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Showing posts with label TEA PARTY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TEA PARTY. Show all posts

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Radical Capitalist Behind the Critical Race Theory Furor


The common story about this surge of action is that this is a new “Tea Party” moment—a genuine uprising by grassroots Americans who are furious about CRT and demanding action from their state legislatures. But that story ignores the clear influence of a carefully built campaign by the network of radical free-market capitalist think tanks and action groups supported by billionaire businessman Charles Koch and his late brother David.

The Radical Capitalist Behind the Critical Race Theory Furor

How a dark-money mogul bankrolled an astroturf backlash.

Once again, the forces of capitalism are harnessing racism to do their dirty work.

More than 25 states have introduced legislation or taken other action that, backers claim, is aimed at banning “critical race theory” (CRT) from schools and government programs. Several states have already passed these bills, and discussion on this topic leads Fox News every night.

The common story about this surge of action is that this is a new “Tea Party” moment—a genuine uprising by grassroots Americans who are furious about CRT and demanding action from their state legislatures. But that story ignores the clear influence of a carefully built campaign by the network of radical free-market capitalist think tanks and action groups supported by billionaire businessman Charles Koch and his late brother David.

At least to some extent, Koch-funded entities have manufactured this cycle of outrage, and it is dangerous to ignore the role they are playing and their motivations. This is not just a guess. UnKoch My Campus did the research, and we know it’s true. State politicians were almost entirely silent on the topic until the Koch network started pushing the issue earlier this year, months after it was first raised by Fox News commentators.

When the right wing talks about “critical race theory,” it is really hijacking an obscure academic concept to attack any approach to education or policy that acknowledges the existence of historic and structural racism in this country. The popular story—heard not just on Fox News but repeated by the The New York TimesThe New Yorker, and the The Atlantic—is that CRT became a national issue when a single conservative activist, Chris Rufo, appeared on Tucker Carlson in September 2020. President Trump, an avid Carlson fan, quickly responded with an executive order banning federal contractors for any diversity training that examined systemic racism. Since then, the story goes, the grassroots rage at CRT has boiled over.

Such a narrative is powerful, when true, because it gives an air of populist legitimacy to the cause. But that story doesn’t fit the facts.

Because after that brief moment in September, the debate around “critical race theory” went dormant for months. Almost no legislation was introduced at the state level in this period, according to Education Week. Fox News stopped talking about it, according to an analysis by Media Matters. Then, as the Biden administration took over, something happened. Mentions of CRT skyrocketed on Fox News. At the same time, state legislators started introducing bills. What was behind the surge, months after Rufo’s appearance?

Our research makes the answer clear: It was the Koch network.

As the head of UnKoch My Campus, I have spent years working to research and expose the insidious nationwide network of think tanks, action groups, and academics funded by the Kochs. While the network is often diffuse and hard to track, all of its branches purport to be dedicated to supporting free market capitalism.

But I have always known, as a Black woman, that the Koch brothers’ brand of radical capitalism relies on maintaining a system of white supremacy. That reality has rarely been as clear as now, when the Koch network is essentially working to manufacture a crisis to prove its case for privatizing education.

Unkoch My Campus reviewed the published materials of 28 conservative think tanks and political organizations with known ties to the Koch network from June 2020 to June 2021 and found that they had collectively published 79 articles, podcasts, reports or videos about Critical Race Theory.

These articles came out in a trickle last year, but then suddenly became a flood starting in February 2021, as President Biden took office and the threat to corporate profits became real. An average of five pieces per week dropped from late March to June 30, 2021. The pace of propaganda surged in both late May and late June—coinciding with the surge in action by state politicians.

Both the highly influential Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council, which has known ties to the Kochs and a long history of driving conservative state legislation, held webinars devoted to attacking CRT. The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research alone devoted 43 separate articles or videos to the topic.

Why is the Koch network so dedicated to this cause? It is a prime example of how the network has built up an alliance between the three pillars of the right wing: the Republican Party, rich corporate elites, and conservative white and evangelical voters opposed to racial progress.

The CRT fight helps all three. Republicans get a manufactured controversy that motivates their base to keep them in power, and they get the financial support of the Kochs and their corporate friends. The Kochs and other radical capitalists get a false panic around the state of public education, which helps their ongoing campaign to privatize schools, and they gain allies who will push the economic agenda that keeps them at the top. The overwhelmingly white Republican base is rewarded with a story that is easier for them to accept than the true one—a story where they are both the heroes of American history and the true victims of the American present, oppressed by “political correctness.”

As my organization wrote in our expansive report, “Advancing White Supremacy,” the Koch network has purposefully exploited this relationship for years. The network has long-standing ties to white nationalist scholars and has used their research to drive policies that serve its economic goals at the expense of people of color, including efforts to resegregate our nation’s schools, dismantle voting rights, and expand the prison-industrial complex.

You can see this play out in how the Koch think tanks we studied propose “solving” the CRT problems. They propose solutions like deregulating teacher licensing and relaxing restrictions on which public schools parents can send their kids to, both long-standing goals of the organization. This dramatic mismatch between supposedly existential stakes on the one hand and technocratic fixes on the other exposes their true intentions. They are inciting outrages against racial justice, and then using that outrage as a Trojan horse for entrenching radical free market ideology in every institution possible.


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

UNVACCINATED Linda Zuern, former Bourne selectman, dies of complications of COVID-19


This is the tragic cost of ignorance and misinformation.

Let's depend on FACTS, RESEARCH and SCIENCE.

There is no indication that other than speaking loudly and spreading misinformation, Linda Zuern had any science background. The ANTI-VAXXERS are spreading the virus and jeopardizing others.
Not only was Linda Zuern unvaccinated, but went before a pubic meeting:
"At a Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates meeting in December, Zuern spoke about a report on the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of the COVID-19 virus. Zuern questioned why some doctors were not allowed to use the medicine on patients. "
PUBLISHED IN JAMA (there are other studies as well):
“In the well-conducted clinical trials published to date, hydroxychloroquine has been evaluated in a wide variety of populations, ranging from patients with severe illness to individuals at risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, in whom the drug was used as primary prophylaxis; these studies failed to show any beneficial effect of the drug.”

This comment from the NY POST, the MURDOCH TABLOID:

The same kind of misinformation could have potentially prevented smallpox from being eradicated in the US, Fauci said.
“If you look at the extraordinary historic success in eradicating smallpox and eliminating polio from most of the world, and we’re on the brink of eradicating polio, if we had the pushback for vaccines the way we’re seeing on certain media, I don’t think it would have been possible at all to not only eradicate smallpox,” Fauci said. LINK

UNVACCINATED Linda Zuern, former Bourne selectman, dies of complications of COVID-19

Beth Treffeissen Cape Cod Times 

Published Jul 20, 2021

BOURNE — Linda Zuern, remembered as a staunch conservative, well-respected educator and friend to many in the town of Bourne, died on Friday due to complications of COVID-19. 

“This is one exceptional lady that touched so many lives, so many lives,” said Mimi Frank, her good friend from Woods Hole. 

Zuern, 70, died at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston on Friday of severe complications caused by COVID-19, according to family members and friends.

Zuern was brought from Cape Cod by MedFlight to the hospital in early June and had been in a coma on a ventilator until her death. She was not vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a close friend and one of her neighbors.

Linda Zuern, of Bourne, waves a Trump flag during a rally at the airport rotary in Hyannis on Nov. 7, 2019. Zuern and others gathered in support of President Donald Trump.

Zuern was one of the first members of the United Cape Patriots, a local grassroots conservative group that frequently held Trump support standouts on the Bourne rotary, along with other rallies.

She was often seen holding a Trump support poster as motorists drove by honking in support or against, said Adam Lange who founded the group in 2017.  Lange was one of four people who protested last week in opposition to the state VaxBus program — which distributes COVID-19 vaccines — when it arrived in Provincetown. 

Zuern was a big believer in the Constitution and believed in having a small government, which is what the Tea Party was all about, Lange said. Zuern helped found the Upper Cape Tea Party, he said. 

After her father died last year Zuern went to visit her mother in South Dakota. On their return trip to Bourne, both her mother and herself contracted COVID-19. Her mother survived the disease. 

At a Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates meeting in December, Zuern spoke about a report on the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of the COVID-19 virus. Zuern questioned why some doctors were not allowed to use the medicine on patients. 

Ronald Beaty, the former county commissioner, is proposing that the town of Bourne honor the former selectmen by naming a street, roadway, or municipal structure after Zuern in the near future. 

“It was a shock that we lost her,” said Beaty, who has supported Zuern over the years. “We are all grieving and we are going to miss her very much.” 

Beaty admires Zuern for being a very vocal person in the community. She motivated people to work on campaigns and frequented the Bourne Rotary to support former President Donald Trump, he said. 

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