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Showing posts with label SANDY HOOK. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2021

A Mother’s Love for Son, Gun and Country.


A Mother’s Love for Son, Gun and Country.

“LOL — I’m not mad. You have to learn not to get caught.”

(Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images)
The gun store in Oxford, Michigan where James Crumbley brought his son Ethan on Black Friday and purchased the 9mm Sig Sauer he used to kill 4 classmates.

In a nation born and built on violence, where there are now more guns in homes than there are people, a parent buys the son a gun as a gift. A Sig Sauer 9mm.

But the son is disturbed. Nonetheless, she takes him to the gun range. She wants him to be a good shot. She wants to spend time with him. She loves these mom-and-son days shooting guns. 

Then he wakes up one December morning, walks into his mother’s bedroom and blows her head off. He has four of her guns including the Sig Sauer 9mm she gave him as a gift. 

That did not happen this past week in Oxford, Michigan (about 19 miles as the crow flies from where I went to high school). It’s what took place on December 14, 2012, when the 20-year-old Adam Lanza took those guns his mother gave him to use when they went to the gun range together in Newtown, Connecticut — and after he killed her, he took them to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he murdered 20 first-graders and 6 teachers and staff before he killed himself. The only gun he didn’t use in this bloody massacre was the Sig Sauer 9mm.

15-year old Ethan Crumbley of Oxford, MI was given his Sig Sauer as an early Christmas gift on Black Friday, 10 days ago. So exciting — why wait until the Lord’s birthday to open it ! The next day mom took Ethan to the gun range shooting all those happy bullets. Mom Jennifer Crumbley posted on Instagram: “mom and son day testing out his new Christmas present.” It wasn’t Christmas. It was November 27. 

Two days later, on Monday, November 29, Mom got a call on her voice mail from the school. She was told that Ethan was looking for ammo to buy on his mobile phone. They asked that she call them about this disturbing incident. She didn’t bother to call them back. Instead, she texted young Ethan with the excitement of a 16-year old girl: “LOL! I’m not mad. [But] You have to learn not to get caught!”

Oooh. They had a secret together! He got away with it from the school authorities! Be more careful next time when you’re looking for ammo to order, Silly you! 

The next day, on November 30, Mom Jennifer and Dad James got another call from the school to come here right now. They did. There was a teacher and a school counselor and Ethan sitting there in the high school office. Ethan had his “Christmas present” with him, but no one knew it because it was in his backpack sitting there on the floor beside him (Oxford High has no lockers due to Covid, the other pandemic). The teacher showed the Crumbleys what Ethan had drawn at his desk. A depiction of a dead person, shot twice, bleeding out. “Blood everywhere!” read the caption beside a laughing emoji. Then a drawing of his new gun pointed at these four lines:

"My life is useless. 

The world is dead. 

The thoughts won’t stop. 

Help me."

The parents were asked to take Ethan home. They refused and left. “Help me” would be his last words before Madisyn, Justin, Tate and Hana’s lives would soon end. Help me. Neither the parents nor the school would, even though he had put his request, his plea, in writing for them.  Rather, the Adults amazingly sent Ethan back to his class. Maybe they did so with their thoughts and prayers but more than likely he was just one more nuisance to Mom, Dad and a school that had a hundred other things to do that day. A couple hours later he would use his “Christmas gift” to kill four students and wound seven others, including one teacher.

Some of the students who survived by running outside were there when the media arrived to tell certain truths the school’s PR flack probably would rather they not have shared. 

“There’s been talk since last month of something eventually going down here,” said one teenager. Another said school officials were warned about Ethan the week before Thanksgiving. 

People noticed something wasn’t right. His parents must’ve too. Was their solution to cheer him up by giving him a gun? Taking him shooting? Ignoring all his distress signals? And then once he’s in jail, they flee town, abandoning their only son, because deciding to run means they may never see him again. “What parent would do that?” Everyone has asked this over the last few days since their capture. 

Who would do that? After some minimal research, I can offer you one possible explanation. On November 11, 2016, three days after Trump’s victory in Michigan and elsewhere, Ethan’s mom, Jennifer, wrote a love letter to Donald Trump. Here is the part where the mother helps us understand:

November 11, 2016 

Dear President Elect, Mr. Trump:

Feels funny to even be writing your name like that, but you made history on Tuesday. I’m not going to lie. I was scared shitless to circle your name on my ballot. I have been back and forth on whether to vote for you, or not vote at all […]

Mr. Trump, I actually love that you are a bad public speaker because that showed sincerity, and humility. You changed your mind, and you said “so what”. You made the famous “grab them in the pussy” comment, did it offend me? No. I say things all the time that people take the wrong way, do I mean them, not always. Do I agree that you should of shown your tax returns? No. I don’t care what you do or maybe don’t pay in taxes, I think those are personal and if the Gov’t can lock someone up over $10,000 of unpaid taxes and you slipped on by, then that shows the corruption. I like that you have failed. I love it even more that those failures taught lessons and made you one of the most successful Business Men in my history. I’m not scared of your big personality and quick temper. There is a whole house of representatives that still have to approve if you decide to get pissed at China and blow them up.

The Wall. The famous Wall. See Mr. Trump, I support that wall. I am not racist. In fact my grandfather came straight off the boat in Italy. Fought, struggled and had to prove his way to be an American Citizen. He went through the great depression, he then started a successful coil company here in MI where he employed other hard working Americans and paid them a good wage. I want every non-American that wants to live in this great country to have to go through the same process. I don’t even know where we went wrong with that, but if you want to be here, work here, live here damnit, fucking earn it and prove it.

As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms. Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment […]

We bust our ass Mr. Trump. I pay taxes, my husband pays his child support, I donate to charities. We are good fucking Americans that cannot get ahead. And what makes me sick, is people that come over here from other countries and get free everything.

You see Mr. Trump, I need you to stop common core. My son struggles daily, and his teachers tell me they hate teaching it but the HAVE to. Their pay depends on these stupid fucking test scores.  I have to pay for a Tutor, why? Because I can’t figure out 4th grade math. I used to be good at math. I can’t afford a Tutor, in fact I sacrifice car insurance to make sure my son gets a good education and hopefully succeeds in life. My parents teach at a school where the kids come from illegal immigrant parents. Most of their parents are locked up. They don’t care about learning and threaten to kill my mom for caring about their grades. Do you realize Mr. Trump that they get free tutors, free tablets from our Government so they can succeed? Why cant my son get those things, do we as hard working Americans not deserve that too?

My husband suffered a stroke and a broken back and we were with just my income. Do you know how hard it is to support a family on only $40,000 a year? I couldn’t qualify for State Aid. I made to much.

Mr. Trump, this is why I voted for you. I see the change that we so desperately need. I see jobs coming back, people having to (work) for their handouts, money going to who really deserve it… Jobs given back to our American workers. I believe YOU are the President who will make these things happen. I have NEVER had this much belief in one person, and you are it.

If this blog even makes it to your eyes…thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Yours Truly,

A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.

Does that help? There are millions like her. 53% of White women and 63% of White men voted for Trump in 2016 according to exit polls.

But a 15-year-old is still a child, right? What kind of world have we created for our children? What is the way out of this? I’m in my third decade of asking that question (since Bowling for Columbine).  And I’m tired of asking it. I’ve been silent since last Tuesday, because if I have nothing new to add to this recurring tragedy, my soul asks: what’s the point?

But this one's closer to home. My grandfather worked at a printing press in Oxford during the Great Depression. One night, driving home to Flint, his car skidded off an icy road and he almost died. My great-great grandparents and their families settled in an area between Lapeer and Oxford in the 1830s. Canada, the closest we get in this world to a pacifist country, is just 43 miles away. At the high school between mine in Davison and the one in Oxford is Lapeer High School, where Oklahoma City bomber/helper Terry Nichols went to school. On a farm north of Lapeer, Timothy McVeigh and Nichols built their practice bombs before they blew up the federal building. Violence, everywhere. The Michigan militia looking to kidnap and kill the Governor. Can you and I put an end to this madness?

I have an idea. I’ll share it with you in the coming weeks.

(Cartoon by Clay Jones via
(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Hana St. Juliana, Madisyn Baldwin, Tate Myre and Justin Shilling.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

POLITICO NIGHTLY: Mild Omicron could still be bad


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With help from Myah Ward

Members of the public line up for Covid-19 vaccinations and booster jabs at St Thomas' Hospital in London.

Members of the public line up for Covid-19 vaccinations and booster jabs at St Thomas' Hospital in London. | Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

NOT SO TENDER AND MILD — The early indications suggest that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus typically causes disease that is “mild.” But even if that turns out to be true, “mild” doesn’t mean “no big deal.”

Mild Covid-19 can still cause a whole lot of illness, a whole lot of economic disruption, a whole lot of strain on health care systems around the world. In the U.S., the big Omicron wave could hit in January when we could also be wrestling with a travel-propelled post-Christmas Delta surge. Plus maybe the flu.

“I’m very worried,” said Marcus Plescia, the chief medical officer at the American Society of State and Territorial Health Officials.

Obviously, a case of mild Covid is preferable to coming down with the Vaccine-Evading Killer Bug From Hell that we worried about when we first learned of mutation-riddled Omicrom over Thanksgiving. But because Omicron is so contagious, there could be many, many cases — an exponential outbreak.

“This is going to take off. The numbers of people who get sick will be substantial,” Plescia said. And even if only a very small proportion of them end up with severe disease, that still adds up to a lot of very sick people.

For instance, if the fatality rate for Omicron turned out to be only one-fourth of that for “original” Covid, but Omicron infected four times as many people, then the same number of lives would be lost.

“It’s the math,” said Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at NYU.

And “mild” to an epidemiologist doesn’t mean the same thing that “mild” indicates to you and me. Mild to us means not feeling so bad. Mild to the public health professional just means you aren’t in the hospital.

“It can knock you off your feet and debilitate you for a few days and we’d still call it mild,” Plescia said.

Megan Ranney, an emergency physician at Brown, told Nightly that mild can mean anything from the sniffles to being so feverish and achy that you have to miss school and work — at a time when kids have already missed quite enough school and workplaces are short-staffed. She’s still wearing a mask in public settings.

“Even if I don’t get super-sick, thanks to the vaccines,” she emailed me last night, “I can’t afford to take 10 days off of work.”

Just as important, the whole “Omicron is mild” theory is tentative. It’s unclear how “mild” the variant’s disease will be in various populations, Gounder said — the vaxxed, the double-vaxxed, the boosted, the unvaccinated, or people with recent prior Covid infections, not-so-recent prior covid infections, no past infections.

It’s also way too early to have any idea about the long-Covid risks of Omicron. As Ranney noted, the science isn’t settled on the risk of long Covid in Delta breakthroughs, and that variant has been around for several months now.

With Omicron rising, the public health world really wants people who are still unvaccinated to get themselves — and their age-eligible kids — immunized. Concern about Omicron has spurred more vaccinated people to get boosters, but for the unvaccinated, the variant actually creates a tough messaging challenge. The public health messengers are saying, “The extremely contagious Omicron is coming!! Get your shot!” But the unvaccinated people are hearing, “Oh but it’s mild.”

Like so much with this pandemic, it’s all in the ear of the beholder.

Welcome to POLITICO Nightly. Reach out with news, tips and ideas at . Or contact tonight’s author on Twitter at @JoanneKenen.

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Children draw on top of a

Children draw on top of a "cancelled check" prop during a rally in front of the U.S. Capitol. | Alex Wong/Getty Images

BIRTH AND TAXES  The final monthly child tax credit payment of 2021 goes out Wednesday to 35 million families. Now it’s up to Democrats to pass President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better bill by Dec. 31 if they don’t want the benefits to lapse in January — or even become the final payment, period, writes Nightly’s Myah Ward.

The American Rescue Plan, passed in March, increased the tax credit from $2,000 per child to as much as $3,600, depending on the age of child. The monthly payments began in July, with deposits of $300 for children under 6 and $250 for kids 6 to 17. Families will get the rest of the money when they file their 2021 tax returns, as will other parents who didn’t opt to receive monthly cash.

Democrats are hopeful that if anything can unify their party as monthslong, grueling negotiations have forced them right up against the year-end deadline, it’s a historic antipoverty effort for children, POLITICO’s Congress team reported this week.

Roughly 450 economists signed a letter to Congress this fall in support of extending the fully refundable child tax credit. In the letter, the economists, including several Nobel Prize winners, cited a growing body of research that indicates the expanded CTC “can dramatically improve the lives of millions of children” while also “promoting our country’s long-term economic prosperity” by addressing child poverty.

“It’s hard to get economists to agree on things, but this is one of those cases where the economic research is so strong and telling such a consistent story,” Jacob Goldin, an economist and law professor at Stanford University who signed the letter, told Nightly. “They’re such a good long-term investment, and to do anything that would jeopardize that investment, doesn’t make any sense at all.”

In October, CTC payments reached 61.1 million children and kept 3.6 million from poverty, according to Columbia University’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy, which releases monthly numbers showing how many children the CTC has kept from poverty.

November’s numbers are expected to be even higher when the center releases the data later this week, Megan Curran, policy director at the center, told Nightly.

Families’ most common use of CTC payments was for purchasing food, according to national data from researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, using Census data. Food tops the list in every U.S. state, except for Mississippi, where food and school essentials are neck and neck.

U.S. Census data shows significant drops in food insecurity and that families spent CTC checks on school costs and child care when children returned to classrooms this fall. Mastercard data paints the same picture, showing that CTC money drove back-to-school spending in late August.

Republicans have called the expanded credit “welfare,” expressing concerns the extra cash keeps otherwise working parents at home. But six months in, Curran said, there is no evidence CTC payments have reduced employment. A national survey from the Center for Law and Social Policy shows that some families say CTC has helped them work more hours outside of the home.

“The fact that a single policy can reduce child poverty by 3 to 3.5 million children in a single month is not something that we see in terms of policy impacts for kids in child poverty in this country,” Curran said.

Democrats’ biggest barricade to passing their social safety net bill, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), is telling colleagues that the CTC is the biggest inflation driver in the bill, Axios reported Monday.

The argument is that inflation is hurting the poor, and by stopping CTC payments, people would spend less and therefore reduce inflationary pressures. But the argument is thin, Goldin said, adding that there are other ways to reduce inflationary pressures without cutting resources to families in need.

“The weight of the evidence is that the factors driving inflation are primarily short-term factors,” Goldin said. “And the idea that we would cut short this long-term, important investment out of a misguided effort to deal with those short-term inflationary pressures would be about as big a mistake as we can make.”


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VOTING OR BBB? Senate Democrats are desperately trying to avoid ending the year stalled on their two top priorities: elections reform and their expansive bill to address climate and the social safety net.

At the center of it all sits Manchin.

During Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s leadership meeting on Monday evening, Democratic senators hotly debated how to handle their two biggest unfinished tasks, Marianne LeVine and Burgess Everett write. Some Democrats say they should kick both issues until next year. Others argue the party’s leverage over Manchin won’t improve over time and want action now. And interviews today revealed a party wrestling with how to clinch its top priorities.

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) said he spent the weekend talking to Manchin and other Democrats about prioritizing legislation on ballot access, which he called a “moral question” that his party needs to confront.

“Voting rights should be the very next thing we do,” Warnock told reporters. “We’ve got to get Medicaid expansion, we’ve got to get child care, we’ve got to get relief to farmers. All of those things matter. But the point I’m making in this moment is: we have to have a democratic framework to continue to push for those things.”


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— Judge scraps Trump lawsuit to shield tax returns from Congress: A federal judge has rejected former President Donald Trump’s bid to block congressional Democrats from obtaining his tax returns . Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee to federal District Court in D.C., said Trump was “wrong on the law” and that Congress is due “great deference” in its inquiries. “Even the special solicitude accorded former Presidents does not alter the outcome,” McFadden wrote in a 45-page ruling. “The Court will therefore dismiss this case.”

— Senate passes $2.5T debt limit increase, sending to House: The Senate passed a measure tonight to raise the debt limit to nearly $31 trillion as Democrats race to clear the increase before the United States risks an economically devastating default. The chamber voted 50-49 to adopt the legislation. Across the Capitol, House Democrats are ready to clear the measure for President Joe Biden’s signature as soon as tonight, saving the Treasury Department from fully exhausting its ability to pay interest on the nation's $29 trillion in loans — an economic crisis that could hit as soon as Wednesday.

— Ethics board: Cuomo must give back money from $5.1M book deal: The New York state Joint Commission on Public Ethics will require former Gov. Andrew Cuomo to forfeit the money he made from his $5.1 million book deal in 2020. The move comes a month after the commission revoked its authorization allowing Cuomo to profit from his memoir, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic.” The book was published in October 2020.

— Report: Socialism attacks hurt Dems with Latino voters: A new post-mortem on the 2020 election results reveals that GOP attacks claiming Democrats embrace socialism helped fuel Donald Trump’s gains with Latino voters last year . More than 40 percent of Latino voters across the country expressed concern that Democrats are embracing socialism and leftist policies, according to a survey included in a report released today by Equis, a Democratic research firm. Among those who voted for Trump, more than 70 percent were concerned. And Latino voters said they are more concerned with Democrats moving to the left than with Republicans embracing fascist and anti-democratic politics.

— “We owe them action”: Biden honors Sandy Hook victims on 9th anniversary: Biden addressed the families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting today , marking the tragedy’s nine-year anniversary by calling it “an unconscionable act of violence.” Biden, who was President Barack Obama’s vice president at the time of the shooting, led the Obama administration’s effort to enact tougher gun control laws in Sandy Hook’s wake. That effort was ultimately unsuccessful when legislation to impose tougher background checks on gun sales — a bill that had been significantly pared back amid fierce opposition — failed on the Senate floor.

— D.C. suing the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys for damage caused on Jan. 6: The attorney general of the District of Columbia is suing the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and 31 members of the far-right groups for participating in the mob that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6. It’s the first government-backed legal action against the groups whose members allegedly stormed the Capitol. Members of Congress and the Capitol Police have already filed similar suits in their personal capacities.

— Biden taps Thompson for full term as top housing regulator: Biden will nominate Sandra Thompson, currently the acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to a full term at the regulator, the White House announced today . If confirmed, Thompson would be the country’s top housing regulator, with oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-controlled companies that stand behind about half of the roughly $11 trillion residential mortgage market.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Stow Health Vaccination center in London, England.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Stow Health Vaccination center in London. | Jeremy Selwyn - WPA Pool/Getty Images

BORIS SCRAPES OUT A WIN — Boris Johnson suffered the biggest parliamentary rebellion of his premiership and had to rely on opposition support to pass plans for tighter coronavirus restrictionsEsther Webber writes.

Some 98 Conservative MPs voted against the U.K. leader’s policy that will see a Covid pass — comprising either proof of vaccination or a negative test — required for entry to venues including nightclubs. The rebellion — which came as the government tries to contain the spread of the Omicron Covid variant — effectively wipes out the 80-seat majority he won in 2019.

The measure passed thanks to the support of the opposition Labor Party, by 369 votes to 126. But the sheer scale of the rebellion reflects the mounting pressure the prime minister is facing from his own party over his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting told Sky News in the aftermath of the vote that the result reflects “the shattered authority of Boris Johnson.”

Conservative MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown said a leadership challenge to Johnson next year has now “got to be on the cards.” The senior Tory told Sky News: “He’s got to realize that and he’s got to change.”


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89 percent

The reduction of risk of hospitalization or death with Pfizer’s antiviral Covid-19 pill in high-risk patients who’d been experiencing symptoms for three days or fewer, according to final results from a trial of 2,246 adults the company released today. The results tracked with interim findings the company reported last month, which prompted it to petition the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization of the pill, called Paxlovid.


OSLO GOES DRY — Norway will ban the serving of alcohol in bars and restaurants, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said , as part of new Covid-19 restrictions intended to stem the spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant, Thibaul Spirlet writes.

There’s “no doubt the new variant changes the rules,” Gahr Støre told a news conference Monday, announcing the country’s fourth round of measures in two weeks. “That’s why we need to act fast and we need to act again.”

The government also announced stricter rules for schools and the closure of gyms and swimming pools to some users as well as speeding up its vaccination campaign.

“For many this will feel like a lockdown, if not of society then of their lives and of their livelihoods,” the PM added.

Norway has reported the largest outbreak of Omicron in continental Europe, with 958 cases confirmed, according to the daily bulletin of the EU’s disease control agency on Monday.

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Hear from Aaron on why Facebook supports updating regulations on the internet’s most pressing challenges, including reforming Section 230 to set clear guidelines for all large tech companies.



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Monday, November 15, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Alex Jones Guilty by Default in Sandy Hook Lawsuits



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Alex Jones spread false theories about the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. (photo: Adriana Zehbrauskas/NYT)
FOCUS: Alex Jones Guilty by Default in Sandy Hook Lawsuits
Associated Press
Excerpt: "Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found liable for damages in lawsuits brought by parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims."

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones found liable for damages in lawsuits brought by parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims.

Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found liable Monday for damages in lawsuits brought by parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting over Jones’ claims that the massacre was a hoax.

Judge Barbara Bellis took the rare step of defaulting Jones in the defamation lawsuits for his and his companies’ “failure to produce critical material information that the plaintiffs needed to prove their claims.” The default means the judge found in favor of the parents and will hold a hearing on how much damages he should pay.

Lawyers for the parents claimed Jones and his companies, including Infowars and Free Speech Systems, violated court rules by failing to turn over documents to them, including internal company documents showing how, and if, Jones and Infowars profited from talking about the school shooting and other mass shootings.

“Their pattern of defying and ignoring court orders to produce responsive information is well established,” lawyers for the family wrote in a court brief in July.

Jones’ lawyers have denied violating court rules on document disclosure and have asked that Bellis be removed from the case, alleging she has not been impartial.

A Texas judge recently issued similar rulings against Jones in three defamation lawsuits brought by Sandy Hook families in that state, finding Jones liable for damages after defaulting him and his companies for not turning over documents. Hearings on damages also were ordered.

The 2012 school shooting in Newtown killed 20 first-graders and six educators. Jones has since said that he does not believe the massacre was a hoax.

Families of some of the school shooting victims sued Jones, Infowars and others in courts in Texas and Connecticut over the hoax conspiracy, saying they have been subjected to harassment and death threats from Jones’ followers.



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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Gunmaker [REMINGTON] takes aim at Sandy Hook kids in vile legal move


Today's Top Stories:

Gunmaker sued in Sandy Hook shooting wants academic, attendance, and disciplinary records of slain children

"The records cannot possibly excuse Remington's egregious marketing conduct, or be of any assistance in estimating the catastrophic damages in this case," the families' lawyer said.

Take Action: Add your name to call for Congress to make the Child Tax Credit permanent!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Biden takes swipe at Trump, mocks him publicly

President Biden took a moment during a tax policy speech to remind Americans the office he holds is not about himself, but rather the people he serves — with a not-so-subtle dig at the former guy.

Take Action: Tell President Biden and Congress to guarantee healthcare to ALL Americans — including mental health!

Republicans pull SHAMELESS stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unbelievable

Texas judge sides with abortion providers fighting six-week ban
The judge found that Texas’s restrictive new abortion law creates "imminent injury" to Planned Parenthood’s employees and issued a temporary restraining order.

Take Action: Add your name to repeal the Hyde Amendment and make abortion safe, legal, and affordable!

TikTokers and coders are flooding Texas anti-abortion snitch site with fake tips
The new law bans all abortions — including in cases of rape or incest — after six weeks, a period in which many women aren’t even aware that they’re pregnant.

FDA, CDC warn White House they’re not ready to recommend booster shots yet
The Biden administration has hailed the need for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots as the delta variant cripples some states’ health-care systems, but top government scientists are urging it to hit the breaks.

Take Action: Tell Congress to strengthen and expand Social Security!

Republicans in Florida, Arkansas, elsewhere vow to copy Texas's heinous "heartbeat" abortion ban

Numerous state lawmakers have said they will act to mirror the near-total ban on women's reproductive rights.

Army veteran and Democratic star Richard Ojeda makes clear: The media got Afghanistan wrong

No Dem Left Behind: Major Ojeda stops the finger pointers in their tracks.

Senate dems announce Judiciary hearing on Texas abortion law, Supreme Court "shadow docket"
While they're at it, maybe they should take another look at expanding the court.

White supremacist praise of the Taliban takeover concerns US officials
White supremacist and anti-government extremists have expressed admiration for the Taliban's return to power, a worrying development for US officials who have been grappling with the threat of domestic violent extremism.

California GOP governor recall candidate Larry Elder denies sexual assault accusations, says accuser too ugly for claims to be true
Because no one who publicly denigrates a woman's looks could be guilty of sexual harassment. Right, Donald?

Deadbeat Trump Tower tenants not paying rent
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Our own worst enemy...

While the pandemic rages on...

And in other news...


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"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...