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Showing posts with label GREEN NEW DEAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GREEN NEW DEAL. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2022

We will pass the Green New Deal, and we’re going to keep fighting until we win.

This is a long email about our movement’s fight for decisive climate action, where we’ve been, and where we’re going from here. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read it, and then if you can, make your next $10 contribution to stand with our movement today.

I wanted to take a moment to look back and reflect on where our climate movement has come from:

In 2009, when I was in the House of Representatives, we passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act — also known as Waxman-Markey — the only comprehensive climate legislation to ever pass a chamber of Congress.

Thanks to the big oil and gas companies and their powerful lobbyists, that bill died in the Senate. It never even got a vote. But rather than agonize, the people organized.

In the years that followed, as the science continued to become even more undeniable, the climate action movement grew, mobilizing and organizing from coast-to-coast and around the world. And in 2019, three years ago this week, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and I officially introduced the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal centers justice in all its forms — environmental, racial, social, economic — and has shown people what is possible when we engage on a transformative agenda to save our planet.

In 2020, we proved that the Green New Deal and climate justice were winning issues at the voting booth, electing a new generation of strong progressive allies, up and down the ballot and all across the country.

In 2021, these progressive victories gave us the institutional weight and power to unite, stand up for our values, and say: “No climate, no deal.”

And in 2022, we need to stand together once again, on this issue especially. We cannot allow this moment — with the climate and equity provisions of the Build Back Better agenda hanging in the balance — to be a rerun of 2009.

We need to go into this November’s midterm elections having delivered tangible, meaningful results for the working class of this country, and outline a clear vision for the future. We must remember where we’ve been, and know where we’re going.

Our fight is not about one single election, one campaign cycle, one policy, or one bill. This movement is about building the progressive power that we need if we’re going to take on the entrenched, well-funded special interests who want to see us fail, and address the needs of working people in our country.

Now is not the time for despair or to lose hope. Our democracy and our future simply cannot afford for us to give up. We are on the verge of delivering real results on climate, not just for the people of this country, but for people all over our planet. And we’re going to continue that fight until we win.

But here’s the truth: Nobody — not Ed Markey or anyone else — can do it alone. That’s why I need you to join the thousands of people from our grassroots, people-powered movement and say you’re in, especially today.

Make your next contribution — of $10 or anything you can — to support our movement’s fight for a Green New Deal and our bold progressive agenda for climate justice. This is important.

We have a responsibility to keep organizing and deliver on our promise of a just and livable future for all people. Thank you, as always, for being with me in the fight.

In solidarity,

Ed Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

This is a long email about climate action, Build Back Better, and the path forward from here


I’m about to ask you to read a long email on the current state of the Build Back Better package, climate action, and our ongoing negotiations in the Senate to pass meaningful legislation for our planet. Then, I’m going to ask you to contribute $10 or anything you can to help our movement make it all happen.

I’ll explain more in just a minute, but if that’s all you need to hear to add your support, please use this link:

Here’s the situation:

I support President Biden in his efforts to pass a Build Back Better package that can get 50 votes in the Senate, even if this means passing individual provisions as soon as possible.

This is especially true on climate and clean energy. The climate provisions in Build Back Better have largely been agreed upon and financed — that means drastically reducing emissions, promoting environmental justice in our communities, and creating millions of good-paying, union jobs all across our country.

The bottom line is that our planet cannot wait for gridlocked negotiations to continue. We are running out of time to take meaningful action, and we have to move quickly.

That is why we must pass a budget reconciliation bill with climate action, jobs and environmental justice at its core by President Biden’s State of the Union address. That should be our deadline.

What we do not pass in this deal becomes our movement’s agenda going forward, and what we run on here in 2022 and beyond. That includes voting rights, the Child Tax Credit, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, immigration reform, and so much more.

These policies will always be at the core of our agenda and our fight for justice. If we can find an agreement with Senator Manchin on these issues in the weeks and months ahead, then we absolutely should. But right now, we have a broad agreement on climate and clean energy, and we must act on that immediately.

And let us not forget this simple truth: Democrats are having to do all of this on our own because the Republican Party refuses to find any common ground with us whatsoever.

Their singular goal right now is to block the entire Biden agenda, and shut down any progress we could possibly make on these important issues that would help working families across the country.

That’s why we need to pass as many provisions in this bill as we can, when we can. And the time to act on climate is right now.

Now, all of this is just the starting point in our larger fight for a Green New Deal and bold climate action that will transform our society and deliver a just, livable future for our planet. But the truth is that that fight takes tremendous resources, and it means I have to ask:

Will you contribute $10 or anything you can afford to stand with me in our fight for climate justice? Every dollar you give will go straight toward growing our grassroots movement and building progressive power in Washington to make meaningful change a reality.

What we have with the climate provisions in Build Back Better will go a long way toward protecting our environment, revitalizing our economy, and converting our energy system away from fossil fuels once and for all.

Passing them would be a historic victory for our movement, and for people all over the world.

It’s time we deliver, and it’s time we get it done. Thank you for being a part of our fight.

In solidarity,

Ed Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

Friday, December 24, 2021

This is a long email looking back on 2021 and the stakes we’re facing in the fight against the climate crisis.


We’re about to ask you to read a long email looking back on 2021, and the stakes we’re facing in the fight against the climate crisis. Then, we’re going to ask you to contribute $3 to help make sure our movement has the resources necessary to continue that fight.

We’ll explain more in just a moment, but if that’s all you need to hear to add your support, please use this link:

All year long, we’ve seen cause for alarm on climate.

This past February in Texas, an unprecedented winter storm left millions without heat or electricity after the state’s critical infrastructure was not equipped to deal with plummeting temperatures.

Winter storm in Texas

July saw Earth’s hottest month on record, as uncontrolled wildfires spread across the Western United States and extreme heat waves up to 120° melted roads in the Pacific Northwest.

Wildfires in California

Meanwhile, Germany, Belgium, and countries across Central Europe saw historic floods that killed over 200 people, washed away homes and severely damaged roads, bridges, and electrical grids leaving thousands without power.

Flooding in Europe

In August, the UN Secretary General called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report “code red for humanity.” The report warned that without significant action we will continue to see hotter temperatures, rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, increased flooding, wider-spread wildfires, and more searing droughts all across the planet.

Then, just this month, the largest and deadliest December tornado outbreak in history tore through towns and cities in Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee, killing at least 89 people, devastating local communities and displacing countless families.

December tornadoes

The suffering and destruction we’ve seen in 2021 has been a crystal clear reminder: The climate crisis is not some far-off future threat — it’s already here.

This is why we cannot give up in our fight for a livable future.

It’s why we need a Green New Deal, a Civilian Climate Corps, and to rebuild and reimagine our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

It’s why we must put environmental justice and high-quality job creation at the very center of our agenda.

It’s why we must continue organizing, growing our movement, and building progressive power in Congress and beyond. And it’s also why we’re asking you today:

Every donation will be put straight to work in making our progressive agenda a reality.

As we can see, the threats of climate change are becoming more apparent and dangerous day after day, month after month, and year after year.

So as we close the book on 2021 and look toward the future, it’s more clear than ever that this generational challenge will require all of us standing together and fighting for a just and liveable world.

Combating this crisis is THE environmental, economic, national security, and moral issue of our time. The moment to deliver jobs, justice, and hope for our country and our planet is now.

Thanks in advance for your support. And as always, thank you for being a part of our movement.

In solidarity,

Team Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

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