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Showing posts with label KYRIE IRVING. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar | Aaron Rodgers Didn't Just Lie



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FEAR MOTIVATES DONATIONS BETTER THAN PROGRESS — Absent a boogey man like Donald Trump or George W Bush donations are nearly impossible to come by. But battling the fascists has always been only half the battle. The other front, the real reason we do this is social progress. In that regard we are seeing our greatest successes ever. But social progress, regardless of how beneficial in the long-run doesn’t seem to garner funding support. We have an opportunity now for real long-lasting social progress. Invest in that while the opportunity exists. Don’t wait for fear, be pro-active.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News

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Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers 'directly and deliberately lied to fans,' according to Abdul-Jabbar. (photo: Getty)
FOCUS: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar | Aaron Rodgers Didn't Just Lie
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's Substack
Abdul-Jabbar writes: "His lies, his illogical defense, and his hubris damage all professional athletes."

His lies, his illogical defense, and his hubris damage all professional athletes.

Professional athletes have come so far from the dark days when the public saw them as perpetually partying adolescents, mean-spirited bullies, and worse: dim-wits one step above tackling dummies on the evolutionary scale. Today, many players are eloquent spokespersons as well as admirable athletes. This hard-fought change occurred gradually over decades as more and more athletes proved themselves to be passionate and articulate advocates for a better, more inclusive society.

This shift in public perception is especially important when we understand how impactful athletes are in influencing our children. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study, children 10-17 years old admire famous athletes second (73 percent) only to their parents (92 percent). That’s a sacred trust not to be abused. Unfortunately, the pandemic has revealed several athletes who abuse their position and responsibility, not just to the public, but to other professional athletes’ livelihood.

That latest egregious abuser is Green Bay quarterback and three-time MVP Aaron Rodgers who directly and deliberately lied to fans and the public when he assured everyone he was “immunized,” knowing that word would be interpreted as his being vaccinated. He wasn’t vaccinated. And he got COVID-19. And he went maskless during in-person press conferences, which not only violated NFL rules, but put everyone else’s health at risk.

Instead of consulting immunologists, he consulted anti-vaxxer and podcast host Joe Rogan, who also contracted the virus. If he ever requires open-heart surgery will he hand the scalpel to romance writers because they know about matters of the heart? While many who came into contact with him thought he was vaccinated, Rodgers had embarked on his own regimen to boost his “natural immunity.” He failed, as any scientist could have told him—and as they have been publicly telling us for over a year. University of Michigan microbiologist Ariangela Kozik explained that achieving “natural immunity” through these homeopathic methods is a non-starter because vaccines inform our immune system what the virus looks like so the body can build its own protection.

Rodgers compounded his lie by adding another lie. While being interviewed about the backlash on the Pat McAfee Show, he claimed that a league doctor told him “it would be impossible for a vaccinated person to catch or spread COVID.” However, the NFL responded by saying no doctor from the league or consultants from the NFL-NFLPA communicated with the players. And if they had, they wouldn’t have given such clear misinformation, which anyone who’s read a newspaper or watched a legitimate news show would already know. No medical expert claimed the vaccine prevents getting or transmitting the virus, only that their chances of spreading it to others or developing severe symptoms themselves are significantly reduced.

What’s especially bothersome is that Aaron Rodgers didn’t just lie and threaten the health of those around him, he also damaged professional sports. Many athletes make a lot of money on product endorsements, which depends on the public’s favorable perception of athletes. In 2020, global sports sponsorship was worth about $57 billion. Yet, every time a pro athlete like Kyrie Irving (anti-vax), Henry Ruggs (speeding at 156 mph, crashing, and killing someone), Evander Kane (forging vaccination card), or Aaron Rodgers does or says something stupid, the public trust in athletes lowers and sponsors might consider avoiding players in favor of actors, pop stars, or social media influencers. Steph Curry and LeBron James don’t have to worry, but some up-and-comers might not get the same opportunities.

Rodgers’ ignorance regarding the science of immunology brings back to life the old stereotype of the big dumb jock. His utter lack of even the most basic knowledge and logic is shocking. In an effort to defend his lying, he stated, “This idea that it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated, it’s just a total lie … If the vaccine is so great, then how come people are still getting covid and spreading covid and, unfortunately dying of covid?” Those two statements don’t even belong together. Statistics from many sources conclude that around 97 percent of those being hospitalized or who have died in the past several months are unvaccinated. The CDC found that the unvaccinated are 11 times more likely to die than those vaccinated. If he thinks that’s a lie, what credible evidence does he have? None.

The second part of his statement that laments the vaccine isn’t that great because people are still dying and getting sick is staggeringly illogical. People are still getting COVID—like him and Joe Rogan—because they didn’t get vaccinated. Yes, some people who have been vaccinated have also caught it, but a lot fewer of them than the unvaccinated, and their symptoms are generally more mild. His logic is like someone having a debt of $50,000 and a friend offers to give them a gift of $40,000. But they complain that it isn’t the full amount so they aren’t accepting the gift.

He also claimed he was allergic to ingredients in the vaccine, but offered no proof, which may be why the NFL denied his petition for vaccine exemption. Statistically, only 21 out of two million vaccinated people had severe allergic reactions. He also expressed concern over fertility issues, even though there is a greater risk of infertility from COVID-19, which he has.

Rodgers complained that the “cancel culture” was coming for him, but his own words cancel him as a liar and a bad thinker. If he had a principled objection to the vaccine, he could have chosen not to play, like Kyrie Irving, who at least is honest. What really sacked his whining stance was his refusal to wear a mask during interviews to protect others from sickness and death. That was merely his hubris and arrogance against what he called the “woke mob.” In this case, woke means compassion and responsibility toward others. He might also remember that the only reason he is able to play in front of crowds again is because all those suckers got vaccinated.

What will happen to Aaron Rodgers? Other than the brief suspension probably very little. He’s a valuable asset to a multi-billion dollar industry. The deal he signed with the Packers in 2018 is worth $134 million, plus the $9 million for commercial endorsements such as the one he has with Adidas, State Farm Insurance, and others. He has lost one endorsement: Prevea Health, a health care provider, cancelled their contract because his actions were contrary to their commitment to encourage vaccines to end the pandemic. When Rodgers signed with the company in 2019, Dr. Ashok Rai, president and CEO of Prevea, remarked at the time, “As one of the most respected athletes in the country, Aaron is truly passionate about improving the health and wellness of our communities.” That, too, turned out not to be true.

I can’t help but think of Colin Kaepernick, who was blacklisted by the NFL for passively expressing his frustration with systemic racism—a brave act meant to help his community and save lives—while multi-millionaire Rodgers will continue to play, despite lying to the fans and his teammates and putting innocent lives in danger. Time will tell whether Rodgers will be judged by the content of his character or the strength of his throwing arm.



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Thursday, October 14, 2021

POLITICO NIGHTLY: The Hopkins doc vs. the vaccine consensus


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Presented by Charter Communications

With help from Tyler Weyant

A child is held by relatives as gets a Covid vaccine in Ferguson, Mo.

A child is held by relatives as he gets a Covid vaccine in Ferguson, Mo. | Spencer Platt/Getty Images

VIRAL UNBOXING — It’s easy to put a person in a box, to write someone off as an anti-vaxxer. But it isn’t always that simple.

Take Marty Makary, a professor of surgery and health policy at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He has made a name for himself during the pandemic, partly through his appearances on Fox News shows like Tucker Carlson’s.

But while he’s certainly a contrarian pandemic pundit, he isn’t a fringe voice, nor a political one. He writes op-eds for places like The Washington Post and The New York Times. He told Nightly, unprompted, that he wasn’t a partisan, during an interview this morning. He had another piece published on the website for Fox News this morning, calling for new leadership at the FDA.

He also told me I could call him any time if I wanted to hear a perspective on Covid policy that was different from the “standard party line.”

Some on the left have said Makary is spreading misinformation, while some Republicans have accused him of being an alarmist. He’s argued against masks for children. He’s criticized the CDC for not conducting its own research on boosters. He’s pro-vaccine, but he opposes blanket vaccine mandates unless they’re for health care workers.

Lately Makary has been questioning whether children, especially boys, need two doses of a Covid vaccine. Once again, he falls outside the consensus of his fellow public health experts with his views.

Makary is particularly concerned about a condition known as myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, and its potential as a risk factor for young men after receiving the second dose of an mRNA vaccine. He’s proposed a one-dose regimen for young men, to lower their chances of developing the condition.

So, no, Makary is not an anti-vaxxer, though you might be tempted to sort him into that box. But he also isn’t sold on the recommendation that a 12-year-old boy should be receiving two shots.

“It may be that vaccines are a game changer for children, but that the dose is not quite perfected,” Makary told Nightly.

The latest study out of Israel Makary points to, published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine, found the incidence of myocarditis was highest among males 16 to 29, with about 11 out of every 100,000 developing the condition after receiving the second dose.

While the figure is higher than previous estimates, the risk is still small and the condition is usually mild and temporary.

A CDC panel in May unanimously voted to recommend Pfizer’s vaccine for kids 12 to 15, saying the benefits outweigh the risks. CDC research has estimated that among every million fully vaccinated boys, ages 12 to 17, the shots might cause a maximum of 70 cases of myocarditis, but would prevent 5,700 infections, more than 215 hospitalizations and two deaths.

Other studies have shown the risk of heart problems after getting Covid is higher than the risk after vaccination.

The risk of myocarditis was among the reasons the FDA called for more children in vaccine trials this summer. The condition will likely be a hot topic during the agency’s Oct. 26 meeting about vaccines for children 5 to 11.

Makary doesn’t disagree that myocarditis is rare, though he countered that the rate of severe disease or death in children is also rare. And the absence of a statistical breakdown of the roughly 650 childhood Covid deaths in the U.S. by comorbid condition doesn’t sit well with him.

Makary wants the vaccine recommendations to factor in the nuances when it comes to kids. He questions whether a 13-year-old girl should receive the same dose regimen as a 55-year-old man. (Pfizer used a smaller dose of its Covid vaccine when conducting trials for children under 12.)

He isn’t entirely alone in his thinking. Health officials in Hong Kong, Britain, Norway and other countries have recommended a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children 12 and older. Health officials in these countries have become increasingly worried about new data suggesting myocarditis may be more common among this group than they originally had thought.

But other U.S. public health experts, like Mark R. Schleiss, a pediatric infectious disease doctor at the University of Minnesota Medical School, told Nightly today that the vaccine is still the lowest-risk option.

Schleiss recommends getting your kids vaccinated with both doses as soon as you can. Follow the blanket recommendations. Protect your child before it’s too late.

“I stand by what I have been saying for months: the best Covid vaccine to get is the one you can get RIGHT NOW (today!),” Schleiss said in an email to Nightly. “Definitely less myocarditis after just one dose of an mRNA vaccine. But ‘less’...relative term...SO RARE to begin with!”

Welcome to POLITICO Nightly. Reach out with news, tips and ideas for us at Or contact tonight’s author at or on Twitter at @MyahWard.

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We’re proud to announce that Spectrum Internet ranks No. 1 in the U.S. News & World Report 2021-22 “Best Rural Internet Service Providers” rankings. This recognition underscores our ongoing commitment to connecting more communities from coast to coast, including rural areas. And we’re just getting started.


— White House huddles with oil industry as gas prices climb: The White House has been consulting with the oil industry to seek a remedy for rising gasoline prices as surging inflation threatens to tarnish the economic recovery , according to three people familiar with the discussions. The latest outreach to the oil industry is an awkward shift for the Biden administration, which has pledged to move the country away from fossil fuels and has drawn criticism from the industry and Republicans for pausing lease sales of federal land for oil and gas development.

— Rosen, former acting AG under Trump, appears before Jan. 6 committee: The acting attorney general during the final days of the Trump administration fielded questions from the Jan. 6 select committee today, according to two sources. Jeff Rosen, who led the Justice Department during former President Donald Trump’s chaotic last weeks in office, is the second known former top DOJ official to have a scheduled interview with the panel. His deputy took questions from House investigators last week.

— Garland set to appear before House Judiciary next week: Attorney General Merrick Garland is scheduled to appear at the House Judiciary Committee next week, three sources familiar with the plans told POLITICO . The hearing on oversight of the Justice Department is set for Oct. 21. Garland’s first appearance before the committee may turn contentious. Panel Democrats have urged Garland to do more to combat Texas’s restrictive abortion law, including calling for DOJ to prosecute “would-be vigilantes.” They’ll also likely press Garland on voting rights, gun violence, immigration and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

— Tim Scott rakes in $8.3M for reelection, possible 2024 bid: South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott took in nearly $8.3 million during the third fundraising quarter, a major sum that highlights the massive finance network Scott is building ahead of a prospective 2024 presidential bid. Scott has emerged as a fundraising powerhouse over the past year, winning over small- and large-dollar GOP donors alike. The senator, who is a heavy favorite to win reelection in 2022, raised nearly $20 million over the course of the year and got support from over 82,000 donors during the third quarter, according to a person familiar with the figures.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on holiday shipping concerns

— White House scrambles to address looming Christmas crisis: Biden is rushing to relieve congestion across the nation’s complex shipping supply chain as it threatens to disrupt the holiday season for millions of Americans. With just more than 10 weeks until Christmas, the White House is leaning heavily on port operators, transportation companies and labor unions to work around the clock unloading ships and hauling cargo to warehouses around the country. Biden met virtually today with industry leaders before delivering a speech on the administration’s efforts to address the bottlenecks.

— NIH study: Moderna, Pfizer shots are most effective Covid boosters: Covid-19 booster shots from Moderna or Pfizer showed signs they are more effective at protecting vaccinated adults than a second dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine , according to preliminary results from a government-funded study. All of the participants in the National Institutes of Health study saw an antibody boost after receiving additional doses of the three vaccines. But people who originally received J&J benefited significantly more from a messenger RNA booster than from a second J&J dose, according to the study. The increase in binding antibodies — one signal of an immune response — was greatest for those who initially were immunized with J&J’s shot but received one of the mRNA boosters.


THE MILKEN INSTITUTE GLOBAL CONFERENCE 2021 IS HERE: POLITICO is excited to partner with the Milken Institute to produce a special edition "Global Insider” newsletter featuring exclusive coverage and insights from one of the largest and most influential gatherings of experts reinventing finance, health, technology, philanthropy, industry and media. Don’t miss a thing from the 24th annual Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, from Oct. 17 to 20. Can't make it? We've got you covered. Planning to attend? Enhance your #MIGlobal experience and subscribe today.


FAREWELL EUROPE’S CENTER-RIGHT? In an unlucky span of 13 days, Europe’s predominant political family — the European People’s Party — saw its most seasoned leader, Angela Merkel, walk into the sunset and its brightest new star, Sebastian Kurz of Austria, crash to Earth, David M. Herszenhorn and Maïa de la Baume write.

With Merkel not running for another term, her Christian Democratic Union fell to a defeat in the Sept. 26 federal election — the latest in a string of setbacks — that means the European alliance of center-right and conservative parties will almost certainly soon lose control of its biggest prize, the German government.

The party of EU founding fathers such as Schuman, De Gasperi and Adenauer — and more recently of Berlusconi, Sarkozy and Van Rompuy — has now entered what some party leaders are calling its worst spell in the political desert that any of them can remember.

The EPP, which has dominated EU politics for decades, remains the largest faction in the European Parliament and Ursula von der Leyen, a disciple of Merkel’s, still holds the European Commission presidency. But the EPP currently claims just nine of the 27 seats for heads of state and government around the European Council table.

Perhaps even more shockingly, if a new Social Democrat-led government forms in Berlin, as is widely expected, the westernmost European capital with a conservative leader will be Ljubljana.

PUTIN TO EUROPE: ALL GAS, NO BREAKS — Russian President Vladimir Putin today promised that his country is ready to boost natural gas shipments to Europe at a time when the Continent is battling the political and economic impacts of soaring energy prices, Jan Cienski and Aitor Hernandez Morales write.

Russia is the largest gas supplier to the EU, and Putin insisted it was “flawlessly” fulfilling its contracts with European customers, adding, “we are ready to ... even increase” sales.

“We will increase by as much as our partners ask us. There is no refusal, none,” he said.

Although Russia hasn’t broken any contracts, its European storage facilities have less gas than usual, contributing to market turmoil.

Putin’s comments at the Russia Energy Week Conference in Moscow came on the same day that the European Commission came out with a series of measures aimed at calming member countries’ outrage over soaring gas and power prices.


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3,000 mg per day

The voluntary sodium limits, reduced from 3,400 mg per day, for more than 160 categories of processed foods the FDA released today, long-delayed reduction targets for food makers to voluntarily cut back their use of salt.


“A FOREIGN POLICY BUILT FOR WOMEN” – JOIN US THURSDAY FOR A WOMEN RULE CONVERSATION: Building a foreign policy agenda with women at the center has shown that it can advance broader social, economic and political goals. It also requires having women in influential decision-making positions. Join POLITICO Magazine senior editor Usha Sahay for a joint conversation with Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, the State Department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, and Ambassador Bonnie Denise Jenkins, undersecretary for arms control and international security, focused on the roadblocks preventing more women from rising through the ranks of diplomacy and why closing the foreign policy gender gap matters. REGISTER HERE.


Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets during a preseason game against the Los Angeles Lakers at Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets during a preseason game against the Los Angeles Lakers at Staples Center in Los Angeles. | Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

PLAYING HARDBALL — Nightly’s Tyler Weyant writes:

Fans who watch NBA games when the regular season starts next week won’t see one of the league’s superstars: Kyrie Irving, who is on the bench for the Brooklyn Nets until he complies with the New York vaccine mandate for indoor gyms.

Irving is not the first celebrity to make headlines for an anti-vaccine stance. So, like we did when Nicki Minaj’s tweets caused a swell of reactions , we reached out to Melanie Kornides, an epidemiologist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing who has done research on influencers and vaccine misinformation.

Kornides noted that Irving is famous not just for refusing vaccination and for playing basketball, though he is the 7th most popular NBA player right now, according to a recent YouGov America poll. He’s also made headlines for charitable donations to food banks and HBCU students. (And, Nightly must add, for apologizing to science teachers for saying the Earth is flat.)

Check out his tweet from October 9: ‘I am protected by God and so are my people. We stand together.’ He aligns himself with this religious perspective,” Kornides said in an email.

It is hard to determine how much impact Irving’s actions may have, Kornides said. “Ideally, we would like to have pro-vaccine influencers to counteract voices like Nicki’s and Kyrie’s that are trusted by different groups of people,” she said. “One person may not be able to influence everyone. The most important thing is that the influencer needs to be separate from the political process.”

A message from Charter Communications:

Access for all means opportunity for everyone. That’s why we’re investing billions to extend our network to reach those who need it most. Over the next several years, Charter will build more than 100,000 miles of new U.S. broadband infrastructure that will deliver reliable, high-speed internet access to even more communities from coast to coast. That’s an extension long enough to circle the equator four times.

This $5 billion initiative will connect an FCC-estimated one million currently unserved, mostly rural families and small businesses to reliable internet service with speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second.


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