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Showing posts with label DISBARRMENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DISBARRMENT. Show all posts

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Trump lawyers sanctioned over big lie


Today's Top Stories:

Trump lawyers sanctioned over big lie

"This lawsuit represents a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process," US District Judge Linda Parker said, adding that Donald Trump's argument "was never about fraud — it was about undermining the People's faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so."

Fox hosts accidentally embarrass themselves live on air

There's trying to have it both ways, and then, there's this.

Take Action: Tell cable companies to drop Fox's carriage fees - or we'll drop cable!

Fox News CAUGHT pulling disgusting stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

Kabul airport "terrorist attack" threat prompts U.S. and allies to urge citizens to stay away
Maybe Trump freeing 5,000 Taliban fighters and their leader was not a good idea.

Take Action: Call on the US to immediately bring in more Afghan refugees!

House Jan. 6 committee demands Trump White House records
They're not messing around.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

Death sentence upheld for Dylann Roof, who killed 9 in South Carolina church shooting
The June 17, 2015, attack in Charleston was a racially motivated hate crime, a jury found.

Pelosi denounces congressmen's surprise trip to Kabul: "This is deadly serious"

The military had to take emergency precautions and divert resources for the unexpected arrival of the renegade reps.

Ex-Trump spy chief cozies up to Serbia’s pro-Moscow strongman
The America first crowd just loves getting in bed with foreign dictators.

Biden hosts Israel's new prime minister, with Iran at the top of the agenda
Netanyahu is finally out, and questions remain about how the right-wing Naftali Bennett will govern.

Man who plotted to kidnap Michigan governor over pandemic safety measures is sentenced to 75 months in prison
Reminder to Republicans: No matter how much you hate masks, kidnapping, murder, and attempting to violently overthrow the government are still crimes.

Take Action: Call on cities to pass laws proven to mitigate gun violence!

Gavin Newsom could lose recall vote if California Democrats don't show up
This is not a normal election, and California is far from assured of staying blue.


Today’s Action: Sign up to attend a March On for Voting Rights in your area THIS SATURDAY!

In the past eight months, there have been 389 voter suppression bills introduced across 48 states. These laws specifically target methods of voting that increase turnout, things like mail-in voting, banning ballot boxes, reducing early voting hours — and even going so far as to criminalize water distribution to long voting lines. 

These laws pave the way for Republicans to rig elections by keeping Democrats from voting, and communities across America need protections at the federal level immediately. That’s why OD Action is cosponsoring March On For Voting Rights in major cities around the country THIS SATURDAY. 

See if there are any March On For Voting Rights events in your area this Saturday, and if there are, sign up to attend! Can’t make it? Share about the event using the hashtag #VotingRightsMarch!

In the fight for our democracy, we need all hands on deck. We’ve already seen incredible acts of determination from legislators like the Texas Democrats, who risked arrest to block voter suppression bills; from Joyce Beatty, the Democrat from Ohio, who gathered an all-Black female protest at the Capitol and was subsequently arrested. Together, we have so much power -- use that power and join those leaders in the struggle for voting rights this weekend!

Make your voice loud and clear by signing up for a March On For Voting Rights event in your area, this Saturday! If you can’t make it, do your part to share the event using the hashtag #VotingRightsMarch!

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