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Showing posts with label REPUBLICAN LIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REPUBLICAN LIES. Show all posts

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Opinion: This is the worst economy we never had


For TomDispatch's initial Facebook day of the new year, here's the first of two positive pieces about our present world. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank on the actual U.S. economy. Tom
"For months, the GOP-Fox News axis forecast the bluest of Christmases.
House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy joined 159 House Republicans in a letter to President Biden saying his policies “will certainly ensure that this Christmas will not be merry” because of a “supply chain crisis” and inflation.
Opinions to start the day, in your inbox. Sign up.
Chairman Jim Banks of the House Republican Study Committee, citing the same reasons, wrote to colleagues: “Our job as Republicans is to explain to the American people what the grinches at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave did to ruin Christmas.”
Fox News told viewers that “Christmas presents for your kids may not arrive on time or even at all” (Sean Hannity), that the president is “the Biden Who Stole Christmas” (Laura Ingraham) and that Biden is “facing a nightmare come Christmastime,” when “gifts are going to cost a fortune, and that’s even if you’re lucky enough to snag anything” (Jesse Watters).
Breitbart News trumpeted a Trump campaign adviser’s forecast for “a frankly miserable Christmas … the Biden Blue Christmas.” Newsmax foresaw “Biden’s Blue Christmas: Shortages, Frustration, Economic Malaise.”
And then — a Christmas miracle!
Holiday retail sales were the highest ever, jumping 8.5 percent from last year and nearly 11 percent from pre-pandemic 2019, as “consumers splurged throughout the season,” Mastercard reported Sunday.
Stores were stocked. Package deliveries were overwhelmingly on time. Inflation, though a serious concern, clearly didn’t deter shoppers, and holiday motorists found gas prices 14 cents a gallon lower than in November.
So, did GOP leaders and Fox News acknowledge they fearmongered in error? My closed-caption search might have missed something, but I found only three passing mentions on Fox News of the holiday sales triumph, amid a new round of doomsaying (“it looks like things are about to get a lot worse in the new year”). Republican Twitter guns were similarly silent.
After a year of such deception, the United States is experiencing the worst economy we never had. The economy is going gangbusters — historically so. Yet Americans, particularly Republicans, express a gloom not matched by economic reality — or by their own spending behaviors. Polls and consumer-confidence indices show an economic pessimism as grim as when millions lost jobs in the pandemic shutdown. This is, in large part, because disinformation has prevailed. Partisanship long colored economic views, but now Republicans, in addition to occupying a parallel political reality, are expanding an alternate economic universe.
“America’s economy improved more in Joe Biden’s first 12 months than any president during the past 50 years notwithstanding the contrary media narrative contributing to dour public opinion,” Matthew Winkler, former editor in chief of Bloomberg News, wrote last week. Among the gains: The economy expanded an estimated 5.5 percent in 2021 (fourth-quarter growth dramatically outpaced Europe and even China). Unemployment plunged to 4.2 percent. Record-setting U.S. stock markets (the S&P 500 is up nearly 30 percent) outperformed the world. Productivity jumped. Corporate profits are the largest since 1950 and corporate debt the lowest in 30. Consumer credit expanded. Confidence among CEOs is the highest in 20 years. The American Rescue Plan cut child poverty in half.
“The force of the American expansion is also inducing overseas companies to invest in the U.S., betting that the growth is still accelerating and will outpace other major economies,” added the Wall Street Journal.
The fly in the ointment is inflation estimated at 5.6 percent for the year — the highest in 40 years — which is suppressing disposable income. This causes real pain for consumers, particularly low-income Americans buying groceries and gas and anybody buying a car. But studies show that, among the lowest earners, wage gains outpaced inflation. Also, inflation is less than half what it was 40 years ago, and, unlike then, today’s bond yields signal investors don’t expect inflation to worsen. Forty years ago, stagnant growth combined with inflation to cause “stagflation.” Now the economy is roaring.
Yet a Gallup poll out last week found that “Americans’ confidence in the economy has dropped to where it was in April 2020, when nationwide shutdowns brought on by the covid-19 pandemic plunged the nation into a recession.”
The reason is clear. As The Post’s Philip Bump explained, Republicans in April 2020 were evenly split on whether the economy was in excellent/good condition or fair/poor. Now, despite dramatic improvements, 91 percent of Republicans say the economy is in fair/poor condition. (The Democratic shift, in the opposite direction, was smaller.)
This happened — surprise! — during Fox News’s hysterical coverage of inflation, gas prices and supply chain problems. It invoked inflation roughly twice as often as CNN and MSNBC. Now, as Bump reported, three-quarters of Republicans say prices are the most important measure of the economy’s health (only one-quarter did a year ago), eclipsing unemployment, personal finances and the stock market.
In post-truth America, the economy is just another target for fakery."

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Judge rules MAGA lawyers liable for 'abuse' over big lie


Today’s Action: Give thanks, while acknowledging the history of Thanksgiving!

Unemployment claims at 50-year low, Gross Domestic Income hits stunning 7.6% growth, wages on the rise — Biden leading one of the strongest economic recoveries in US history

Today's Top Stories:

Lawyers who baselessly challenged 2020 election ordered to pay $187,000 for "abuse of the legal system"

"This lawsuit has been an abuse of the legal system and an interference with the machinery of government," Judge N. Reid Neureiter said.

Three men who lynched Ahmaud Arbery guilty of felony murder
The 25-year-old Arbery's crime was jogging while Black.

Kevin McCarthy HUMILIATES himself with ultimate fail

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: What an embarrassment.

Conservatives caught spreading lies about Pelosi purchasing a Florida mansion
Republicans eagerly jumped on the story as proof the Speaker doesn't actually believe in climate change. As expected, it was fake news.

Michael Jackson jacket helps Feds identify Jan. 6th rioter
They'll be bringing a case against the not-so-smooth criminal. Doubtful he'll be able to beat it. He's bad.

Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces bill to present Kyle Rittenhouse with the Congressional Gold Medal

The QAnon Congresswoman claimed the Kenosha Killer was "protecting" the community when he slaughtered two people and injured a third.

Woman, shrieking "Let’s go Brandon" wheeled off Las Vegas jet bridge, arrested over mask disturbance
She had previously attempted to punch another passenger at security for pointing out her refusal to wear a mask.

They belong in prison, says Retired Major Richard Ojeda in fiery video to treasonous Republicans in Congress

No Dem Left Behind: Richard Ojeda and NDLB have a plan to stop "the seditious 7.

Proud Boys leader denied early release from Washington DC jail
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Rachel Maddow baits Proud Boys and Oath Keepers by telling them they sound like gay organizations
It's not an insult, but those bigots will certainly take it as one.

Attorney General Merrick Garland orders US Attorneys to get tough on violent airplane passengers
Prosecutors will now prioritize prosecution of federal crimes that happen on commercial flights as federal officials face a historic number of investigations into passenger behavior.

Michigan teacher quits in protest after being order to remove his Pride flag from classroom
A middle school teacher in Southwest Michigan resigned from his job this week after he says school administrators told him to take down a Pride flag in his classroom.


Yes. Seriously.


Thanksgiving Tips (Satire)

Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny
Sunday Funny

Wednesday, September 22, 2021



Trump made a campaign promise to eliminate the national debt over 8 years.
The national debt was $20 trillion when he took office.
It was nearly $24 trillion before the pandemic began, largely due to his tax cuts for the wealthy.
It was nearly $28 trillion when Trump left office.
That's the third highest debt increase (relative to economy size) of any presidential term in history.
Now Republicans want to block a measure raising the debt ceiling, and allow America to default on its obligations, because "Republicans will not facilitate another reckless, partisan taxing and spending spree," according to Mitch McConnell.
But, and this is very important - raising the debt ceiling is necessary precisely because of the situation Republicans under Trump got us into before and during the pandemic.
It has very little to do with what Democrats may or may not spend tomorrow.
So in typical fashion, what's happening here is Republicans (again) caused the financial problem. And Republicans (again) are actively working to prevent a solution. So Republicans can blame Democrats for failing to solve a problem (again) that was caused by Republicans (FU*KING AGAIN).

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Biden, Trump mark 9/11 in WILDLY different ways


Today's Top Stories:

On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Biden joins Americans to honor the memory of those who were lost

President Biden will visit NYC, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania to honor the nearly 3,000 souls lost 20 years ago today. Also, for $50 you can listen to Trump blather about boxing.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Fed up Chris Wallace roasts lying Republicans on late-night TV

"There are plenty of people who were the leaders in Congress of challenging [the election] that I just have not had on the show ever since then... because I don't, frankly, want to hear their crap."

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

Texas Republicans pull horrific stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Disgusting.

Mike Pence falsely claims the US has gone "20 years without another major terrorist event on American soil," ignoring a string of white supremacist attacks
It's almost like the former vice president forgot about the angry mob repeatedly shrieking "Hang Mike Pence!" while storming the US Capitol earlier this year.

Take Action: Call on school districts in states with mask mandate bans to defy their governors and put kids first!

200-plus CEOs from companies like Amazon, Walmart, and Home Depot say they welcome Biden's vax-or-test mandate
Vaccines work! Get the shot.

France to give free access to contraception for women aged up to 25

Meanwhile, Republicans in Texas are offering bounty hunters $10,000 to catch and sue anyone helping women access constitutionally guaranteed health care.

Take Action: Add your name to repeal the Hyde Amendment and make abortion safe, legal, and affordable!

San Francisco schools have had no COVID-19 outbreaks since classes began last month
While the department reported there have been 227 COVID-19 cases — out of 52,000 students and nearly 10,000 staff — the "vast majority" of those cases are occurring outside of schools. Additionally, 90% of children ages 12 to 17 in the school district are fully vaccinated.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to tax the wealthy to fund the infrastructure plan!

🔥 Richard Ojeda RIPS Kevin McCarthy

No Dem Left Behind: Watch the Army veterean and Democratic star call out the "treasonous coward" in no uncertain terms.

Gavin Newsom blasts Donald Trump, Larry Elder over recall election fraud claims
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Giuliani crony Igor Fruman pleads guilty to campaign finance violations
Fruman, one of a team of collaborators Giuliani tapped to collect damaging information about the Biden family in Ukraine, was also charged for an illegal donation of more than $325,000 to Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. Oops.

Biden administration blasts State Farm for using loophole to deny coverage to Hurricane Ida victims
While certain companies, like Allstate and USAA, have agreed to cover some additional costs, State Farm has reportedly refused to cover any extra costs for homeowners who were not under a mandatory evacuation order.

Man who went to DC with guns, threatened to shoot Pelosi pleads guilty
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.



Yes. Seriously.


PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition telling President Biden and Congress to close Guantanamo Bay, and be sure to follow OD Action on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Tribe: ‘We Are Witnessing The Unraveling Of The Cover-Up’ Of January 6th


Constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the ongoing DOJ investigations into January 6th and why he believes “executive privilege won’t be available” to Donald Trump in many of the cases. » Subscribe to MSNBC:​​ About The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell: Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation. MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, Meet the Press Daily, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House with Nicolle Wallace, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and more.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Republicans Deceptively Edit Video To Falsely Claim Democrats Don’t Want To Get Americans Out Of Afghanistan


Republicans Deceptively Edit Video To Falsely Claim Democrats Don’t Want To Get Americans Out Of Afghanistan

The National Republican Congressional Committee and several right-wing blogs are using edited video to falsely claim Rep. John Garamendi doesn’t support getting Americans out of Afghanistan.

Here Is The Full Video And The Edited Republican Clip

The full video of Rep. Garamendi:

Here is the video of Rep. Garamendi that the NRCC edited:

As you can see in the full clip above, Garamendi was disagreeing with his House colleague that the US shouldn’t use the military to go up and down the streets killing Afghans so that Americans can have a clear path to the airport.

The Republican Lie Machine Warps The Story

It all started with NRCC, who reacted to the video that they edited by saying, “John Garamendi suggesting the United States should abandon its own citizens to a terrorist state is a betrayal to his country and the people he represents.”

That’s not what the congressman said in any way, shape, or form, but the Republicans were just getting started.

Soon, Glenn Beck’s The Blaze picked up the story and turned it into, “Democratic lawmaker says US military isn’t responsible for getting Americans to Kabul airport safely,” which is not true.

TownHall picked up the story and made it even more inaccurate and inflammatory, “California Dem Thinks It ‘Makes No Sense’ to Rescue Americans Who Can’t Get to Kabul Airport,” which again is not what Rep. Garamendi said. The congressman emphatically supports getting every American out of Afghanistan, but Republicans have no interest in the truth.

As of publication, both The Blaze and Townhall have ignored requests for a correction of their story.

Rep. Garamendi Has Evacuated 24 People From Afghanistan and Helped 58 More Get To Kabul Airport


Republicans Are Smearing A Democratic Congressman With Lies, And It Must Stop.


Rep.  Garamendi told PoliticusUSA for this story, “While the GOP are focused on playing politics with the situation in Afghanistan, my staff and I are focused on helping Americans and our Afghan allies safely evacuate the region. Any constituent that needs help evacuating the area can contact my office at We are standing by and ready to help.”

Republicans were hoping to use the Afghanistan withdrawal against President Biden and House Democrats in 2022, but with polling showing that the vast majority of Americans are siding with Biden and the Democrats, Republicans are resorting to despicable smears and distortions of the facts.

Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) and his staff are working tirelessly to get people out of Afghanistan. The lies of many of the same people who have never denounced the January 6 attack on our democracy can not and will not be allowed to stand unresponded to and unchallenged.


"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...