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Showing posts with label INNOVATORS CHARTER. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2022

This proposed charter school promised free college credits. Why did they drop their plans?


This proposed charter school promised free college credits. Why did they drop their plans?

Audrey Cooney
The Herald News

Published Feb.13, 2022 

NEW BEDFORD — Opponents of the proposed Innovators Charter School are declaring victory after the group behind the new school announced they would withdraw their application for state approval, following months of organizing and debate over the school's merits.

“At the risk of being triumphalist, it really feels like we made history,” said Colin Green, an organizer with the New Bedford Coalition to Save Our Schools. “It really does feel like a big win.”

Last year, the group behind Innovators Charter School announced it was seeking to open a 6th through 12th grade school in either New Bedford or Fall River, but most likely New Bedford, which would focus on STEM education and early college classes. Students would have had to chance to graduate from high school with an associate degree. If they received state approval, the school planned to open this coming September.

What was planned:Up to two years of free college credits? How this proposed charter school aims to do it

Parent Michelle Willis outside Kilburn Mill in New Bedford before a public charter school hearing.

Members of the proposed charter school’s founding group included former Fall River Superintendent of Schools Meg Mayo Brown, former Fall River Public Schools principal and current executive director of New Heights Charter School in Brockton Omari Walker and former president of Bristol Community College Jack Sbrega, among others.

This Tuesday, Feb. 15, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education was set to make a decision on whether to grant the group a charter. But last week, Mayo Brown said in a letter to Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Jeffrey Riley that the group would withdraw its application and not proceed with plans to open the new school.

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The letter did not go into detail, but subtext seemed to suggest that local opposition to the plan may have played a part in the group’s decision.

“Over the past months and weeks, it has become increasingly clear that political complexities on the ground will make it very difficult for us to successfully launch our early college charter public school on the south coast at this time. As a result, we need additional time to continue to share the vision for our proposed educational model in the community,” Mayo Brown wrote.

In an email to the Herald News, Mayo Brown said members of the founding group would not offer further comment on their decision, for now.

“Our group will have more to say about this at a future date,” she said.

Outspoken local opposition

Opponents of the plan said the school would drain needed resources from existing public schools in New Bedford and Fall River and duplicate existing early college programs. Many pointed to the charter school, and charter schools in general, as undemocratic attempts to privatize public education, while some painted Innovators Charter School as a group of outsiders trying to implement a plan against the wishes of local community members.

Cynthia Roy, a member of the New Bedford Coalition to Save Our Schools, pointed out that many of the proposed board members were not residents of either Fall River or New Bedford, and some even live out of state, in Rhode Island. And while the charter would have received public funding, the board would not have been elected by the public.

“School committee members need to be accessible,” she said.

New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell speaks at Kilburn Mill in New Bedford during a public charter school hearing.

New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell was one of many local officials, including Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan, both cities’ school superintendents and members of both school committees, to speak out strongly in public testimony against the proposed charter.

Mitchell said the group’s withdrawal came as no surprise, given the level of local opposition to the plan. He said locals were blindsided by the proposal when it was submitted to the state. He learned of it from Nick Christ, president and CEO of BayCoast Bank who at the time was a member of the school’s proposed board, only a few days before the application was submitted. The group could have done much more to explain to community members and local leaders why they thought the school was necessary, he said.

“There was a presumptuousness that people recognized and objected to,” he said. “This group just went about it in a way that inevitably would lead to division. I don’t take any delight in declaring political victory, quite the contrary.”

Charter school opponents put pressure on local businesses

Six of the 13 proposed members of the Innovators Charter School board had ties to BayCoast Bank, including Christ, two Vice Presidents and three corporators — Mayo Brown, Walker and Sbrega. In late January, Christ announced in an op-ed to the New Bedford Standard-Times and the Herald News that all employees of the bank would step back from the project.

The move came after the Coalition to Save Our Schools focused a public pressure campaign on the bank and other local groups and businesses that had expressed support for the new charter school.

Weeks earlier, members of the coalition had walked into one of the bank locations to hand deliver a letter to Christ expressing their opposition to the bank’s involvement with the proposed school. While they did that, Roy said, other members stood outside. Photos and videos posted on the group’s social media show 10 people, some of them in Christmas gear, holding signs with slogans like “public funds for public schools” and playing Christmas music. In mid-January, some members of the group returned to the bank and handed flyers to passersby, sticking to public sidewalks, Roy said.

"Teamster Claus" Dan Bush with a stocking full of coal outside Kilburn Mill in New Bedford before a public charter school hearing.

The group also publicly called out local businesses that had signed on to letters of support for the school, encouraging people to call them, and visited businesses in person to persuade owners to change their minds. They got at least six businesses to rescind their support, she said.

Roy described their engagement with local businesses as a form of “political education” and said some local business owners they talked to had signed letters as a personal favor to a friend and weren’t fully informed about the potential drawbacks to the school.

She described the coalition as a grassroots collection of local residents, parents and workers, including but not limited to members of local teachers unions. The group predates the Innovators Charter School proposal and has campaigned around issues like ending high stakes testing and improving access to healthy food in schools. Roy said the group has canvassed neighborhoods to win support for the campaign against Innovators Charter School.

“We’ve been having meetings over pizza and coloring books,” she said. “It’s community organizing.”

And as for the action outside the bank branch, Roy described it as “friendly.”

“Organizing has to go public,” she said. “Sometimes you have to raise the public awareness in order to get movement.”

New Bedford controversy:Mitchell said he couldn’t speak to specific tactics used by local organizers, but said he was glad community members made their opinions known.

“I would never condone any inappropriate tactics,” he said. “I think people also have to understand that this applicant group sought to impose this school without deigning to ask anybody’s opinion about it in the public or public officials. So it’s not surprising that people got worked up about it.”


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

No innovation seen in new charter school venture


Letter to the Editor

Cape Cod Times
Published Nov 20, 2021 

As a defender of public education, I find it necessary to address some of the claims and assertions made in the Oct. 14, 2021 article about former Barnstable Schools Superintendent Meg Mayo-Brown.

For starters, Mayo-Brown’s contract was not renewed. Her leadership of the district — at least at the cost it was to the community — was not endorsed by the school committee.

Pivoting her career to the privately run, publicly funded charter school industry is her prerogative. However, when the story transitions from Mayo-Brown’s dubious departure from the district to her new venture, it becomes a booster piece for the charter school she is trying to open in New Bedford.

Officials in New Bedford and Fall River have already voiced their opposition to the opening of a 700-seat charter school in their region; charters drain money away from district public schools, a main reason that voters in Massachusetts overwhelmingly opposed a proposed expansion of charter schools in 2016.

And the flowery claims by the charter industry spokesman also need checking. Overwhelmingly, charter schools do not collaborate with their district counterparts. Charter schools also do not retain their educators; state data show that New Heights in Brockton, which Mayo-Brown says her school shall be modeled after, lost 50% of its educators over the past year.

Furthermore, both New Bedford and Fall River public high schools already offer early college programs, making it possible for students to earn college credits at no cost to them. There simply is no innovation at Mayo-Brown’s proposed Innovators charter.

Emma Hein, Marstons Mills


Mass. Voters Say No To Charter School Expansion

Terry Kwan of Brookline, along with other Question 2 opponents, holds signs in Coolidge Corner. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)
Terry Kwan of Brookline, along with other Question 2 opponents, holds signs in Coolidge Corner. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)
This article is more than 5 years old.

Massachusetts voters have decided not to lift the cap on charter schools.

It was a clear victory for the No on 2 campaign. With 96 percent of precincts reporting, only 38 percent voted in favor of expansion while 62 percent voted against raising the cap. (See full results at the bottom of this story.)

Question 2 would have allowed as many as 12 new or expanded charter schools a year. Its defeat means new charter applications will continue to follow the existing rules, which tie the number of charter seats to a percentage of public school funding — 9 percent in most districts, and 18 percent in the lowest-performing ones.

'Elevate All Of Our Young People'

Opponents apparently swayed voters with their arguments that charter schools do not serve the neediest students, drain money from district schools, and could have proved "apocalyptic" for city budgets and led to less state oversight of how charters are run. In addition, even some supporters of charter schools in general expressed doubts about the specifics of the ballot question itself.

Rhianwen Kast-McBride, who is 15 years old, said she feels victorious.

"We just basically saved our schools," she said.

For weeks, she and her friends from Boston Arts Academy have been putting up posters and campaigning with their parents. They joined teachers, politicians and other supporters at the No on 2 watch party Tuesday night to see the results come in.

Another opponent of lifting the charter cap, Boston City Councilor Tito Jackson, says the results are a message that the people of Massachusetts want the state to improve the public schools we already have — not build new ones.

"Instead of picking or choosing winners or losers and having that corporate mentality, we need to have a communal mentality — one where we elevate all of our young people," Jackson said.

He is calling on state lawmakers to fully fund education -- and focus on building up schools in areas like Boston.

Disappointing Defeat For Question 2 Supporters

Backers of the effort to bring more charter schools to Massachusetts agree with that. Marty Walz -- who is with the group Great School Massachusetts, which campaigned in support of Question 2 -- said schools need more resources.

"From my point of view, it’s not just more money for more of the same," Walz said. "We need more money spent differently and more effectively so that we begin to close the achievement gaps."

Supporters of Question 2 had pointed to the high test scores achieved by many Massachusetts charter schools, multiple studies calling them the nation's best and the thousands of families on waiting lists for charters.

Charter schools receive funding from the districts their students come from. The state is mandated to follow a formula to reimburse the districts for this cost but has not fully funded those reimbursements for several years. The state has also underfunded the so-called "foundation budget," its share of the cost of running public schools, further squeezing local education budgets.

Supporters of raising the cap on charter schools say the defeat is disappointing, but they will continue the great work of current charter schools.

An Ardent, And Expensive, Campaign 

The fight over the ballot question was among the most contentious, and by far the most expensive, in state history.

In the weeks leading up to the election, the two sides also focused many of their arguments on questions of who was backing their opponents. Nearly all funding for the opponents came from teachers' unions, leading to claims that the opposition was purely driven by the unions; most of the money in support came from out-of-state donors through groups that opponents attacked as "dark money" because they are not required to release donors' names.

The question split two political leaders who are usually in agreement on education: Boston Mayor Martin Walsh, who spoke out against it, and Gov. Charlie Baker, who campaigned in favor of it. More than 200 local school committees passed resolutions against raising the cap. State education officials, many of whom have ties to charter schools (as do Walsh and Baker), supported it.


Massachusetts Authorization of Additional Charter Schools and Charter School Expansion, Question 2 (2016)

The Massachusetts Authorization of Additional Charter Schools and Charter School Expansion Initiative, also known as Question 2, was on the November 8, 2016, ballot in Massachusetts as an indirect initiated state statute. It was defeated.

"yes" vote supported this proposal to authorize up to 12 new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education per year.
"no" vote opposed this proposal to authorize up to 12 new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools, thereby maintaining the current charter school cap.[1]

Election results

Question 2
Defeated No2,025,84061.96%
Election results from Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth


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