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Thursday, September 9, 2021

POLITICO Massachusetts Playbook: CORDIAL CLASH: Few fireworks in Boston mayoral debate


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FEW FIREWORKS IN MUCH-HYPED MAYORAL DEBATE — The sole televised debate before Boston’s preliminary mayoral election was a somewhat staid affair. Candidates focused more on their talking points and less on furthering the drama that’s overtaken the contest in its waning days.

Sure, there were a few points of contention. The candidates sparred over the city’s coronavirus response, policing reform and the public health crisis at Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard.

But they spent most of the hour-long tilt drawing on personal backstories and laying out plans to address everything from climate change to housing.

That meant few memorable moments — good or bad — in a debate that could have done more to move the needle for several candidates. Polls show Acting Mayor Kim Janey and City Councilors Annissa Essaibi George and Andrea Campbell locked in a tight race for second place behind City Councilor Michelle Wu, and former city economic development chief John Barros trailing. Here are some takeaways:

JANEY IN THE HOT SEAT: As the closest thing the mayor’s race has to an incumbent, Janey saw her record questioned repeatedly throughout the hour-long debate. But she came prepared to defend her actions over her five months in office. Janey took substantial heat over the bus-driver shortage scrambling parents’ and students’ first-day-of-school plans. But Janey, one of the least-seasoned politicians on the stage, grew more assertive as the debate went on and held her own against continued knocks from her competitors.

CAMPBELL VS. JANEY: Campbell has grabbed headlines throughout the race for her frequent criticism of Janey. She took her shots last night — grading the city’s coronavirus response as a dismal “D” and calling the bus-driver shortage, which could affect her son, “unacceptable.” But she largely used her airtime to push her own plans rather than keep up a sustained attack.

ESSAIBI GEORGE HEWED CLOSE TO THE PACK: Essaibi George has been designated as the “moderate” or “centrist” candidate in this progressive-leaning mayoral field for months. But instead of playing up those ideological divides, she leaned heavily on her experience as a teacher, striking out into her own lane only towards the end of the debate when she made it clear she was the “only candidate ... who is committed to investing in public safety for our city.”

WU PLAYED IT SAFE: Wu has led all three recent public polls by sizable margins, and she did what she had to do to maintain that advantage — make her points and stay out of the fray. Her rivals have been largely ignoring her as they tussle among themselves, and that continued last night.

HIGHLIGHTS: A lightning round of questions revealed that Campbell and Janey have purchased from the city’s pot shops . Barros was also able to draw on his time in former Mayor Marty Walsh’s administration and his status as the only non-elected official in the race to land a few zingers, including “if the elected officials in office right now can’t take care of” the situation at Mass and Cass “we need … better elected officials.”

The candidates will get another chance to make their mark with voters at 7 p.m. in a debate hosted by WBUR, The Boston Globe and WCVB that will air on radio and stream live online. Dive deeper into last night’s debate with the Dorchester Reporter’s Gintautas Dumcius, the Boston Herald’s Sean Philip Cotter, and the Boston Globe’s Danny McDonald and Jeremy C. Fox.

GOOD THURSDAY MORNING, MASSACHUSETTS. Progressive activist group Our Revolution is launching a mid-five-figure digital ad buy today urging Rep. Richard Neal to end fossil fuel subsidies as part of the budget reconciliation bill.

As House Ways and Means Chairman, Neal wields significant power in the upcoming budget reconciliation process. That’s made him a target for some progressive groups pushing for more climate provisions in the bill, including Our Revolution, which rallied outside Neal's Springfield office last Friday and intends to do so this upcoming Monday.

While Our Revolution is baiting Neal, progressive activists haven't actually put up a candidate to challenge the congressman next year. And Neal trounced his last progressive challenger, former Holyoke mayor Alex Morse, by 18 points after a late controversy.

TODAY — Janey and BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius visit Orchard Gardens K-8 School to welcome students to the first day of school at 7:15 a.m. Janey and city health chief Marty Martinez announce plans for the first community health center in Hyde Park at 2:30 p.m. A Better City, the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts and CommonWealth Magazine host a “Building Boston’s Economic Future For Everyone” mayoral forum at 9:30 a.m. at Roxbury Community College. Campbell hosts a coffee hour at Council Tower at 11 a.m. and an education press conference at Madison Park Vocational Technical School at noon and is a guest on Zerlina on Peacock TV at 6 p.m. Wu hosts a press conference at 12:15 p.m. at St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church, Roslindale. State Sen. Eric Lesser and state Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante chair an ARPA funds hearing on economic development, transportation, arts and tourism, climate and infrastructure beginning at 11:30 a.m.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Jim McGovern visit the Rainbow Child Development Center in Worcester to discuss the expanded Biden Child Tax Credit at 9 a.m. with a press conference at 9:30 a.m. Pelosi will also be the "special guest" at the kickoff event for Rep. Jake Auchincloss’s new leadership PAC, MA 4 Dems PAC, in the morning.

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– Janey debuted her second television ad yesterday. In the 30-second clip Janey touts that “crime is down, kids are back in school, we’re keeping people in their homes and over 70% of residents are vaccinated” and says “we’ll do so much more over the next four years.” The campaign spent six figures on the buy, and the ad began airing ahead of last night’s debate.

– Also new to the airwaves yesterday was a pro-Essaibi George ad from the “Real Progress Boston” independent expenditure PAC chaired by former Boston police commissioner and Essaibi George-endorser William Gross. The Dorchester Reporter’s Gintautas Dumcius has more on the ad and the PAC, which lists as a top donor New Balance chair James Davis, who’s donated to a host of campaigns on both sides of the aisle over the years including former President Donald Trump’s.

Gross, who mulled running for mayor himself, told reporters yesterday he’s “not mayor material,” but that the PAC allows him to stay involved and “tell people about my lived experiences as well as my interactions with candidates not only running for mayor but for city council.”

– “Here’s what the Boston mayoral candidates are proposing on five major issues,” by Tim Logan, Meghan E. Irons, Stephanie Ebbert, Shirley Leung and Danny McDonald, Boston Globe.

– From the opinion pages: "How much should progressives trust Michelle Wu?" by Joan Vennochi, Boston Globe: "Her 2014 vote that helped elect Bill Linehan City Council president says something about her: She won’t always do what progressives want, especially when she wants something for herself."

– FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Five leading Massachusetts environmental groups are launching a “2021 Green Voter Guide” to help voters identify “like-minded” climate-focused candidates and show voters which office-seekers have been endorsed by the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund, Clean Water Action, 350 Mass Action, Massachusetts Sierra Club, and/or Sunrise Boston. The voter guide will also provide information on election dates and how to vote.

– FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: State Rep. Ed Coppinger has endorsed Jon Spillane for Boston City Council at-large, per his campaign. “Jon Spillane has the ideas and the energy that Boston needs to meet the current moment,” Coppinger said in a statement.

– Suffolk County Sheriff Steve Tompkins has endorsed a slate of candidates in the Boston City Council races. Tompkins is supporting incumbents Julia Mejia and Michael Flaherty, along with Ruthzee LouijeuneDavid Halbert, Alex Gray, James Reginald Colimon, Carla B. Monteiro and Kelly Bates in the at-large race, Leonard Lee for District 4 and Angelina “Angie” Camacho for District 7.

– FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Former state representative and Newton mayor David Cohen is endorsing Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller in her reelection bid, per her campaign. “Mayor Fuller’s steady hand at the helm and thoughtful leadership have guided Newton through its stormiest time. Her resolve, foresight and dedication to the city she loves make her uniquely qualified to lead us forward over the next four years.” Cohen said in a statement.


 “Boston acting mayor doesn’t attend Medal of Honor Convention ‘Mayor’s Welcome Reception’,” by Sean Philip Cotter, Boston Herald: “The “Mayor’s Welcome Reception” kicking off the prestigious Medal of Honor Convention in Boston went off smoothly — albeit without the mayor actually being there, frustrating some veterans. Acting Mayor Kim Janey’s office confirmed she didn’t attend the reception named after her position Tuesday night, saying she at no point had been expecting or expected to go.

– “Boston Public Schools orders tents for schools after teachers, parents complain about lack of outdoor meals,” by Naomi Martin, Boston Globe: “Boston Public Schools said Wednesday it ordered tents for each school to hold outdoor meals as a COVID-19 safety measure, an abrupt shift after telling schools for months to procure their own tents if they wanted them. The change came after some teachers and parents took to social media in recent days to express outrage at the district’s plan for students to largely eat indoors in classrooms and cafeterias, after the district rented nearly 200 tents last spring for outdoor meals.

– “Boston city councilors, union members fuming over school bus ‘fiasco’ as first day of school arrives,” by Alexi Cohan and Sean Philip Cotter, Boston Herald: “Boston Public Schools is expecting school bus service disruptions due to a driver shortage leaving some families scrambling, much to the ire of city councilors and union members.


– “Somerville mayor accepts job with clean energy organization, won’t run for governor in 2022,” by Emma Platoff, Boston Globe: “Somerville’s longest-serving mayor, Joseph Curtatone, will in January become president of the Northeast Clean Energy Council, scuttling speculation that he might enter the 2022 Democratic primary for governor. Curtatone, 55, who has presided over the rapidly changing city of more than 81,000 people for 18 years, will finish his term as mayor before starting his new role at the NECEC, a member advocacy group that lobbies for environmentally friendly laws and regulations and includes a nonprofit research institute.


– “New Union Ad Alleges Holyoke Home Cover-up,” by Matt Murphy, State House News Service (paywall): “One of the largest public employee unions in the state has launched a new online ad targeting Gov. Charlie Baker's role in the COVID-19 outbreak at the Holyoke Soldiers' Home that resulted in the deaths of 76 veterans. The 30-second spot is the third created by the National Association of Government Employees targeting Baker over the Holyoke tragedy, and was dismissed Wednesday by the governor's office as ‘nonsense.’"

– “Amid spike in cyber attacks, Mass. officials debate how to protect state networks,” by Pranshu Verma, Boston Globe: “A roughly three-hour-long virtual hearing, chaired by Democrats Senator Barry Finegold and Representative Linda Dean Campbell, featured a number of high-profile cyber leaders from the public sector, industry, and academia. Some implored lawmakers to provide more funding to lure tech talent to government work, provide more support to smaller municipalities, and move antiquated government IT systems to the cloud. Others debated the need for a statewide mandate on cybersecurity standards, which some officials said small towns would struggle to comply with.

– “For State Rep. Mike Connolly, Ditching The State’s Happy Hour Ban Is About More Than Cheap Drinks,” by Aidan Connelly, GBH News: “...a new bill, the text of which was finalized this week by State Rep. Mike Connolly, would create a commission to look into whether it’s time to bring happy hour back to the Commonwealth. … the new bill, known formally as H.D.3896, isn’t really about saving drinkers a few extra bucks at an after-work meetup. Its real aim, Connolly said, is to make it easier for bars and restaurants to build back revenue after a year of devastating financial loss brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.


– “Massachusetts reports 1,362 new coronavirus cases, down from daily report last week,” by Rick Sobey, Boston Herald: “Massachusetts health officials on Wednesday reported 1,362 new coronavirus cases, which was significantly down from the high point hit in last week’s daily reports as the positive test rate continued to trend lower.


– “Baker Not Considering Remote Option Amid School Outbreak,” by Matt Murphy, State House News Service (paywall): “Melrose said this week, barely into the new school year, that it had quarantined at least two classrooms for a COVID-19 outbreak, but Gov. Charlie Baker said Wednesday a return to remote learning as an option for school districts is not under consideration.

– "In a reversal, Mass. will report weekly coronavirus cases in public schools," by Felicia Gans, Boston Globe: "As thousands of unvaccinated public school students return to Massachusetts classrooms, state education leaders have reversed their decision to suspend the weekly coronavirus case reports that had been released during the 2020-21 academic year."

– “State prepping for COVID-19 boosters,” by Christian M. Wade, CHNI/Eagle-Tribune: “In a recent advisory, the state Department of Public Health called on providers who have the capacity to immunize people to enroll in the state's COVID-19 vaccine program and be ready to administer a third round of doses.


– “Elizabeth Warren comes out against potential Massachusetts ballot question,” by Nik DeCosta-Klipa, “The initiative to create a carveout for rideshare and delivery workers under Massachusetts labor laws has a long way to go before it reaches the 2022 ballot. However, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is already joining the effort to stop the proposed law in its tracks. “‘ur laws are not for sale — not to big tech, not to anyone,’ Warren said during a rally Wednesday outside a Stop & Shop in Boston’s Allston neighborhood.


– “Sen. Elizabeth Warren asks Amazon CEO Andy Jassy to explain why the company’s algorithms recommend Covid misinformation,” by Annie Palmer, CNBC: “Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., sent a letter to Amazon on Wednesday demanding it do more to stop the spread of Covid misinformation through dubious products on the marketplace. In a letter addressed to CEO Andy Jassy, Warren asked for more clarity on how Amazon’s search algorithms and ‘Best Seller’ badge work, saying the company’s recommendation engines are potentially driving consumers to books and other products that contain falsehoods about Covid-19.

– “Sen. Ed Markey and abortion advocates worry other states are now looking to emulate Texas,” by Douglas Hook, “Outside the John Adams Courthouse in Boston, Sen. Ed Markey spoke of the difficulties that women in Texas face after a near-complete ban on abortions. He added that other states are now looking to emulate the Lone Star State’s decision. … Markey [wants to] abolish the filibuster and pass legislation to expand the Supreme Court from nine to 13 seats.


– “Report details ways to improve Springfield Diocese response to clergy abuse,” by Larry Parnass, Berkshire Eagle: “The Diocese of Springfield is pledging to resolve clergy sexual abuse complaints with greater speed and care, while giving the public more input on its handling of the issue and continuing to restructure its internal Review Board.

– “‘Don’t put lipstick on a pig’: DA Anthony Gulluni won’t send staff back to Springfield courthouse after mold outbreak,” by Stephanie Barry, Springfield Republican: “Officials at the Roderick L. Ireland Courthouse are breaking ranks with the Massachusetts Trial Court over returning to the building after a two-week shutdown prompted by a pervasive mold outbreak.

– “Zoom official contacts West Stockbridge Police after hacker interrupts meeting with threats, racial slurs,” by Heather Bellow, Berkshire Eagle: “A Zoom official has contacted the town about a threatening Zoom bombing incident that occurred Tuesday, during a public meeting, and vowed to help police catch the offenders. A least one person hacked into a videoconference Select Board meeting and targeted the owner of a Vietnamese restaurant, town officials and others with racial slurs and threats.

– “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells Smith College students ‘know your power’ in talk on democracy,” by Jim Kinney, Springfield Republican: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly invoked the memory of the late congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis Wednesday while discussing democracy and its future with Smith College students.


– “'Sink this project': Emails show concern of environmental review on machine-gun range,” by Jessica Hill, Cape Cod Times: “The Association to Preserve Cape Cod is calling on Gov. Charlie Baker to shelve a proposed machine-gun range on the Upper Cape after public records showed the military’s concerns over growing environmental scrutiny.

SPOTTED – at the New England Aquarium’s first legislative breakfast on Wednesday co-hosted by state Rep. Aaron Michlewitz and aquarium President and CEO Vikki Spruill: state Reps. Dan Ryan, Jessica Giannino, Kevin Honan, Steve Owens, Jack Patrick Lewis, Carolyn Dykema, Richard Haggerty, Jay Livingstone, Sally Kerans, Kay Kahn, Christine Barber, Tommy Vitolo, Ken Gordon, Meghan Kilcoyne and Ted Philips.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY – to Michael Greenwald, managing director at Tiedemann Constantia and director at Tiedemann Advisors; Andrew Crane, Jason Denoncourt, Diedtra Henderson and Daniel Pipes.

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