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Showing posts with label BRAND NEW CONGRESS. Show all posts

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Turn out for Texas



It’s almost time. 


Brand New Congress and our team of grassroots volunteers have been planning and organizing for months, and we are ramping up in a big way to Get Out the Vote in the Lone Star State! 


Voters will begin heading to the polls in Texas in just 10 days, so we have to be ready to pull out all the stops for Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Jessica Mason (TX-30). 

Don’t forget, most primaries are decided by the early vote – especially now that more people are taking advantage of vote-by-mail and early voting to avoid long lines and big crowds on Election Day.


Just like we did for Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, we have to bring everything we have to these races. Primary election results are usually razor-thin. And you don’t get much closer than FIVE votes, which is what got Sheila over the top last month.


Early support from Brand New Congress helped Sheila win that primary. Those five votes put Sheila in Congress, and your support was a big reason she won.


We got an early win with Sheila’s victory last month. Now Texas is going to set the tone for the rest of the year.


There’s a sea change happening right now, and we are seeing many encouraging signs that momentum is shifting in favor of BNC candidates across the country.  


We can’t slow down now. That’s why we’ve got to turn out for Texas. Can you pitch in to help us get out the vote for Jessica Cisneros and Jessica Mason, where early voting starts in just 10 days?

BNC is proudly powered by small dollars. Our average contribution is just $17, and many people give small recurring contributions of $10 or less. Even giving $5 or $10 a month can make a huge difference.


Your $5 monthly contribution could help us turn out a few more votes. And Frank, that can be enough to flip an election.


If you can sign up for a recurring contribution today, we promise no amount is too small – every dollar makes a difference.

Whatever you are able to give today, we are grateful for your support. We ARE going to elect a Brand New Congress together.


In solidarity,


Brand New Congress


Mailing Address:
Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588



Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

We’re just one month out election day


Email from Brand New Congress

It’s official: we’re just one month away from the TX-28 Democratic Primary.

For those of you who haven’t met me yet, I’m Jessica Cisneros. I’m the proud daughter of Mexican immigrants, a lifelong Texan, and a human rights lawyer running to defeat one of the most right-wing Democrats in Congress, Henry Cuellar. Please allow me to explain why I’m determined to win. Then, I hope you’ll consider splitting a $28 contribution between my campaign and Brand New Congress today:

For far too long, Henry Cuellar has put special interests before his own constituents. Before I ran for Congress the first time, Cuellar sided with Donald Trump on nearly 70% of his votes. His campaign was, and still is, bankrolled by the Koch network, the private prison industry, and big corporate PACs.

And just recently, the FBI raided Henry Cuellar’s mansion and campaign office, even seizing his property, as part of a court-ordered investigation by the federal agency tasked with corruption and bribery cases. Cuellar refuses to say why he is involved and says he’s committed as ever to winning this race. I believe South Texas deserves a transparent representative who is focused on serving the District, not someone under FBI investigation who is more interested in serving corrupt Washington interests. 

Even though we were heavily outspent in the last election, we lost by only 2,746 votes – just 3% of the vote. We came so close because we built a big, diverse, inclusive grassroots movement in South Texas. This time, we’re going to win if we can build on that momentum. But I need your help as we get closer to the primary. 

Will you help bring bold, progressive change to South Texas by splitting a contribution between my campaign and Brand New Congress today? It’s absolutely critical for us to raise as much money as possible before our primary.

This campaign is about much more than defeating Cuellar. It’s about sending representation to Congress that will fight tooth and nail for working people, for immigrant communities, for all of my neighbors in South Texas who have been ignored, neglected, and disenfranchised. 

Texas’s 28th District is what some people call a “blue seat.” But our representative, Henry Cuellar, hasn’t acted like a Democrat in Congress. Instead, he’s catering to his corporate donors, the NRA, Big Oil, private prison companies, and big banks.

I’m running because we need a representative who’ll fight for a path to citizenship, Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal that creates good-paying union jobs.

I’m running because we need to get big money out of politics and stop letting corporate donors stack the deck in D.C.

I’m running because this moment, in the wake of a devastating pandemic, requires Democrats in Congress who will actually get things done, not stand in the way.

Despite everything stacked against us, we defied expectations by barely losing our primary in 2020. But it was just the beginning.

Together, this time, we are going to prove that a big grassroots movement can take on the machine and win. But, I can’t do it without you, so please help us out in the final stretch.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who supported us last time, and who is stepping out to support us as we get closer to the primary.

In solidarity,

Jessica Cisneros
Candidate for Congress, TX-28
Brand New Congress




facebook link facebook link twitter link instagram link 


Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Mailing Address:
Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588






So many people came through for us last night, and we are so grateful.


Thanks to the hundreds of small dollar donors who pitched in, we had one of our best fundraising months in nearly a year.


That said, we did fall just a little short of our goal – $445 short to be exact.


I know $445 may not sound like a lot, but our grassroots organization makes every dollar count.


So if you’re able to pitch in another $5, $10, or $17 (our average contribution) today just to help us close that gap, it would really help us as we gear up for GOTV in Texas – now less than two weeks away!

We are so thankful to each of you who contributed to help us meet our goal for January. We really have to step things up now, because we have dozens of elections between now and November and a lot of candidates who are counting on BNC’s support.


We’re excited to build on our early win with Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, who was just sworn in to Congress a couple weeks ago. Texas is next!




Adrienne Bell
Executive Director
Brand New Congress


Mailing Address:
Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588



Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick is being sworn



Frank -- There are lots of exciting things happening at Brand New Congress right now.


Right now (6:30pm ET) BNC’s newest elected representative, Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, is taking her oath of office. And you can watch it live with us at!



Earlier today our Executive Director, Adrienne Bell, announced the latest addition to the BNC 2022 slate: Erica Smith for NC-02!


Erica is an engineer, an educator, and former State Senator running for the newly opened seat in NC-02 – a once-safe Democratic seat that has been gerrymandered by NC Republicans into a toss-up.



And as we speak, mail-in ballots are landing in mailboxes across Texas, where two BNC candidates are up for vote in the March 1st primary – Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Jessica Mason (TX-30).


With Erica joining the slate, we have 22 candidates (including our now FIVE elected representatives!) to support between now and November.



Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick won her primary by just five votes in Novembe– now she’s being sworn into Congress. Every call we make, every text we send, every door we knock puts us one step closer to victory. That means every dollar matters.

In solidarity,


Team BNC


Mailing Address:
Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588



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