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Showing posts with label GRASSROOTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRASSROOTS. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2022

Keep moving forward, no matter what



Progressives in Congress have been at the forefront of nearly every major positive change in our country in recent decades. As a proud member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, I am fighting for real, tangible improvements in our country, in areas like infrastructure, voting rights, reproductive freedom, climate change, and so much more.

I'll admit we progressives aren't always known for getting along 100% of the time. But the entire Progressive Caucus agrees: fundamental changes in America are long overdue. We are driving the agenda in the House, at a time where progressive leadership is vital. We are making a critical difference in the lives of working families all across our country.

We've got to keep moving forward. Chip in now to join the movement!

Progressives in Congress are keeping up the fight every single day. There's too much at stake right now. We need even more progressive leaders to join us, step up, and drive the action within the halls of Congress.

We're always going to keep moving forwardNo matter what. We are pushing as hard as we can for a better America. We've got this!

Donate today to help us organize the movement to move Congress forward!


Paid for and authorized by the Re-Elect McGovern Committee.


This email was sent by Jim McGovern
Jim McGovern for Congress
PO Box 60405
Worcester, MA 01606
United States

Email is an important way for Jim McGovern to keep supporters like you informed about critical issues and to build a winning grassroots campaign. Questions or concerns? Contact us here.

Can you make a sustaining investment in Ayanna’s reelection campaign?


Ayanna Pressley

ICYMI — Ayanna is officially running for reelection to the House of Representatives from the Massachusetts 7th.

The primary election is just eight short months away, and the GOP has already started revving up their attacks on our Congresswoman. And that’s why we’re coming to you today.

Our campaign is sustained by individual grassroots donors like you, who invest in our movement for racial, economic, and environmental justice. Ayanna cannot lead the fight in Congress to cancel student debt, advance reproductive freedom, or end the housing crisis without your support.

Thank you for your previous donation. Can you take your support a step further and become a sustaining donor to Ayanna’s reelection campaign with a monthly recurring contribution of any amount meaningful to you?

Become a sustaining donor »

We are grateful for your support today and every day. Thank you for everything you do for our movement.

The A-Team



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Paid for by the Committee to Elect Ayanna Pressley

 Email is the most important way we keep in touch with our supporters. To contribute via check, please address to Committee to Elect Ayanna Pressley, PO Box 240912, 554 Washington Street, Dorchester Center, MA 02124.

Email us:

Sunday, January 30, 2022

It might not be robocall, it could be Katie Porter


Katie Porter for Congress

Next week Katie’s going to be making another round of calls to donors to thank them for their support. Chip in any amount with this link and you could receive a call:

Last time Katie called grassroots supporters, she ended up being sent to voicemail quite a few times…and sadly we ran into many full voicemail boxes! So consider this your reminder to empty your voicemail, and check out this video of Katie chatting with supporters from every corner of the country.

Katie is so appreciative of each and every person who makes a sacrifice to send a contribution. Because Katie doesn’t accept a dime of corporate PAC money or accept contributions from lobbyists or from Big Oil and Big Pharma executives, we fully rely on folks like you chipping in when you can. Thanks for being a part of Team Porter.

—Team KP


Congresswoman Katie Porter is fighting for affordable child care, lower cost prescription drugs, climate action, and a strong, stable, globally competitive economy that works for everyone. She’s standing up to corporate special interests and doesn’t take any money from corporate PACs or lobbyists, so we rely on grassroots supporters like you pitching in when they can. Make a contribution today.


Paid for by Katie Porter for Congress

Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one.

To contribute via check, please address to: Katie Porter for Congress, PO Box 5176, Irvine, CA 92616

Here’s where we’re at.



I wanted to pull back the curtain and explain why I need to raise $11,218 by tomorrow before my End of January fundraising deadline.

To be honest, fundraising isn’t easy – especially for a candidate like myself who refuses to be bought by special interests, and rejects corporate PAC money.

For other candidates, it’s simple. They can call up their big dollar corporate donors to bankroll their campaigns before every monthly deadline.

Well, that’s not me, which is why I can’t afford to miss a single fundraising goal. We only have 107 days until my election, and there’s a lot that needs to happen before then.

If I’m going to win this race, we need to:

  • Hire top-notch staff who are experts in building strong grassroots movements.
  • Travel throughout the district to knock on every door and connect with community members that are too often ignored by established politicians.
  • Boost our digital ads so I further my reach and can bring more people into this incredible movement.

I wanted to lay out all the facts for you because this is the reality of fundraising. It’s hard work, but it’s the only way to win this race and bring real change and leadership to the people of PA-18.

But if I don’t hit my End of January goal, we’ll have to make some tough decisions and scale back our budget, so I’m relying on your grassroots support to keep me in the fight.

Together, we can win this seat, but we need to hit every single goal before Election Day. So I’m personally asking you to join our grassroots movement: Will you rush $27 before my End of January deadline?

I hate that I have to ask for money to keep me in this race and deliver real results for the most vulnerable members of our community.

But I’m beyond proud to be fueled by a grassroots army of supporters across the country. Together, we’re building a lasting, people-powered movement.

I’m running to represent the people of PA-18 – not special interests or big dollar donors. Our community won’t be bought.

But if I’m going to win this race, I’ll need a huge surge in grassroots support before my End of Month deadline in two days. Can you chip in $27 to get me to the finish line?

Jerry DickinsonThanks for being a part of this movement,


Paid for by the Dickinson for Congress Committee

Dickinson for Congress Committee
P.O. Box 5367
Pittsburgh, PA 15206-9998
United States

Adam will always be fighting for you


This month, Kevin McCarthy raised nearly $10 million in just a few hours at the Trump Hotel in D.C. This influx of donations came from over 50 corporate PACs and billionaires with plans to take over the House and own a piece of Kevin McCarthy. The right-wing business establishment is fully invested in making Kevin McCarthy the next Speaker of the House. That must never happen. And the money they are spending is dangerous for our Democratic Majority.

At the same time, Republicans are laying the groundwork to remove Adam from his committees in retaliation for holding Donald Trump to account for his serial abuses of power — if they take back the House.

There has never been a question of who Adam fights for — it will always be you. And it will always be our democracy. That’s why your support is truly so important. Your $3, $10, and $15 donations help Adam fight back against right-wing misinformation, and that support will be absolutely crucial to keeping our House Majority.

So we need to kickstart our grassroots momentum before midnight tomorrow. Kevin McCarthy must not become the next Speaker of the House.

With our first end-of-month deadline 24 hours away, can you pitch in $10 right now to fuel Adam’s work protecting and expanding our House Majority?

Thank you for everything you do. Your grassroots support is the lifeblood of our campaign.

— Team Schiff


Schiff for Congress
150 E. Olive Ave.
Suite 208
Burbank, CA 91502
United States

Monday, December 27, 2021

Justice Democrats making headlines


Justice Democrats

Earlier this month Bloomberg News published an article about how progressive groups like Justice Democrats are transforming the Democratic party.

Bloomberg News Headline readsProgressives Seizing Growth Opportunity in Challenging Midterms

The article highlighted the opportunity we have to grow our movement in 2022 and elect more Justice Democrats than ever before. By electing progressives to open seats and challenging out-of-touch incumbents, we have an opportunity to elect six new Justice Democrats to Congress. And people are taking notice.

The Democratic Party establishment is out of touch with the everyday reality of Americans. Instead of prioritizing action on the most pressing issues, they’ve prioritized the needs of their corporate donors.

Will you chip in $10 or $16.98 (our average donation) to build this progressive movement and elect new JDs to Congress? This movement is 100% people-powered, so Justice Democrats is counting on grassroots supporters like you ahead of 2022.

Our elected Justice Democrats have already accomplished so much. But in order to transform a political system dominated by status-quo legislative agendas and big corporate dollars, we need to elect more progressives to Congress.

This is our chance to elect the next leaders who will fight alongside AOC, Jamaal, Cori, and our other electeds to cancel student loan debt, strengthen the social safety net, champion Medicare for All, and win a Green New Deal.

Are you with us? If so, give what you can today to make 2022 a winning year for Justice Democrats.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932
Email us:

Showing you where the💰goes


Katie Porter for Congress

Hey there,

Ever wonder what exactly your donations go to? The short answer is that every dollar spent goes towards making sure people vote for Katie so that she’s re-elected to Congress. But here’s a little more detail:

One of our biggest expenses is advertisements. In the months before Election Day, we’ll be running ads on TV, over the radio, and online. This is one of the key ways we reach voters and tell them about Katie. We need to have a healthy war chest because the LA media market is the second most expensive in the country, meaning it costs *millions* to run TV ads here.

Your donations help us hire staff who will connect with voters. The earlier we have the funds to hire staff, the more voters they’re able to reach. Our staff play a key role in organizing volunteers—so they act as force multipliers when it comes to reaching voters by phone, text, and in-person.

Materials for voters. When you give $10 or $25 it goes a long way in helping us pay for materials that volunteers will give to voters while they’re out door-knocking. We also send mail to voters, reminding them about voter registration deadlines and telling them about Katie.

We’re only able to run this campaign because of your support. Katie doesn’t take any money from corporate PACs, lobbyists, or from Big Oil, Big Pharma, or Wall Street executives.

Our campaign is people-powered, and we have a critical end-of-year fundraising deadline coming up on December 31st. If you can, make a contribution today.

Many thanks for your support!

Team Porter

Congresswoman Katie Porter is fighting for affordable child care, lower cost prescription drugs, climate action, and a strong, stable, globally competitive economy that works for everyone. She’s standing up to corporate special interests and doesn’t take any money from corporate PACs or lobbyists, so we rely on grassroots supporters like you pitching in when they can. Make a contribution today.

Paid for by Katie Porter for Congress

Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one. 

To contribute via check, please address to: Katie Porter for Congress, PO Box 5176, Irvine, CA 92616

Friday, November 12, 2021

Reaching out about Cori


Cori Bush

Hi, it's Rep. Ayanna Pressley.

Today, I'm reaching out to talk about my good friend and sister-in-service, Rep. Cori Bush.

Today, Cori officially launched her re-election campaign and we need Cori in Congress.

Cori's campaign set a goal to raise $20,022 in grassroots donations before midnight on Sunday — to hire staff, organize across Missouri's First District, and set up their campaign office. Thousands of grassroots supporters have already stepped up, but Cori needs all of our support to hit this ambitious goal.

Cori and I have a lot in common. We both defeated entrenched, establishment Democrats to win our seats in Congress. We both know what it's like being a Black woman in Congress, pushing back against the forces of white supremacy and systems that perpetuate racial, social, and economic injustice. And we are both working to advance bold, progressive change that meets this moment. Cori is an inspiration to so many, and I couldn't be more proud to work alongside her in Congress.

Cori is exactly the leader we need to represent St. Louis in Congress. As a nurse, activist, pastor, and single mom of two kids, she is deeply connected to her community. And after the murder of Michael Brown in 2014 just minutes from where she lived, Cori stepped up to serve her neighbors as a medic and clergy on the front lines of the movement — protesting in defense of Black lives for 400 days.

We cannot afford to lose a single progressive voice in the U.S. House. But the far-right is going to throw millions of dollars in attack ads Cori's way and, if history is any indication, we'll continue to see Fox News dedicate entire segments to spewing false, racist attacks. We need to have Cori's back.

Cori needs our help today to collect the resources she needs to fight back against GOP attacks.

In Congress, Cori and I have worked together to end qualified immunity, abolish the death penalty, and save and support Black lives. We've traveled to Minnesota to protest the Line 3 pipeline with our sister Rep. Ilhan Omar, and slept outside the Capitol to demand an extension on the Federal eviction moratorium and keep people housed.

Conservative Democrats and Republicans will try to stop us, but we won't stop pushing for progress. Cori won't stop pushing.

Thank you,

Rep. Ayanna Pressley

 Mail us: Cori Bush for Congress, 75 North Oaks Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63121.

Paid for by Cori Bush for Congress

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Did you see this?


Ro Khanna

We want to make sure you didn’t miss this important email we sent after Election Day.

Disappointing results in Virginia are proof that we can’t slow down even a little before 2022. Will you chip in $5 or more today to power our fight to pass popular progressive policies and counter right-wing attacks, so we can defend Ro’s seat AND preserve our Democratic majorities?

Thank you for fighting back,

Team Ro

----Forwarded message----
From: []
Date: Wed, Nov 3, 2021
Subject: One lesson from Virginia

We won’t sugarcoat it.

Trump-endorsed Glenn Youngkin winning Virginia’s governorship is bad news, not only for Virginians, but Democrats everywhere who are concerned about our electoral prospects in 2022 and beyond. 

Losing is never easy, and it’s not surprising that today, a lot of people are angrily blaming each other for an outcome that none of us wanted.

But we can’t afford to do that. We can’t afford to sit back and point fingers when there’s so much work to be done before 2022. 

Virginia is a wake-up call. We need to put everything we’ve got into passing legislation that tangibly helps working Americans, and building a messaging and organizing strategy in 2022 that doesn’t leave any votes behind. Will you chip in $5 or more today to power the fight ahead?

Hope is not lost. Democrats are on the verge of passing a historic spending bill that will fund child care, millions of jobs, the largest-ever investment in climate action, and so much more. The Build Back Better agenda will touch lives in every corner of the nation. 

Right now, we need to stay unified and laser-focused on passing this legislation. Then, once it’s on President Biden’s desk, the next step will be building a powerful, grassroots-funded re-election strategy to reach voters where they are and to make sure they know who’s fighting for them in Congress. 

We need progressive voices like Ro to continue speaking truth to power and putting working people’s needs before special interests — it’s vital if Democrats are going to beat the odds and defend their House and Senate majorities in 2022. Will you take action today by chipping in $5 or more to support Ro’s leadership?

If we deliver on our progressive priorities, we’ll earn the votes we need. Rather than wasting time on intra-party squabbles, this is a make-or-break moment to come together and set ourselves up for victory in the midterms. 

Thank you for showing your support in this key moment,

Team Ro

To contribute via check, please address to Ro for Congress, PO Box 3513, Santa Clara, CA 95051.

Paid for by Ro for Congress

Friday, November 5, 2021

Before Cori was elected to Congress


Cori Bush

Cori’s not your typical representative.

Unlike most members of Congress, Cori started her journey in public service as an activist in the streets of Ferguson.

It’s clear that her background has been key to growing our organizing movement. She knows from her time as an activist for the movement in defense of Black lives that change isn't just going to happen with the power of the pen, but the power of the people.

→ That’s why she organized a mass action in front of the Capitol to demand an extension of the eviction moratorium.

→ That’s why Cori and her sisters in the Squad met with Indigenous groups to protest Line 3 in Minnesota.

→ That’s why Cori spoke at a pro-choice rally for reproductive rights in St. Louis.

And that’s why Cori promises to advocate in Congress the same way she did with a bullhorn on the streets of Ferguson demanding the change we need to save lives.

But like all activists know: Progress doesn’t happen with just one person. It’s going to take ALL OF US working together to push for the transformative policies our communities need.

If you’re ready to rise up with Cori in this work, will you chip in $5 or anything you can today to power our organizing and legislating work in Congress? Cori is the FIRST activist from the movement in defense of Black lives to serve in Congress and her leadership is critical to continue pushing for bold change.

This movement is 100% funded by grassroots donors like you and every dollar you give helps us build our progressive movement.


Team Cori

Mail us: Cori Bush for Congress, 75 North Oaks Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63121.

Paid for by Cori Bush for Congress

Thursday, November 4, 2021

RSN: Joel Segal and Harvey Wasserman | The Dem Failure to Follow the "Georgia Way" Lost Virginia and Points Toward Fascism



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Republican Glenn Youngkin won the election for governor in Virginian this week. (photo: Win McNamee/Getty)
RSN: Joel Segal and Harvey Wasserman | The Dem Failure to Follow the "Georgia Way" Lost Virginia and Points Toward Fascism
Joel Segal and Harvey Wasserman, Reader Supported News
Excerpt: "The predictable corporate Democrats' Virginia defeat came because the party's gerontocracy refused to do the 'Georgia Way' grassroots organizing that won for Biden in 2020 and captured two US Senate seats on January 5, 2021 - the day before Trump's attempted Capital coup."

The predictable corporate Democrats' Virginia defeat came because the party’s gerontocracy refused to do the “Georgia Way” grassroots organizing that won for Biden in 2020 and captured two US Senate seats on January 5, 2021---the day before Trump’s attempted Capital coup.

Running on issues of the economy, human rights and the ecology, Georgia’s breakthrough on-the-ground campaign did everything the Democrats should have done to win in Virginia.

Let’s look at the history:

The long-shot presidential victory of Joe Biden in Georgia, 2020---followed by the virtually impossible January 5, 2021 US Senatorial victories there of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof---changed the world.

Biden’s unlikely 2020 victory in Georgia was critical to removing Donald Trump from the White House. Georgia had not gone for a Democrat since southerner Bill Clinton ran in 1992, with Ross Perot splitting the right-wing vote.

Even more unlikely was the January 5, 2021 US Senate victory of two Democrats, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof. Together they brought the Upper House to a 50-50 tie, giving Vice President Kamala Harris the decisive vote that has radically transformed the balance of power on Capitol Hill.

These earth-shaking Democratic victories sparked an epic political transformation not only because of where they happened---but because of how.

Georgia was founded in the 1700s by James Oglethorpe as a Utopian colony. Some 60,000 prisoners were brought there from England with the purpose of starting a new life.

But as the slave system took root, Georgia became a bastion of racism and inequality. A lynchpin of the Confederacy and then of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow bigotry toward both blacks and Jews is deeply ingrained in the state’s DNA. If the 2021 victories of one of each in fact indicate a pivotal shift in the Georgia worldview, it would have huge long-term impacts on the American electoral calculus.

But even more important may be the nature of the modernized grassroots organizing that made those victories possible---and which the Democrats just ignored in Virginia, with catastrophic results.

Organizing within the African-American community dates back to before the Revolution, with the founding by Prince Hall of predominantly black Masonic lodges whose progeny are still active and effective. In 1911, during the first Progressive Era, blacks and whites together formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Today the NAACP is a major force in American politics. Substantial chapters function statewide in Georgia, and in Atlanta, where legendary organizer Ray McClendon serves as Political Director.

In 2018 Stacy Abrams worked with McClendon and others to fire up a grassroots network that put her on the brink of becoming America’s first female African-American governor. By virtually any standard, her rightful victory was wrongfully denied through a massive Jim Crow disenfranchisement staged by Georgia’s conservative white establishment.

Among those powering Stacy’s campaign were the “Divine Nine,” a network of African-American sororities and fraternities whose current membership and active alumni have become a major force in grassroots organizing nationwide.

For decades the Democratic Party has raised hundreds of millions of dollars from corporate donors and private citizens…and then ignored this critical grassroots African-American infrastructure while---as in Virginia this fall---squndering the core of that cash on electronic media buys, largely in urban areas.

In the new millennium, especially through the breakthrough campaigns of Howard Dean, Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, much of the fundraising focus has shifted to small internet-based donors. Millions of such small donations---Bernie’s average was $27---could diminish or eventually supplant the totals coming in from the rich and the corporations. To say that would embody a monumental shift in the American balance of power is to vastly understate the case.

But at least equally important could be the shift to nitty-gritty on-the-ground organizing as brought to bear in Georgia 2020-1, primarily by Andrea Miller of the computer-savvy Center for Common Ground, Professor Emeritus Gloria Tinubu and the Atlanta NAACP’s McClendon. As documented in a breakthrough series of first-person accounts “The Georgia Way” ( relied on person-to-person campaigning in both urban and rural areas where “retail” politics, advanced internet capabilities and hands-on Get-Out-The-Vote made all the difference.

As in Virginia, untold boatloads of Democratic Party cash traditionally pours into corporate media coffers to buy endless hours of radio-TV-internet advertising. But precious few grassroots dollars sustained hundreds of volunteers who did the nitty-gritty work in Georgia of meeting, greeting and activating otherwise ignored voters both in rural areas and the inner cities.

These dedicated activists also kept watchful eyes on how the registration records were being kept, how the polls were being operated, how the ballots were protected, counted and recounted…and much more.

In response, the Trump-Bannon Republicans are rushing to enact dozens of restrictive laws through the gerrymandered authoritarian Georgia legislature, and many more like it throughout the US. They are infiltrating election boards and precinct staffs with GOP operatives whose mission will be to subvert elections and guarantee the Republicans gain absolute power in 2022 and 2024.

It’s no coincidence that Donald Trump’s violent White Supremacist attack on the US Capital came within 24 hours after the non-violent grassroots victory in Georgia.

The only antidote to a democracy-killing Jim Crow coup is in the on-the-ground organizing that won these amazing victories. The Georgia Way showed that the power of coordinated grassroots campaigning can win even in the Peach State, even with very little money, even in a presidential and two Senatorial races where the odds on winning such a trifecta were virtually nil---and where the tangible political impact can hardly be overstated.

The reality that the American majority strongly supports a progressive agenda…and democracy itself. The Millennial/Zoomer generations---now a third of the country---are demanding broad social, cultural and ecological advances to guarantee themselves a liveable future. A powerful overall American majority has transcended the curses of racism, homophobia, sectarian hatred and misogyny. We support free and fair elections for all. We want an end to untreated illness, poverty, homelessness, hunger, ignorance, militarism, ecological suicide and more.

The usual howls of blame from the party elite and its bloviating army can’t hide that progressive social, economic and ecological programs are supported by a majority of the nation, of which Millennial/Zoomers are now fully a third. Only they can stop the Trump/Bannon putsch in 2022 and 2024.

Democracy depends on grounded, people-centric grassroots campaigning. The Georgia Way must now become American way.

By ignoring it, the Democrat elite opened the Virginia door to American fascism.

It can’t happen again!

Joel Segal … Harvey Wasserman co-convene the Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Coalition zoom calls every Monday, 5pm Eastern Time ( Harvey’s The People’s Spiral of US History ( will be published in January, 2022. As an aide to former Congressman John Conyers, Joel wrote the Affordable Care Act.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.



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Sunday, October 31, 2021

RAPHAEL WARNOCK: can you help with this one thing?


© 2021 | Paid for by Warnock for Georgia. Title and affiliation are provided for identification purposes only.

Warnock for Georgia
PO Box 52227
Atlanta, GA 30355
United States

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

ICYMI: Summer Lee is running for Congress


Justice Democrats

We can’t let today go by without providing you with an update on Summer Lee’s campaign launch. The grassroots movement backing Summer has shown up today, but we’re still short of the $50,000 we need to raise within the first 24 hours of Summer announcing her campaign.

These first few days are critical. As a progressive primary challenger, Summer needs to prove to the Democratic establishment that she has the resources to run a competitive campaign. Most Congressional candidates are expected to raise thousands of dollars in the first weeks just from friends and family, but Summer isn’t backed by the ultrawealthy, which is why she is counting on grassroots donors to step up and give what they can.

We are so excited for all of the support for Summer Lee’s campaign for Congress, but we are still $11,539 short of our goal to raise $50,000 by the end of today. Will you chip in and become a founding donor to Summer’s campaign?

Summer Lee is running for Congress to really represent the people of Southwestern Pennsylvania and to fight for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, an end to student debt, overdue solutions to fix the unjust criminal legal system, and much more.

The past few weeks, we’ve seen the power of progressive house members, unapologetically standing for the people’s interests. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Pramila Jayapal, Rashida Talib, Cori Bush, and Jamaal Bowman are doing what they can. But in order to fight for the people’s interests and actually get progressive priorities passed, we need to elect more members of Congress like them.

We need to hit our $50,000 goal in order to invest in the field, communications, and finance strategies needed to win. That’s why we need to ask that before the day ends, will you rush a donation directly to Summer Lee? When you chip in these first 24 hours, you’re building the campaign operation needed to get Summer elected.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Federal candidates or officeholders mentioned above are not asking for more than $5,000 per calendar year from individuals or other federally permissible sources, nor are they asking for any funds from corporations, labor unions, or any other federally prohibited sources.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932

Monday, October 18, 2021

What's critical about right now:


Justice Democrats

Nearly 90% of Congressional races are won by the candidate who spends more money. We’ve won races with less money, like when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat a high-ranking corporate Democrat in 2018. But it’s really hard to do, and that’s one of the reasons AOC’s victory shocked the political establishment so much.

AOC’s opponent in 2018 spent at least 5 times more than she did on the primary election. AOC won because she was what NY-14 needed, had a strong campaign, and a strong message. We helped her build that campaign.

As we build power and see the impact of the 10 Justice Democrats in Congress, we’ve been able to close the spending gap. Then, more challenges came our way. The political establishment started spending millions through Super PACs to smear our candidates. Centrist and right-wing groups, big corporations and Wall Street all started flooding money into our races to keep corporate Democrats in office.

We continue to shock the political establishment because of our grassroots support. We do our best to match the unlimited resources of the political establishment with donations of $3, $16.95 (our average donation this year), $27 or more from folks like you. We rely on your support 100%, we don’t take a cent from corporate PACs.

And we use your donations strategically. We build campaigns to win, help our candidates hire staff, set up field organizing operations, support media strategies, and so much more.

We’re supporting four primary challengers for 2022 — Jessica Cisneros, Odessa Kelly, Kina Collins, and Rana Abdelhamid — with more to come. That takes a lot of money, especially when our opponents are bankrolled by Wall Street and the Democratic establishment. These primaries are around the corner (Jessica’s is in March!) and we need your help right now to expand progressive power in Congress.

Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932
Email us:

Monday, September 13, 2021

Two of the most vulnerable seats


There's no question, Jamaal is the progressive champion for NY-16


Bowman for Congress

With September well underway, and the end of the FEC quarter speeding towards us, we're doubling down on our efforts to make September one of the strongest fundraising months our campaign has ever seen.

Together, our grassroots campaign has moved mountains and continues to push our progressive coalition further than ever before — but we know there's still so much more work to be done before the quarter ends.

With the bipartisan Senate infrastructure and reconciliation bills looming, along with the critical attention needed for those who've been continuously affected by our growing climate crisis, and more — our communities need bold, progressive, and thoughtful representation to bring us the solutions we need.

There's no question: Jamaal is the progressive champion for NY-16, but our continued success and progressive momentum depends completely on how hard we fight for it. 

When we elect our representatives into office, we have complete faith in their ability to bring long-lasting, beneficial change to our communities. We believe in their capacity to provide policies and solutions that truly meet the scale and scope of the issues we face. And most importantly, we believe in these elected representatives to have our communities' best interests at heart when in Congress.

Yet when it comes to our best interests, many of our elected representatives — both Republican and conservative Democrats alike — have chosen time and again to put profits over the needs of the people.

Democrats like Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin have positioned themselves against the progressive coalition in hopes of maintaining financial support from corporate donors. The result? Key policies like child care, climate action, education, affordable housing, clean energy, healthcare and the expansion of Medicare, and so much more are at risk. And unless we continue building up our progressive coalition, we'll continue to see our needs be pushed to the side in favor of big checks and harmful policies.

Let's give Jamaal and our progressive campaign the grassroots push we need to keep amplifying our values and community needs in Congress and beyond. Please chip in to our campaign today so we can keep fighting for the progressive change our communities deserve.

Thank you for your support,

Team Bowman


To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...