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Showing posts with label DA DAVID PRATER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DA DAVID PRATER. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2021

Julius Jones and the murderous DA who put him in this position


Real Justice

Thank you to this Real Justice community who stepped up to fight for the life of Julius Jones.

Huge news broke just hours before he was scheduled to be executed. The Governor stopped the execution, but gave Julius life in prison WITHOUT parole. His family is simultaneously relieved and crushed. His team will continue to fight for his freedom.

And together, we will fight to stop these injustices from happening again.

But let me unpack something important, OK?

None of this should have happened in the first place. There is one person who could have freed Julius years ago and stopped all of this crushing pain: Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater.

Not only did DA Prater not step up to save Julius’ life – he actively fought to murder him by trying to undermine the Pardon and Parole Board’s clemency vote.

DA Prater ignored all the signs of Julius’ innocence, and there were many.

Do you think this would happen in a county with a Real Justice-elected DA?

NEVER in a million years.

If there had been a better DA with principles on this case, Julius would not have been on death row in the first place. In fact, Julius may have been home free years ago. 

We have proven that when we elect DAs with compassion and principle, we can save lives.

That is why Real Justice is launching a big campaign to replace DA David Prater. But I need you to join us, OK? A new DA could fight for Julius' freedom.

Help us defeat District Attorney David Prater and more murderous DAs like him. Rush a donation right now and be a founding member of this effort. Any amount gets us closer to stopping these senseless injustices.

Thank you so much for all the work you did to help save Julius’ life.

I am so deeply grateful for this community.

Thank you,


Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee. Authorized and paid for by Real Justice PAC, 3041 Mission St. #327, San Francisco, CA 94110, (469) 436-6262.

Email us:

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

This was preventable


Real Justice

I write to you with a really heavy heart today. Because there’s a sad truth we have to acknowledge. Just hear me out, ok?

In 3 days, Julius Jones is scheduled to be executed.

The Oklahoma Pardon & Parole Board voted TWICE to commute his sentence to life with parole. But Governor Stitt is ignoring them completely.

What really makes my heart ache, though, is that this all could have been avoided from the start.

The District Attorney on this case, David Prater, could have freed Julius Jones with the stroke of a pen a long time ago. Instead, DA Prater has been hellbent on murdering Julius.

And if we had another DA in that office — one who was principled and understood that we need to rebuild our justice system — Julius would already be free.

We must work to elect DAs all across the country so that innocent people like Julius Jones are able to walk free. Please chip in to support Real Justice so we can elect candidates who will intervene in disastrous cases like Julius’ and save innocent lives.

After you’ve donated — or if you’re unable to chip in today — I need you to call key decision-makers in Julius’ case at 405-777-7840 and demand his freedom.

I know that this work is hard.

But it’s some of the most important work we will do in our lifetimes.

The work we do is — and I don’t think I can ever emphasize it enough — a matter of life or death.

Thank you for hearing me out. I appreciate you.

With love,


Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Email us:

Saturday, October 23, 2021

DA David Prater is trying to murder an innocent man in 27 days


Real Justice

27 days. That’s how much more time is left before the set execution date of Julius Jones.

An innocent Black man. On death row. For a crime HE NEVER COMMITTED.

The historically conservative Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board even decided to commute his sentence to life with the possibility of parole.

But there’s someone who is trying to murder an innocent man — District Attorney David Prater.

When we talk about how important it is to elect principled, progressive DAs because it can be a matter of life or death, this is EXACTLY what we mean.

This was preventable. If there was a DA that was interested in upholding justice for the people — instead of someone like David Prater bending to the corrupt, racist wills of our so-called ‘justice system’ — Julius would already be free.

This is why the work we do together at Real Justice is SO important. With your incredible support, we have helped elect DAs working to undo decades of corrupt policies and working every day to deliver justice for the people they represent. But we still have a lot of big fights ahead and we can’t do it without your support.

Make a contribution today to help us fight against the execution of Julius Jones and elect more bold justice champions who will redefine what it means to be a District Attorney.

There are more DAs out there like David Prater who think they can fly under the radar, Antonio.

But together, we are showing that we’re onto their corruption.

We REFUSE to let them get away with locking up innocent people. Tearing apart families and communities for generations. Doing it all in the name of holding up a faulty, corrupt, racist justice system.

And without you, none of this would be possible.

We need your help to keep up the pressure as we fight for the freedom for people like Julius Jones, fight back against those who want to stall our progress, and work to elect more DAs who will work for the people and not the most insidious players in our ‘justice’ system.

Thank you,

Real Justice

Pol. Adv. Paid for by Real Justice PAC,

Not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

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