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Showing posts with label CHICAGO SCHOOLS. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2022

RSN: Robert Reich | As Job Gains Slow, the Fed and Congress Apply the Wrong Medicine


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Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Robert Reich | As Job Gains Slow, the Fed and Congress Apply the Wrong Medicine
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
Reich writes: "Friday's jobs report from the Department of Labor was a warning sign about the US economy."

Friday’s jobs report from the Department of Labor was a warning sign about the US economy. It should cause widespread concern about the Fed’s plans to raise interest rates to control inflation. And it should cause policymakers to rethink ending government supports such as extended unemployment insurance and the child tax credit. These will soon be needed to keep millions of families afloat.

Employers added only 199,000 jobs in December. That’s the fewest new jobs added in any month last year. In November, employers added 249,000. The average for 2021 was 537,000 jobs per month. Note also that the December survey was done in mid-December, before the latest surge in the Omicron variant of Covid caused millions of people to stay home.

But the Fed is focused on the fact that average hourly wages climbed 4.7% over the year. Central bankers believe those wage increases have been pushing up prices. They also believe the US is nearing “full employment” – the maximum rate of employment possible without igniting even more inflation.

As a result, the Fed is about to prescribe the wrong medicine. It’s going to raise interest rates to slow the economy – even though millions of former workers have yet to return to the job market and even though job growth is slowing sharply. Higher interest rates will cause more job losses. Slowing the economy will make it harder for workers to get real wage increases. And it will put millions of Americans at risk.

The Fed has it backwards. Wage increases have not caused prices to rise. Price increases have caused real wages (what wages can actually purchase) to fall. Prices are increasing at the rate of 6.8% annually but wages are growing only between 3-4%.

The most important cause of inflation is corporate power to raise prices.

Yes, supply bottlenecks have caused the costs of some components and materials to rise. But large corporations have been using these rising costs to justify increasing their own prices when there’s no reason for them to do so.

Corporate profits are at a record high. If corporations faced tough competition, they would not pass those wage increases on to customers in the form of higher prices. They’d absorb them and cut their profits.

But they don’t have to do this because most industries are now oligopolies composed of a handful of major producers that coordinate price increases.

Yes, employers have felt compelled to raise nominal wages to keep and attract workers. But that’s only because employers cannot find and keep workers at the lower nominal wages they’d been offering. They would have no problem finding and retaining workers if they raised wages in real terms – that is, over the rate of inflation they themselves are creating.

Astonishingly, some lawmakers and economists continue to worry that the government is contributing to inflation by providing too much help to working people. A few, including some Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, are unwilling to support Biden’s Build Back Better package because they fear additional government spending will fuel inflation.

Here again, the reality is exactly the opposite. The economy is in imminent danger of slowing, as the December job numbers (collected before the Omicron surge) reveal.

Many Americans will soon need additional help since they can no longer count on extra unemployment benefits, stimulus payments or additional child tax credits. This is hardly the time to put on the fiscal brakes.

Policymakers at the Fed and in Congress continue to disregard the elephant in the room: the power of large corporations to raise prices. As a result, they’re on the way to hurting the people who have been taking it on the chin for decades – average working people.


It's January 6 and the Warning Lights Are Flashing RedLaw enforcement use a smoke grenade to push back protesters at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2021. (photo: Eric Lee/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Peter Maass | It's January 6 and the Warning Lights Are Flashing Red
Peter Maass, The Intercept
Maass writes: "It was the winter of 1991, and the country I was working in, the Soviet Union, was months away from its demise. Yet the collapse, so close, was unimaginable."

We are no longer observers of the distressed futures that afflict other people. We are those people now.

It was the winter of 1991, and the country I was working in, the Soviet Union, was months away from its demise. Yet the collapse, so close, was unimaginable.

Moscow was frigid and miserable. The currency was a wreck, stores had empty shelves, and the Kremlin seemed more of a ghost ship than command center. The country’s Baltic republics were seeking independence, and when I reported on the violence that had already occurred there, struggle and darkness were all that seemed possible.

I was visiting the Soviet Union to help my overworked colleagues from the Washington Post, and on one of my first nights, I had dinner with a few correspondents who lived in the country and knew what was going on — or were supposed to. They talked of a grim era ahead in which the KGB and the Soviet Army would rule the country, because its leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, was losing control; his reforms unleashed only discontent and poverty.

A few years later, after the Soviet Union was no more, I wrote about that dinner and what would have occurred if I had known the future and told my friends about it. “If I would have suggested that, in six months, hard-liners might stage a coup against Gorbachev, and that the coup would fail and that the Soviet Union, which we all had grown up with and believed to be immortal, would die on the spot, breaking into bits and pieces with names like Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, my colleagues would have laughed and wondered whether my water glass was filled with vodka.”

The astounding thing isn’t that every warning light was flashing red in the winter of 1991 and we didn’t see them. We saw those lights. Everyone did. We couldn’t miss them. We knew there was danger. The astounding thing is that we couldn’t imagine their submerged meaning, the future they indicated.

One year after the storming of the U.S. Congress, it’s a good time to recognize that we are no longer observers of the distressed futures that afflict other people. We are those people now. It is we, not the out-of-luck them, who are at the mercy of nightmares. So today is a good day to understand what that means.

Sinister Dimensions

I am a glutton for dystopia. While covering the war in Bosnia, I read J.G. Ballard’s “High-Rise,” a 1970s novel about a luxury apartment building in London where the residents devolve into war against each other, begun by a dispute over a loud party. I can’t remember why I chose to read Ballard, but the first sentences of “High-Rise” spoke to what I was learning in the Balkans about the ways societies slip, without knowing it, into the realm of nightmares:

Later, as he sat on his balcony eating the dog, Dr. Robert Laing reflected on the unusual events that had taken place within this huge apartment building during the previous three months. Now that everything had returned to normal, he was surprised that there had been no obvious beginning, no point beyond which their lives had moved into a clearly more sinister dimension.

Even as Sarajevo suffered its first casualties in April 1992, during a peace march, lots of people still couldn’t see what was in front of them: a genocidal war by Serbs against Muslims. There were plenty of flashing red lights before the shooting started, years before it started, in fact — the death of Yugoslav ruler Josip Broz Tito; the publication of a nationalist tract by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; the rise of Slobodan Milošević — but what did these things mean, what was the future they foretold?

These questions lead me to another book I read during my time in the Balkans, this one about the Balkans. Though Rebecca West’s “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon” is a classic that was published in 1941 and elicits some groans nowadays for its Serbian orientation, it has a line from its narrator that remains a truth bomb: “In writing this book I have been struck again and again by the refusal of destiny to let man see what is happening to him, its mean delight in strewing his path with red herrings.” These red herrings are somewhat universal: the plans we have, the dreams we covet, the delusions we nurture.

It would be wrong to punish ourselves over our inability to see the future. Who could be expected to realize that it wasn’t just a reality TV star but the next president of the United States who rode down an escalator at Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, and implausibly announced, as he described Mexicans as rapists, that he wanted to be the 45th commander in chief? For that matter, how could a young reporter in Budapest in 1990 foresee that the cool 20-something anti-communist activist he interviewed from time to time, just elected to parliament, would become a racist and antisemitic prime minister one day? (The cool kid was Viktor Orbán, and the young reporter was me.)

Red herrings, everywhere.

Patriot Games

The warning lights have been flashing in America for a long time. We could start in 1619 or 1789 and jump forward 200 years to Lee Atwater, Ronald Reagan, and Rush Limbaugh, for instance. What I saw in the Balkans makes me think the emergence of Fox News in 1996 was the trigger mechanism for our current predicament. It’s hard to overstate the necessity, if your goal is national madness, of mainstreaming racism and hatred — a function that was fulfilled by Radio Television of Serbia before the Bosnia war.

The late Miloš Vasić, one of the most fearless journalists in Serbia during the 1990s, chronicled his homeland’s descent into extremism and corruption. Vasić knew that the great unwinding in the former Yugoslavia was not a unique phenomenon. “All it took was a few years of fierce, reckless, chauvinist, intolerant, expansionist, war-mongering propaganda to create enough hate to start the fighting among people who had lived together peacefully for 45 years,” he said in 1993. “You must imagine a United States with every little TV station everywhere taking exactly the same editorial line — a line dictated by David Duke. You, too, would have war in five years.”

The Murdoch family, which owns Fox News, has required more than five years to create an actual war in the U.S., but the network’s millionaire hosts are not without results, and they remain hard at work encouraging their mostly white viewers to be the worst they can be and feel like patriots. I think Vasić, who died last year, would have a lot of wisdom to share about our January 6 anniversary, and some of it would revolve around Americans finally seeing they are not the well-mannered exception to internal calamity that they liked to believe themselves to be.

While it’s too much to expect we can foretell our future, we can know from the multitude of flashing lights that we have slipped into what Ballard would instantly diagnose as a sinister dimension. And our journey is not complete. Aleksandar Hemon, the Bosnian American writer, put it well: “What the actual resolution might look like, I fear to envision, but I know it will not resemble anything Americans can remember or dare to imagine.”

The fortunate thing is that we don’t need to know precisely what the future holds. History, and the presence of 20 million assault rifles in America, provides us with enough data to know the outlines of what’s ahead if we continue to pretend that nightmares are for other countries, not ours.


Myanmar's Suu Kyi Sentenced to 4 More Years in PrisonAung San Suu Kyi. (photo: AFP)

Myanmar's Suu Kyi Sentenced to 4 More Years in Prison
Associated Press
Excerpt: "A court in Myanmar sentenced ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi to four more years in prison on Monday after finding her guilty of illegally importing and possessing walkie-talkies and violating coronavirus restrictions, a legal official said."

A court in Myanmar sentenced ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi to four more years in prison on Monday after finding her guilty of illegally importing and possessing walkie-talkies and violating coronavirus restrictions, a legal official said.

Suu Kyi was convicted last month on two other charges and given a four-year prison sentence, which was then halved by the head of the military-installed government.

The cases are among about a dozen brought against the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate since the army seized power last February, ousting her elected government and arresting top members of her National League for Democracy party.

If found guilty of all the charges, she could be sentenced to more than 100 years in prison.

Suu Kyi's supporters and independent analysts say the charges against her are contrived to legitimize the military's seizure of power and prevent her from returning to politics.

Monday's verdict in the court in the capital, Naypyitaw, was conveyed by a legal official who insisted on anonymity for fear of being punished by the authorities, who have restricted the release of information about Suu Kyi's trials.

He said she was sentenced to two years in prison under the Export-Import Law for importing the walkie-talkies and one year under the Telecommunications Law for possessing them. The sentences are to be served concurrently. She also received a two-year sentence under the Natural Disaster Management Law for allegedly violating coronavirus rules while campaigning.

Suu Kyi was convicted last month on two other charges — incitement and breaching COVID-19 restrictions — and sentenced to four years' imprisonment. Hours after that sentence was issued, the head of the military-installed government, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, reduced it by half.

Suu Kyi's party won a landslide victory in a 2020 general election, but the military claimed there was widespread electoral fraud, an assertion that independent poll watchers doubt.

Since her first guilty verdict, Suu Kyi has been attending court hearings in prison clothes — a white top and a brown longyi skirt provided by the authorities. She is being held by the military at an unknown location, where state television reported last month she would serve her sentence.

The hearings are closed to the media and spectators and the prosecutors do not comment. Her lawyers, who had been a source of information on the proceedings, were served with gag orders in October.

The military-installed government has not allowed any outside party to meet with Suu Kyi since it seized power, despite international pressure for talks including her that could ease the country's violent political crisis.

It would not allow a special envoy from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which Myanmar is a member, to meet her. The refusal received a rare rebuke from fellow members, who barred Min Aung Hlaing from attending its annual summit meeting.

Even Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, who took over as the regional group's chair for this year and advocates engagement with the ruling generals, failed to meet her last week when he became the first head of government to visit Myanmar since the army's takeover.

The military's seizure of power was quickly met by nonviolent nationwide demonstrations, which security forces quashed with deadly force, killing over 1,400 civilians, according to a detailed list compiled by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

Peaceful protests have continued, but amid the severe crackdown, an armed resistance has also grown, to the point that U.N. experts have warned the country could be sliding into civil war.

"The Myanmar junta's courtroom circus of secret proceedings on bogus charges is all about steadily piling up more convictions against Aung San Suu Kyi so that she will remain in prison indefinitely. Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing and the junta leaders obviously still view her as a paramount political threat who needs to be permanently neutralized," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director for Human Rights Watch.

"Once again, Aung San Suu Kyi has become a symbol of what is happening to her country and returned to the role of political hostage of military hell-bent on controlling power by using intimidation and violence," Robertson said in a statement. "Fortunately for her and the future of Myanmar, the Myanmar people's movement has grown well beyond just the leadership of one woman, and one political party."

Suu Kyi was charged right after the military's takeover with having improperly imported the walkie-talkies, which served as the initial justification for her continued detention. A second charge of illegally possessing the radios was filed the following month.

The radios were seized from the entrance gate of her residence and the barracks of her bodyguards during a search on Feb. 1, the day she was arrested.

Suu Kyi's lawyers argued that the radios were not in her personal possession and were legitimately used to help provide for her security, but the court declined to dismiss the charges.

She was charged with two counts of violating coronavirus restrictions during campaigning for the 2020 election. She was found guilty on the first count last month.

She is also being tried by the same court on five counts of corruption. The maximum penalty for each count is 15 years in prison and a fine. A sixth corruption charge against her and ousted President Win Myint in connection with granting permits to rent and buy a helicopter has not yet gone to trial.

In separate proceedings, she is accused of violating the Official Secrets Act, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years.

Additional charges were also added by Myanmar's election commission against Suu Kyi and 15 other politicians in November for alleged fraud in the 2020 election. The charges by the military-appointed Union Election Commission could result in Suu Kyi's party being dissolved and unable to participate in a new election the military has promised will take place within two years of its takeover.


Russia Airs Bizarre Jan. 6 Spectacle Featuring Ashli Babbitt's MomBabbitt's mother, Michelle Witthoeft. (photo: Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Russia Airs Bizarre Jan. 6 Spectacle Featuring Ashli Babbitt's Mom
Julia Davis, The Daily Beast
Excerpt: "The host of the state TV special took to the halls of the Capitol building to deliver a conspiracy-fueled extravaganza on Russian airwaves."

The host of the state TV special took to the halls of the Capitol building to deliver a conspiracy-fueled extravaganza on Russian airwaves.

On the anniversary of the attempted Jan. 6 insurrection, Russian state TV reporter Denis Davydov was lurking at the Capitol, working on a special that aired on Sunday night. The broadcast featured a clip of Davydov approaching Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD)—a member of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot—with a question: “It is believed that Jan. 6 was a planned attack by the FBI and radical Democrats. Are you investigating this?” In response, Raskin cuts through the bullshit and tells Davydov, “Give my regards to Vladimir Putin.”

A year earlier, Davydov had been embedded amongst the would-be insurrectionists, describing them as “rebels” and showcasing their bloody wounds on camera. State media coverage that followed included interviews with Russian-speaking bloggers who took part in the rally preceding the riot—all in an effort to present the rioting as a false flag operation, set up by the Democrats to impeach and discredit former U.S. President Donald Trump. The same long-discredited propaganda narrative is still favored by the Kremlin’s pet networks.

With a Russian state media crew filming inside the Capitol building, Davydov pointed out the spot where rioter Ashli Babbitt was shot. He introduced Michael Leroy Byrd, the Capitol police officer who shot her, as “the black policeman who pulled the trigger, but was never punished for shooting an unarmed person.” Davydov tracked down Babbitt’s mother, Michelle Witthoeft, asking her on camera whether anyone representing authorities ever apologized to her for the death of her daughter. Witthoeft replied saying she received no apologies and insisted that someone would have to pay for “murdering” Ashli.

The Sunday broadcast also featured ‘coverage’ of a rally outside a jail in Washington, D.C., where some of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists are being held. There, the Russian journalist interviewed Trump supporters who aired grievances about conditions in the jailhouse. Meanwhile, Russia is grappling with yet another scandal involving accusations of gruesome torture in Russian prisons, condoned and directed by prison officials. When asked about it, Russian President Vladimir Putin had claimed that prison conditions in Western nations, including the United States, are worse than in some third-world countries.

The title of the Rossiya-1 TV special, “Stolen Elections: Half of Americans Still Don’t Believe in Biden’s Victory,” is aligned with a familiar narrative on Russian airwaves and social media platforms. Last week, Russian parliament member Alexey Pushkov wrote on his Telegram channel: “[U.S. President Joe Biden] will not be able to restore the old image of the United States as a law-based, transparent, democratic nation. Even before, this image was false, but after the scandalous elections of 2020 it collapsed completely... America looks like a house of cards that is falling apart.”

The program showcased interviews with several Trump supporters who raged about “stolen elections” and alleged instances of “election fraud.” Sitting down with Russian state media, Arizona congressional candidate Jeff Zink described instances of “suspicious” election records he claimed to have personally observed. Zink told the Kremlin-funded state TV channel: “We know that the elections were stolen, so my son and I went to Washington on January 6th.” Zink’s son, Ryan Scott Zink, is facing federal charges of obstructing an official proceeding, knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct.

Throughout the broadcast, Davydov sympathetically downplayed the actions of Capitol rioters by claiming that they merely “decided to enter the temple of democracy,” describing the lawmakers under attack as “representatives hiding from their own voters.” The state TV reporter described the Jan. 6 Commission as a committee “composed of Democrats and several Republicans who hate Trump,” using a clip from Fox News to corroborate this perspective.

Fox News is one of the most-frequently showcased American channels in Russia, unquestionably favored by state media. When Putin latched on to the coverage of Ashli Babbitt—and Tucker Carlson reiterated the president’s questions on his show—Kremlin propagandists described it as a “bullseye” accomplishment for Moscow’s ongoing efforts to influence public opinion in the United States.

The conclusion of the Jan. 6 special on Russian state television was just as telling as the title of the segment. Davydov noted: “Officially, Biden won the election, but he could not convince the Americans of his fair victory… A year has passed, the two Americas—supporters and opponents of Trump—remain in hand-to-hand combat and continue to clash.” Davydov concluded his reportage on an ominous note: “In the next presidential election, neither side will agree to admit defeat.”


I've Been Held at Guantánamo for 20 Years Without Trial. Mr Biden, Please Set Me Free.The Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. (photo: CNN)

I've Been Held at Guantánamo for 20 Years Without Trial. Mr Biden, Please Set Me Free.
Khalid Qasim, Guardian UK
Qasim writes: "Injustice takes many forms. After 20 years in US custody, most of that time spent in Guantánamo, you could say I am an expert."

Despite how many times, under how many presidential administrations, I have been disappointed, I hold out hope

Injustice takes many forms. After 20 years in US custody, most of that time spent in Guantánamo, you could say I am an expert.

It may surprise you to know that I think America has a very good justice system. But it is only for Americans. In the cases of those like me, justice is not something that interests the US. I wish that people understood how Guantánamo is distinct.

In Guantánamo, the torture we are exposed to is not isolated to the interrogation rooms; it exists in our daily lives. This intentional psychological torture is what makes Guantánamo different. There is interference in every aspect of my existence – my sleep, my food, my walking.

For the first nine years at Guantánamo, I was held in solitary confinement. It was a harsher, more violent place then. The communal blocks that opened in 2010 made a difference, but the deliberate mental torture remains the same. The rules change constantly and without warning. Some guards and some administrations are more cruel than others.

Imagine you’re watching TV and someone comes up behind you and starts lightly kicking you. If it only happens for a little bit, it won’t be a problem. But say they just keep kicking you, endlessly, no matter how often you tell them to stop, and there is nothing you can do about it. Imagine what kind of torture that would be.

The only freedom I have here is to protest. On aggregate, I have been on hunger strike for seven years. Seven years, feeling that I am not dead but also not alive. I believe in facing my jailer. They control my body, but not my heart. They tried to prevent me from learning, but I have anyway.

Painting has been my relief. I am proud of my art. Perhaps you have seen the few pieces that I have been able to get out of here? When they were exhibited in New York, I thought of the paintings looking out on to the elegant streets and the big buildings, and of the people in their nice city looking in, and how they cannot possibly imagine what our lives are like.

But even this relief has been taken from me. My captors refuse to let me send my art out of the prison. They have made it harder to make photocopies of what I paint, so I can’t even show my attorneys. So it becomes a burden. When I paint I feel a pain in my heart, knowing that the work I am doing is never going to be seen by anyone else.

When President Obama said he would close Guantánamo, we were optimistic and believed him. I hope that President Biden will complete that promise. He should do everything he can to shut the prison – not for us, but for the US.

Other countries used to look up to the USfor human rights, and they don’t any more – any claim by the US to defend human rights rings hollow. When Biden criticized Russia, Putin responded “What about GTMO?” Closing it will begin to repair the damage to America’s reputation.

The golden years of my life have been wasted in Guantánamo. If what happened to me happened in America, they would give me millions of dollars. Because I’m in Guantánamo, because I’m Arab, because I’m Yemeni, nobody cares.

But I want you to know I am a hopeful person. I don’t know where I will go, or what I will do, but there is another life for me, outside this prison.


Chicago Schools to Resume In-Person Classes After Teachers Union and City Reach DealA student in a classroom. (photo: Ina Fassbender/AFP)

Chicago Schools to Resume In-Person Classes After Teachers Union and City Reach Deal
Andrew Jeong and Laura Meckler, The Washington Post
Excerpt: "Chicago teachers on Monday agreed to resume in-person classes this week after city officials pledged to boost pandemic safety measures at schools."

Chicago teachers on Monday agreed to resume in-person classes this week after city officials pledged to boost pandemic safety measures at schools, ending a days-long standoff between teachers and the city that resulted in canceled classes for 340,000 students.

The deal means students can return to school on Wednesday, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) said in a statement. Lightfoot told reporters that the city would expand testing and enhance contact tracing efforts, as well as provide criteria for closing schools with outbreaks, to address the concerns held by the Chicago Teachers Union, whose members have expressed fear about getting infected in the classroom amid a nationwide surge fueled by the omicron variant.

Last week, the union had voted to return to remote learning, and the school system responded by canceling classes, making Chicago one of few U.S. cities without in-person classes after winter break.

“Someone asked who won and who lost,” Lightfoot said, reading aloud a statement to reporters. “No one wins when our students are out of a place where they can learn the best and where they’re safest,” she said.

Nearly two-thirds of the teachers union’s House of Delegates voted to return to schools, said Jesse Sharkey, the union president. The decision will be subject to ratification by the rest of the union’s 25,000 members.

Chicago teachers have demanded enhanced safety measures in schools, such as KN95 masks for educators and students, more frequent testing, and the option to take an unpaid leave of absence if an employee’s medical condition puts them at higher risk of severe illness from covid-19. The teachers also proposed standardized criteria for pausing in-person learning amid outbreaks. Without such accommodations, teachers have said, the city should transition classes to remote learning.

One major complaint from teachers was that the city had not set up a system to effectively test students for the virus before they returned to buildings. Other communities have staged effective “test-to-return” programs, and in Chicago, the district encouraged students to take coronavirus tests near the end of the winter break, but thousands of those tests were deemed invalid. Some samples were labeled unsatisfactory after delayed deliveries to labs because of weather and holiday traffic.

But municipal officials have resisted teachers’ demands to hold remote classes, which Lightfoot said puts too big a strain on working parents and can set students back in their education. During the last round of remote learning, Chicago schools lost contact with about 100,000 students — nearly a third of the district’s students, she said.

The standoff in Chicago, the nation’s third-largest district, was reminiscent of battles last school year between teachers unions, which saw in-person school as too dangerous, and school systems, which were trying to reopen buildings. This year, however, Chicago was an outlier.

The vast majority of school districts are now operating in person. However, many have struggled to cover classes for absent teachers, and some have seen large numbers of students out after testing positive or being exposed to the virus.

The fact that so many schools have stayed open represents a resolve on the part of school districts to try to avoid the academic and social harms of remote education that dominated the 2020-21 school year. Nonetheless, last week, about 5,400 schools were disrupted at some point, according to Burbio, a data firm. That’s the highest total this calendar year but a small fraction of about 100,000 public schools in the United States.

Last week, some schools shifted to remote learning because of high covid numbers, others delayed the start of school to allow for testing of students before they returned from winter break, and still others were interrupted by a snowstorm. But no other significant district saw the sort of acrimony or standoff that unfolded in Chicago.

The number of schools disrupted on Monday fell from more than 3,600 on Friday to slightly more than 1,300, according to preliminary data from Burbio.


Federal Agency Flags 8 New Substances That Could Give You CancerThe National Toxicology Program added eight new substances to a growing list of recognized cancer-causing agents found in many consumer products and water supplies. (photo: John Walker/The Fresno Bee)

Federal Agency Flags 8 New Substances That Could Give You Cancer
Joseph Winters, Grist
Winters writes: "The National Toxicology Program, or NTP, released its 15th report on carcinogens last month, adding eight new substances to a growing list of recognized cancer-causing agents found in many consumer products and water supplies."

They include a bacterial infection, a flame retardant, and six byproducts from water purification.

The National Toxicology Program, or NTP, released its 15th report on carcinogens last month, adding eight new substances to a growing list of recognized cancer-causing agents found in many consumer products and water supplies.

Among the new additions are a bacterium, a flame retardant, and six byproducts from water purification, bringing the total number of listed carcinogens up to 256. Other substances and activities listed include HIV and cobalt, which were added in 2016, as well as tobacco smoking, solar radiation, mustard gas, and asbestos.

The NTP’s congressionally mandated reports on carcinogens, intended to “help people make informed decisions about their own health,” are published periodically for the secretary of Health and Human Services as new information becomes available. The new report was released as the U.S. marked the 50th anniversary of the National Cancer Act, legislation that then-President Richard Nixon said would initiate a national “war on cancer” — by then the nation’s second leading cause of death.

According to 2019 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cancer still sits in second place as a leading cause of mortality for U.S. residents, killing nearly 600,000 people each year. “Cancer affects almost everyone’s life, either directly or indirectly,” said Rick Woychik, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the NTP, in a statement. Only heart disease claims more Americans’ lives every year. In 2020, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death.

Although the NTP’s reports on carcinogen do not directly determine public policy, they can inform it indirectly by helping policymakers identify substances in need of regulation. They “provide important information to members of Congress, regulatory agencies, and others who can use it to make informed decisions that protect the health of U.S. residents,” Ruth Lunn, director of the Office of the Report on Carcinogens, told Grist.

The NTP breaks up listed carcinogens into two categories: those that are “known” to cause cancer in humans, and those that are “reasonably anticipated” to do so. Just one agent identified in the NTP’s latest report received the former, more significant classification: chronic infection from H. pylori, a stomach bacterium found in contaminated drinking water. According to research from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, this cancer-causing bacterium disproportionately impacts nonwhite populations — potentially due to poorer access to clean drinking water. And following treatment, further research suggests that these same groups are less likely to receive critical “eradication testing” to ensure the bacteria has been fully eliminated from their bodies.

David Leiman, an assistant professor of medicine at Duke University, said that adding H. pylori to the NTP’s list of carcinogens could help draw attention to these inequities. “I hope that it would provide some urgency both from practitioners and also for patients,” he said.

In addition to H. pylori, the NTP recognized seven more substances as “reasonably anticipated” to cause cancer in humans. These include antimony trioxide, which is often used in plastic production and flame retardants for consumer products, and six haloacetic acids that may be produced during chlorine-based disinfection processes for drinking water. According to the NTP’s press release, some 250 million Americans may be exposed to water systems tainted with these substances. Although experts say the risks of drinking untreated water outweigh the risks from haloacetic acids, prolonged exposure to high concentrations can lead to rectal, colon, and bladder cancer, as well as developmental and reproductive problems.

Both antimony trioxide and the suite of haloacetic acids have previously been recognized by state and federal agencies as hazardous substances. Some places like California have imposed bans or tight restrictions on the use of antimony trioxide in consumer products, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has long regulated permissible outdoor exposure to it. The Environmental Protection Agency has also recognized haloacetic acids as potential human carcinogens since the early 2000s, but some advocacy groups have called for tighter regulations. “Legal does not necessarily equal safe,” the nonprofit Environmental Working Group said in a 2021 report that found elevated levels of water contaminants — including haloacetic acids — in drinking water supplies in Columbia, Missouri.

Even as the 15th report on carcinogens was released last month, the NTP is evaluating the carcinogenicity of additional substances for future reports: wood smoke, for example, as well as halogenated flame retardants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons — a class of chemicals that are released when fossil fuels are burned.



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Friday, January 7, 2022

RSN: Charles Pierce | American Plutocracy Would Adapt Swiftly and Smoothly to American Authoritarianism



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Lockheed Martin production facility in Marietta, Georgia. (photo: Don Peek/U.S. Air Force)
Charles Pierce | American Plutocracy Would Adapt Swiftly and Smoothly to American Authoritarianism
Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "If Omicron passed as quickly as did the attacks of conscience after January 6, we wouldn't be having half as many problems as we do."

Just look at where the donations are flowing.

There’s a lot of tres piquant news as we roll into the first anniversary of the events of January 6. (How does one celebrate the first anniversary of a barely unsuccessful coup, assuming that seizing the radio station or the airport is out of the question?) First, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago has cancelled his scheduled Horsewhip The Press event, announcing instead that he will tell all at one of his wankfests in Arizona next week. Second, former Trump adviser Peter Navarro went on teevee with MSNBC's Ari Melber and explained how the institutional coup was going to work itself out through compliant members of Congress and the presumed complicity of Mike Pence. (To his everlasting credit, Melber explained to Navarro that he was describing a coup.) And the special congressional committee released a batch of texts between Camp Runamuck and various Fox News teevee stars, in which the latter were pleading for the president* to turn off the madness, all of which should embarrass any legitimate journalists who ever stood up in defense of that whorehouse.

But CNBC produced a singularly important story about the expensive suits manning the engine room of the USS Ratfcker.

More than 140 Republicans in the House and Senate continued to object to the results of the election in which President Joe Biden defeated incumbent President Donald Trump, even after the pro-Trump attack on the Capitol. Trump, who was then the president, urged his supporters at a rally that day to march on Congress as lawmakers were in the process of confirming Biden’s electoral victory.

Data compiled by watchdog group Accountable.US shows a handful of corporations that chose to pause contributions or push back on what took place on Jan. 6 later moved ahead with financing the campaigns of GOP lawmakers who objected to the election results. A study by the Public Affairs Council published last month says more than 80% of corporate PACs did pause their contributions to federal candidates following Jan. 6.

If Omicron passed as quickly as did the attacks of conscience after January 6, we wouldn’t be having half as many problems as we do.

“Major corporations were quick to condemn the insurrection and tout their support for democracy — and almost as quickly, many ditched those purported values by cutting big checks to the very politicians that helped instigate the failed coup attempt,” Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement. “The increasing volume of corporate donations to lawmakers who tried to overthrow the will of the people makes clear that these companies were never committed to standing up for democracy in the first place.” Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and General Motors are among the corporations that said they would pause their campaign contributions to all federal candidates after the attack on the Capitol but later opted to resume their donations, including to lawmakers who objected to the results of the 2020 election.

There’s an important point to be made here: American plutocracy would adapt swiftly and smoothly to American authoritarianism. Corporations would line up to play the role of Krupp or IG Farben in Steve Bannon’s 100-year Reich. Some of them actually would prefer it, just as it was industrialists and bankers who sought to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935. From the Washington Post:

Eventually, MacGuire laid it all out: He was working for a group of mega-rich businessmen with access to $300 million to bankroll a coup. They would plant stories in the press about Roosevelt being overwhelmed and in bad health…A few weeks later, news of a new conservative lobbying group called the American Liberty League broke. Its members included J.P. Morgan Jr., Irénée du Pont and the CEOs of General Motors, Birds Eye and General Foods, among others. Together they held near $40 billion in assets, Denton said — about $778 billion today.

Counting on the essential patriotism of American corporations has been a sucker’s game for a long time.


Mike Pence's Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: ReportFormer vice president Mike Pence speaks at the National Press Club in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021. (photo: AP)

Ryan Bort | Mike Pence's Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report
Ryan Bort, Rolling Stone
Excerpt: "Mike Pence's office is cooperating with the Jan. 6 committee."

“You could see how much information they already had,” former Pence Press Secretary Alyssa Farrah told Axios of how much the committee had already gleaned

Mike Pence’s office is cooperating the the Jan. 6 committee.

Axios reported on Wednesday that “many” figures around the former vice president have voluntarily testified, including his former chief of staff, Marc Short, and his former press secretary, Alyssa Farrah. Keith Kellogg, Pence’s national security adviser who was subpoenaed by the committee in November, also gave a deposition.

One of Axios’ sources said that neither Short nor Kellogg would have cooperated without first getting the green light from Pence himself.

Short, Farrah, and Kellogg aren’t the only staffers to cooperate. Axios notes that multiple tiers of Pence’s staff who were at the White House on Jan. 6 have been “integral” in helping the committee flesh out what happened. “From the two I was in, you could see how much information they already had,” Farrah told Axios of her meetings with the committee last year.

Pence’s staff could provide a goldmine of information about what former President Trump was up over the course of the more than three hours from when his speech at the Ellipse concluded, to when he finally tweeted that his supporters should stand down. Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said on Sunday that the committee had received first-hand accounts of Trump’s behavior during the attack on the Capitol. She did not specify who provided those accounts, but CNN later reported that Kellogg was a key witness.

It isn’t shocking that members of Pence’s staff would cooperate with the committee given how Trump has thrown his former vice president under the bus, blaming him for the administration’s inability to overturn the results of the election. The committee hasn’t had as much luck getting Trump’s staff to cooperate, although former Trump Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told reporters on Wednesday that she “cooperated fully” with the committee after meeting with it earlier that day.


Judges Have Declined US-Proposed Sentences in Two-Thirds of Jan. 6 Cases So FarA police officer is visible through a broken window of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 7, 2021, the day after a pro-Trump mob broke into the building. (photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

Judges Have Declined US-Proposed Sentences in Two-Thirds of Jan. 6 Cases So Far
Rachel Weiner, Tom Jackman and Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post
Excerpt: "When federal judges in Washington began hearing guilty pleas from some of the hundreds of riot participants who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, some were highly critical of prosecutors for pursuing only misdemeanor charges, and not seeking jail time, for many defendants."

Of 701 federal defendants, 74 have been sentenced, nearly all for misdemeanors

When federal judges in Washington began hearing guilty pleas from some of the hundreds of riot participants who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, some were highly critical of prosecutors for pursuing only misdemeanor charges, and not seeking jail time, for many defendants.

“Is it the government’s view that the members of the mob that engaged in the Capitol attack on January 6 were simply trespassers?” Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell asked incredulously in October. “Is general deterrence going to be served by letting rioters who broke into the Capitol, overran the police … broke into the building through windows and doors … resolve their criminal liability through petty offense pleas?”

But for all four defendants Howell has sentenced, she has imposed less jail time than prosecutors sought, saying that government plea deals in most misdemeanor cases are forcing judges to choose whether short jail terms or years of probation pose a stronger deterrent. And her decisions are not unusual, a Washington Post analysis found.

Federal judges in D.C. have gone below the government recommendation in 49 out of 74 sentencings held for Capitol riot defendants one year after the attack, about two-thirds of the cases. In eight cases where prosecutors asked for jail time, the judges instead opted for probation. Of the 74 people sentenced so far, 35 have been given jail or prison time, 14 home detention and 25 probation alone.

About a quarter of cases in what the government has called the largest investigation in U.S. history have resulted in guilty pleas as of Jan. 6 this year; out of 701 people charged in federal court, 174 have pleaded guilty. (One case was dropped against a man who never went inside the building; two defendants have died.) While half the defendants face felony charges, nearly 90 percent of pleas involve misdemeanors, as prosecutors so far have focused on closing less serious cases to marshal resources for more complex trials ahead.

Before the pandemic, about half of federal felony cases in Washington were resolved within a year. But the system has moved slowly for those accused of the most serious crimes due to the pandemic and the vast amount of electronic evidence, whether videos or social media, which had to be reviewed and shared. Prosecutors are also using the felony charge of “obstruction of Congress” in a novel way against 275 defendants, prompting legal challenges that have delayed plea talks. Those challenges are easing, however, likely speeding up guilty pleas, cooperation deals and the overall investigation, as well as increasing average sentences as more felony cases are decided.

Of the 367 people charged with at least one felony as of Thursday — including 156 charged with assaulting law enforcement — only seven cases have reached sentencing, and just three of those involved attacks on the police. No trials have been held, with the first set to begin in February. None of the 39 people charged with conspiring to stop the vote count, including members and associates of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, have been sentenced.

Although the Justice Department has argued generally that higher sentences would deter domestic terrorism, prosecutors so far have not formally asked judges to apply terrorism-related enhancements that could more than double the sentencing guidelines. Instead, they have used the threat of that enhancement to encourage guilty pleas, lawyers have said.

In addition to those charged, the government estimates more than 1,000 other people took part in the riot, including more than 350 who committed acts of violence in the insurrection that resulted in attacks on scores of police officers and left at least five dead.

It’s not unusual for federal defendants who plead early and cooperate to get better sentencing deals. And judges regularly sentence below government recommendations and the advisory guidelines calculated by probation officers, which factor in criminal and personal history, remorse and the seriousness of the offenses. Defendants also get to make recommendations at sentencing, with courts often splitting the difference. And Jan. 6 prosecutors began asking for jail time more often after judges’ initial complaints.

Nevertheless, U.S. district judges in Washington have lamented that they are limited by prosecutors’ decisions to let many rioters plead to a “petty offense” of illegally parading inside the Capitol or other misdemeanors, including at least 14 allowed to plead down from felonies. And even among seven felony cases sentenced so far, alongside 67 misdemeanor cases, judges have reduced the government’s proposed sentence in five of them.

Ed Ungvarsky, a longtime defense attorney who represented one Jan. 6 defendant charged with a misdemeanor, said strong comments by judges about a low-level case are common. Judges, he said, are “signaling the seriousness of the overall situation” and want to send a message to “actors charged and uncharged” — including “those who exhorted the activity at the Capitol that day” — that they have gotten a break, but “shouldn’t expect it again.”

Some felony defendants have gotten a break for pleading early. Prosecutors sought an 18-month sentence for Paul A. Hodgkins, who pleaded guilty to the felony of obstructing a joint session of Congress while carrying a “Trump 2020” flag into the well of the evacuated Senate on Jan. 6. Hodgkins was the first riot participant to face sentencing for that felony charge, which other defendants have argued is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Randolph D. Moss, an appointee of President Barack Obama, sentenced him to eight months.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson, another Obama appointee, gave the largest departure from a government recommendation to Cleveland Meredith, who headed to D.C. armed and threatening to kill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) but failed to make it in time for the riot. Prosecutors sought a roughly 41-month sentence; Jackson gave him 28, citing his mental health problems and “need of a comprehensive assessment and an intensive, multilayered treatment plan.”

By law, judges are required to consider several criteria in devising sentences, starting with the seriousness of the offense and “to provide just punishment.” The judges must also consider whether the sentence affords “adequate deterrence,” protects the public from further crimes of the defendant, the need to provide the defendant with treatment or training, and the defendant’s legal history and personal background. The judges must also avoid “unwarranted sentence disparities” among defendants with similar records convicted of similar crimes. Very few of the Jan. 6 defendants have prior criminal records.

Besides the 49 cases in which the judges have imposed lesser sentences than requested by prosecutors, the judges have increased the proposed sentence in 11 cases, and given the exact sentence requested by the government in 14 cases. Through a spokeswoman, the judges of the federal court in D.C. declined to comment.

The refusal to routinely impose heavy sentences shows “the prosecutors and judges are doing exactly as their oaths require,” said Jay Town, a former U.S. attorney in Alabama who served on a Trump-era law enforcement commission. “Judges are thoughtfully curating sentences for defendants under the totality of the circumstances, not just heedlessly following the government’s recommendations.”

The sample size of 74 sentencings is small, but a split has emerged among some judges appointed by presidents of different parties. Of the 11 sentences above the government’s recommendation, nine were exceeded by Democratically appointed judges, with Obama appointee Tanya S. Chutkan going higher than requested in seven. There are 10 judges appointed by Democratic presidents and eight appointed by Republicans who are handling Jan. 6 sentencings at the district court in Washington.

Of the 49 sentences that have been below the government recommendation, 30 were by Republican-appointed judges, though they are a slender minority on the court. As of Jan. 6 this year, Judge Carl J. Nichols went lower than requested in eight of his 10 sentencings. Judge Trevor N. McFadden went below the government’s request in five of the seven cases he has heard, while going higher in one. Both judges were appointed by President Donald Trump.

The results appear to have flipped some judges’ sentencing tendencies, given their backgrounds. Chutkan is a former public defender, and McFadden is a former Justice Department official, prosecutor and police officer.

When prosecutors asked for a two-month home confinement sentence for a defendant from Oklahoma who climbed into the Capitol through a broken window and pleaded guilty to parading, McFadden instead gave her two months of probation.

“I think the U.S. attorney would have more credibility,” McFadden said, “if it was evenhanded in its concern about riots and mobs in this city.”

Hundreds of people were arrested in D.C. during racial justice protests in 2020; not all were charged, and police were accused of sweeping up nonviolent protesters and observers. McFadden has rejected prosecution requests for home detention in four Jan. 6 cases, saying he thought it was ineffectual.

Chutkan stands out in exceeding government requests in seven of her eight cases so far, sentencing defendants who pleaded guilty to unlawful parading to prison terms of 14 to 45 days — above prosecutors’ requests for no time or 30 days.

“There have to be consequences for participating in an attempted violent overthrow of the government, beyond sitting at home,” Chutkan said in an October sentencing.

“People gathered all over the country last year to protest the violent murder by the police of an unarmed man — some of those protests became violent,” Chutkan said, apparently referring to McFadden’s comments. “But to compare the actions of people protesting mostly peacefully for civil rights to those of a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government is a false equivalency and ignores the very real danger that the Jan. 6 riot posed to the foundation of our democracy.”

Chutkan also gave the longest sentence thus far — to Robert S. Palmer, who got the 63 months in prison prosecutors sought for repeatedly attacking police officers at the Capitol with a fire extinguisher and a pole. In two other police assault cases, judges went slightly below government requests, issuing sentences of 46 instead of 48 months, and 41 instead of 44 months.

McFadden is not alone in regularly rejecting prosecutors’ suggestions, though his reasoning may be different from others. Historically tough sentencing judges Royce C. Lamberth and Reggie Walton, both Republican appointees, have repeatedly sentenced below government recommendations in misdemeanor cases.

“Even for people who were just there for a short period and walked through, the seriousness of what happened that day … the effect on the country is such that the courts have to treat it like a serious offense,” Lamberth told a defendant who was briefly in the building. But the judge also believed the 81-year-old veteran had “lived a life that is to be emulated,” and Lamberth “encouraged others” to plead guilty rather than go to trial.

“I hope others will follow your lead,” he said, in giving the man three months of home detention — a month shy of the government request.

Walton told a Florida man who recorded officers being assaulted and tried to open doors inside the Capitol that he had “disgraced this country in the eyes of the world.” But Walton gave him three years of probation for illegal parading, rather than the four months in jail prosecutors wanted.

Prosecutors have allowed 58 of the 74 sentenced defendants to plead guilty to “illegal parading or picketing,” a misdemeanor punishable by no more than six months in jail. Probationary terms could be longer, but legal precedent indicates judges cannot combine both supervision and incarceration for the parading charge.

In a recent sentencing memorandum, the Justice Department explained that those who “did not carry a weapon into the building, engage in violence or property destruction, or conspire or coordinate with groups intent on breaching the building” have been “permitted to plead guilty to a misdemeanor of their choosing.” Most have chosen parading; other misdemeanors can carry more jail time and a mix of probation and incarceration.

By allowing some defendants initially charged with felony obstruction to plead to misdemeanors punishable by up to a year in prison, and defendants facing such misdemeanor charges to plead down to parading, prosecutors have created a three-tier system that incentivizes defendants to plead guilty, defense lawyer have said. The U.S. attorney’s office for the District, which is leading the prosecution, declined to comment.

But some judges criticized the either-jail-or-probation sentencing aspect of the parading charge. They said it ties their hands, when a combination of jail time and years of supervision could better deter individual defendants and others from committing similar crimes, and probationary services could help defendants with drug, work or mental health problems.

Howell said that was why she rejected government requests for two to 12 weeks of jail time for four defendants in lieu of two to three years of probation. For one, she added two weeks of detention in a halfway house to get around the restriction.

While chiding the government for not “being more creative” in its recommendations, Jackson has gone below prosecutors’ recommendations in five out of eight sentencings. In the case of an Indiana man who went into the Capitol with a pocket knife, the Obama appointee said she was “hamstrung” by the government’s decision to let him plead guilty to parading.

As Howell has, Jackson chose to give him home detention and probation instead of the two months in jail sought by prosecutors, in part because he had started going to therapy, stopped using drugs and started a new job.

“It’s most beneficial to yourself and the public if I insist that you continue to get the help that you need,” she concluded.


This Is the Day That Joe Biden Became PresidentIn an address to the nation on the anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, President Biden accused former president Donald Trump of spreading a 'web of lies' about the 2020 election. (photo: Michael Reynolds)

This Is the Day That Joe Biden Became President
Matt Lewis, The Daily Beast
Lewis writes: "In what may be the most powerful speech of his presidency, Joe Biden commemorated the one-year anniversary of the January 6 riot in the U.S. Capitol not just by condemning the violence and defending democracy, but by calling Donald Trump a loser."

He marked the anniversary of Jan. 6 by calling the former president who still hasn’t accepted his loss a liar and a loser. It’s about time.

In what may be the most powerful speech of his presidency, Joe Biden commemorated the one-year anniversary of the January 6 riot in the U.S. Capitol not just by condemning the violence and defending democracy, but by calling Donald Trump a loser.

“He’s not just a former president. He’s a defeated former president,” Biden said, twisting the knife in his conquered rival. “[B]ecause his bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy, or our Constitution…he can’t accept he lost.”

Too harsh? I don’t think so. It was, to borrow a phrase from an American winner, “altogether fitting and proper,” since the Capitol insurrection was the result of Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election having been stolen. Give Biden credit for going straight to the root of the problem. Trump didn’t just incite the mob on Jan. 6, he did so after pouring gasoline for months with his bogus “Stop the Steal” rhetoric.

That’s not to say that Biden merely engaged in petty bullying or name calling (indeed, Biden never uttered the former’s president’s name) at the expense of his moral authority. In my estimation, he struck the perfect balance. To borrow a ridiculous line sometimes invoked about the previous guy, This is the day that Biden became president.

It was serious, but not whiney. And he didn’t just mock Trump for losing. "You can’t love your country only when you win. You can’t obey the law only when it’s convenient. You can’t be patriotic when you embrace and enable lies,” Biden said. "Those who stormed this Capitol, and those who instigated and incited, and those who called on them to do so held a dagger at the throat of America.”

Liberals, of late, talk a lot about defending democracy, and this is a very valid and important thing to do. Unfortunately, in this environment, it can also come across as preachy, alarmist, and even weak (this was the same problem liberals faced in the 1930s, when they looked weak and impotent in the face of more dynamic and energetic fascist leaders).

That’s why it’s so important that Biden took the fight to Trump. Bill Clinton famously said that “strong and wrong beats weak and right.” Clinton was correct—and this lesson was especially important for liberals to learn. In this case, Biden has the benefit of being strong and right.

Of course, sometimes actions have unintended consequences, and we should acknowledge that possibility here. One potential downside of Biden’s tough talk could be baiting Trump into running again in 2024 (if he wasn’t already planning to do so). It was Barack Obama’s mockery at a White House Correspondents Dinner, after all, that apparently motivated Trump to run the first time.

But I think this is different. That was frivolous; Obama didn’t take Trump seriously. With Biden, this is a calculated decision, based on a realization that ignoring Trump will not cause him to go away, and ignoring Trump’s lies only gives them space to take root.

Let’s be honest. Biden did win. And I don’t just mean that Biden got the most votes, but also that he defeated Trump. That he prevailed. That he’s a winner. That he made Trump a loser.

And the fact that the very same people who fetishize winning and winners are willing to (with apologies to General Patton) “tolerate a loser” only makes sense in a world where the same people who call people “cucks” really are cucks.

The contrast between the winner and the loser washighlighted today in another way. As you might recall, Trump was going to speak today, then he decided not to, and then he issued a weak statement. Who looks stronger, the guy who gives a big speech at the Capitol or the guy who hems and haws before issuing a press release about it?

In his statement, Trump referred to the speech as “political theater” to distract from Biden’s failures as a president. Trump and I largely agree on Biden’s tenure as president. However, Biden is the president, and the sooner all Americans acknowledge this fact, the sooner we can all move on to criticizing Biden’s many failed policies.

Maybe Biden should have given a speech like this sooner, but I am sympathetic to why he didn’t. First off, end-zone dancing is unbecoming of a confident leader. After all, Trump was clearly defeated, and one might assume that the fact that this was self-evident would mean that Biden shouldn’t have to remind everyone.

Second, the rule about wrestling with a pig applies: It’s hard to win a gutter war against Trump, and even if you do you’ll be covered in filth.

This brings us to the final reason: Biden’s desire to be a uniter. Upon winning, you should govern “with malice toward none.” For a president who hopes to win re-election, this is both generous and politically necessary.

But here’s the thing: Trump’s fans see this as a war against an evil enemy, not an election among Americans. The MAGA forces lost at the polls in 2020, but they’re refusing to surrender.

Preserving liberal democracy is a daily battle, and, it turns out, so is establishing the fact that the 2020 election was decided legitimately. For now, at least, the two things go hand in hand. If you were hoping today was a day about bringing closure to a horrific event, think again.

To borrow another phrase from an American winner, it ain’t over till it’s over.


Classes for Chicago Public Schools Students Canceled for a Second Day Following Stalemate With UnionChicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez said principals can start offering in-person services for students on Friday if they have sufficient staff. (photo: Manuel Martinez/WBEZ)

Classes for Chicago Public Schools Students Canceled for a Second Day Following Stalemate With Union
Kate N. Grossman, WBEZ
Grossman writes: "Chicago Public Schools classes are canceled for a second day amid an on-going standoff between the mayor, school district leaders and the Chicago Teachers Union. CPS and the union negotiated Wednesday but did not reach an agreement on COVID-19 safety measures, though the CTU reported some progress."

CPS says academic and other supports will be available for students in schools starting Friday, but they need staff to make it work.

Chicago Public Schools classes are canceled for a second day amid an on-going standoff between the mayor, school district leaders and the Chicago Teachers Union. CPS and the union negotiated Wednesday but did not reach an agreement on COVID-19 safety measures, though the CTU reported some progress.

CPS CEO Pedro Martinez Wednesday evening argued that he had “no choice” but to cancel classes again because he lacked sufficient staffing with teachers at home. Just 10% of teachers came to school Wednesday after they voted in large numbers earlier this week to reject in-person learning.

But he said the district would be moving back to in-person learning. He said support and academic services would be available for students in schools starting Friday, and each school would decide its offerings depending on how many staff returned to schools. Martinez suggested students may get in-person instruction, packets to take home, help with college applications or virtual lessons.

He urged the union not to discourage teachers from returning to schools. Notably, teachers were reminded that if they don’t come in to schools, they wouldn’t be paid.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot made clear her frustration with another day of canceled classes amid stalled negotiations with the teachers union.

“We will not relent,” she said. “Enough is enough. We are standing firm and we are going to fight to get our kids back in person learning.”

When asked if she would go to court for an emergency injunction to stop the teachers union, she said, “We have taken steps in that direction.”

She did say that an unfair labor practice complaint had been filed. Meanwhile, the CTU filed its own complaint with the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board accusing CPS of an illegal lockout.

Teachers union members voted Tuesday evening to temporarily work remotely amid a surge in COVID-19 cases. In response, the mayor and Martinez canceled classes, calling the action illegal and unnecessary. They say schools are safe and think reverting to remote learning should happen only on a school-by-school basis.

Union leaders say there aren’t enough safety measures in place, particularly at a time when COVID-19 cases are at record levels, breakthrough cases in the vaccinated are common and many students remain unvaccinated.

In an update to members Wednesday night, CTU President Jesse Sharkey said there had been movement at the bargaining table in the last two days. He said there was “more movement” since Monday “than in the last few months. Unfortunately this confirms the pattern. The mayor won’t budget until we demonstrate our willingness to collectively assert our demands.”

The CTU vote called for teachers to work remotely until January 18 or until the current surge subsides, whatever comes first. They are demanding additional safety measures. These include requiring testing for everyone before returning to buildings, more regular testing in schools, high-quality masks for all who want and a COVID-19 metric that would trigger an individual school closing.

CTU wants that metric in place for the rest of the school year. On Tuesday, CPS proposed a metric, but it was only for the month of January. Sharkey called it “woefully inadequate.” CPS also says it has bought KN95 masks for students and staff, will increase contact tracing and is letting schools reinstitute a daily health screener.

This is the third major dispute with the teachers union since Lightfoot was elected mayor in 2019 and there’s no love lost between the two sides.

In an interview with WBEZ on Wednesday, when asked why Lightfoot adamantly opposes allowing teachers to go remote for eight school days while negotiations continue, the mayor characterized the CTU’s proposed return date of January 18 as “arbitrary” and questioned whether they would stick to it.

“They keep moving the goalposts,” she said. “Why would I believe … that they will actually come back? And, frankly, what it underscores is how arbitrary the decisions of the CTU leadership are in disrespect of our parents, our students and data and science. They don’t believe in any of that. What they believe in is exercising raw political power.”

Earlier in the day, Sharkey reiterated that teachers would return to schools after the latest COVID-19 surge subsides, even if there is no safety agreement reached with the school district. He noted Tuesday’s vote that teachers would return by January 18 or when the surge subsidies, whichever is soonest.

“We don’t want to go back to last year, no one does,” Sharkey said. “We think it’s reasonable to ask for testing and safety mitigations in the current context, and then we think quickly the surge passes and we’re able to get back [to] in-person instruction.”


Tony Blair: Iraqis 'Disgusted' at Knighthood Being Offered to War ArchitectFormer prime minister Tony Blair speaks during a news conference in London on 6 July 2016, following the release of the Iraq Inquiry report. (photo: AFP)

Tony Blair: Iraqis 'Disgusted' at Knighthood Being Offered to War Architect
Alex MacDonald, Middle East Eye
MacDonald writes: "Iraqi campaigners and politicians have expressed their 'disgust' at the decision by the British government to award a knighthood to former Prime Minister Tony Blair, citing his involvement in the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation."

A petition calling for the former prime minister to have his knighthood withdrawn has collected almost three quarters of a million signatures

Iraqi campaigners and politicians have expressed their "disgust" at the decision by the British government to award a knighthood to former Prime Minister Tony Blair, citing his involvement in the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation.

The anger comes as a petition launched in the UK calling for the former Labour leader to have the honour withdrawn reached over 700,000 signatures.

Blair has been accused of war crimes over his role in the invasion of Iraq, which toppled longtime ruler Saddam Hussein and led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, widespread internecine violence and ongoing instability in Iraq and beyond.

There was further anger on Wednesday after it was claimed by Blair's former defence secretary Geoff Hoon that he had been told to "burn" a memo from the British attorney general which cast doubt on the legality of the Iraq war.

Rami al-Sakini, an Iraqi MP and member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told Middle East Eye that the knighthood should be withdrawn.

"Of course this is neither appropriate nor correct," said Sakini, who is an MP for the southern city of Basra, which fell under British administration following the invasion.

"Especially for Tony Blair, who participated in the occupation of Iraq and was a major reason for wasting the resources of this country."

Sakini, whose Sairoun party won the largest number of seats in Iraq's parliamentary elections last October, said giving Blair the title was effectively "honouring the violation" that was the Iraq war.

The actions of British forces in Basra have repeatedly come in for criticism with claims of willful killings, detainee abuse, and what the International Criminal Court has deemed "credible allegations of torture and rape".

Apart from the initial violence, many have argued that the subsequent chaos provoked by the invasion led to the rise of the Islamic State group, who capture vast swaths of Iraq and Syria in 2014 and have launched terror attacks around the world that have led to thousands of deaths.

Ali al-Baroodi, a teacher and campaigner in the former IS stronghold of Mosul - which was obliterated in 2017 in a foreign-backed campaign to defeat the militant group - told MEE that honouring Blair was "disgusting" referring to him as "B-Liar" as many anti-war campaigners have done.

"It's horrendous news to be honest," he said.

'A crime against humanity'

On Tuesday, Blair's successor as Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, said that the former prime minister "deserves" to be knighted and cited a number of domestic reforms he introduced during his time in office, 1997-2007.

Speaking to ITV, Starmer said he understood many held "strong views" about the Iraq war, but said that this did "not detract from the fact that Tony Blair was a very successful prime minister of this country and made a huge difference to the lives of millions of people in this country.”

But for Iraqis, and many others across the globe, the 2003 invasion has come to be seen as an outrage.

Kamal Jabir, a politician with the Civil Democratic Alliance, and a former freedom fighter against Saddam Hussein in the 80s and 90s, said: "With millions of caring world citizens l stood firm in objecting the 2003 war against Iraq - I was hoping that Tony Blair as one of the young leaders of the Labour Party would have the courage and the wisdom not to follow [US President] George Bush’s wrong decision to invade Iraq using false and fabricated intelligence to justify an ugly and unfair war that paved the way to the rise of the present corrupt and Islamic extremist parties and gangs in Iraq."

Although Blair was leader of the Labour Party through three UK election victories, his reputation since leaving office has slumped heavily and continued scrutiny has been poured on the justification for the war.

The new revelations by Hoon, which come from his recently published memoirs, suggest that a "very long and very detailed legal opinion” from Attorney General Peter Goldsmith indicated that the invasion was on shaky legal ground.

“It was not exactly the ringing endorsement that the chief of the defence staff [Mike Boyce] was looking for, and in any event, I was not strictly allowed to show it to him or even discuss it with him,” wrote Hoon.

“Moreover, when my principal private secretary, Peter Watkins, called [Blair's chief of staff] Jonathan Powell in Downing St and asked what he should now do with the document, he was told in no uncertain terms that he should ‘burn it’.”

He said the legal document was not burned, but eventually locked away in a Ministry of Defence safe and is "probably still there."

A poll released by the British polling agency YouGov on Tuesday suggested the UK public was overwhelmingly opposed to the former premier being knighted.

According to the poll, 62 percent of the public either "tend to" or "strongly" disapprove of Blair receiving the honour, with only 14 percent in favour.

Meanwhile, 56 percent of Labour Party voters also disapproved.

Jabir told MEE that virtually the entire political establishment in the UK and US now accepted that the war had been wrong and that the damage caused in "wasted" lives had been incalculable.

"The 2003 war against Iraq was a crime against humanity - therefore Blair should be tried instead of getting rewarded," he said.

"Looks like the moral compass among the leaders in the UK is fading away like every other country in the world."


The West's Largest Green Energy Storage Project Would Destroy a Yakama Sacred SiteThe John Day Dam is a concrete gravity run-of-the-river dam spanning the Columbia River near Goldendale, Washington. John Day Dam is part of the Columbia River Basin system of dams. (photo: iStock)

The West's Largest Green Energy Storage Project Would Destroy a Yakama Sacred Site
Sarah Sax, High Country News
Sax writes: "Northwestern states have made ambitious pledges to reduce their fossil fuel dependence. That means that thousands of megawatts of coal and gas power will have to be replaced across the region, requiring a huge amount of new energy construction - and land."

The West’s largest green energy storage project would destroy a Yakama sacred site. Now, the nation is fighting back.

Jeremy Takala, a Yakama citizen, was fishing for sockeye and summer chinook a few years ago, just downstream from the John Day Dam on the Columbia River. He was accompanied by a Yakama elder, who pointed to a high ridge towering above them covered in juniper bushes, shrubs and grasses that plunged dramatically into the river over 2,000 feet below. The site is called Pushpum, or Juniper Point, and it is remembered in Yakama legend as a place of refuge for the members of Kah-milt-pa, or the Rock Creek Band. The Yakama, who consider the area sacred, use it for ceremonies and for collecting almost three dozen different kinds of roots, flowers and shrubs.

Takala listened as the elder recounted the area’s history and explained the importance of the plants. “I remember him telling me that I have to keep fighting to protect that mountain for the future generations, so that they can continue to gather the first foods and medicines,” Takala said.

Now the site, located 20 miles south of Goldendale, Washington, is imperiled. Boston-based Rye Development is eyeing it for the West’s largest pumped hydropower storage project, a kind of giant battery that would help the Northwest decarbonize its power grid. And that raises a fundamental question: Will the renewable energy revolution break with the fossil fuel industry’s long history of ignoring treaty rights for the sake of development — or will it become yet another venue for environmental injustice?

Northwestern states have made ambitious pledges to reduce their fossil fuel dependence. That means that thousands of megawatts of coal and gas power will have to be replaced across the region, requiring a huge amount of new energy construction — and land. Washington’s State Energy Strategy estimates that by the middle of the century, the state will need at least 12 gigawatts of new solar additions, 4 gigawatts of offshore wind, and 2 gigawatts of onshore wind. (The average size of a coal plant in the U.S. is about 0.6 gigawatts; the biggest offshore wind farm in the world, Hornsea One, can generate up to 1.2 gigawatts.)

The Columbia River Basin is key to this development; it’s already a renewable energy corridor, with 274 dams on the Columbia and its tributaries, which currently produce over half of the Northwest’s electricity, and hundreds of wind turbines that line the area’s steep river banks and gorges. Counties like Klickitat, where the Goldendale project would be located, have sought to attract and expedite renewable energy development by, for example, conducting feasibility studies for projects such as pumped energy storage.

In 2017, Rye Development approached Klickitat County and the local public utility district to see if it could secure the necessary water rights and land leases. Situated on over 680 acres of land, most of which is owned by a company in charge of a defunct aluminum smelter by the river, the $2 billion project would consist of two 60-acre reservoirs, separated by 2,100 feet of elevation and a tunnel fitted with turbines. During times of excess energy, water would be pumped up to the higher reservoir. And during times of high demand when solar or wind energy aren’t available, water would be released to the lower reservoir, generating power as it flows through the turbines. According to Rye, it could store 1.2 gigawatts of energy — a significant chunk of Washington’s clean power needs.

THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES and Bands of the Yakama Nation strongly oppose the project. Constructing the storage system would essentially destroy Pushpum: The place would have to be blasted to create the two reservoirs and to carve a tunnel through the hillside. This would irreversibly damage or impact at least nine culturally significant sites found in the Pushpum area, including important archaeological and ceremonial areas, burial petroglyphs, and fishing and food-gathering locations, according to a cultural resources study the Yakama conducted in 2019 as well as several other previous assessments.

“We do want to see green energy projects because we’re salmon people, and we know that climate change is real,” said Phil Rigdon, superintendent of the Yakama Nation’s Natural Resources Department. “But we don’t want them on the backs of the resources we depend upon.”

It’s not the first time the nation has been asked to sacrifice important cultural sites for the greater good of the state, said Takala, an elected Yakama Nation councilmember who serves on the tribe’s legislative and fish and wildlife committees. The landscape around the Yakama Reservation is studded with what he calls “sacrifice zones”: Between 1933 and 1971, the U.S. built four major dams on the Lower Columbia River, including the John Day Dam, destroying fishing sites and, in some cases, settlements. The abandoned aluminum smelter is still leaking toxins at the site where the Goldendale project’s lower reservoir would be constructed. Wind turbines from the nearby Goodnoe Hills wind farm have restricted access to hunting and gathering sites. Proposed large-scale solar farms would further limit tribal members’ ability to gather roots, berries and medicine. Meanwhile, for decades, the Yakama Nation has been fighting for cleanup at the Hanford Site, a decommissioned nuclear production facility just a few dozen miles from the reservation.

The Goldendale project is also an example of what tribal members like Takala, as well as other tribes, scholars and the Government Accountability Office, consider a long history of inadequate and inconsistent tribal consultation. Around a third of Washington state falls under the Treaty of 1855, signed by the 14 tribes and bands that were confederated into the Yakama Nation. They ceded almost 11 million acres to the U.S. government, but retained the right to fish, hunt and gather food on those lands. Federal law requires that the Yakama Nation be consulted on projects that would impact its cultural and environmental resources.

But that consultation is often reduced to a single meeting or an email rather than any meaningful engagement with tribes, said Elaine Harvey, a biologist with Yakama Nation Fisheries and a member of the Kah-milt-pa Band. The Yakama Nation has declared that the siting of the project is inappropriate since it first formally found out about it in October 2017, after Rye Development applied for a preliminary federal permit. The Yakama Council sent letters to Rye Development and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in 2018 and 2019, noting the detrimental impacts the project would have on an irreplaceable cultural site and arguing that Rye’s application omitted crucial information, including the results of a 2013 survey that clearly identified the site as being culturally important.

The Yakama Tribal Council raised this concern when Rye Development first consulted with them in September 2018, but its concerns went unaddressed. Instead, the company agreed to hire tribal botanists and archaeologists to study mitigation options, even though the tribe has stated that mitigation of such a sacred site isn’t an option, and that having tribal scientists included in the project does not resolve their concerns.

Erik Steimle, vice president of project development for Rye Development, said that the company has gone “above and beyond” the federally mandated consultation process. But the baseline isn’t exactly high. According to the draft license application submitted to FERC in 2019, the agency wrote to the leaders of the Umatilla, Warm Springs and Yakama tribes in March 2019, requesting consultation on the project. Upon receiving no reply, they filed an internal telephone memo noting their attempts, and the permitting process went on.

THE YAKAMA NATION’S position is clear: Tribes should be included early in a project’s development and have significant input on the location before it’s finalized. “Only the Yakama Nation can determine what is culturally significant to us,” Takala said. “How do you define consultation. Is it just a checkbox?” If the tribe says no, Takala added, then the project shouldn’t go forward.

This would be a step toward a consent-based system. Today, even though the federal government must consult tribes on developments that affect them, the project can proceed regardless of whether tribes agree. Consent, however, would mean that tribes could stop developments that harm their cultural, archaeological or sacred sites in unacceptable ways. That’s the standard enshrined in the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, one that the U.S. originally voted against.

In 2021, 19 tribal nations in Washington, including the Yakama, wrote such a standard into Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s landmark Climate Commitment Act, which he signed into law in May. The bill caps and reduces greenhouse gas emissions and creates a fund to pay for clean energy projects. One section required that state or private developers secure tribal consent, rather than merely consultation, for energy projects that would significantly harm sacred sites. But at the very last minute, as he was signing the rest of the bill into law, Inslee vetoed that section.

The move was a “low blow,” said Takala, who provided input on the legislation, and it angered many tribal nations and their supporters, who felt that Inslee had courted them to help pass the bill and then tossed them aside. Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians and vice president of the Quinault Indian Nation, called it “the most egregious and shameless betrayal of a deal I have ever witnessed from a politician of any party, at any level.”

If Rye Development manages to obtain all the necessary permits, the Goldendale energy facility could be operational by 2028. But it’s just one of several proposed projects on treaty lands. And without meaningful consultation and consent, Takala worries that the outcome of the clean energy revolution will be no different than previous waves of energy development.

On Oct. 6, the Yakama Tribal Council met once again with Rye Development. That day, the council issued a resolution, affirming that not only did it oppose the Goldendale project, it would oppose all future energy projects that threaten, damage or destroy important cultural sites. “Cultural resources are not a renewable thing for us,” Takala said. “How much more of the land — our land — has to be sacrificed?”



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