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Showing posts with label LOUIE GOHMERT. Show all posts

Thursday, January 6, 2022

AG Garland gives Trumpers bad news on eve of 1/6 anniversary


CDC vaccine advisers recommend Pfizer booster shots for younger teens

Today's Top Stories:

Merrick Garland vows to hold ALL Jan. 6 perpetrators accountable

The attorney general pushed back on criticism that the DOJ's January 6 probe has not been aggressive enough and said no one would be off limits as prosecutors "followed the facts."

VIDEO OF THE DAY: McConnell humiliates himself with a major public misstep

Nearly a year to the day after Trump, backed by hundreds of Republican lawmakers, attempted to overthrow American democracy, the senator minority leader actually stood in front of news cameras and said such a thing would never happen in the United States. Got it.

Deep RED Senate seat suddenly IN PLAY for midterms

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: This was unexpected.

Biden to criticize Trump, warn of threats to democracy on Jan. 6 anniversary
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the president's speech Thursday will lay out "the singular responsibility that President Trump has for the chaos and carnage that we saw."

Trump turns on Hannity over Capitol-riot texts advising him to stop claiming the election was stolen
The disgraced ex-president sniped at the Fox TV personality on Wednesday for suggesting days after the MAGA riot that Trump should stop claiming the election was rigged.

More police officers sue Trump over January 6
The lawsuits stemming from the insurrection fomented by the former president continue piling up.

Jimmy Carter warns America "teeters on the brink of a widening abyss"

The former president made the grim observation in a new op-ed ahead of the Jan. 6 anniversary.

WATCH: No Dem Left Behind's Richard Ojeda RIPS the Trump Crime Family in Fiery New Video

No Dem Left Behind: "Criminals always return to the scene of the crime, the Trumps will be no different," Ojeda warned. "I'm hopeful the courts will stand up to the Trumps and make them pay for their crimes, but if they fail, we have to be ready to stop them."

Louie Gohmert's violent rhetoric was flagged by Capitol police 3 days before insurrection
The US Capitol Police — in a Special Event Assessment dated Jan. 3, 2021 — flagged potential danger stemming from comments made by the Texas representative.

Another retiree in The Villages arrested for voter fraud
Three Republicans were previously arrested for illegally voting twice in 2020.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says his phone records were subpoenaed by Jan. 6 select committee
The fanatical Trumper has come under the microscope as the investigation expands.

Mayo Clinic fires 700 unvaccinated employees — about 1% of its workforce
Officials say while it's sad to lose valuable employees, it's essential to keep patients, the workforce, visitors and communities safe.



Yes. Seriously.


Friday, December 17, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Charles Pierce | Behold the Creepy Little Cabal That Tried to Help Trump Overturn the Election in Congress



Reader Supported News
17 December 21

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WHY THE PANIC ON DONATIONS? — When we say, “we are 100% reader funded” that means we absolutely are. It a produces a great news presentation, that our readers genuinely trust, but pulling in the necessary donations is a very hard job. December is our most important month of the year. A month we count upon to restore and repair our depleted finances. This is the worst December in our history. When our readers chip-in we do fine. It’s time to do that. Keep RSN strong. You’ll need it in the coming year.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News

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Republican Congressmen Louie Gohmert of Texas and Jim Jordan of Ohio. (photo: Jonathan Newton/Getty)
FOCUS: Charles Pierce | Behold the Creepy Little Cabal That Tried to Help Trump Overturn the Election in Congress
Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert - the gang's all here!"

Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert—the gang's all here!

Back when the Clintons and their administration were bedeviled by conservative ratfckers and bed-sniffing yahoos like Ken Starr (and young Brett Kavanaugh), Hillary Rodham Clinton went on TV and called out what she called the “vast, right-wing conspiracy” that had targeted her husband and his presidency. This brought down upon her a veritable avalanche of snotty coverage from a lot of the reporters who’d been lapping up leaks from the ratfckers since before Bill Clinton had finished second in the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary. However, Calvin Trillin corrected her more gently. It wasn’t a vast conspiracy, he said. It actually was “a creepy little cabal.”

Speaking of which… From the New York Times:

The lawmakers — all of them members of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus — worked closely with the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, whose central role in Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn a democratic election is coming into focus as the congressional investigation into Jan. 6 gains traction.

The men were not alone in their efforts — most Republican lawmakers fell in line behind Mr. Trump’s false claims of fraud, at least rhetorically — but this circle moved well beyond words and into action. They bombarded the Justice Department with dubious claims of voting irregularities. They pressured members of state legislatures to conduct audits that would cast doubt on the election results. They plotted to disrupt the certification on Jan. 6 of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory.

There was Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, the pugnacious former wrestler who bolstered his national profile by defending Mr. Trump on cable television; Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona, whose political ascent was padded by a $10 million sweepstakes win; and Representative Paul Gosar, an Arizona dentist who trafficked in conspiracy theories, spoke at a white nationalist rally and posted an animated video that depicted him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York.

They were joined by Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas, who was known for fiery speeches delivered to an empty House chamber and unsuccessfully sued Vice President Mike Pence over his refusal to interfere in the election certification; and Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama, a lawyer who rode the Tea Party wave to Congress and was later sued by a Democratic congressman for inciting the Jan. 6 riot. Mr. Perry, a former Army helicopter pilot who is close to Mr. Jordan and Mr. Meadows, acted as a de facto sergeant. He coordinated many of the efforts to keep Mr. Trump in office, including a plan to replace the acting attorney general with a more compliant official. His colleagues call him General Perry.

A conspiracy is taking shape that could be more than enough to warrant throwing the likes of Jordan, Perry, and Gosar out of Congress forever. None of this will happen, of course, but there's now no good excuse for it not to happen. We all know enough about it now. So does the Department of Justice. So does the special committee investigating this.

And while we’re on the subject, while so many people are experiencing holiday crushes on Liz Cheney, we should not overlook that committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson is playing this like a grandmaster. (And part of Thompson’s shrewdness is letting Cheney run point the way she has.) I freely confess that I knew nothing about Thompson except that he was a Democrat from Mississippi. But the way he’s played this so far reminds me of how everyone discovered Sam Ervin after he’d gaveled the Senate Watergate Committee into session. (Thompson, of course, doesn’t have the historic baggage that Ervin had.) He has been circumspect, but dogged in his pursuit of witnesses, and he’s proven to have a deft hand at getting helpful information out into the media. He has them on the run, and it shows.

On Dec. 21, Mr. Trump met with members of the Freedom Caucus to discuss their plans. Mr. Jordan, Mr. Gosar, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Brooks and Mr. Meadows were there. “This sedition will be stopped,” Mr. Gosar wrote on Twitter. Asked about such meetings, Mr. Gosar’s chief of staff said the congressman and his colleagues “have and had every right to attend rallies and speeches.”

“None of the members could have anticipated what occurred (on Jan. 6),” Mr. Van Flein added.

Irrelevant. Intent follows the mob.



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Friday, November 19, 2021

RSN: FOCUS: Bess Levin | Rupert Murdoch Tells Trump to STFU About 2020



Reader Supported News
18 November 21

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FIGHT OR DIE — The Basic funding this organization has depended on for decades is gone. We did it with funding. Not a huge budget but a modest one. That’s impossible now. The people are here and the potential is here, but the donations and funding are not. Time to fight.
Marc Ash • Founder, Reader Supported News

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Rupert Murdoch looks on during a panel discussion at the B20 meeting of company CEO's in Sydney, Australia on July 17, 2014. (photo: Jason Reed/Getty)
FOCUS: Bess Levin | Rupert Murdoch Tells Trump to STFU About 2020
Bess Levin, Vanity Fair
Levin writes: "If you've had the unfortunate opportunity to turn on a TV, log onto the internet, or open up a newspaper in the last 10 months, you're more than likely aware that Donald Trump is pathologically incapable of admitting that he lost the election to Joe Biden and moving on from the events of November 2020."

The Fox News owner said Wednesday that the ex-president is an embarrassment to his party and should stop living in the past.

If you’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to turn on a TV, log onto the internet, or open up a newspaper in the last 10 months, you’re more than likely aware that Donald Trump is pathologically incapable of admitting that he lost the election to Joe Biden and moving on from the events of November 2020. “This is only the beginning of the irregularities,” he claimed at a rally in July during which he insisted a sham audit would prove he’d actually won. “We’re not talking about Arizona any more. We’re talking about the United States of America.” “Enclosed is a report of 43,000 Absentee Ballot Votes Counted in DeKalb County that violated the Chain of Custody rules, making them invalid,” he wrote in a letter to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger in September, encouraging him to “start the process of decertifying the Election.” The whole thing is obviously ridiculous and absurd and apparently it’s not just Democrats and lucid individuals who would like him to shut up about the whole thing, it’s formerly good pals too.

For instance, one Rupert Murdoch. Per Insider:

In rare public comments, News Corp. Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch told shareholders on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump is not helping further conservatism in public debate.

Murdoch, who was the chairman and CEO of News Corp. from 1980 until 2013, name dropped Trump during his comments during the company’s annual meeting. “The current American political debate is profound, whether about education or welfare or economic opportunity,” Murdoch said, according to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. “It is crucial that conservatives play an active, forceful role in that debate, but that will not happen if President Trump stays focused on the past,” he continued. “The past is the past, and the country is now in a contest to define the future.”

While Fox News effectively served as state TV during Trump’s time in office, Murdoch and the ex-president had a falling out after the nonagenarian billionaire reportedly gave the network the greenlight to call Arizona for Biden on election night, apparently telling his son, of Trump, “F--k him.”

Of course, it‘s a little rich for Murdoch to be criticizing someone else for trafficking in lies and bullshit. While Fox has recently mostly steered clear of Trump’s election-fraud claims, and ran an entire segment in February debunking said claims that had been uttered on air, that probably has more to do with the “blistering legal threat” from voting technology company Smartmatic, which later sued the network for $2.7 billion, than suddenly gaining a conscience. (Dominion Voting Systems has also sued Fox News in a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit over voting machine election-fraud claims.) Meanwhile, its prime-time star Tucker Carlson spent the earlier part of this month promoting a fact-free “documentary,” which aired on Fox Nation, in which it is posited that the January 6 attack on the Capitol, incited by Trump and undertaken by his election-truther supporters, was a “false flag“ operation orchestrated by federal officials.

House votes to censure Paul Gosar, strip him of committee assignments

Normal people would view this as a reasonable, if light, outcome for creating and tweeting an animated video in which he slashed the neck of a colleague. Per The Washington Post:

The 223-to-207 vote, with one member voting present, marks the first time in more than a decade that the House has censured one of its members.... A censure is less severe than expulsion from the House but more severe than a reprimand. Shortly after Wednesday’s vote, Gosar stood in the “well” of the House chamber as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) read aloud the censure resolution and a verbal rebuke.

Wednesday’s House vote comes a little over a week after Gosar shared a 90-second clip that appears to be an altered version of the opening credits of the Japanese animated series Attack on Titan. The show revolves around a hero who sets out to destroy the Titans, giant creatures that have devoured nearly all of human civilization. “Any anime fans out there?” Gosar said in the tweet in which he shared a link to the altered video. In one scene of the video, [Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortez’s face is edited over one of the Titans’ faces. Gosar flies into the air and slashes the Titan in the back of the neck, killing it. In another scene, Gosar swings two swords at a foe whose face has been replaced by that of Biden.

In the week-plus since the video was first posted, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has refused to condemn Gosar’s behavior. On the House floor on Wednesday, he pathetically accused Democrats of making “rules for thee, but not for me,” after having previously likened Gosar’s actions to those of Rep. Maxine Waters, who earlier this year told supporters to “get more confrontational“ about police brutality. Meanwhile, the GOP trotted out its most shameless members to of its most shameless members. Really, the gang was all there:

For his part, Gosar rejected calls to apologize, denouncing what he unconvincingly claimed was a “false narrative” regarding the legitimately violent video being “dangerous or threatening.” “It was not,” Gosar said. He then compared himself to Alexander Hamilton, who was “the first person attempted to be censored by this House.”

Partygoers wonder why Jeff Bezos is such a cheapskate

To be fair, it’s a reasonable question. Per the New York Post:

The Amazon and Blue Origin boss and his girlfriend, Lauren Sanchez, went to the A-lister-studded Baby2Baby event at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood on Saturday night—and his presence, or at least the presence of his wallet, was very much felt. But we’re told he wasn’t warmly welcomed by the glittering crowd. “Everyone was waiting for him to donate something, but he didn’t,” an insider said of the world’s second-richest man. “And then a little later, [Bezos] donated $500,000. There was an audible groan from the room.”

It may seem an ungracious reaction, considering he did drop half a million—until you consider that Bezos is estimated to make around $142,667 per minute. So he in theory made more in the five minutes he spent pretending to eat the chicken than he donated the whole night.

According to a March report from the Bezos-owned Washington Post, the second-richest man in the world added $58 billion to his net worth during the pandemic but donated just 0.26% of it to COVID-related issues, “while...having his workers work in Dickensian conditions.” So this is kind of his thing.

Q: Is Trump still trying to get Mike Pence killed? A: Pretty much, yeah



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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Democrats score MAJOR election victory


Today's Top Stories:

Democrat Phil Murphy wins reelection as Governor of New Jersey

Murphy is the first Democrat in 40 years to win a gubernatorial reelection in the state.

Here's what went wrong in the Virginia election

Brian Tyler Cohen breaks down the disappointing results for Democrats.

Republicans try to set TRAP for Democrats over Biden's new bill

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Disgraceful.

Speaker Pelosi adds paid family and medical leave back into spending bill
In a major shift, the House Speaker announced that four weeks of paid family and medical leave will be added back into the social spending bill, after Democrats had previously scrapped the provision from the package.

At least 8 Republicans who attended the Jan. 6 rally right before the insurrection won their elections
Some voters used their sacred right to vote to endorse a violent attack on American democracy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert deliver veiled threat to a deputy warden at Jan. 6th jail

The two far-right representatives reached for the nuclear option when their PR stunt backfired and they were denied access to the facility.

Voting machine company sues Newsmax and OAN for spreading lies about them stealing the election
Voting technology company Smartmatic sued the right-wing networks, saying they must be held accountable for spreading lies that their tech rigged the election against then-President Donald Trump.

Biden urges parents to vaccinate their 5 to 11-year-old children
The president called the CDC's authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for kids in the new age demographic "a giant step forward to further accelerate our path out of this pandemic."

Senate Republicans block John Lewis voting rights bill
At this point, the GOP cannot possibly make it any more obvious that they simply do not believe in the idea of democracy.

Twitter suspends Newsmax White House reporter who said vaccines contain Satanic tracking devices
Emerald Robinson's conspiratorial tweet about COVID-19 went viral and ended in the social media website temporarily blocking her access to her account.

Iran nuclear talks to resume November 29 after five months
The Biden administrations is striving to undo the near incalculable diplomatic damage done when Trump unilaterally pulled out of Obama's historic Iran deal.



Yes. Seriously.


"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...