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Sunday, September 12, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson: September 11, 2021
Thursday, August 19, 2021
DeSantis exposed for pandemic profiteering with supporter
Today’s Action: Mask up and get vaccinated!
Biden unveils plan for vaccine boosters starting in September
Today's Top Stories:
Top DeSantis donor invests in COVID drug governor promotes
Florida's Republican governor has implemented policies that make people sick and touted a drug that is making his supporter richer — old fashioned disease profiteering.
Take Action: Add your name to call on Ron DeSantis to RESIGN!
VIDEO OF THE DAY: Afghanistan veteran DESTROYS Stephen Miller on national TV
Trump's top white nationalist aide got the verbal smackdown he deserved and we all need to see.
Take Action: Demand a path to citizenship in the budget reconciliation package!
DeSantis finally gets what he deserves
No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.
There was no way to withdraw from Afghanistan "without chaos ensuing," Biden says
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, the president opens up on his decision to withdraw.
Biden says US troops will stay in Afghanistan until every American who wants to leave the country has gotten out
There's no good answer in Afghanistan right now, but fulfilling America's obligations is a moral imperative.
Trump praises Taliban for being "smart... good fighters"
Remember next time the disgraced ex-president criticizes Democrats whose side he's on.
Take Action: Call on Twitter to make Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ban permanent!
Georgia removes more than 100,000 names from voter rolls
Republican schemes to rig elections are happening in plain sight.
Take Action: Add your name to stop voter suppression in the states!
Inside America's secret war
American Refugee: Go inside the story of CIA betrayal of soldiers who fought for the US and how President Biden hopes to repeat a catastrophe as America withdraws from Afghanistan.
Biden takes aim at states blocking mask mandates, setting Gov. Abbott up for showdown with feds
The president is trying to save lives while the Republican governor is letting his own state die in order to score political points.
Judge throws out Trump-era approvals for Alaska oil project
Ruling calls federal reports flawed and says plan didn't do enough to prevent further harm to polar bears and their habitat.
Take Action: Tell President Biden — No new oil and gas leases on public lands!
Appeals court upholds Texas law banning common second-trimester abortion method
It's not just the Taliban trampling women's rights.
Tucson mayor defies GOP governor's "legally meaningless" ban on vaccine mandates
Republican governors are fighting for their constituents freedom to kill, but Democrats aren't standing for it.
Preventable pandemic...
Seriously, not a joke...
Reminder: The planet is on fire...
Today’s Action: Mask up and get vaccinated!
As the Delta variant surges throughout the country, we desperately need a new way to message masking up and getting vaccinated. We are far, far away from the necessary numbers to reach herd immunity and protect our most vulnerable. As our ICUs fill up, overwhelmingly with unvaccinated Americans, children who cannot get vaccinated are increasingly among the gravely ill.
We have an obligation to take all necessary precautions to slow the spread of this pandemic. And let’s be honest. It’s not that hard.
Get the free shot, put a piece of cloth over your face. You know, so you don’t accidentally kill your neighbor.
Follow the updated CDC guidelines and mask up indoors, even if you’re vaccinated. While you’re on the website, check out their recommended conversation points for talking to a loved one about getting vaccinated!
There is still so much misinformation about masks and the vaccine. While you might be reading this already vaccinated and following updated CDC guidelines, the likelihood of you being just a few degrees of separation with someone anti-mask or anti-vax is high. If every reader sets an example by wearing their mask, or asking unvaccinated loved ones to talk to their primary care doctor about the vaccine, the chance of flattening the curve would increase exponentially.
Another COVID wave is scary, and we need all hands on deck to fight it and protect our neighbors. You can absolutely make a difference by following the science and opening constructive dialogue.
Take a few moments to review and share the updated CDC guidelines to mask up indoors, even if you’re vaccinated. Then, check out the CDC’s suggested talking points to help drive up vaccination rates!
PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition to stop the hospital system that is preying on poor patients, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Thursday, August 5, 2021
GOP governor admits Republican failure on Covid
Today’s Action: Pass the Raise the Wage Act!
Today's Top Stories:
Arkansas governor admits he was wrong to sign law banning mask mandates
As his own residents get sick and die due to Republican policies, Asa Hutchinson is finally acknowledging the obvious.
Take Action: Tell Pelosi and Schumer to implement a vaccine mandate at the Capitol!
VIDEO OF THE DAY: New Jersey Governor Murphy just went viral shutting up anti-vaccine protesters
The Democrat isn't about to let Republican conspiracy theorists stand in the way of his effort to save lives.
Take Action: Add your name to expand Medicare – lower the age and improve the benefits!
Trump gets slammed with bad news… twice.
No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.
Wisconsin deactivates 205,000 voter registrations
174,307 voters were unregistered because they hadn’t cast a ballot in four years and didn’t respond to a mailing.
Emails show Trump official tried to get Justice Department to overturn Georgia's election result
The blatant scheme to stop American democracy is in writing for all to see.
Trump proposes his followers carry cards with Nazi imagery and a misspelling
You can't make this stuff up.
Take Action: Add your name to demand corporations stop funding Anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans!
Federal judge blocks Texas order restricting transport of migrants
While the Republican governor has refused basic safety measures as his resident get sick and die, he tried to use the pandemic as an excuse to assault immigrants.
Inside America's secret war
American Refugee: Go inside the story of CIA betrayal of soldiers who fought for the US and how President Biden hopes to repeat a catastrophe as America withdraws from Afghanistan.
Biden to push for electric vehicles to make up 40% or more of U.S. auto sales by 2030
The president also is expected to announce proposed federal fuel economy standards through the 2026 model-year Thursday that build on California's tougher regulations.
Take Action: Tell President Biden — No new oil and gas leases on public lands!
Facebook blocks disinformation researchers from accessing platform
The social media giant has fueled dangerous propaganda, invited foreign influence in our elections, and a deadly pandemic, and Zuckerberg would rather people not look into it.
Cuomo impeachment appears imminent
Unlike Republicans, Democrats do not tolerate sexual harassment among their own.
Take Action: Add your name to join President Biden in calling for Andrew Cuomo to resign!
Judge rips Trump insurgents in sentencing for GOP attack on Capitol
You called yourself and everyone else patriots, but that's not patriotism, Judge Amy Berman Jackson said of defendant Karl Dresch. Patriotism is loyalty to country, loyalty to the Constitution, not loyalty to a head of state. That is the tyranny we rejected on July 4."
Take Action: Add your name to say it's time to expand the Supreme Court!
The good, the bad, and the ugly...
Reminder: The world is on fire...
Today’s Action: Pass the Raise the Wage Act!
It’s been 12 years since the last minimum wage increase, while the cost of living continues to increase. Since 1978, the average worker has seen their pay go up by 12% while CEO salaries have increased a massive 940%. Meanwhile, taxes for the wealthy have plummeted, corporate profits have soared, and income inequality has shattered records.
It is unconscionable for people to work full-time in the richest country in the history of the world and be forced to live in poverty. The Raise the Wage Act would ensure that by 2025, the legal minimum wage across the nation is no less than $15 — which is a good start, and a potential lifeline for struggling workers across the Nation.
Call or email your members of Congress and tell them to support the Raise the Wage Act. If they’ve already co-sponsored, tell them thank you and to keep fighting for a federally mandated liveable wage!
Corporations and Republican politicians would have you believe this is an economic necessity rather than pure greed. Look at Chipotle, which took the important step of paying all its workers at least $15 per hour, only to raise prices and blame the increase on the higher salaries of its lowest paid workers — ignoring the fact that it simultaneously increased its CEO salary by $24 million. And in the two years since, Chipotle stock has more than doubled.
So yes, corporations can afford to raise the minimum wage, and America cannot afford to wait.
Call or email your members of Congress and tell them our communities need the Raise the Wage Act. If they’ve already co-sponsored, tell them thank you — and remind them that millions of Americans are depending on them to get this done.
PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding Congress pass an eviction moratorium that protects every American, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
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