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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

More right-leaning and less diverse


Bowman for Congress

A few months ago, we saw the first draft of redistricting maps in New York — maps that included our very own congressional district — and now, the state's Independent Redistricting Commission is slated to vote on these maps on January 3.

Unfortunately, if these proposed maps go through, securing re-election for Jamaal will be more difficult than we planned for. (We'll explain why below.)

We need to be prepared for everything and anything, and that starts with having a strong fundraising base going into 2022. That's why we're hoping you'll support us as we strive to reach our $75,000 end-of-year fundraising goal.

To give you an idea of how this will impact us, here's where our boundaries are now, and where they could be:

  • The Bronx — including the area that included the middle school Jamaal taught at for years — will be all but removed from his district. 
  • Democratic voters in general are expected to be significantly more moderate than they are in Jamaal's current district. 
  • The proposed new district's population will be about one-third more Republican and one-third less Black than Jamaal's current district.

In short, the proposed map gives Jamaal a more right-leaning and less diverse electorate. This means that Jamaal will face more moderate challengers to his seat, and make securing re-election and staying in Congress more challenging and expensive than anticipated.

What's more, New York will lose a House seat in redistricting — and come 2022, Democrats will be scrambling to hang onto our super-narrow majority.

Jamaal's work is just getting started in Congress. As one of the strongest progressive voices we have in the House, his leadership is critical to the success of our progressive agenda — and we need to make sure that we have all the tools we need to keep him in Washington for years to come.

So please make your best donation today — of $10 or any other amount — and help us reach our $75,000 end-of-year goal so we can best prepare for the year and fights ahead.

Thank you,

Luke Hayes, Campaign Manger
Bowman for Congress

As the Organizing Director for Team Bowman, it's my job to look towards the future and help to carve out a robust game plan to mobilize, energize, and set our progressive movement up for success.

And in 2022, I know there will be plenty of opportunities to see our movement succeed, but only if we have the funds, and the support, to help us reach our goals.

There are over 775,000 potential voters in NY-16. So that means, we'll need to put even more effort into outreach, promotions, and on-the-ground canvassing to gear up for our re-election campaigns. In 2022, we're going to need to hone in on a whole new group of untapped voters and potential supporters who may not know who Jamaal is just yet.

It takes $0.10 to reach out to a single voter in NY-16 and mobilize them to join our movement. So if we scale up our math, we can calculate that just one donation of $5 means we can mobilize at least 50 potential voters, a donation of $10 means we can reach out to 100 NY-16 voters, and so on and so forth.

In addition, the more we grow our progressive momentum, the more opportunities we'll be able to take in support of our communities through canvassing, volunteering, and mutual aid efforts. We're going to need a dedicated and massive base of supporters to ensure that our progressive momentum continues to flourish while Jamaal fights for us in Congress.

The point is, small numbers can add up to a massive impact for our progressive movement. With your donation, we can ensure that our team continues to proactively plan our voter outreach efforts and continue to turnout the vote for Jamaal. 

Onward together,

Kelsie O'Leary, Organizing 
Bowman for Congress


Our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters chipping in to emails just like this one. 

To contribute via check, please address to: Bowman for Congress, 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 351 Bronxville, NY, 10708

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