ONE LINERS “I’m glad this [push to ban insider trading] is happening. ... And if it’s happening because people see political opportunities and advantages of doing it, that’s OK as long as we end up with strong policy.” Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette, Government Affairs Manager, in Business Insider “We have a court that, by my assessment, is essentially comprised of too few people who hold too much power for too long. So reforms need to address those structural deficiencies.” Sarah Turberville, Director of The Constitution Project at POGO, on Wisconsin Public Radio “Calculating the cost of an F-35 is always a bit of a challenge.” Dan Grazier, Jack Shanahan Military Fellow, in Vice “I have a hard time justifying both the award and how Mr. Cruzan was going to be able to perform on this contract in an objective way due to the fact that he had been in offices that were involved with the BIA's detention centers.” Scott Amey, General Counsel and Executive Editorial Director, in NPR “The biggest danger is that some senators opposed to meaningful reform will try to water down these bills.” Walt Shaub, Senior Ethics Fellow, in Business Insider |