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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

RSN: William Boardman | Colleyville Hostages - Blowback for US Torture, War Crimes


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19 January 22

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Colleyville police chief Michael Miller addresses reporters after the conclusion of a SWAT operation at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue on Saturday. (photo: Smiley N. Pool)
RSN: William Boardman | Colleyville Hostages - Blowback for US Torture, War Crimes
William Boardman, Reader Supported News
Boardman writes: "The official version of the 11-hours hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas, on January 15, makes it seem pretty straightforward and limited."

The official version of the 11-hours hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas, on January 15, makes it seem pretty straightforward and limited. Early that Saturday morning, Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker allowed a stranger into the synagogue to get warm, later identified as Malik Faisal Akram, 44, a British national of Pakistani descent who had come to the US about two weeks earlier. During the subsequent, live-streamed service, Akram, armed with a pistol, took the rabbi and three congregants hostage.

The first 911 call went out around 10:41. More than 200 local police and FBI agents responded to the scene and established telephone contact with Akram, whose responses were inconsistently coherent. The four hostages assisted with translation. Akram repeatedly said he was going to die. He also repeatedly called for the release of a US prisoner held in a nearby facility, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, whom he referred to metaphorically as his sister.

Around 5 p.m., Akram released one hostage. According to the other hostages later, the negotiations deteriorated and Akram grew more agitated. Relying on previous training in handling hostage situations, Rabbi Cytron-Walker maneuvered the group closer and closer to an exit. Around 9:30 he decided the moment had come, he threw a chair at Akram, and the three hostages ran safely out an exit door.

WFAA video footage shows Akram coming partway out the door a few seconds behind them, then retreating back into the synagogue. Immediately more than a dozen armed agents move in, some entering a side door of the synagogue. There is no call to surrender. The first shot is fired just 16 seconds after Akram appeared at the door. Three more shots follow in the next six seconds and then a flash-bang explosion. Three more shots follow, then one more – all this in less than 30 seconds. Akram is killed with no chance to surrender, even though he is alone and helpless in the synagogue.

Widespread official political and media celebration follows. President Biden acts like he deserves some of the credit for this police homicide of a man now widely disparaged as having mental issues.

Who is the prisoner, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui?

Turns out, after a limited search of the public record, that the underbelly of this hostage situation is way more squalid than the event itself. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, 50, is a Pakistani neuroscientist currently being held in solitary confinement at the government’s only mental health facility for women prisoners, the Federal Medical Center, Carswell Prison, Forth Worth – about 20 miles from Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville. In 2010, in a judicial farce of a trial, she was convicted of using an M-4 rifle to try to escape from US custody. An appeal failed. She is serving an 86 year sentence.

The US consistently, since 2003, has characterized Aafia Siddiqui as a terrorist, even though she has never been charged with any terrorist act. In Pakistan she is referred to as “the daughter of the nation” and is considered to be a political prisoner. Pakistan continues to seek her release.

Aafia Siddiqui was born in March 1972 to a privileged professional Sunni Muslim family in Karachi. Her father was a neurosurgeon, her mother a teacher and member of Parliament. Like her older brother and sister, Aafia Siddiqui went to college in the US. She earned a BS in biology summa cum laude from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1994. The next year her mother arranged for her to marry Amjad Khan, an anesthesiologist she had never met, in a ceremony conducted over the phone. They lived in Boston while she went to graduate school. In 1996 she had a son, Ahmed, and in 1998, a daughter, Maryam. In 2001 she earned her MA and PhD in neuroscience, with honors, from Brandeis University, writing her dissertation. Throughout this decade, Aafia Siddiqui was active in Islamist culture and politics, including the struggles in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Bosnia. Religiously she grew more conservative, wearing a niqab, a black veil that covered everything but her eyes. She founded two non-profits, the Institute of Islamic Research and Teaching and the Dawa Resource Center, that provided faith-based services to prison inmates. These activities put strain on her marriage, as did her husband’s violence that included one occasion when he threw a baby bottle at her, resulting in an emergency room visit to stitch up her lip (years later he semi-denied this).

The September 11, 2001, attacks changed everything for Muslims in America. Aafia Siddiqui returned to Karachi, leaving her husband in the US while they negotiated their future. She and the children returned to the US in January 2002 and started home-schooling her children. In May, the FBI questioned her and her and her husband about their spending $10,000 on night vision equipment, body armour, and other items. On June 26, the family returned to Karachi. In August, Amjad Khan announced his intent to divorce his wife, claiming she was abusive and possibly involved in extremist activities. In September, Aafia Siddiqui gave birth to her third child, her daughter Suleman. On Christmas Day 2002, Aafia Siddiqui began a ten-day job-seeking visit to the US, during which she assisted in opening a post office box for Majid Khan (unrelated), who the FBI said was an al-Qaida operative. She said it was a favor for a family friend (Kahn was arrested in March 2003 and sent to Guantanamo). In February 2003, Aafia Siddiqui may or may not (it’s hotly disputed) have married Ammar al-Baluchi, the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, then being tortured in US custody in Guantanamo by the same agencies claiming the marriage took place. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed reportedly gave up Aafia Siddiqui’s name under torture.

In late March 2003, the FBI put out a worldwide alert for Aafia Siddiqui and her ex-husband (not the new husband the FBI said she had). On March 30, Aafia Siddiqui left her family’s home in Karachi with her three children, not to be seen again for more than five years (In 2004 the FBI listed her as one of seven Most Wanted Terrorists). The Aafia Foundation, a US non-profit dedicated to human rights, describes Aafia Siddiqui’s disappearance:

In March 2003, Dr. Siddiqui and her three young children (ages 6, 4, and six months) got into a taxi in Karachi, Pakistan, bound for the airport to visit a maternal uncle in Islamabad. They never made it. The taxi was stopped, all four were forcibly removed, and then they disappeared for the next five years. The day after the kidnapping, Aafia’s family received an ominous visit from a mysterious biker who bore a threatening message. When Aafia’s mother answered the door he warned, If you ever want to see your daughter and grandchildren again, be quiet!

Immediately the Pakistan interior ministry, local newspapers, NBC News, and the Boston Globe carried reports of an unnamed Pakistani woman taken into custody on terrorism charges. The Pakistani Urdu press reported that the family had been picked up by Pakistani authorities and taken into custody (in August 2008, the Daily Times of Pakistan reported on documents confirming that Pakistani Military Intelligence had taken the family into custody and turned them over to US authorities). Subsequent official denials notwithstanding, it’s most likely true that Aafia Siddiqui was separated from her children and held under US control in Bagram Airbase, where she was tortured. That is her testimony and other Bagram detainees report having seen her there. There is no more credible scenario.

On July 7, 2008, the British non-profit human rights NGO Cageprisoners held a press conference in Pakistan demanding to know what had happened to Aafia Siddiqui and her children. This created mass coverage internationally and brought pressure on Pakistani officials.

On July 17, 2008, Aafia and her son Ahmed inexplicably turned up in Ghazni, Afghanistan. They were haggard and unknown, carrying a bag, hanging out on the street near the governor’s palace. On July 17, Ghazni police took them into custody, fearful of a suicide attack. Ghazni police said the bag wasn’t a bomb but had some plans of the governor’s palace. Ghazni police met with a contingent of American officials who wanted custody of this woman, even though she wasn’t identified till several days later. In the meeting, according to the official story, Aafia Siddiqui was hidden behind a curtain in a second-floor meeting room where the officials met to discuss turning her over. She had no restraint or guard. An American soldier left his M-4 on the floor, safety on. She supposedly picked it up, fired two shots, hit no one, and got shot in the stomach. This was the story repeated at trial, with numerous discrepancies and contradictions. On July 19 the Associated Press reported on a conflict between US and Afghan forces over the jurisdiction of an unnamed female detainee who had been shot during the argument over jurisdiction.

In US custody, Aafia Siddiqui was taken to Bagram hospital and treated, tied to her bed with soft restraints and accompanied 24/7 by FBI agents. On July 31, she was charged in a sealed indictment on seven counts associated with her alleged shooting at Americans at the Ghazni police station. On August 4 she was extrajudicially rendered to the US on an FBI jet. Her children remained behind, unaccounted for.

Surprising no one, on February 3, 2010, a Manhattan jury found Aafia Siddiqui guilty on all seven counts stemming from the single Ghazni incident. The two-week trial had been a judicial farce from before the start, when Judge Richard Berman found the defendant competent to stand trial even though she showed clear signs of mental issues. As he usually did, he ruled in favor of the prosecution despite the contradictory findings of several psychiatrists and records showing that Aafia Siddiqui “had also spoken of visions of flying infants, a dog in her cell, and her children visiting her.” He did not address the obvious reality, that anyone who had endured what Aafia Siddiqui had endured during the previous decade could hardly be expected to participate effectively in her own defense. As it turned out, she did not. Her court-appointed attorney was experienced in matrimonial law and didn’t get along with the three high-priced attorneys hired by Pakistan. Their client worked well with none of them.

Then there was the prosecution’s case, which lacked any forensic evidence that the M-4 had been fired by anyone and relied entirely on the contradictory testimony of eye witnesses. That was unlikely to matter to a jury in high freakout over terrorism, fed by media bias calling Aafia Siddiqui “Lady al-Qaida.” Even when a report of a threat led the judge to allow two jurors to be excused out of fear for their lives, he refused to cause a mistrial. Aafia Siddiqui’s behavior, leading to multiple expulsions from the courtroom, only added to the circus atmosphere most likely to produce the desired government result.

At the sentencing hearing on September 23, 2010, after two postponements, Judge Berman sentenced the 38 year-old woman to 86 years in prison. The sentence included significant enhancement for terrorism, even though she wasn’t charged with terrorism. On appeal, everything the judge did was upheld. The US justice system had silenced a difficult suspect as required. She is now held all but incommunicado. Even when she is attacked and almost blinded by another prisoner, authorities don’t even notify her attorney. Whether this attack, on August 19, 2021, played any part in Malik Faisal Akram’s unhinged hostage taking in Colleyville hardly matters when the Muslim world at large continues to see the imprisonment of Aafia Siddiqui as a gross miscarriage of justice.

In a very real sense, the Colleyville attack is just one more instance of blowback against the thuggish madness of the US response to 9/11. The killing and maiming of perceived US enemies, regardless of guilt or innocence, continues now in its fourth malign American presidency. Of course the SWAT team went ahead and executed Malik Faisal Akram even after he was no longer a threat to anyone. He needed to be silenced.

President Biden, with his usual fatuous obtuseness, called this killing “the courageous work of state, local, and federal law enforcement.” The President glibly characterized the hostage taking as anti-semitic, even as he acknowledged he had no idea as to the motivation of the hostage taker. The President called the hostage taking “an act of terror,” demonstrating how little one has to do to be labelled a terrorist these days. But it was an act of terror it its way, as was the killing of the hostage taker, and a long line of acts of terror going back two decades.

So what’s the President supposed to do if not prolong the murderous policies of his three predecessors? He might close Guantanamo. He might recognize legitimate grievances, and try to mitigate them. He might stop using terror to fight terror. He might actually make a positive difference by simply pardoning Aafia Siddiqui and letting her return to Pakistan to live out her shattered life with her two surviving children. That’s likely to do less harm than not doing it.

William Boardman has over 40 years' experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary and a stint with Captain Kangaroo. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. A collection of his essays, EXCEPTIONAL: American Exceptionalism Takes Its Toll, published September 2019, is available from Yorkland Publishing of Toronto or Amazon.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.



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POLITICO Massachusetts Playbook: The Covid-aid cavalry is coming


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With help from Anne Brandes

WHAT A RELIEF — A new Covid-19 aid package is on the move on Beacon Hill and more testing is on the way to schools, as Gov. Charlie Baker says Massachusetts is “ on the backside of the Omicron surge.”

House lawmakers will take up a $55 million Covid spending bill today that would put $25 million toward expanding testing sites, another $25 million toward buying and distributing high-quality masks like N95s and KN95s to students and school staff, and $5 million toward boosting vaccinations among kids ages 5 to 11. Masks must be distributed by Feb. 28, and the state will seek reimbursement from the feds for the cost. The Senate is expected to take up the bill next week as lawmakers look to fast-track the legislation to Baker’s desk.

The bill comes a week after lawmakers grilled Baker on all three of those issues at an oversight hearing on the Omicron surge. And it dropped right before the governor rolled out a new rapid-test program for schools. Baker told reporters yesterday that the “biggest challenge” with testing “is much more about staff than it is about either supplies or dollars.” He’s set to make another Covid testing announcement at an early learning center in Boston this afternoon.

Teachers union leaders cheered the day’s developments, but they called the rapid-test program “reactive” rather than “proactive.” Massachusetts Teachers Association President Merrie Najimy told Playbook “we lack clarity” on how schools already overwhelmed by Omicron’s challenges are supposed to implement the program.

Beth Kontos, president of the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts, urged Beacon Hill to “get going” on the mask and vaccination legislation. “Quality masks for kids should have been on the docket in September,” Kontos told Playbook. “It’s especially important in cities with high poverty rates.”

Lawmakers, union leaders and school staff are already looking ahead to how the state will handle the next surge. The Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance is holding a virtual press conference today calling on Baker for a statewide “protection plan” for schools.

GOOD WEDNESDAY MORNING, MASSACHUSETTS. House Majority Leader Claire Cronin will become U.S. Ambassador to Ireland Claire Cronin today.

The Easton Democrat will deliver her farewell speech and will be sworn in as ambassador after the House gavels into session at 11 a.m.

It’s not clear when House Speaker Ron Mariano will appoint a new majority leader — Speaker Pro Tempore Kate Hogan and Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran’s names are being floated in State House circles as potential replacements — or whether the House will schedule a special election to fill the rest of Cronin’s term.

TODAY — Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito and state education officials make a Covid testing announcement at Ellis Early Learning at 1 p.m. Polito presides over a Governor’s Council meeting at noon.


— “Massachusetts reports 56,489 coronavirus cases after the long weekend, hospitalizations decline,” by Rick Sobey, Boston Herald: “State health officials reported more than 56,000 new coronavirus cases after the long weekend, as infection rates dip amid the extremely contagious omicron variant. … The state’s positive test average is now 17.44 percent — down from 23 percent earlier this month. The positive test rate for Tuesday’s report was 15.45 percent.”


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— ON THE MOVE: The Covid relief bill would also set the state primary for Sept. 6, in response to Secretary of State Bill Galvin’s request to move up the primary date to get absentee ballots out in time. And it would extend pandemic-era policies including remote public meetings, notarization and reverse-mortgage counseling through mid-July.

— “Massachusetts created a commission to study qualified immunity. Reform advocates aren’t happy with the result,” by Nik DeCosta-Klipa, “[A]fter a five-month study, the commission tasked with specifically studying qualified immunity held off on any additional reforms. Instead, the 15-member group recommended last week that legislators wait another two years while the rest of the police reform bill is implemented. The group also suggested two changes be made to the state’s civil rights laws. … Rep. Ayanna Pressley, one of the country’s leading qualified immunity critics, went so far as to call the commission’s recommendations ‘dangerous,’ arguing that communities of color will continue to be disproportionately affected.”

— “Massachusetts bill would mandate notifications before leased vehicles are repossessed,” by WCVB: “Lease companies are not required to let you know before they take back your vehicle. … [State Sen. Paul Feeney] is now sponsoring a bill that would change that, requiring notice before a leased vehicle is repossessed, similar to what is necessary for cars that are financed.”


— “Mass. relaxes contact tracing in schools that offer rapid tests to students and staff,” by Travis Andersen and Naomi Martin, Boston Globe: “Governor Charlie Baker announced Tuesday his administration would allow schools to stop ‘test-and-stay’ and contact-tracing efforts if they join a new state initiative offering weekly rapid at-home COVID-19 tests to staffers and students. The move, which was praised by school leaders and the state’s largest teachers’ union, was aimed at relieving overburdened school nurses and other employees at a time of high COVID cases and data showing low spread in schools.”

— “Tensions rise as Mass. changes school COVID measures for ‘current state of pandemic’,” by Jenna Russell and Naomi Martin, Boston Globe: “A vocal contingent of experts say the time has come for schools to prioritize pre-pandemic routines over arduous measures to contain an illness that has, so far, caused few children serious symptoms. And schools have begun to change their practices.”

— “Municipalities wrangle with how to keep rapid tests in residents’ hands without excluding undocumented immigrants,” by Sarah Betancourt, GBH News: “Some towns and cities are changing their approaches to distributing tests — asking for an ID or a piece of mail with their address to prove their residence when they didn’t before, or giving tests to local nonprofits or churches that are trusted by local undocumented residents — in an effort to meet both needs.”

— “Boosters roll out unevenly, as worker shortages hamper outreach,” by Felice J. Freyer, Boston Globe: “Gladys Vega was out sick with COVID-19 the first week of January, bedridden for seven days. And like millions of others, Vega hadn’t gotten the booster shot that might have prevented her illness, or made it milder. Vega wanted the shot — she even runs an agency that provides vaccines, the renowned Chelsea community service group called La Colaborativa. But, Vega explained on Friday, her voice still hoarse, she had gone three times to a vaccine clinic, only to find lines so long she knew supplies would run out before she could get to the front.”

— "'Health care heroes really got the shaft': Some workers with COVID had to fight for pay," by Beth Healy and Saurabh Datar, WBUR: "[Susan Crowell] is one of thousands of Massachusetts workers exposed to the virus on the job during this pandemic — and one of hundreds who’ve had to fight to be compensated for medical care and lost wages when they got sick."


— JANEY’S NEXT MOVE: Former Boston city councilor and acting mayor Kim Janey is joining Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics as a resident fellow for the spring semester.

“I had the honor of leading my city during a time of unprecedented challenges,” Janey said in a statement. “I am excited to join the Harvard community in discussions on how we move U.S. cities forward as we tackle the twin pandemic of Covid and systemic racism.”

Maya Rupert, a former senior advisor to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential bid; Gerald Seib of The Wall Street Journal; former Peace Corps director Jody Olsen; APIAVote Executive Director Christine Chen and Seven Letter partner Brendan Buck round out the fellows.

— "How Omicron ruined new mayors’ honeymoons," by Lisa Kashinsky, POLITICO: "Michelle Wu wakes up nearly every morning to protesters outside her home demanding the new Boston mayor call off her vaccine mandate for city workers. In Atlanta, Omicron-fueled staffing shortages are wreaking havoc on everything from Mayor Andre Dickens’ public-safety plans to residents’ trash pickup. ... The Omicron surge didn’t just upend mayors’ inaugural fetes. It’s overtaken their first days and weeks in office."

 “Wu touts smooth vaccine mandate rollout, says protests at home reflect ‘fragile state of democracy’,” by Zoe Mathews, GBH News: “Boston saw a jump in COVID-19 vaccinations the week before the city’s new proof of vaccination mandate went into effect, with 81 percent of residents now having received at least one dose, Mayor Michelle Wu told Boston Public Radio on Tuesday.”

— “Protestors depart from Michelle Wu’s house — and end up at Ed Flynn’s,” by Sean Philip Cotter, Boston Herald: “There’s been some peace and quiet for a couple of days outside Mayor Michelle Wu’s Roslindale home — because the protestors who’ve been screaming at her about the vaccine mandate trekked across town and began doing so outside Council President Ed Flynn’s house.”

— “2021 set records in Boston’s housing market. What now?” by Tim Logan, Boston Globe: “Greater Boston’s housing market had a record-setting year in 2021, hitting all-time highs for both prices and number of sales. And local real estate groups predict more of the same in 2022, as long as there are enough houses to buy.”


— FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Lawrence City Councilor Pavel Payano will run for the First Essex state Senate seat that includes Lawrence, Methuen and part of Haverhill. Payano, a former school committee member who has run for the Senate before, says he’ll focus on expanding access to high-quality education and tackle the region’s housing, transportation, environmental and economic challenges. Methuen City Council Vice Chair Eunice Zeigler is also running for the First Essex seat.

— “Cruz formally launches rep campaign, Dominguez joins race,” by Julie Manganis, Salem News: “Less than two weeks after announcing his intent to replace his former boss as 7th District representative, Manny Cruz has picked up a major endorsement. Cruz announced Tuesday that he’s received the backing of Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll — who has announced her own candidacy for lieutenant governor. … On Monday, Salem Councilor-at-Large Domingo Dominguez announced on Twitter that he would also be entering the race to replace Rep. Paul Tucker.”

— “Keller @ Large: Voter Rights Debate Isn’t Just On The National Level, It’s Happening In Massachusetts,” by Jon Keller, WBZ: “It’s the issue propelling Boston NAACP President Tanisha Sullivan to run for secretary of state. … The Massachusetts House let pandemic-era voting changes like mail-in and expanded early voting expire last month, despite their apparent popularity with the voters. Sullivan doesn’t see why.”


— “Lyft makes largest one-time political donation in Massachusetts history, fueling gig worker ballot fight,” by Matt Stout and John Hilliard, Boston Globe: “The rideshare giant Lyft gave a whopping $14.4 million to a committee supporting the petitions, most of which came in a $13 million donation on Dec. 30, newly released records show. … The committee also enlisted Conan Harris & Associates, a management consulting firm run and founded by the husband of Representative Ayanna Pressley. Harris’s work appears to put him at direct odds with Pressley’s own stance on the issue.”


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— “Boston appears headed for Supreme Court loss over refusal to fly a Christian flag,” by Pete Williams, NBC News: “The Supreme Court on Tuesday seemed prepared to rule that the city of Boston was wrong when it refused to let an organization fly a Christian flag in front of city hall. … Conservative justices also said Boston was wrong to conclude that allowing the Christian flag to fly would be an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion.”

— “Mass. woman and N.H. woman are arrested in connection with Jan. 6 attack on US Capitol,” by Jeremy C. Fox, Boston Globe: “A 36-year-old woman from Dracut and her girlfriend, a 33-year-old New Hampshire woman, were arrested Tuesday by the FBI Boston’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol building in Washington, D.C., officials said.”

— “Harvard immigration clinic sues for records on ICE detention,” by The Associated Press: “A Harvard Law School clinic has sued federal immigration officials for failing to release records about the use of solitary confinement in immigration detention facilities.”


— “State to get $1.12B fed funds to fix bridges,” by Christian M. Wade, CNHI/Eagle-Tribune: “The U.S. Department of Transportation is sending $1.12 billion to the Bay State over the next five years for bridge upgrades as part of the state's share of funding from the $1 trillion infrastructure and jobs law, signed by President Joe Biden in November. Initially, the state will get more than $225 million in the current fiscal year.”

— “Emirates Airlines suspends flights to Boston Logan because of 5G mobile ‘operational concerns’,” by Rick Sobey, Boston Herald: “Emirates Airlines is suspending flights to Boston Logan International Airport, the Dubai-based airline announced Tuesday as concerns swirl about the impact of 5G mobile network services at airports.”

— "Making riders tap their CharlieCard to leave could reduce expected fare evasion surge, new analysis finds," by Taylor Dolven, Boston Globe: "Having MBTA riders tap their CharlieCards, phones, or credit cards while exiting the Green Line could reduce an anticipated increase in fare evasion when the MBTA’s new fare collection system is expected to be completed in 2024, a new report suggests."


— FILI-BUSTING: Sen. Elizabeth Warren is yet again calling to abolish the filibuster to pass voting-rights legislation. This time, she did it by delivering a filibuster-length speech from the Senate last night in which she read excerpts from articles chronicling restrictive voting laws. “These efforts to subvert our democracy cannot be allowed to stand,” Warren said.

— “Warren dodges on whether Sinema, Manchin should be challenged in primaries,” by Caroline Vakil, The Hill: “Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday dodged a question on whether Democrats should pose primary challenges in 2024 to either Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) or Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), the two Senate Democrat holdouts on getting rid of the filibuster.”


— IN MEMORIAM: “East Longmeadow Town Council member Thomas C. O’Connor dies,” by Patrick Johnson, Springfield Republican.

— “Northampton health officials end vaccine passport debate,” by Brian Steele, Daily Hampshire Gazette: “City health officials have no plans to implement a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for customers and employees of indoor businesses, putting to rest the controversial idea that drew hundreds of public comments over the course of several weeks.”

— “Communities continue contact tracing, without state support,” by Bera Dunau, Daily Hampshire Gazette: “Last month, the state’s COVID-19 Community Tracing Collaborative (CTC) ceased operation, and its existence is missed in Easthampton. ‘They could cover us,’ said Bri Eichstaedt, Easthampton’s public health director. ‘We’re struggling right now to even call all of our cases.’”


— “Rachael Rollins, FBI special agent meet with Massachusetts Jewish community after synagogue hostage crisis, security trainings highlighted,” by Rick Sobey, Boston Herald: “The Texas synagogue hostage crisis hit home for Jewish communities all across the world over the weekend, including for Bay State Jewish people who heard from the FBI and U.S. Attorney on Tuesday in the wake of the horrifying incident.”

— “MGM Springfield reports higher gambling take in December,” by Jim Kinney, Springfield Republican: “MGM Springfield took in $22.2 million in slot machine and table game revenue in December, according to figures released Tuesday by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. All three of the state’s casinos reported increases in the monthly report.”

— “Framingham principal who went on leave in March may still be on payroll. What we don’t know,” by Zane Razzaq, MetroWest Daily News: “A former school principal is apparently still on the district’s payroll months after she stopped working, but the district has refused to turn over any records that may shed light on her absence.”


— “N.H. governor questions Mass. court’s handling of Harmony Montgomery case,” by Dugan Arnett and Elizabeth Koh, Boston Globe: “New Hampshire Governor Christopher T. Sununu offered a scathing rebuke Tuesday of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, demanding to know why a judge in 2019 awarded custody of Harmony Montgomery to her father, a man with a violent history who is now jailed and eyed in her disappearance.”


— “R.I. Congressman James Langevin won’t seek reelection,” by Dan McGowan and Edward Fitzpatrick, Boston Globe: “It’s rare for one of Rhode Island’s two House seats to open up — the last time was 2010, when David Cicilline won the race to replace former congressman Patrick Kennedy — so Langevin’s retirement is sure to set off a flurry of speculation about who [will] run for the job.”

SPOTTED — Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and former Boston city councilor Matt O’Malley on an MBTA shuttle bus because of an Orange Line power outage. Pols, they’re just like us.

TRANSITIONS — Jessica Morris, who served as chief of staff to O’Malley, joins Benchmark Strategies as assistant vice president of public affairs.

— Boston Business Journal’s Catherine Carlock joins the Boston Globe in February to cover real estate and development. The Miami Herald’s Samantha Gross joins the Globe’s politics team next month as well.

— Beacon Communities has hired Diana DiPreta as SVP of development finance.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — to state Sen. Julian Cyr

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RSN: Marc Ash | Voting Rights Is a Social and Legal Volcano



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THE SMALL DONORS ARE TRYING, WE NEED MATCHING FUNDS — The January fundraiser is in deep trouble but the small donors are still checking in and contributing. We currently have roughly 6K in very small donations for January. Is there someone out there who can match that. This is important.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News

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President Joe Biden, facing one of the greatest challenges any American President has ever faced. (photo: Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images)
RSN: Marc Ash | Voting Rights Is a Social and Legal Volcano
Marc Ash, Reader Supported News
Ash writes: "There seems to be a narrative being promulgated by the US corporate media that voting rights legislation is dead. If true what lives in its place is a social and legal conflict of epic proportions that will only get worse with each passing day."

There seems to be a narrative being promulgated by the US corporate media that voting rights legislation is dead. If true what lives in its place is a social and legal conflict of epic proportions that will only get worse with each passing day. This is not a problem or a drama that has reached its conclusion by any stretch, but rather a volcano of social and legal events in the early stages of eruption.

When US President Joe Biden says, “I don't know whether we can get this done But one thing for certain, like every other major civil rights bill that came along, if we miss the first time, we can come back and try a second time.” There seems to be an acceptance that the Democratic Party has failed and that it is time to move on. But this is not a problem the United States can move on from.

To say that it is now acceptable to restrict the ability of certain ethnic groups to vote, specifically African Americans is to cast the nation back a hundred years to its darkest days of segregation. This will cause in today’s America a major ever widening social calamity with the potential for vast social unrest.

But restricting the rights of Black voters is just one component in the broad matrix of steps planned by conservative activists, lawmakers and law enforcement sympathizers to end voting and elections as Americans have known them.

From state’s legislatures granting themselves the authority to flatly ignore popular vote counts and determine election winners by legislative fiat to the threatening and intimidating of election workers across the country to the crafting a wide array of laws to selectively thin the ranks of opposition voters. This is a full scale frontal assault on free and fair elections in the United States of America. It’s not going under the radar it’s coming directly to a polling place near you in broad daylight.

The two pieces of legislation under consideration by Democrats in Congress, the For the People Act (HR1) and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act (HR4) will not stop all the anti-democracy plots underway, but they will form a defendable bulwark for attorneys and election workers on the front lines.

At this stage two US Senators, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona are holding open the door for the assault by thwarting the legislative efforts of 269 of their fellow Democrats. So far both President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have been willing to afford their two antagonists the substantial grace and courtesy traditionally granted to members of the Senate. But it is neither required nor apparently at this stage productive to continue doing so.

Should Biden and Schumer grow weary of their frustration they can apply significant additional pressure and if necessary they can make it personal and painful. So far Uncle Joe has been operating under the mantle of “Healing the soul of the nation.” But there is another chapter in the playbook titled, “Do damage.”

Make no mistake about it, this is going to get rough — big time, for sure. Punches are going to get thrown, oxen are going to get gored and that may be just the beginning, damage will get done, you can be absolutely certain. Biden and Schumer need to get serious about a plan to win a battle that the country cannot afford to lose and it isn’t likely to be pretty.

Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, and is now founder and Editor of Reader Supported News.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.


All Hostages Are Safe After Being Held at Texas SynagoguePolice cars remain parked at Good Shepherd Catholic Community church on Saturday in Colleyville, Texas. Authorities said all hostages were freed safely. (photo: Emil Lippe/Getty Images)

All Hostages Are Safe After Being Held at Texas Synagogue
James Doubek, NPR
Doubek writes: "All hostages held at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, are now safe and physically unharmed and the suspect is dead after a 10-hour standoff on Saturday in the Dallas-Fort Worth suburb."

All hostages held at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, are now safe and physically unharmed and the suspect is dead after a 10-hour standoff on Saturday in the Dallas-Fort Worth suburb.

Officials say there is no ongoing threat to the community.

A 911 call came in at 10:41 a.m. after a gunman entered the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue during services and took four people hostage, Colleyville Police Chief Michael Miller said Saturday evening.

Law enforcement called in a SWAT team and negotiators talked with the hostage-taker throughout the day. The man released one hostage around 5 p.m. local time.

"It's very likely this situation would have ended very badly early on in the day had we not had professional, consistent negotiation with the subject," FBI Dallas Special Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno told reporters.

A special FBI hostage rescue team flew in from Quantico, Va., Miller said. The team moved in at 9 p.m. and rescued the three remaining hostages and the suspected hostage-taker was left dead.

Some 200 law enforcement personnel took part in the operation, police said.

"Prayers answered. All hostages are out alive and safe," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wrote on Twitter late Saturday.

"We're thankful that this came to a very positive resolution," police chief Miller said.

The hostage-taker was heard on a livestream of the Shabbat service

A Shabbat service was scheduled at the Congregation Beth Israel at 10 a.m. A Facebook livestream of the service ended just before 2 p.m. The stream did not feature people on screen, but a man could be heard, speaking loudly and angrily at times.

The Associated Press reported that the man was heard on the livestream demanding the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist serving an 86-year sentence in a Texas prison. Siddiqui was convicted in 2010 of shooting at U.S. soldiers and officials in Afghanistan after they arrested her on suspicion of terrorism in 2008.

Law enforcement officials would not confirm the suspect's identity, motives or demands, saying it was an ongoing investigation but there was no indication of any ongoing threat. DeSarno said the man was "singularly focused on one issue" in his demands and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community.

The long history of antisemitic attacks

The incident spurred memories of the long history of antisemitic attacks in the U.S. and around the world, including in recent years when a man opened fire on congregants at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, killing 11 people.

The Dallas Police Department deployed additional patrols to Dallas synagogues and other sites, Mayor Eric Johnson said Saturday.

President Biden thanked law enforcement for the rescue operation. "There is more we will learn in the days ahead about the motivations of the hostage taker," Biden said in a statement. "But let me be clear to anyone who intends to spread hate—we will stand against anti-Semitism and against the rise of extremism in this country."


Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down Republican Gerrymandered MapThe proposed map was drawn by Republicans in the State Legislature and passed without Democratic support. (photo: Andrew Welsh-Huggins/AP)

Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down Republican Gerrymandered Map
Joseph Ax, Reuters
Ax writes: "The Ohio Supreme Court on Friday struck down the state's new congressional map for illegally favoring Republicans over Democrats and ordered new lines drawn, a decision that could have a significant impact on the battle for control of Congress in November's elections."

The Ohio Supreme Court on Friday struck down the state's new congressional map for illegally favoring Republicans over Democrats and ordered new lines drawn, a decision that could have a significant impact on the battle for control of Congress in November's elections.

Electoral analysts had said the Republican-backed map would ensure the party won at least 12, and perhaps 13, of the state's 15 congressional seats, in part by splitting Cincinnati's county into multiple districts to dilute Democratic voting power there.

In a 4-3 decision, the state's high court found that the map violated new provisions in the Ohio Constitution that were approved by voters in 2018, including language that prohibits any map that "favors or disfavors a political party or its incumbents."

"When the dealer stacks the deck in advance, the house usually wins," Justice Michael Donnelly wrote for the majority. "That perhaps explains how a party that generally musters no more than 55 percent of the statewide popular vote is positioned to reliably win anywhere from 75 percent to 80 percent of the seats in the Ohio congressional delegation."

The court's three Democrats were joined in the majority by Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor, a Republican. Three Republican justices dissented from the decision, arguing that the court was encroaching on the authority of the state legislature.

Under U.S. law, states must redraw congressional lines every 10 years to account for changes in population. In most states, legislatures oversee the process, leading to the practice of gerrymandering, in which one party engineers political maps for partisan advantage.

There are more than a dozen pending lawsuits challenging congressional maps in several states. In North Carolina, a three-judge panel earlier this week rejected Democratic claims that the state's new congressional map illegally favored Republicans, though the plaintiffs are appealing the decision to the state Supreme Court.

Republicans need to flip only a few seats in the Nov. 8 elections to retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives, where Democrats hold a 221-212 edge including vacancies.

Two days ago the Ohio Supreme Court also invalidated Republican-drawn maps for the state legislature's two chambers, finding they, too, were unconstitutional gerrymanders.

The office of Republican Governor Mike DeWine, who approved the map, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The state's Republican legislative leaders could not immediately be reached for comment.


Congress and Top Capitol Hill Staff Have Violated the STOCK Act Hundreds of Times. Largely Without Consequences.President Barack Obama signed the STOCK Act in 2012 to increase transparency of lawmakers' trades. The enforcement system is a mess. (photo: Charles Dharapak/AP)

Congress and Top Capitol Hill Staff Have Violated the STOCK Act Hundreds of Times. Largely Without Consequences.
Camila DeChalus, Kimberly Leonard and Dave Levinthal, Business Insider
Excerpt: "Congress has a spotty and inconsistent method for collecting fines from members and top staffers who break a federal law designed to stop insider trading and conflicts of interest."

Congress has a spotty and inconsistent method for collecting fines from members and top staffers who break a federal law designed to stop insider trading and conflicts of interest, an Insider investigation found.

Insider's investigation of financial disclosures found that 52 members of Congress and at least 182 of the highest-paid Capitol Hill staffers were late in filing their stock trades during 2020 and 2021.

Lawmakers and senior congressional staffers who blow past the deadlines established by the 2012 Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act are supposed to pay a late fee of $200 the first time. Increasingly higher fines follow if they continue to be late — potentially costing tens of thousands of dollars in extreme cases.

But accountability and transparency are decidedly lacking.

No public records exist indicating whether these officials ever paid the fines. Congressional ethics staff wouldn't confirm the existence of nonpublic ledgers tracking how many officials paid fines for violating the STOCK Act. And 19 lawmakers wouldn't answer questions from Insider about whether they'd paid a penalty. Ten other lawmakers said they'd paid their fines, but they declined to provide proof, such as a receipt or canceled check.

This lack of transparency makes it impossible to independently determine whether STOCK Act lawbreakers truly face consequences, and if so, to what degree. It's a situation that ethics experts say leaves the public in the dark, lets Congress off the hook, and renders the STOCK Act — intended to promote transparency, extinguish conflicts of interest, and defend against insider trading — toothless.

It also shows how Congress sets a lower standard for itself on financial conflict-of-interest matters than on other concerns. For instance, consider that the House routinely issues automatic fines when members violate COVID-19 mask mandates and makes the information public. But when it comes to a member's personal finances, the House doesn't do a particularly good job of policing itself on a law it helped write.

"The enforcement of the financial-disclosure requirements is virtually nonexistent," said a former investigative counsel in the House's independent Office of Congressional Ethics, who was granted anonymity in order to speak candidly.

Even some federal lawmakers say change is needed.

"From a transparency standpoint, it would be helpful to have that information be public," said Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger, of Virginia, who introduced the TRUST in Congress Act, which would require members of Congress to place certain personal investments in a blind trust. "I don't have a sense of how much it is being enforced."

Congress is significantly more opaque than other parts of the government when it comes to the personal financial interests of its members and staffers. The federal government's executive branch, for example, publicly releases details about the fines it collects from employees who filed financial documents late.

As conceived, the STOCK Act is supposed to encourage members of Congress and their top aides to think twice about their personal financial trades, knowing they'd be subject to greater oversight by the public and their colleagues. When they disclose information months or even more than a year later, it becomes difficult to scrutinize their actions.

"The transparency provision allows us to find incidents of potential misdeeds," Spanberger said, "but that transparency only works if people abide by the rules."

Penalty payments rest on an 'honor system'

Under the STOCK Act, lawmakers and their senior staff who earned at least $132,552 a year in 2021 must report stock trades of more than $1,000 within 30 days of the transaction — or within 45 days if they didn't learn about the trade until a little later, often because it was made by a broker or spouse.

If they file their disclosures more than 30 days after their due date, then they have to pay a late fee in the form of a check to the Treasury or apply for a waiver. The waiver process operates like an appeal. It gives people the opportunity to explain why they were late and to ask Senate or House committees to be excused from the penalty.

The notification and collection of late fees differ in the Senate and House.

Senate staffers who file their disclosures late receive an email from the lawmaker-led Senate Select Committee on Ethics telling them to pay the late fee or to apply for a waiver, according to a copy of such an email reviewed by Insider and interviews with staffers. The Senate Ethics Committee didn't respond to questions about how often this happens, how closely staff monitor filings, or whether senators also receive emailed notifications.

Over in the House, members and senior staff who are late filing their stock trades do not receive emailed notifications alerting them to the issue. Instead, the burden falls on the lawmaker or staffer to notice they're late and then notify the committee.

The former investigative counsel at the Office of Congressional Ethics described the late-penalty-compliance process on the House side as "not the simplest thing in the world."

"The committee does not look for late filings. There is no notification or follow-up," the person said. "If you are late and beyond the grace period, you actually have to start making a bunch of calls to figure out how to pay the fine. The instructions aren't even on the ethics-committee site. And then you have to walk the check down."

A senior congressional aide who requested anonymity to candidly discuss House procedures confirmed that members did not get notifications when they were late. Instead, they explained, each member office was expected to figure out not only whether they were late but also how to pay the late fee.

"This entirely depends on the honor system," the aide said.

Little transparency

Without the existence of a public ledger, Insider sought to confirm through other means whether members of Congress and their top aides were paying late fees as the law requires.

Reporters reached out to all 49 members of Congress who filed their information late. Of the total, 13 had filed their disclosures within a 30-day grace period, meaning they were late, but not late enough to face a fine.

Of those who remained, 13 members said they'd paid the penalty. But only four of them — Democratic Rep. Lori Trahan, of Massachusetts, Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill, of New Jersey, Democratic Rep. Kim Schrier, of Washington, and Republican Rep. Blake Moore, of Utah — provided documentation to Insider proving that they'd written and dropped off a check for a late fee.

Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly, of Arizona, provided Insider with a document that showed he requested and received a waiver to avoid paying the late filing fee. The senator requested the waiver because he had moved an "asset he already held into his newly established, ethics-committee-approved qualified blind trust," his spokesperson said.

It's unclear whether any of the checks for late fees made it to the Treasury. Attempting to determine whether they did involved months of inquiries.

In July, Insider filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Treasury that asked for records of "all fees and/or fines paid to Treasury by members of the US House of Representatives, members of the US Senate, and congressional employees."

Initially, the Treasury's Bureau of the Fiscal Service deemed the request "too broad for the Fiscal Service to conduct an adequate search."

Insider then asked the Treasury to produce fine-payment records for 22 specific members of Congress known to have recently violated the STOCK Act's disclosure provisions. Treasury officials searched its systems for evidence of payment.

"We found no matches," said Thomas E. Santaniello, the manager of FOIA and Legislative Affairs for the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, who referred additional questions to the House and Senate ethics committees.

Insider sought an explanation from Tom Rust, the staff director and chief counsel for the House Ethics Committee. But he declined to comment on the fine procedures or say who had or hadn't paid fines. Congress' Legislative Resource Center declined to comment on whether the office received late fees or kept a record of such payments.

Sen. Chris Coons, of Delaware, a Democrat who chairs the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and Sen. James Lankford, of Oklahoma, the top Republican on the committee, declined to comment on whether there was a record of lawmakers or staff who received fines for violating the STOCK Act.

Coons told Insider to direct other questions to Shannon Kopplin, the chief counsel for the Senate Ethics Committee, but she didn't respond.

Not a top priority for ethics officials

Insider shared its findings with Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, of New York, who championed the passage of the STOCK Act under President Barack Obama and has pushed to make it stronger.

Gillibrand said she wasn't surprised that some people weren't following the law. But they must realize that they're duty bound to report their transactions, she said.

"They certainly should be fined, and they should be paying their fines," Gillibrand said. "I would like to see more oversight on that."

Sen. Jeff Merkley, of Oregon, a Democrat who — like Gillibrand — wants to ban Congress from trading individual stocks, said that if the general public can't see who's paying fines, then lawmakers won't take the issue seriously.

"That $200 fine may not be a huge amount to many of our members, but it should be routinely, emphatically enforced," Merkley said. "No excuses."

Politicians should "play by the same rules as everyone else," Eric Schultz, senior advisor to Obama, said in a statement to Insider.

"Mistrust of government runs very deep these days, and only when lawmakers hold themselves to a high standard can we start to rebuild that trust," Schultz said.

On the House side, some of the late-filing violations get looked into by the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent investigative agency. No similar office exists on the Senate side.

Investigators at the Office of Congressional Ethics examine allegations of misconduct when they receive complaints or otherwise flag potential ethics violations. They make their investigation public in most cases only if they determine they have reason to believe wrongdoing occurred.

But it's the House Committee on Ethics — made up of House members — that decides whether to pursue the Office of Congressional Ethics' findings. These elected officials have the power to reprimand lawmakers, discipline staffers, or do nothing at all.

Between its creation in 2008 through the end of October 2021, the Office of Congressional Ethics initiated 226 investigations, a government report showed. Most of the investigations have targeted issues, such as campaign finances, travel expenses, and official allowances.

In the fiscal year 2020, 4% of its overall investigations involved financial disclosures.

At least one of the investigations became public this year. In October, investigators determined that Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski, of New Jersey, failed to properly report dozens of stock trades from 2019 and 2020 that together were worth at least $671,000 and as much as $2.76 million. The House Ethics Committee said it was reviewing the matter, and Malinowski has since placed his money in a qualified blind trust, which the House Ethics Committee approved.

Naree Ketudat, Malinowski's spokesperson, said the congressman paid a $200 fine for filing late, but then when he attempted to pay another one, the clerk's office refunded him. The clerk's office did not respond to questions about why this happened.

No reports exist showing how often the Office of Congressional Ethics investigated financial-disclosure matters before the STOCK Act's passage. But one former attorney who worked in the office said nothing changed after lawmakers passed the law.

"We were not looking into it. There was just nobody paying attention to it. No one was filing complaints," said Kedric Payne, who was the former deputy chief counsel at the Office of Congressional Ethics around the time that the STOCK Act was passed.

Most of the investigations they dealt with between 2012 and 2014 involved campaign-finance issues, Payne said.

"When you have the ethics committee, who has failed to go after these blatant violations — it sends a message that anything goes," Payne added.

Not all STOCK Act violations appear nefarious. When Insider reached out to members about late filings, many said they forgot to file on time or didn't notice a filing was missing until they were reviewing financial documents. Others worked with a money manager who failed to notify them of trades in a timely fashion.

Insider also spoke with numerous House staffers about their late filings. Many of them said they were the ones to initially reach out to the House Committee on Ethics to disclose that they'd violated the STOCK Act. Senate staffers, in contrast, receive notices from the Senate Select Committee on Ethics when they're late disclosing stock trades.

But James Thurber, a professor at American University and congressional-ethics expert, said lawmakers should be more forthcoming.

"They're waiting for a problem to blow up, and then they react to it, rather than being forthright and abiding by the rules," he said. "That is controversial and illegal."

Reforms on the table

Experts and lawmakers said the findings underscored the need to make the STOCK Act stronger and to possibly bar members from trading individual stocks altogether.

Tyler Gellasch, a fellow at the Global Financial Markets Center at Duke University School of Law, said the law doesn't go far enough to create more accountability for lawmakers trading stocks.

He's calling for Congress to pass a more extensive measure that would require lawmakers to use a third party, such as a blind trust, to participate in trading stocks. (Congressional lawmakers have this option, subject to approval by either the House or Senate ethics committees on a case-by-case basis.)

Gellasch said the legislation should also require lawmakers and senior congressional staffers to instantaneously file disclosure forms once they make a stock purchase and to disclose the exact amount and day and time the transaction occurred.

Today, lawmakers are only required to disclose the values of their trades in broad ranges, and they have up to 45 days to disclose their stock trades.

"If you are a member of Congress, you have this duty to not take advantage of information you learned because of your job," said Gellasch, who previously served as congressional staffer to former Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, of Michigan, and helped draft the STOCK Act.

Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said Congress' laissez-faire approach to the STOCK Act "sends the message that they are held to a lesser standard than other government employees, and that they are above the law."

Canter called lawmakers' stock-trading habits "an accident waiting to happen." Their difficulties complying with the transparency and accountability provisions in the STOCK Act underscored why members shouldn't trade individual stocks, she added.

Spanberger agreed: "We have regulations, we have rules, we have standards for a reason. And not enforcing them or abiding by them creates fertile ground for people to behave improperly."


Jason Walker Shooting Gains National Attention as Police Officer's Story UnravelsJason Walker (left), Deputy Hash at the scene (right). (photo: Atlanta Black Star)

Jason Walker Shooting Gains National Attention as Police Officer's Story Unravels
Nicole Duncan-Smith, The Atlanta Black Star
Duncan-Smith writes: "The 911 call made by the sheriff's deputy that shot and killed a Black man in North Carolina has been released. The city council has now requested that the U.S. Department of Justice get involved in the investigation."

ALSO SEE: Bodycam Videos Show Moments After
Shooting Death of Jason Walker by
Off-Duty Deputy in North Carolina

The 911 call made by the sheriff’s deputy that shot and killed a Black man in North Carolina has been released. The city council has now requested that the U.S. Department of Justice get involved in the investigation.

Deputy Jeffrey Hash called 911 after he shot Jason Walker on Saturday, Jan. 8, in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

The almost four-minute call records Hash as saying, “I just had a male jump on my vehicle and broke my windshield. I just shot him. I am a deputy sheriff.”

“You said you shot him?” the dispatcher asked the deputy.

“Yes, he jumped on my car, please,” he responded.

When the dispatcher asked for his name, Hash said, “I am a lieutenant with the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.”

Later in the call, the dispatcher asks Hash if he is near the victim, he replies, “I am. He’s gone. He’s gone, ma’am.”

“Is he breathing?” the dispatcher inquires. The deputy answered, “No, ma’am, he is not. He’s gone.”

Hash then asks for “units out ’cause there’s people gathering.”

During the call, the deputy tells the dispatcher that his vehicle is a red Ford F-150. He then states, “He shattered my windshield.”

Also heard on the call is an exchange that Hash had with a witness, Elizabeth Ricks, the woman who tried to assist Walker after he was shot. The call captures Hash telling her to leave the scene.

“Just keep moving, ma’am,” he says to Ricks.

She replies to him, “I’m a trauma nurse.”

To her qualifier, he says, “I’m a deputy sheriff. Come here. He jumped on my vehicle. I just had to shoot him.”

The dispatcher joins in the conversation and asks for clarity on what actually happened, to which Hash submitted his version.

“I was driving down the road and he came flying across Bingham Drive, running, and then I stopped so I wouldn’t hit him and he jumped on my car and started screaming; pulled my windshield wipers off, and started beating my windshield and broke my windshield,” Hash recalled. “I had my wife and my daughter in my vehicle.”

The dispatcher asked, “Did he have any weapons, sir?”

Hash said that Walker did not have a firearm, and again, asserted his version of the story, “He just tore my wipers off and started beating. … He busted my windshield.”

Turning her attention to the victim, who Hash had already said was not breathing, the dispatcher about how many people are present at the site of the crime.

“There’s tons of cars and people gathering around,” he stated.

The 911 call continued to pick up conversations from those who gathered around Walker’s body.

One key voice is Ricks, the trauma nurse Hash told to “keep moving.” Ricks can be heard saying that the man is still alive.

Hash finally asks for help, saying, “He has a light pulse right now. I need EMS now.”

The dispatcher asks where the man was shot, but neither Hash nor Ricks has the information. Hash reveals to the dispatcher, “I’m seeing blood on his side, ma’am.”

Ricks is heard trying to save him, notwithstanding Hash’s request for EMS’s arrival on the scene. The call records her in the background asking for a shirt or something to stop the bleeding.

Others in the background-repeat the dispatcher’s questions about where Walker was shot, but Hash continues to say that he doesn’t know and repeats his version of what happened, “He was on the front of my vehicle. He jumped on my car.”

Ricks snaps, “I don’t care about that, where is the entry point?”

Hash responded to her and says to the dispatcher, who tells him to stop talking to the people on the scene, “People are hostile right now.”

Hash’s “hostile” comment was captured on the two-minute cellphone video of the aftermath of the shooting, recorded by Chase Sorrell, Ricks’ boyfriend.

Ricks and Sorrell are key witnesses to the fatal shooting.

The Fayetteville Observer reports that the two say they were driving about two car lengths behind Hash when the nurse saw Walker standing on the side of the road.

Ricks maintains that Walker waited for one car to go by before he started to cross the street. That is when Hash’s truck came by and struck the 37-year-old Black man, and Hash got out the car and shot the man four times, the nurse says. After that, she got out of her car to attempt to save his life as he lay dying next to the back wheels of the Ford pickup truck.

Ricks’ account of Walker being hit by a car contradicts police claims released earlier this week.

Fayetteville Police Chief Gina Hawkins said on Sunday, Jan. 9, the pickup truck had a “black box” that would have registered if the vehicle struck “any person or thing.” She also added that one eyewitness said to her office that Walker was not hit by the truck.

The Fayetteville newspaper reports that Ricks says she gave a witness statement to police at the scene of the shooting.

Since the shooting, Hash has acquired representation. Parrish Daughtry, his lawyer, shared on Tuesday that her client was “devastated” about the incident.

She said, “Lt. Hash is devastated for Mr. Walker’s family, his own family, the greater community and devastated by these events. Beyond that, I’m really prohibited from discussing the facts.”

Walker’s family also acquired the services of a lawyer. Ben Crump, the civil rights attorney that has represented victims in many high-profile cases such as those of George Floyd and Trayvon Martin, will represent the interests of the family of the deceased.

His office released the following statement, “We have reason to believe that this was a case of ‘shoot first, ask later,’ a philosophy seen all too often within law enforcement. We look to the North Carolina SBI for a swift and transparent investigation so that we can get justice for Jason and his loved ones.”

The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation is solely handling the investigation around Walker’s death. The Fayetteville City Council voted unanimously during its first regular session meeting on Monday, Jan. 10, to invite the U.S. Department of Justice to assist in this case.


The Supreme Court Can't Get Its Story Straight on VaccinesJustices John Roberts, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. (image: Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla)

The Supreme Court Can't Get Its Story Straight on Vaccines
Ian Millhiser, Vox
Millhiser writes: "On Thursday, the Supreme Court handed down a pair of unsigned opinions that appear to be at war with each other."

The Court is barely even pretending to be engaged in legal reasoning.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court handed down a pair of unsigned opinions that appear to be at war with each other.

The first, National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor, blocks a Biden administration rule requiring most workers to either get vaccinated against Covid-19 or to routinely be tested for the disease. The second, Biden v. Missouribacks a more modest policy requiring most health care workers to get the vaccine.

There are some things that differentiate the two cases. Beyond the fact that the first rule is broader than the second, the broader rule also relies on a rarely used provision of federal law that is restricted to emergencies, while the latter rule relies on a more general statute.

But the Court gives little attention to substantive differences between the laws authorizing both rules. Instead, it applies an entirely judicially created doctrine and other standards in inconsistent ways. The result is two opinions that are difficult to reconcile with each other.

The NFIB case relies heavily on something known as the “major questions doctrine,” a judicially invented doctrine which the Court says places strict limits on a federal agency’s power to “exercise powers of vast economic and political significance.” As the NFIB opinion notes, the vaccinate-or-test rule at issue in NFIB applies to “84 million Americans” — quite understandably a matter of vast economic significance.

But, if this manufactured doctrine is legitimate, then it’s not at all clear why it doesn’t apply with equal force in both cases. As Justice Clarence Thomas points out in a dissenting opinion in the Missouri case, the more modest health workers’ rule “has effectively mandated vaccination for 10 million healthcare workers.” That’s still an awful lot of Americans!

What if the Biden administration had pushed out a rule requiring 20 million people to get vaccinated? Or 50 million? The Court does not tell us just how many millions of Americans must be impacted by a rule for it to count as a matter of “vast economic and political significance.” And it’s hard to draw a legally principled distinction between 10 million workers and 84 million.

Similarly, in NFIB, the Court notes that the agency which created the broad rule at issue in that case is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) which, as its name suggests, deals with health threats that arise in the workplace, and Covid-19 is not unique to the workplace. “COVID–19 can and does spread at home, in schools, during sporting events, and everywhere else that people gather,” the majority opinion notes.

But, as the three liberal justices point out in dissent, OSHA regulates threats that exist both inside and outside the workplace all the time, including “risks of fire, faulty electrical installations, and inadequate emergency exits.” It’s not at all clear why Covid-19 is any different. And the only explanation that the majority opinion gives — that a vaccination “cannot be undone at the end of the workday,” unlike the donning of fire-safety gear — applies with equal force to both the OSHA rule and the narrow health worker’s rule that the Court refused to block. Doctors’ vaccinations can’t be undone any more than an office worker’s can be.

The Court, in other words, appears unable to articulate a principled reason why some vaccination rules should stand and others should fall.

In the past, when the Court was unable to come up with principled ways to separate good rules from bad ones, it deferred to the federal agencies that promulgated those rules. The Court reasoned that it is better to have policy decisions made by expert agencies that are accountable to an elected president than to have purely discretionary decisions made by unelected judges with no relevant expertise.

But the one thing that is apparent from NFIB and Missouri is that this age of deference is over. The opinions suggest that the Court will uphold rules that five of its members think are good ideas, and strike down rules that five of its members think are bad ideas.

The Court is fabricating legal doctrines that appear in neither statute nor Constitution

To understand the two vaccination cases, it’s helpful to start with the specific statutory language the Biden administration relied upon when it issued both rules.

In the NFIB case, a federal law that generally requires OSHA to go through an arduous process to approve new workplace regulations also gives the agency the power to devise an “emergency temporary standard.” It can do so to protect workers from “grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful” if such a standard is “necessary to protect employees from such danger.”

Meanwhile, in the Missouri case, a different federal law instructs the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to issue rules that it “finds necessary in the interest of the health and safety of individuals who are furnished services” in institutions that accept Medicare or Medicaid funding (a category that includes most health providers and pretty much all hospitals and other major providers).

There are striking similarities between these two statutes. Both use open-ended language, delegating powers that could be wielded in a wide variety of circumstances to protect against a wide variety of health threats. And both also state that the relevant federal agencies should only issue rules that are “necessary” to protect against such threats.

And yet the Court analyzes these two very similar statutes in strikingly different ways.

As mentioned above, NFIB relies heavily on the so-called major questions doctrine, a judicially created doctrine that is not mentioned in the Constitution or in any other federal law, and that sometimes limits federal agencies’ power to issue especially consequential regulations. “We expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance,” the Court declares in NFIB, quoting from a decision last August that struck down a moratorium on evictions.

Historically, this doctrine has been used primarily to help the Court interpret vague or ambiguous statutes delegating regulatory power to a federal agency. When it is unclear whether a particularly ambitious regulation falls within an agency’s statutory authority, the Court would sometimes err on the side of saying that the regulation is not permitted.

But the issue in NFIB isn’t really that the statute is vague. As the three liberal justices note in a co-authored dissent, the six conservative justices in the majority do “not contest that COVID–19 is a ‘new hazard’ and ‘physically harmful agent’; that it poses a ‘grave danger’ to employees; or that a testing and masking or vaccination policy is ‘necessary’ to prevent those harms.”

Rather, the majority appears to believe that, because OSHA is not engaged in an “everyday exercise of federal power,” the Court must look for reasons to strike its actions down. As mentioned above, the NFIB majority justifies doing so by claiming that OSHA’s authority is limited to the workplace, and the threat of Covid-19 “is untethered, in any causal sense, from the workplace.”

Thus, unlike previous decisions that applied the major questions doctrine only when a statute is vague (that is, if it is unclear whether Congress intended to allow an agency to regulate), NFIB suggests that this doctrine applies to any open-ended statute that gives an agency broad powers. And it applies even if it’s apparent from that statute’s language that Congress intended to give the agency broad, open-ended authority.

That’s a sweeping change. But say we take it at face value, and then look at the decision in Missouri. Under NFIB, the major questions doctrine only applies to matters of “vast economic and political significance.” But the Missouri opinion provides no explanation of why a rule that impacts 10 million workers does not qualify as a question of such significance.

And if the major questions doctrine does apply, then the CMS rule appears to be just as vulnerable to this doctrine as the OSHA rule. If anything, the text of the CMS statute is even more open-ended than the language at issue in NFIB. OSHA’s statute for emergency regulations only permits it to address a “grave danger” and only when that danger arises from a “physically harmful” substance or agent that intrudes upon the workplace. CMS’s statute, by contrast, gives it far more sweeping authority to act in the “interest of the health and safety of individuals” who receive health care in facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid funding.

And yet the major questions doctrine goes unmentioned in the Missouri opinion.

Similarly, in NFIB, the Court swipes at OSHA’s broad rule because, it claims, “OSHA, in its half century of existence, has never before adopted a broad public health regulation of this kind.” But in Missouri, the majority opinion concedes that CMS’s “vaccine mandate goes further than what the Secretary has done in the past to implement infection control,” and it also notes that state governments, not CMS, have historically imposed vaccination requirements on health care workers.

The two opinions cannot even agree on the significance of when the two rules were issued. In NFIB, the fact that there was “a 2-month delay” between when President Joe Biden announced that OSHA would issue a rule and when OSHA actually issued the rule is mentioned as a subtle dig against the administration. But in Missouri, the majority has no problem with a two-month delay.

The Missouri opinion, in other words, appears to have been drafted by someone who was blissfully unaware of what the Court had to say in NFIB. The two opinions simply cannot be reconciled. They apply completely different legal rules and make no effort to explain why the analysis in one opinion does not apply in the other.

At best, the Court is unable to keep track of what it is doing. At worst, it appears to have started with the result it wanted in both cases, and then worked backward to come up with some kind of reasoning to justify those outcomes.

The Supreme Court wants to be President Biden’s boss

In fairness, there is some language in the NFIB opinion that the Biden administration might find comforting. Although the Court rejects OSHA’s broad rule, it does indicate that OSHA could issue a narrower rule in some cases. “Where the virus poses a special danger because of the particular features of an employee’s job or workplace,” the Court writes, “targeted regulations are plainly permissible.”

Similarly, NFIB rejects the slash-and-burn approach to curtailing OSHA’s authority that is favored by the very most conservative members of the federal bench. The majority opinion concedes that “Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers.”

So, small victories: The opinions in NFIB and Missouri suggest that the Court will still permit the Biden administration to govern some of the time. But they also suggest that the Court will exercise a broad veto power over this administration’s regulatory actions.

As Judge Jane Stranch wrote in a lower court opinion backing the OSHA mandate, the major questions doctrine that the Court relies upon to strike that mandate “is hardly a model of clarity, and its precise contours — specifically, what constitutes a question concerning deep economic and political significance — remain undefined.” The same can be said about other legal doctrines (such as one known as “nondelegation”) that the Court has also floated as justification to strike down federal regulations in recent cases.

The elevation of these doctrines is dangerous. When courts hand down such vague and open-ended rules, they effectively transfer power to themselves. As the NFIB and Missouri cases show, doctrines like major questions are hard to apply in a principled way, and very easy to apply selectively. And they can justify striking down nearly any significant rule that a majority of the justices dislike.

The justices, in other words, have set themselves up as the final censors of any regulatory action. The Biden administration may still propose new rules, but those rules are likely to stand only if five justices agree with them.


Thousands of Animals Killed After 300,000 Gallons of Diesel Spills From Louisiana PipelineThe Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge was located near a recent Louisiana pipeline spill. (photo: Bob Sacha/Corbis Documentary/Getty Images)

Thousands of Animals Killed After 300,000 Gallons of Diesel Spills From Louisiana Pipeline
Olivia Rosane, EcoWatch
Rosane writes: "Thousands of animals have died after a pipeline spilled more than 300,000 gallons of diesel fuel into a Louisiana wetlands."

Thousands of animals have died after a pipeline spilled more than 300,000 gallons of diesel fuel into a Louisiana wetlands.

The oil spill was discovered December 27 east of New Orleans and came from a 16-inch diameter pipeline operated by Collins Pipeline Co. that had significantly corroded, officials said Wednesday. In fact, an October 2020 inspection revealed corrosion along 22 inches of pipe at the spill site, but repairs were delayed and fuel continued to flow through the pipe.

“It’s especially maddening to learn that Collins Pipeline’s initial analysis deemed the pipe in such poor condition that it warranted an immediate repair,” Bill Caram of the Pipeline Safety Trust told the AP.

The initial inspection more than a year ago revealed that the pipe had lost 75 percent of its metal near the worst parts of the corrosion. This would have required immediate repairs, but a second inspection concluded the damage was not bad enough to require repairs under federal law.

This delay has had serious consequences for wildlife and the surrounding environment. The spill occurred near a levee along the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Canal between Chalmette and Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge, reported. Most of the diesel spilled into two ponds or “borrow pits,” the AP reported, while some contaminated soil in an environmentally vulnerable area.

This led to the deaths of 2,300 fish, 39 snakes, 32 birds, some eels and a blue crab, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries said. In total, more than 200 animals besides fish were killed.

Further, almost 130 other animals were impacted and captured to help them recover. This included 12 turtles, 20 snakes and 72 alligators, reported.

“We weren’t expecting to find so many alligators in that one area,” Wildlife and Fisheries’ oil spill response coordinator Laura Carver told “Thankfully they’re pretty sturdy animals.”

Impacted birds were not so lucky. Of the nearly two-dozen birds captured for treatment, only two survived.

Collins Pipeline Co. is owned by PBF Energy Inc., which is one the largest independent petroleum refineries in the U.S., according to The Hill. PBF Energy said that it was waiting on federal approval to repair the pipeline when the spill took place. The federal government finally ordered the pipeline shut down until repairs were completed on December 30.

The cause of the spill was “likely localized corrosion and metal loss,” federal officials said, as The Hill reported.

The company has since repaired the line, and operations started again last Saturday, the AP reported.

“Although we continue to remediate and monitor the area, on-water recovery operations have been completed,” PBF Vice President Michael Karlovich told the AP in an email.

Overall, Collins Pipeline Co. has faced six enforcement cases from the federal government since 2007.

The full extent of the damage caused by the oil spill is not yet known, according to The Hill.



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