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Showing posts with label IRS PRIVACY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IRS PRIVACY. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Top News: Economists Warn Against the Fed Raising Rates at Worst Possible Time


February 07, 2022
Top News

Saudi war Yemen
House Dems Vow to Introduce War Powers Resolution for Yemen
Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Peter DeFazio say the ongoing U.S. involvement in the carnage is "unconstitutional" and must be ended completely.
by Brett Wilkins

Sen. Jon Ossoff listens to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
'Keep Pushing': Momentum Grows Behind Effort to Ban Stock Trading
"It's time for Congress to act and ban members from trading stocks while they're in office."
by Jake Johnson

Economists Warn Against the Fed Raising Rates at Worst Possible Time
"A large across-the-board increase in interest rates is a cure worse than the disease," says economist Joseph Stiglitz. "That might dampen inflation if it is taken far enough, but it will also ruin people's lives."
by Kenny Stancil

Facial Recognition
'Fighting Back Works!' IRS Ditches Pilloried Facial Recognition Plan
Federal lawmakers joined with advocacy groups that argued requiring biometric information to access records online is a "creepy and disturbing strike" at privacy and security.
by Jessica Corbett

The Dynastic Wealth of US Oligarchs Is a Threat to Democracy
A new report estimates that $21 trillion of that wealth will pass internally within America's already dynastically wealthy families between now and 2045.
by Chuck Collins

Now Every Day Is January 6: Trump Targets the 'Vote Counters'
After losing the election, Trump and his allies pressured officials in key states to reverse the popular outcome. The effort failed, and now—state by state—Trump is getting even.
by Steven Harper

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"Look Me In The Eye" | Lucas Kunce for Missouri

  Help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in November: Josh Hawley has been a proud leader in the fight to ...