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Showing posts with label EUGENE DEPASQUALE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EUGENE DEPASQUALE. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2022

Go time


Eugene DePasquale for PA

I’m emailing to ask you to donate $25 before our midnight deadline tonight. Please give me a minute to explain why:

A donation of $25 helps a lot. It sends a message that we’re ready for a change in leadership here in central PA, and it shows that we have real momentum against Scott Perry. It also reflects the 57% of voters who think enough is enough.

Rep. Perry is a danger to America and his time is up. So I’m asking you to help me in my fight to bring new leadership to Congress.

I need your help today. Our deadline is midnight tonight, and we need to raise at least $1,289 more by then. Please chip in $25 right now >>

Thank you,


Eugene DePasquale is a fighter with a reputation for being tough but fair. He gets results and will work with anyone, regardless of party, to deliver for the people of Pennsylvania. As Auditor General, he helped protect children from abuse, demanded thousands of untested rape kits be processed, exposed abuse in nursing homes, and saved taxpayers millions by shining a light on government waste, fraud, and abuse. He’s dedicated to reforming Washington and focusing on issues most important to Pennsylvanians—not the special interests.


Follow Eugene on social media for campaign updates:

DePasquale for PA 10
P.O. Box 1822
York, PA 17405
United States

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Scott Perry’s cabal is surrounding us



Eugene DePasquale for PA

Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Scott Perry. They’re all under the same circus tent, and Rep. Perry is the ringleader.

Earlier this month, Scott Perry was ushered in as the leader of the House “Freedom” Caucus and was crowned the de facto leader of the most extreme wing of American politics. He’s leading the same people who attempted to overthrow our democracypushed false conspiracy theories, and are standing in the way of progress.

And now he’s gearing up for his re-election campaign.

A new poll shows that 57% of PA-10 voters disapprove of Scott Perry’s actions. He is vulnerable, and this may be our best chance ever to defeat him. But he’s got billionaires and dark money PACs flooding his campaign with money. I’m counting on you and our grassroots army to carry us to victory. Will you help join our fight and chip in $25 to our Stop Scott Perry Fund before our January 31st deadline?

Scott Perry is too extreme to represent us in Congress, period. And unless we mount a serious challenge to him in 2022, he’ll continue to steamroll the people of this district.

Together, I know we can win in 2022. Please chip in to our Stop Scott Perry Fund today.

Thank you,

Team Eugene

Eugene DePasquale is a fighter with a reputation for being tough but fair. He gets results and will work with anyone, regardless of party, to deliver for the people of Pennsylvania. As Auditor General, he helped protect children from abuse, demanded thousands of untested rape kits be processed, exposed abuse in nursing homes, and saved taxpayers millions by shining a light on government waste, fraud, and abuse. He’s dedicated to reforming Washington and focusing on issues most important to Pennsylvanians—not the special interests.






DePasquale for PA 10
P.O. Box 1822
York, PA 17405
United States

Saturday, January 29, 2022




Eugene DePasquale for PA

We just received terrible news…

AP Headline: Pennsylvania court strikes down expansive mail-in ballot law

It’s disappointing to see, but this isn’t surprising. Far-right extremists are leading charges across the country to take away our constitutional right to vote. Today’s development is an extension of their efforts.

If we don’t fight back and win critical elections against extremists like Scott Perry, 2022 is going to be a repeat of 2020 – but much, much worse.

The PA Commonwealth Court’s attack on our constitutional rights is a stunning reversal to the bipartisanship we saw in the lead up of the 2020 election that made voting easier and more accessibleBut unless we use our voices to fight back, our rights will continue to be taken from us. We need you to add your name to our latest petition and help fight to protect our democracy.


Our democracy is at its strongest when access to the ballot box is respected and cared for. Mail-in voting helps our most vulnerable and marginalized communities, like our seniors, communities of color, and working families, have the opportunity to have their voices heard and their issues fought for.

We need to stand up and be heard.

It’s up to us to act quickly and decisively to make sure the Commonwealth Court hears our voices: we want voting to be easier, not harder. Add your name to our petition today to make sure they hear us loud and clear.


Thank you,

Team Eugene

Eugene DePasquale is a fighter with a reputation for being tough but fair. He gets results and will work with anyone, regardless of party, to deliver for the people of Pennsylvania. As Auditor General, he helped protect children from abuse, demanded thousands of untested rape kits be processed, exposed abuse in nursing homes, and saved taxpayers millions by shining a light on government waste, fraud, and abuse. He’s dedicated to reforming Washington and focusing on issues most important to Pennsylvanians—not the special interests.






Follow Eugene on social media for campaign updates:

DePasquale for PA 10
P.O. Box 1822
York, PA 17405
United States

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Do you think our rural communities deserve broadband?


Let me tell you about the digital divide.

Right now, our most rural and marginalized communities across our district are not connected to our dynamic economy. Why? Because students, families, and small businesses don’t have access to reliable or affordable internet.

When the pandemic forced us in and shut down schools, we saw our communities pushed to the brink. Without broadband access, students in central PA do not have the same opportunities as students in Philly.

But it doesn’t stop there. Small businesses without broadband access can’t reach customers or sell their goods. Making sure every home and business is connected to the globe is the strongest way we can keep our businesses competitive and keep Main Street vibrant.

Scott Perry simply doesn’t feel the same way I do, and his no vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill makes that very clear.

When given the opportunity for our communities to have the broadband access they need to stay connected to the world, expand small business dreams, or keep our students competitive, Perry’s NO vote showed how little he thinks of us and the things we care about. In our digital world, broadband is a lifeline for our communities, and Scott Perry wants to sever it.

But this is bigger than me or Scott Perry. I want to hear directly from you, Antonio: do you support expanding internet access and helping our communities thrive? If you do, add your name to our latest petition here!

Thank you,

-- Eugene

Eugene DePasquale has dedicated his public service to tirelessly fighting for working people, our senior citizens, and our most vulnerable. Will you pitch in any amount to help us elect a real leader to represent PA-10?


Follow Eugene on social media for campaign updates:

DePasquale for PA 10
P.O. Box 1822
York, PA 17405
United States

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