as well. The U.S. nuclear alert system had been raised to DEFCON 2, one level below DEFCON 1, when nuclear missiles can be launched immediately. At the peak of the crisis, on October 28th, a missile crew received authorization to launch its nuclear missiles, in error. They decided not to, averting likely nuclear war and joining Petrov and Arkhipov in the pantheon of men who decided to disobey protocol and thereby saved the world.
As Blair observed, such incidents are not uncommon. One recent expert study found dozens of false alarms every year during the period reviewed, 1977 to 1983; the study concluded that the range is 43 to 255 per year. The author of the study, Seth Baum, summarizes with appropriate words: “Nuclear war is the black swan we can never see, except in that brief moment when it is killing us. We delay eliminating the risk at our own peril. Now is the time to address the threat, because now we are still alive.”
These reports, like those in Eric Schlosser’s book Command and Control, keep mostly to U.S. systems. The Russian ones are doubtless much more error-prone. That is not to mention the extreme danger posed by the systems of others, notably Pakistan.
“A War Is No Longer Unthinkable”
Sometimes the threat has not been accident, but adventurism, as in the case of Able Archer. The most extreme case was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, when the threat of disaster was all too real. The way it was handled is shocking; so is the manner in which it is commonly interpreted.
With this grim record in mind, it is useful to look at strategic debates and planning. One chilling case is the Clinton-era 1995 STRATCOM study “Essentials of Post-Cold War Deterrence.” The study calls for retaining the right of first strike, even against nonnuclear states. It explains that nuclear weapons are constantly used, in the sense that they “cast a shadow over any crisis or conflict.” It also urges a “national persona” of irrationality and vindictiveness to intimidate the world.
Current doctrine is explored in the lead article in the journal International Security, one of the most authoritative in the domain of strategic doctrine. The authors explain that the United States is committed to “strategic primacy” — that is, insulation from retaliatory strike. This is the logic behind Obama’s “new triad” (strengthening submarine and land-based missiles and the bomber force), along with missile defense to counter a retaliatory strike. The concern raised by the authors is that the U.S. demand for strategic primacy might induce China to react by abandoning its “no first use” policy and by expanding its limited deterrent. The authors think that they will not, but the prospect remains uncertain. Clearly the doctrine enhances the dangers in a tense and conflicted region.
The same is true of NATO expansion to the east in violation of verbal promises made to Mikhail Gorbachev when the USSR was collapsing and he agreed to allow a unified Germany to become part of NATO — quite a remarkable concession when one thinks about the history of the century. Expansion to East Germany took place at once. In the following years, NATO expanded to Russia’s borders; there are now substantial threats even to incorporate Ukraine, in Russia’s geostrategic heartland. One can imagine how the United States would react if the Warsaw Pact were still alive, most of Latin America had joined, and now Mexico and Canada were applying for membership.
Aside from that, Russia understands as well as China (and U.S. strategists, for that matter) that the U.S. missile defense systems near Russia’s borders are, in effect, a first-strike weapon, aimed to establish strategic primacy — immunity from retaliation. Perhaps their mission is utterly unfeasible, as some specialists argue. But the targets can never be confident of that. And Russia’s militant reactions are quite naturally interpreted by NATO as a threat to the West.
One prominent British Ukraine scholar poses what he calls a “fateful geographical paradox”: that NATO “exists to manage the risks created by its existence.”
The threats are very real right now. Fortunately, the shooting down of a Russian plane by a Turkish F-16 in November 2015 did not lead to an international incident, but it might have, particularly given the circumstances. The plane was on a bombing mission in Syria. It passed for a mere 17 seconds through a fringe of Turkish territory that protrudes into Syria, and evidently was heading for Syria, where it crashed. Shooting it down appears to have been a needlessly reckless and provocative act, and an act with consequences.
In reaction, Russia announced that its bombers will henceforth be accompanied by jet fighters and that it is deploying sophisticated anti-aircraft missile systems in Syria. Russia also ordered its missile cruiser Moskva, with its long-range air defense system, to move closer to shore, so that it may be “ready to destroy any aerial target posing a potential danger to our aircraft,” Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced. All of this sets the stage for confrontations that could be lethal.
Tensions are also constant at NATO-Russian borders, including military maneuvers on both sides. Shortly after the Doomsday Clock was moved ominously close to midnight, the national press reported that “U.S. military combat vehicles paraded Wednesday through an Estonian city that juts into Russia, a symbolic act that highlighted the stakes for both sides amid the worst tensions between the West and Russia since the Cold War.” Shortly before, a Russian warplane came within seconds of colliding with a Danish civilian airliner. Both sides are practicing rapid mobilization and redeployment of forces to the Russia-NATO border, and “both believe a war is no longer unthinkable.”
Prospects for Survival
If that is so, both sides are beyond insanity, since a war might well destroy everything. It has been recognized for decades that a first strike by a major power might destroy the attacker, even without retaliation, simply from the effects of nuclear winter.
But that is today’s world. And not just today’s — that is what we have been living with for 70 years. The reasoning throughout is remarkable. As we have seen, security for the population is typically not a leading concern of policymakers. That has been true from the earliest days of the nuclear age, when in the centers of policy formation there were no efforts — apparently not even expressed thoughts — to eliminate the one serious potential threat to the United States, as might have been possible. And so matters continue to the present, in ways just briefly sampled.
That is the world we have been living in, and live in today. Nuclear weapons pose a constant danger of instant destruction, but at least we know in principle how to alleviate the threat, even to eliminate it, an obligation undertaken (and disregarded) by the nuclear powers that have signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The threat of global warming is not instantaneous, though it is dire in the longer term and might escalate suddenly. That we have the capacity to deal with it is not entirely clear, but there can be no doubt that the longer the delay, the more extreme the calamity.
Prospects for decent long-term survival are not high unless there is a significant change of course. A large share of the responsibility is in our hands — the opportunities as well.
Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Check out the newest Dispatch Books, John Feffer’s new dystopian novel, Songlands (the final one in his Splinterlands series), Beverly Gologorsky’s novel Every Body Has a Story, and Tom Engelhardt’s A Nation Unmade by War, as well as Alfred McCoy’s In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power and John Dower’s The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II.
Noam Chomsky is the author of numerous best-selling political works. His latest books are Failed States, The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy and Hegemony or Survival, both in the American Empire Project series at Metropolitan Books. He lives in Lexington, Massachusetts, and is a professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Monday, September 13, 2021
Unnecessary, apocalyptically dangerous weapons.
As a candidate, President Biden said the United States “does not need new nuclear weapons” — so it’s mind bending that he’s leading us down the path to a nuclear weapons heyday.
Biden’s proposed Pentagon budget includes over $44.5 BILLION for nukes: new navy nukes, a brand new intercontinental ballistic missile, and nearly $100 MILLION to keep the last remaining largest U.S. nukes in service. It’s a blowout, and we wish we were kidding.
But here’s the thing: Biden’s proposed budget wasn’t entirely his own, it was a holdover from the last year of the Trump administration. In fact, the Biden administration is even doing a wholesale review of their nuke policy, called the Nuclear Posture Review, right now.
That means, we have a critical opportunity to press pause on a new nuclear arms race and pull President Biden away from the path he’s on. And our team is seizing the moment, working behind the scenes with allied Biden officials and pressuring Congress — doing everything we can — to draw a line in the sand that sends a loud and clear message: No more nukes.
But to do it, we’ve got to ramp up our advocacy efforts, raise the alarm in the media, and mobilize across the movement — and we need your support:
Our average donation this year is $16.87, but if everyone reading gave just a quarter of that amount, we’d have the resources we need to fuel this fight. Can you donate $15 to help stop a new cold war-esque nuclear weapons heyday?
The reality is that this flood of cash funds completely unnecessary, apocalyptically dangerous weapons — it’s a windfall for the weapons industry, but devastating for people and the planet.
In fact, one of the biggest risks with nuclear weapons? A simple mistake.
And it’s not hypothetical. In 1980 a single computer chip failure caused random numbers of attacking missiles to be displayed on the early-warning attack systems. Three years ago an emergency alert system told everyone in Hawaii there was an incoming ballistic missile threat and that people should take shelter immediately. The message said it was not a test.
Right now, the global trip wire is incredibly taut as multiple countries ramp up their nuclear weapons development —greatly increasing the risk of technological error and human miscalculation. With the United States poised to plow more money to fuel the fire, every new nuclear weapon we build only increases the tension and incentivizes others to add to their arsenal.
We’re looking at a new nuclear arms race — in an even more unpredictable environment. The stakes couldn’t be higher. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to never again allow a nuclear nightmare to unfold. And we’re not alone: President Biden’s decades of foreign policy experience make him far less hawkish than defense officials in his own party.
But frankly, that might not be enough. That’s why we’re working furiously to ensure that the administration gets their Nuclear Posture Review right, and pushing back on any funding that might fuel a nuclear arms race.
Together, with your help Antonio, we’ve got to remind the White House, and Congress that we want a future free from nuclear weapons. It’s part of a wildly ambitious, multi-pronged and crucially important campaign pushing civil servants, legislative aids, and lawmakers behind the scenes to stop a global nuclear nightmare scenario — and we need your support to keep it all going:
Every dollar counts — and directly supports our ability to advocate and mobilize grassroots activists to stop this nuclear race to the bottom. So I’ve got to ask: Can you donate $15 to help stop a new cold war-esque nuclear weapons heyday?
As the only country to use nuclear weapons in conflict, the United States has a moral obligation to lead the world in ending this threat.
There is no overstating the devastation of a nuclear war, and we are one small misstep away from that horror today.
Thank you for working for peace,
Erica, Amy, Faith, and the Win Without War team
© Win Without War 2020
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