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Showing posts with label INDIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INDIA. Show all posts

Sunday, February 6, 2022

CC Newsletter 06 Feb - Amnesty International Calling Israel an Apartheid State shakes the Zionist state


Dear Friend,

Amnesty International’s declaration of Israel as an apartheid state was a resounding announcement that resonated worldwide. The importance of this announcement is that it came from an organization with a respected reputation globally. Amnesty international has human rights lawyers who study every word before publishing the report.

If you think the contents of this newsletter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our newsletter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Amnesty International Calling Israel an Apartheid State shakes the Zionist state
by Dr Salim Nazzal

Amnesty International’s declaration of Israel as an apartheid state was a
resounding announcement that resonated worldwide. The importance of this announcement is that it came from an organization with a respected reputation globally. Amnesty international has human rights lawyers who study every word before publishing the report.

Amnesty’s Israeli Apartheid Report Versus Zionist, IHRA & US Lies
by Dr Gideon Polya

Amnesty International’s 2022 report exposing and condemning Israeli apartheid has provoked false allegations of lying and anti-Semitism from the mendacious and  genocidally racist Zionists and their US Alliance supporters.  In actuality, denial of Israeli apartheid is a lie, and the Zionists and their supporters  are manifestly mendacious, and both  anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish, Arab, Palestinian and Muslim critics of Apartheid Israel.

The Curious Case of the State of Israel
– A Country Without Borders
by Anthony Fulton

If Israel is perceived as an apartheid state, then there is a link to this frontierism, to choices made by Israeli voters regarding borders. You can’t defend Israel against such accusations if you do not consider the West Bank to be ‘abroad’. The evidence of the last fifty years suggests that Israel is a frontier settler state set on expansion beyond ‘indefensible’ pre-1967 borders. How long can Palestinians live within these frontiers without rights? The international community and many Israeli citizens seem happy to avoid the question.

Hemispheric Gangsterism: The US Embargo Against Cuba Turns 60
by Dr Binoy Kampmark

It all seems worn, part of an aspic approach to foreign policy.  But US President Joe Biden is keen to
ensure that old, and lingering mistakes, retain their flavour.    Towards Cuba, it is now 60 years since President John F. Kennedy’s Presidential Proclamation 3447 imposed an embargo on all trade with the island state.

Covid Mandate Protests: ‘Freedom Convoy’ Blockades Leave Ottawa On Edge
by Countercurrents Collective

Canada’s capital Ottawa on Saturday was bracing for a surge of demonstrators to join a week-long protest against public health measures and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that has blockaded much of the downtown core, unnerved residents and been described by officials as an “occupation” and a “siege.”

Russia – China pledge to expand cooperation
Press Release

Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International
Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development

Signature Campaign: Citizens Demand Repeal of Anti-Conversion Laws in India
by Concerned Citizens

We, the citizens of secular and democratic India, are shocked to witness the , moves of the state governments ruled by the BJP and other political parties, targeting Christians, Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis and Hindu women using Anti-Conversion Laws in India.

Shopping Mall or Shocking Mall
by Moumita Alam

Eight farmers have taken their own lives.
The dead certificate is very crystal clear.
It’s suicide not murder.
The potatoes they had to sell
In zero profit
Are in shopping trolley now
With a tip – top price tag.

Rahul Gandhi and Our Constitution
by Hiren Gohain

The initial remarks in Rahul Gandhi’s speech in Parliament the motion of thanks to the President’s speech have provoked a storm of abuse from BJP ranks within and outside the house.The matter needs some scrutiny

Friday, February 4, 2022

CC Newsletter 04 Feb - The Blockade Against Cuba Turns 60


Dear Friend,

It’s easy to say, but it’s been six very hard decades that began with disconcerting lightness and the belief that the United States government’s blockade of Cuba would not last long—a couple of years, maybe.

If you think the contents of this newsletter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our newsletter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

The Blockade Against Cuba Turns 60
by Rosa Miriam Elizalde

It’s easy to say, but it’s been six very hard decades that began with disconcerting lightness and the belief that the United States government’s blockade of Cuba would not last long—a couple of years, maybe.

The Hypocrisy of the
‘Diplomatic Boycott’ of the 2022 Beijing Olympics
by Charles Xu

Which human rights matter enough to put politics above sports? For decades, the United States and its European allies have gotten to decide the answer at their convenience.

US pips regional states at race for Kabul
by M K Bhadrakumar

In a hugely consequential advisory, the US Treasury Department quietly signalled on Wednesday that it was “tweaking” the sanctions against the Haqqani Network. The international banks can transfer money to Taliban, including Haqqani Network without fear of breaching sanctions.

Scenario for a War in Eastern Ukraine: The United States Views Russians Just as the Nazi’s Did in World War II
by John Stanton

As President Joe Biden announced the transfer of 2000 US troops to Poland and Germany on February 3, 2022, and the movement of an additional 1000 troops from Western Europe to Romania, I shook my head and looked to the sky thinking, “the United States and its elites really want a war with Russia, both economic and military. US generals want to use tanks, missiles, and aircraft against a near-peer competitor. They can’t beat sandal wearing insurgents in Afghanistan, so they want to mix it up with the A-Team, i.e., Russia.”

Towards Human Fraternity
by Cedric Prakash

On all counts 4 February 2019 was a memorable day for the world! On that day, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad al-Tayyib, met in Abu Dhabi, and together signed the historic and pathbreaking
document entitled ‘Human fraternity for world peace and living together’. The document is one of the most comprehensive ones written in recent times. It not only analyses the realities which grip mankind today but also provides a blueprint for all in order to address and ultimately overcome the hate, divisiveness and violence of today!

The Budget 2022-23: Insipid and Cheerless
by Shrikant Modak

The unceasing bench thumping in the parliament at the treasury benches on the budget day, gave an impression as if the budget was packed with a pile of path breaking initiatives. But the facts speak otherwise. There is nothing much to commend in the budget.

What a Waste! $778 Billion for the Pentagon and Still Counting
by William D Hartung

2021 was another banner year for the military-industrial complex,
as Congress signed off on a near-record $778 billion in spending for the Pentagon and related work on nuclear warheads at the Department of Energy. That was $25 billion more than the Pentagon had even asked for.

The quota rants and its impact on marginal students
by Ritu

The apex court delivered a judgement on 20th January 2022 authored by Justice D.Y. Chandrachud and Justice A.S. Bopanna about extending reservation to OBCs in all-India quota (AIQ) of seats in admission to under-graduate and post-graduate medical and dental courses. The landmark judgement is perceived as a tool to demolish false narratives regarding reservation, especially the merit of marginalised students, i.e., SC, ST and OBCs.

Politics of the farmers movement!
by Dr Prem Singh

The peasant movement was kept apolitical in the sense that the leaders of any political party were not allowed to
use the platform of the movement. However, the opposition parties/leaders supported the movement and tried to win the sympathy of the farmers so that they could take electoral advantage of the farmers’ resentment against the government/BJP. In view of the simultaneous assembly elections in five states, the government abruptly withdrew the agri-laws, without further discussions with farmer leaders. This move of the government is a proof that the movement had the potential to create political influence against the ruling party. Especially in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.

162 Doctors Express Serious Concerns About GM Foods in India
by Bharat Dogra 

In recent weeks several groups which have been active on food safety issues have expressed  concens about the serious health hazards involved in the increased possibility of introduction of imported or domestic GM foods in India.
These concerns have been also related to the process of creating a regulatory framework by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Hands Against Racism goes global
by Press Release

Already in its eighth year, an anti-racism campaign started by Canada-based Spice Radio got a major boost when world renowned humanitarian Ravi Singh joined it on Wednesday, February 2

Hindutva and the Crisis of Public Institutions in India
by Bhabani Shankar Nayak 

The Hindutva forces led by the BJP and shaped by the RSS and its affiliated organisations are restructuring India and Indian society to re-establish privileges and interests of higher castes and capitalist classes. Such a catastrophic reorganisation is based on dominance of Brahminical social order to facilitate capitalist market into every sphere of
Indian society, where citizens are going to be converted into customers

Nostalgic for the Future
by Edward Curtin

But now is always, and like its twin – exile – nostalgia is perpetual.  The aching for “home” – from Greek algos, pain + nostos, homecoming – is not simply a desire for the past, whether in reality or imagination, time or place, but a passionate yearning for the best from the past to be brought into the future.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

CC Newsletter 01 Feb - US wants war in Ukraine, charges Russia at UN debate


Dear Friend,

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia accused the United States of “whipping up tensions” and seeking to provoke a Russian invasion of Ukraine, in a debate at the United Nations Security Council over the mounting crisis in Eastern Europe. “The discussion about a threat of war is provocative in and of itself,” he said. Turning to US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, he continued, “You are almost pulling for this. You want it to happen. You’re waiting for it to happen, as if you want to make your words become a reality.”

If you think the contents of this newsletter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our newsletter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

US wants war in Ukraine, charges Russia at UN debate
Patrick Martin

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia accused the United States of “whipping up tensions” and seeking to provoke a Russian invasion of Ukraine, in a debate at the United Nations Security Council over the mounting crisis in Eastern Europe. “The discussion about a threat of war is provocative in and of itself,” he said. Turning to US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, he continued, “You are almost pulling for this. You want it to happen. You’re waiting for it to happen, as if you want to make your words become a reality.”

America Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine
by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies

So the revived Cold War that U.S. officials and corporate media hacks have been mindlessly cheering on could very quickly turn into one in which the United States would find itself
just as encircled and endangered as its enemies. Will the prospect of such a 21st Century Cuban Missile Crisis be enough to bring America’s irresponsible leaders to their senses and back to the negotiating table, to start unwinding the suicidal mess they have blundered into? We certainly hope so.

Masked Leadership & Gandhism!
by Nilofar Suhrawardy

Gandhi moved with his walking stick with masses’ support marked by their walking along with him. It is difficult to imagine his accomplishing the same from any place by trying to reach out to people through mobile, virtual meetings and/or other outlets of communication available nowadays. Power and strength of his leadership was not marked by just a single or few persons addressing gatherings from stages but from thousands moving along with him.

MediaOne TV Banned, Court Steps In
by Countercurrents Collective

Ministry of Information and broadcasting suspended the licence of Malayalam television channel MediaOne TV and the channel stopped its broadcast for a few hours yesterday. However, Kerala High Court stepped in and deferred the order of the Ministry for two days.

Over 60 Organizations In 11 Countries Support IAMC, Reject Indian Government’s Baseless Attacks
Press Release

More than 60 civil society organizations from 11 countries and nearly a dozen prominent individuals have released a statement in support of the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), terming the baseless and false allegations leveled by the Indian Government against the organization as Islamophobic.

US reminds India it’s showtime
by M K Bhadrakumar

Pegasus, CAATSA, Nagaland — prime facie, they’ve nothing in common. At least, reading the Indian press, one gets that impression. But it is always important to connect the dots to understand where the trail is leading to.

‘It is poison, not water, that comes out of the handpumps’ in UP
by FMRRC, Karnataka

Of the total 75 districts in Uttar Pradesh (UP), 63 districts have fluoride above the permissible limit and 25 districts are affected by high arsenic, as per May, 2019 data of the UP’s Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, marked in the map above.

The problem of stray cattle in Uttar Pradesh
by Sandeep Pandey

The problem of stray cattle is so severe in Uttar Pradesh that the new Chief Secretary in his first
press conference asked the District Magistrates to run a special drive from 1 to 10 January, 2022, to catch all stray cattle. Realising that ten days period was not enough for this purpose he extended it by a week.

CPSE disinvestment- Imprudent to ignore R&D effort in CPSEs at the cost of self-reliance
by E A S Sarma

The government as the custodian of the mineral resources of the country has the statutory obligation to comply with the spirit of Article 39(b) and respect the observations of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, keeping in view the future generations’ stake in the natural resources. Such resources cannot be treated as tradable commodities that can be sold across the counter without laying down an optimal extraction policy for their use.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

CC Newsletter 25 Jan - How the US and NATO Could Settle Dispute Over Ukraine Without War


Dear Friend,

This has been a totally unnecessary crisis, fueled in large measure by U.S. insistence on maintaining NATO’s “open door” policy, when the reality is that there is no way that France or Germany will agree to Ukraine becoming a NATO member state. Resolution of the crisis could be hastened were Biden or Blinken to state the obvious: “We understand there are deep insecurities on all sides. Given that our allies are in no hurry to welcome Ukraine into NATO, we propose a moratorium on new NATO memberships. Beyond that, we look forward to a range of constructive negotiations to establish an enduring Eurasian security framework for the 21st century.”

If you think the contents of this newsletter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our newsletter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

How the US and NATO Could Settle Dispute Over Ukraine Without War
by Joseph Gerson

This has been a totally unnecessary crisis, fueled in large measure by U.S. insistence on maintaining NATO’s “open door” policy, when the reality is that there is no way that France or Germany will agree to Ukraine becoming a NATO member state. Resolution of the crisis could be hastened were Biden or Blinken to state the obvious: “We understand there are deep insecurities on all sides. Given that our allies are in no hurry to welcome Ukraine into NATO, we propose a moratorium on new NATO memberships. Beyond that, we look forward to a range of constructive negotiations to establish an enduring Eurasian security framework for the 21st century.”

Dangerous Heat Across the Globe
by Robert

Too much heat brings unanticipated problems of unexpected scale, putting decades of legacy infrastructure at risk of malfunctioning and/or total collapse. Nobody expected so much trouble to start so soon. Nobody anticipated such massive record-breaking back-to-back heat, north and south, to hit so soon on the heels of only 1.2C above estimated baseline for global warming.

Republic Day, January 26, 1950: An Epic Journey of India’s  greatest generation 
by George Abraham

As India is about to celebrate its 72nd Republic Day with pomp, pride, and parades, it is also time to rethink whether the country is living up to its constitution. India became a constitutional republic on January 26, 1950, replacing the colonial government act of India of 1935. It was a memorable day for all Indians
who transformed their lives from subjects to citizens and from oppression to liberty. Indeed, this changeover has instilled a sense of national pride in the heart of every Indian regardless of where he/she resides.

‘Monika My Darling’  on Republic Day!
by Samuel Dhar

A GoI twitter release has a video of the Navy band playing, (With the ratings dancing to), the old hit movie tune, “Monika My Darling”, at the R-Day rehearsals. OMG!!! Why did I, a Veteran, not die before seeing this horrendous spectacle !!!

Fables And Fantasies
by Hiren Gohain

The efforts of the Hindutva gang to replace Mahatma Gandhi with some ideal figure armed with a sword or a gun heroically overturning British rule is just childish fanatasy and fable.

Communalism has overtaken the Constitution!
by Dr Prem Singh

Most spheres of Indian politics have been tainted by communalism. Looking at the current political scene of the country, it seems that just as there is a consensus on neoliberalism among the political and intellectual elite of India, similarly a consensus has been made on communal politics or political communalism. Political parties, which are called secular, resort to communalism in competition to communal BJP, so it is rightly said that they cannot defeat BJP on the pitch of communalism

Save Lives, Socialize Big Pharma
by Joseph Grosso

Faced with such obvious market failure, the solution presents itself: A nationalized pharmaceutical industry fully under public control. Under such a system, money from profitable drugs could simply be channeled to less profitable things like vaccines, antibiotics, and neglected tropical diseases.

What Solidarity Journalism Reveals to Us
by Anita Varma

Solidarity reporting calls on journalists to push beyond reporting the easy soundbite from an official press release in order to do the work of representing people experiencing injustice.

History: An Ocean without Shores
by Dr Abdul Ahad

Is history an ocean of knowledge without shores? Is it a seamless fusion of interdisciplinary knowledge? How does it reach us and help us develop our perspectives of lived and living lifestyles? Why does it motivate us to integrate for common good?

Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – Monetising that which sustains life
by Radha Gopalan

Since monetising the life sustaining systems is the premise on which these
amendments are constructed, it is not surprising that they demonstrate an emphasis on a centralised rather than a federated, decentralised approach in developing plans and strategies for biodiversity conservation and regeneration. With this approach how will the stated objectives of the Act “conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits”  be achieved?

Channi is dishonest and Kejriwal an honest man?
by Dr Prem Singh

On 20 January, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal called Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi a dishonest man, and emphasized that Channi should not be viewed as a common man. That is, the patent of the common man lies with Kejriwal alone, and in this respect, honesty as well. Kejriwal made this statement in a quick response to the ED’s raid on Channi’s nephew’s house. Since then, a series of
allegations and counter-allegations have been going on between the two leaders, which may continue till the last day of the Punjab Assembly elections

Drug mafia & role of private ports
by Dr Madabhushi Sridhar

The statement of APSEZ(Adani Ports) that it will not deal with the containers from Iran Pakistan, and Afghanistan inadvertently confirms the earlier transactions and raises suspicion that huge quantum of drugs might have gained surreptitious entry into our nation. At first instance Adani Ports said that it has no policing power, later it says that it does not want to deal with containers of these three nations.

Urgent Need to Raise Budget Allocations for Health Sector
by Bharat Dogra

Even in Pandemic Times, Health Allocations Have Been Far Short of Real Needs

Thursday, December 30, 2021

CC Newsletter 30 Dec - Climate Chaos: What to Learn From 2021


Dear Friend,

To keep acting as if there wasn’t war declared against the planet and humanity is to accept we are already defeated. Continuing to play their game can only guarantee collapse. It’s time to flip the table.

Since our annual fundraising appeal went out three weeks ago, we've raised about 70% of the funds needed to continue our operations for another year. However, we've a long way to go to meet our target. We need a lot more people to come forward to support our work. Kindly support CC. You can do so here

If you think the contents of this news letter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Climate Chaos: What to Learn From
by João Camargo

To keep acting as if there wasn’t war declared against the planet and humanity is to accept we are already defeated. Continuing to play their game can only guarantee collapse. It’s time to flip the table.

Climate Mitigation: ’21 into ’22
by Bill Henderson

Climate wise it’s clear that as we limp from ‘21 to ‘22 those who want to protect the economy from needed climate mitigation are still firmly in control.

Killing Nature Must Be Treated as a Crime on a Par with Genocide and War Crimes
by CJ Polychroniou

Ecocide must be elevated into an international crime—on a par with genocide and war crimes—and fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

Millets Mission- a step towards combating climate vulnerability and promoting sustainable food systems
by Geeta Sinha

The launch of Odisha Millets Mission is  a flagship programme of Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha that has the propensity to contribute substantially to some of the interlinked core goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – climate action, good health and well-being and responsible production and consumption.

Russia’s shadows in Sahel region
by M K Bhadrakumar

This is not to suggest that Russia and China are acting in concert in Mali, although it is conceivable that they could be coordinating and are, most certainly, on the same page. The stakes are high insofar as Mali sits on great untapped
mineral wealth.  Unlike China which sticks to business deals, Russia does not shy away from declaring its unflinching support for the struggle against all neo-colonial tendencies in Africa.

Christians on Edge – Spike in Attacks
by Suresh Mathew

There was a spate of attacks on Christians during the Christmas celebrations

A Short History of RSS
by Masidur Rahaman

Here in this article, Masidur Rahaman discusses the role played by the RSS during India’s colonial struggles and how it influences Indian politics, social, cultural and religious structure today.

“Three Movements and The Dynamics of Indian Democracy” Political Scientist Zoya Hasan’s Analysis
by K M Seethi

There really is a silver lining in
political cloud and the farmers’ movement is certainly the finest case. This was the thrust of analysis on “Three Movements and the Dynamics of Indian Democracy” by Zoya Hasan, Professor Emerita, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi while delivering the Annual Lecture of the Vakkom Moulavi Memorial and Research Centre (VMMRC) in Kerala.

Neo Hindus – Ain’t No Black In The Union Jack
by Supratim Barman

This term, Neo Hindus, is a very recent phenomenon, perhaps in the last twenty-five years or so. It was always sort of hanging around amongt us; like an optical illusion, lurking like a thief who is unable to make that final reach to grab the handbag, (so near; yet so far).

Birth Defects and Stunted Development: Role of the Students Movement
by Syed Ehtisham

Pakistan, ostensibly
created to safeguard the interest of the Muslims of India, but in actual fact to save the Muslim landowners of West Pakistan from land reforms which were on the plank of Indian National Congress platform, had a large impact of the more reactionary of the Muslim clerics. Main-stream Maulanas, not recognizing nationalism as a driving force in Islam, had actually opposed it.

Dalit agricultural labour wage qualitative protests for rights in Punjab
by Harsh Thakor

A qualitative protest of around 500 workers was staged at Rampura Phul today in front of the office of the State district magistrate. The agricultural workers vociferously raised slogan condemning the government betraying their promises. In the last few months through united activity they have waged a sustained struggle for their demands.

I’m also hurt
by Naheeda Naseem

Undoubtedly I am a wife, but…
I can be hurt.
I can be sad.
I can be angry.
I can be anything like you.
Because I too am a human being.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

CC Newsletter 28 Dec - Let’s resolve to keep Desmond Tutu’s legacy alive


Dear Friend,

Though Tutu’s death is a great loss, his legacy will remain alive, and has become even more relevant today considering the growing state violence and repression all across the globe.

Since our annual fundraising appeal went out three weeks ago, we've raised about 70% of the funds needed to continue our operations for another year. However, we've a long way to go to meet our target. We need a lot more people to come forward to support our work. Kindly support CC. You can do so here

If you think the contents of this news letter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Let’s resolve to keep Desmond Tutu’s legacy alive in
the light of growing repression across the world
by Gurpreet Singh

Though Tutu’s death is a great loss, his legacy will remain alive, and has become even more relevant today considering the growing state violence and repression all across the globe.

Desmond Tutu Opposed Capitalism, Israeli Apartheid and US/UK Imperialism, Too
by David Rovics

Long live Desmond Tutu.  Long live Desmond Tutu’s vision of a world free of oppression — a world in which so many of the politicians praising him today would be in front of a truth and reconciliation commission tomorrow, if Tutu were calling the shots.  Amandla awethu.  Our time will come.

Warnings from the Far North
by Robert Hunziker

“Breaking the food chain that supports billions of creatures” is horrific to contemplate. It sends a powerful signal of trouble dead ahead. In that regard, scientists agree that what happens up North signals what’s in store to the South, and what’s happening up North is a gut-wrenching reality of life on a knife’s edge of catastrophe.

Humanity’s Massive Footprint On The Face Of Nature
by John Scales Avery

John Scales Avery  announces the publication of a new book which discusses the reasons for our human encroachment on the earth’s ecological systems, and the possible consequences if we do not take steps to correct the problem. The book may be downloaded and circulated free of charge

History of the World 2025-2200
by Eric Boglio

If you’re
reading this, you’re probably no longer skeptical about the need for Humanity to change its ways hard and fast. I would dare to say that you are one from a rising tide of consciousness, for whom the depth and breadth of our impact on this Earth is starting to sink in. You feel that equally massive changes are required, right now, just so we don’t obliterate ourselves, along with a large proportion of the Biosphere.

Critiquing Transgender Theology: A review of Janice Raymond’s Doublethink
by Robert Jensen

There’s a sad irony at the heart of Janice Raymond’s new book on transgenderism and feminism. After decades of research and activism, she is uniquely qualified to contribute to the polarized debate over these issues. But because she has long been demonized by the transgender movement, her insights on sex and gender will be overlooked by many. Doublethink: A
Feminist Challenge to Transgenderism explains why the radical feminist analysis that Raymond articulates so clearly is not a threat to trans-identified people but rather an alternative to the transgender movement’s liberal precepts, which are biologically incoherent and anti-feminist.

York the anti/RACIST City in the United Kingdom
by William Nicholas Gomes

York is a cathedral city in northern England, located at the junction of the Ouse and Foss rivers. It is home to two universities as well as a burgeoning ethnic population. In 2021, the city council adopted an anonymous motion expressing the City’s intention of being an anti-racist city. There is much to say about the motion’s process, procedure, and politics

Potatoes & Chillies in the New Year
by Mitali Chakravarty

Despite the world being united by chillies
and potatoes, as this year draws to a close, I am left wondering at the way humankind has got clumped into little boxes because of the mutations of a tiny virus. But if this virus is to survive, it will have to mutate to become endemic, and continue to share the Earth with man, as do other viruses. However, more than the dangers posed by the virus, the thing that really frightens me is the change in global perspectives towards foreigners and the acceptance of leadership that is questionable.

Hindutva resurrects India’s thuggee tradition
by Satya Sagar

And while the thuggees were finished as a coherent group by the British police through intelligence gathering, systematic arrest and punishment of cult members, the challenges of dealing with the Hindutva extremists are far more daunting. Not the least because they are in power at the highest levels today and the Indian state and police themselves
seem to have joined this modern-day thuggee movement.

Smokeless Tobacco Fuels Oral Cancer Crisis in South Asia
by Bharat Dogra

While there may be a dispute on the legality surrounding surrogate promotion of SLT, most studies agree that South Asia and nearby areas constitute the biggest hub of SLT consumption. This region has experienced rapid increase in recent decades based on new attractively packaged and advertised branded products– often mixed, scented and sweetened with various other ingredients commonly known as pan masala or guthka. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey Second Round 2016-17 (GATS 2), 21.4% of adults in India consume SLT.    85% of SLT users here use it on daily basis.  Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka also report high use, ranging from 15 to 30 per cent for men, and somewhat lesser for women.

U.S. hounds Bangladesh to join military pact
by BZ

With its latest steps, America runs the risk of being branded as a nation genetically predisposed to harming the homeland of 165 million Bengalis, many of whom still vividly remember how President Richard Nixon aided their enemy, Pakistan, in pursuit of his secret ping pong diplomacy via Islamabad.

"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...