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Showing posts with label NDLB. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Trump's "one-man scam Pac" is exposed


Today’s Action: Reconvene the House and extend the federal eviction moratorium!

Today's Top Stories:

"One-man scam Pac": Trump’s money hustling tricks prompt fresh scrutiny

The former conman-in-chief has duped supporters out of tens of million since he left office without but failed to spend on its promised goals.

Take Action: Demand Trump testify for January 6th committee!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Joe Manchin finally confronted on the question we’ve all been waiting for

Nothing less that American democracy is at stake, and one of the few people standing in the way of saving the day is put on the spot.

Trump gets slammed with bad news… twice.

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

Schumer announces bipartisan group has finalized legislative text on infrastructure bill
It's been decades, decades since Congress passed such a significant standalone investment and I salute the hard work that was done here by everybody, Majority Leader Schumer said.

Take Action: Add your name to tell Congress — Fund green buses, not Bezos

Pelosi, Democrats call on Biden to extend eviction ban
Conservatives and moderates are setting the stage for millions of Americans to be kicked out of their homes, but progressives are fighting back.

Take Action: Add your name to call for EVERY STATE to expand Medicaid to those who need it!

Already distorting events of January 6, GOP concocts fictional counternarrative
The liars who incited the insurrection against American democracy are lying about the insurrection. Who could've seen that coming?

Sarah Palin hints at Alaska Senate run against Republican Lisa Murkowski

With the Republican Party increasingly embracing ignorance and brazen dishonesty, Palin sees opportunity.

Take Action: Add your name to demand corporations stop funding Anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans!

Weekly Recap: A lot happened this week Richard Ojeda breaks it down

No Dem Left Behind: If you missed the January 6th commission hearing, check out this 60 sec clip from the retired Major turned Democratic star 🔥🔥🔥

After 55 days on ventilator, GOP Rep. David Byrd pleads with Republican colleagues to start taking this seriously
In typical Republican fashion, it's only serious when it effects them. And still, conservatives around him refuse to listen.

Threat of subpoenas for Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan mounts
"I would expect a significant number of subpoenas for a lot of people," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of the Republicans on the committee.

Republican senator Calls Out "inconsistency" among GOP on infrastructure
When Trump was president, they were all in favor of infrastructure. Now, they're ready to throw the American people under the bus... on a road in dire need of repair.

Kosovo honors Beau Biden for his service to the country
The medal honors the president's late son for helping train local prosecutors and judges in Kosovo with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe from 1998 to 1999.


Preventable pandemic...

Hope at the Olympics...

Today’s Action: Reconvene the House and extend the federal eviction moratorium!

An estimated 7 million tenants were behind on rent as the eviction moratorium expired yesterday. While some states have been using pandemic aid as emergency rental assistance, distributing those funds is extremely challenging. The Biden administration announced Thursday that they would allow the moratorium to expire, after the Supreme Court stated that there would be no extension without congressional action.

We are living through an extraordinary housing crisis. According to a June Census Household Pulse Survey, 1.2 million households are "very likely" to be facing eviction this summer, which doesn’t include the aforementioned tenants who are behind on rent.

The housing market is skyrocketing, rental assistance programs are struggling, and families everywhere are facing thousands of dollars in back rent and utilities. Without an extension of the federal eviction moratorium, we can expect homelessness throughout the nation to rise. 

Write your Representatives and demand that the House reconvene immediately to extend the federal eviction moratorium!

COVID-19 was a shock to our communities, and catching up on months of missed payments can feel impossible for working people. To be clear, the moratorium did not stop the bills from piling up, just evictions. 

We need an extension on the federal eviction moratorium now to protect our neighbors struggling to bounce back from this global trauma. While many have returned back to their pre-pandemic lives, millions in our country are still suffering. 

Write your Representatives and call for them to reconvene and extend the federal eviction moratorium today, before millions of people across the country are kicked out!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition to require masks in schools during the delta surge!, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Fox News forced to disavow Trump live on air


Today’s Action: Pass climate legislation now!

Today's Top Stories:

Fox News runs all-caps disclaimer over Trump’s lies about stolen election at CPAC

Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, both makers of voting machines, previously sued Fox for billions of dollars for promoting the ex-president's baseless theory that the election was rigged.

Take Action: Tell cable companies to drop Fox's carriage fees - or we'll drop cable!

Trump openly admits during CPAC speech to lying about poll numbers he doesn't like
"If it's bad ideas, I say it's fake. If it's good, I say that's the most accurate poll perhaps ever."

Brian Tyler Cohen finally interviews a REPUBLICAN congressman

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

CPAC crowd cheers low vaccination rates in deep red states
Dr. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, expressed horror over attendees of a conservative political conference loudly applauding the inability of the federal government to hit its vaccine goals.

Take Action: Add your name to call for EVERY STATE to expand Medicaid to those who need it!

Trump wins the CPAC straw poll as attendees clamor for him to run again
The political gathering normally serves as an audition for Republican presidential contenders, but the three-day session was yet another example of how the disgraced ex-president has effectively frozen the field more than three years before the next election as he teases another possible run.

Take Action: Add your name to demand corporations stop funding Anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans!

Tucker Carlson is "furious" at Fox News executives for not supporting his batty NSA spying claims

The bloviating opionator is reportedly outraged that network executives have not vigorously defended him amid his evidence-free claims that the National Security Agency spied on him in a conspiracy to destroy his TV show.

Take Action: Tell Congress to hold big tech accountable for their anti-democracy monopolies that trample the rights of regular Americans!

Haiti police arrest third suspect with US ties in president's assassination
Charles Emmanuel Sanon, 63, is one of the suspected masterminds behind the attack, according to Haitian officials.

NDLB releases first ad of the campaign, and it pulls no punches

No Dem Left Behind: "Republicans are terrorists."

Biden admin blocks ICE from detaining pregnant, nursing, postpartum women caught crossing border
Except in special circumstances, expectant mothers and those who have given birth up to one year previously won't be detained by ICE.

California man charged with raiding US Capitol, pretending to be member of press
Matthew Thomas Purse, 45, was arrested on various federal charges for his role in the MAGA riot. A confidential source who saw him on a livestream video alerted officials, according to the FBI.

Michigan's GOP-controlled state Senate Oversight Committee finds no evidence of election fraud, asks state attorney general to investigate individuals pushing bogus theories
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat, has agreed to investigate individuals who've pushed false claims about the 2020 election to raise money or publicity for themselves.

Top Biden ally pleads with him to scrap filibuster for election reform
Rep. Jim Clyburn said it’s time for the president to embrace more aggressive changes to the Senate rules.

Take Action: Add your name to tell Senate Democrats to DUMP THE FILIBUSTER!





Today’s Action: Pass climate legislation now!

For the Southwest United States, the past year has yielded some of the worst droughts since record-keeping began well over a century ago. This along with other climate change factors, such as reduced snowpack and warmer temperatures, have caused the wildfire season to advance significantly, with a few thousand acres already gone to flames. The West Coast is on fire.

Flash flooding has been enough to tank major infrastructure in New York City, one of our most densely populated areas. Videos have surfaced of working class and impoverished New Yorkers attempting to wade through waist high sewage water to get into the subway, some holding garbage bags around their legs. 

All this just in the last week. This is only the beginning of what we can begin to expect as climate catastrophes continue to increase. Flash flooding, droughts, wildfires, failing infrastructure, pandemics: all symptoms of a sick planet. 

Call (202-224-3121) or email your representatives and tell them they need to pass a comprehensive climate plan now. 

This is beyond party lines. Our legislators have to come together to ensure the United States is doing everything in its power to reverse the damage done to our planet by years of natural resource exploitation.

It is not the wealthy that will suffer from these devastations, the burden will be carried on the backs of working class families and marginalized communities. When there is nowhere left to accommodate the majority of the population, the ultra-rich will be retreating to luxury bunkers that have been in the works for years.

Call (202-224-3121) or email your representatives and demand that they prioritize climate action in the remainder of this session and pass meaningful climate initiatives! Remind them that the future of Earth depends on it.

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding accountability for the oil company that set the Gulf of Mexico on fire, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...