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Showing posts with label FED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FED. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021

GW Bush strikes blow against Trump in GOP civil war

Today’s Action: No infrastructure bill without the Build Back Better Act!

FDA approves Pfizer booster for Americans ages 65 and older

Today's Top Stories:

Countering Trump, former President George W. Bush to hold fundraiser for Liz Cheney

The second worst president in modern American history launched a not-so-subtle attack on the worst.

Take Action: Demand Congress expand the Supreme Court and END the shadow docket!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Ted Cruz just asked a question at a hearing and got the one answer he didn’t want

The smarmy Texas Republican had his disgusting rhetoric turned against him.

Retired Major Richard Ojeda breaks down the treasonous final days of the Trump presidency

No Dem Left Behind: The Democratic star exposes the military coup that almost was.

Leaked emails prove Florida Republicans lied about election security to rig future elections
Republicans are trying to kill American democracy to stay in power.

Take Action: Endorse Val Demings in her race to unseat Marco Rubio!

Fed Chair says he cannot protect economy if Republicans force default on debt
Republicans understand that their latest political game will ruin lives. They just don't care.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to tax the wealthy to fund the infrastructure plan!

Donald Trump sues niece Mary Trump, New York Times for $100 million over disclosing tax documents
She told the public the truth, and for the disgraced ex-president, there is no greater sin.

House Democrats urge Biden to halt deportations of Haitian migrants
They came in desperate need, in search of the American Dream. There is only one right answer here...

Take Action: Call on President Biden to let Haitian refugees stay in America!

Centrists pull FATAL stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Beyond dangerous.

Outside ethics group says seven House lawmakers didn't disclose stock trades
This is not public service.

Biden ramps up vaccine diplomacy with promise to provide half a billion doses of Pfizer
Yes please.

US debt default could wipe out 6 million jobs and $15 trillion in wealth
Republicans are deliberately destroying livelihoods of millions of Americans in an effort to make Democrats look bad. Tell me again how both parties are the same?

Nevada Republican governor candidate refuses to say Biden won election
In today's Republican Party, it's better to deny the obvious truth than to acknowledge the will of your own state's voters.



Yes. Seriously.

We. Have. The power.


Today’s Action: No infrastructure bill without the Build Back Better Act!


Republicans and moderate Democrats are still threatening the passage of President Biden’s $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, the Build Back Better Act — and it’s no secret that the defeat of the proposal would be detrimental to working families, education, immigrants, and the fight against the climate crisis. We need investments in our communities now

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and demand that they fight for the passage of the Build Back Better Act in its entirety!

Time is running out for Dreamers protected by DACA to be granted citizenship through the immigration overhaul included in this bill. If Congress doesn’t work quickly, Dreamers would be subject to deportation, threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents who are American in every meaningful way.

Other benefits of the bill? Child tax credits for working families, a huge boost that is all the more critical as we bounce back from the pandemic. More resources for education, from universal pre-K to community college. Funds to finally transition to clean energy and work to reverse the damage done by centuries of natural-resource exploitation. 

This isn’t just spending as usual, as Republicans allege, this is transformational investment in the sustainability of our country. And it can’t wait any longer.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives to remind them America’s future depends on their commitment to the passage of the Build Back Better Act!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition calling on Mitch McConnell to raise the debt ceiling, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 

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