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Showing posts with label MIKE POMPEO. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2021

RSN: John Kiriakou | The CIA Wanted to Kidnap and Kill Julian Assange. It Could Easily Have Happened.



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Julian Assange in 2019. (photo: Matt Dunham/AP)
RSN: John Kiriakou | The CIA Wanted to Kidnap and Kill Julian Assange. It Could Easily Have Happened.
John Kiriakou, Reader Supported News
Kiriakou writes: "Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) last week asked the CIA for information related to a Yahoo News report that the Agency in 2017 had planned to kidnap or kill Wikileaks cofounder Julian Assange outside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London."

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) last week asked the CIA for information related to a Yahoo News report that the Agency in 2017 had planned to kidnap or kill Wikileaks cofounder Julian Assange outside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. Knowing the CIA, I’m sure the CIA’s Office of Congressional Affairs had a good laugh over the request, but we can talk about that a little later. The journalists who wrote the Yahoo News report say they had more than 30 independent sources in the CIA and the Trump White House with whom they spoke and all of whom told the same story: then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo was so incensed that Wikileaks had published what came to be known as the Vault 7 Cache that Assange had to die.

Assange has, of course, long been on the CIA’s radar. But publication of the Vault 7 documents, the greatest data loss in the CIA’s history, was too much. One Trump counterterrorism official said that Pompeo and other senior CIA officers “were seeing blood.” They discussed plans to kidnap Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where he had been holed up since 2012. Alternatively, they talked about killing him (with the British Intelligence Service MI-6 doing the actual shooting.) Yet another idea was, if Assange could somehow make his way to a Russian diplomatic plane, a CIA/MI6 partnership would shoot the tires of the plane before it could lift off. Assange could then be snatched off the plane, even if it constituted a violation of international law and a major diplomatic incident.

These were not just idle musings. There was real planning involved. Because the CIA is a big, lumbering bureaucracy, there’s a process that it must go through, even for a plot as cockamamie as this one. When a person comes up with an idea like, “Let’s kill Assange,” it goes to a specific office that deals with proposed covert operations. Functionaries in that office put the idea on paper and in the proper format and send it to the CIA’s Office of the General Counsel to get their input. Once the General Counsel signs off on the idea, it then goes to the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC.) Technically, OLC’s job is to determine whether a CIA idea is legal or not. But you’ll recall that it was OLC attorneys John Yoo and Jay Bybee who figuratively stood on their heads in 2002 to find that the CIA’s torture program was legal, despite the fact that the torture techniques the CIA was advocating had been specifically outlawed by statute decades earlier. According to the Yahoo News report, OLC apparently found that the plot to kidnap or kill Assange was indeed “legal.”

Once OLC had determined that there was no legal impediment to killing Assange, the memo was sent to the National Security Council’s legal team for their comment and approval. It is my experience that the NSC legal staff is a rubber stamp for OLC. If the CIA wants it and OLC says it’s legal, there’s no reason for NSC lawyers to stand in the way. The last step in the system is for the National Security Advisor to sign the plan and to send it to the President for his signature on what is called a “Presidential Finding.” The signed Finding is then sent back to the CIA, where it is kept in a locked safe, with other signed copies going to the NSC and to the Justice Department. The CIA is then free to implement its plan.

But that’s not what happened. No Finding was ever signed. Although the Yahoo News article doesn’t specifically say so, it seems that the plan died on the desk of then-National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster. McMaster was a professional soldier before taking the job as National Security Advisor. He was not a confidant of Donald Trump, nor was he particularly close to Mike Pompeo. It seems that McMaster read the plan, thought it was insane (or risked too much blowback,) and killed it. It never made its way to Trump.

There’s another element to this story that is deeply worrying to me. The plan to kidnap or kill Assange never made its way to the Congressional oversight committees—the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence—either. Why? It’s because there’s a loophole in the system. If the CIA deems something to be a “counterintelligence operation,” it doesn’t have to inform the committees. The idea is that counterintelligence is so incredibly sensitive—it normally deals with moles inside the intelligence community or hostile powers spying on the US—that the Agency can’t risk somebody on Capitol Hill leaking the information. That’s nonsense, of course. The CIA knew that oversight committee members would have gone crazy at the prospect of the CIA kidnapping or killing an Australian national who had never been convicted of a crime in the US. The CIA didn’t dare inform the committees.

So here we are, four years after the operation was effectively canceled, and Adam Schiff wants details. I can guess what the CIA’s response will be. They’ll say that the plan was just an idea, that they went through the proper administrative channels, that teams of attorneys deemed it to be legal, that the committees weren’t informed because the operation was of a counterintelligence nature, and that, in the end, nothing happened anyway. Schiff will likely accept that and the story will fade away. (It’s already begun fading away because almost no mainstream media outlets bothered to report on it in the first place.) That’ll be the end of it.

It’s not the end of it for Julian Assange, however. This week a British appeals court will decide whether he will be extradited to the United States, where he would almost certainly face solitary confinement in a maximum-security penitentiary. Meanwhile, the would-be kidnappers and murderers and their bosses at the CIA will go home to their families as if nothing happened. It’s the American way.

John Kiriakou is a former CIA counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. John became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act - a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of his attempts to oppose the Bush administration's torture program.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.



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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Newly unredacted documents reveal a litany of allegations from Mike Pompeo’s time at the State Department


Newly unredacted records from a whistleblower complaint in the State Department have shed light on more allegations against former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and members of his former staff.

Newly unredacted records from a whistleblower complaint in the State Department have shed light on more allegations against former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and members of his former staff.

According to documents obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Pompeo and others were accused of misconduct.

The publication reports: "The alleged misconduct included false or misleading statements to the agency's legal department, misuse of government resources on personal and political activities potentially prohibited by the Hatch Act, verbal abuse of employees by Mike and Susan Pompeo and directives to staff not to communicate in writing in order to evade transparency laws."

The unredacted documents come two years after the redacted version of the whistleblower complaint was filed with the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG is said to have excluded many of the previous redactions in the version of the documents released to CREW.

"The complaint alleges “[s]everal senior career Foreign Service officials who held positions of responsibility within the Executive Secretariat” turned a blind eye to Pompeo’s “questionable activities” and, in some cases, “facilitat[ed]” them, according to CREW.

Employees in the State Department's Office of the Legal Adviser "expressed concern that some of these activities may have violated [the] Hatch Act or other regulations," but the whistleblower was "unaware that any resolution was reached, potentially because senior officials in the Executive Secretariat repeatedly declined to seek clarification or guidance from [the Office of the Legal Adviser] despite requests from subordinates to do so."

The new documents also detail the aftermath of former Inspector Steve Linick's removal from his post, which was part of a larger Trump-led effort to oust inspectors. The report also indicated that staff members were "stunned" by the directive.

"[T]his is all so surreal three days later. I'm nervous about the future," the OIG employee wrote in a May 18, 2020 email. In a later email, the official added, "I just heard Trump say we needed to get rid of the 'Attorney Generals' as a whole…Oh dear."

CREW has also received other documentation as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit aimed at uncovering information about Pompeo’s attempts to hinder the investigation into the allegations of misconduct against him.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

GOP gov issues disgusting AIDS lie to back vax lies

FDA panel votes for Pfizer's booster shot for ages 65+

Today's Top Stories:

GOP gov repeatedly cites imaginary AIDS vaccine in campaign against health mandates

Pushing back against health measures meant to curb the raging pandemic, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp keeps mentioning failed past mandates for an AIDS vaccine that simply doesn't exist.

Take Action: Demand Fox be held liable for vaccine disinformation that’s getting people killed!

Civilian Pentagon official in the Trump administration spoke with China on January 6, two days before Gen. Milley's controversial call
A deputy to then-President Trump's acting secretary of defense held a call with his Chinese counterpart two days before the now-controversial call by Gen. Mark Milley, undercutting criticism that the Joint Chiefs chairman was out of line.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

FINALLY - promising news on voting rights legislation!

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

Sarah Palin says she’s not vaccinated because she believes "in the science"
"I am one of those white, common sense conservatives," Palin said. "I believe in science and I have not taken the shot."

Post-presidency protection for Trump kids and officials has cost $1.7 million so far
In the waning days of the his disastrous presidency, Trump signed a highly unusual order that gifted six extra months of Secret Service protection to his four adult children, their families, and three of his favorite officials.

Laura Loomer, who once said ‘bad fajitas’ were worse than COVID, currently battling brutal case

The far-right, anti-Muslim, anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer says she’s tested positive for the coronavirus, after suffering from severe symptoms that she wrote left her feeling like she "got hit by a bus."

Pennsylvania GOP lawmakers file lawsuit to toss out mail-in voting they previously approved
It's just like our parents and teachers used to tell us when we were kids — "If you can't win, change the rules!"

Retired Major Richard Ojeda breaks down the treasonous final days of the Trump presidency

No Dem Left Behind: The Democratic star exposes the military coup that almost was.

Newly unredacted documents reveal litany of allegations against Mike Pompeo
Spoiler alert: Mike broke a lot of rules.

Jared Kushner's family firm set to unleash eviction wave amid pandemic
Properties owned by Kushner's family company have filed at least 590 eviction lawsuits since last March, because nothing feels better than being super rich.

Take Action: Tell President Biden to tax the wealthy to fund the infrastructure plan!

Thousands of Haitian migrants decamped under Texas bridge in squalid conditions
Food and water are scarce at the camp. With sweltering heat and triple-digit temperatures, migrants are bathing in the Rio Grande and wading back and forth across the river to buy food and water in Mexico.

Afghanistan drone strike the Pentagon previously described as "righteous" killed as many as 10 civilians, officials say
General Frank McKenzie, the commander of the US Central Command, called the errant strike "a tragic mistake" during a news conference Friday afternoon.



Yes. Seriously.


PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition calling on Joe Manchin to support Biden's reconciliation package, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Trump attacks military for his own failure


Today's Top Stories:

Trump blames "woke generals" for Afghan withdrawal he championed

Apparently, President Biden and "woke generals" are entirely to blame for the crisis in Afghanistan, and a certain ex-president who signed the deal in 2020 bears no responsibility. Got it.

Take Action: Add your name to stand with Stacey Abrams in defense of voting rights!

US carries out Afghanistan airstrike against ISIS-K as Kabul evacuation effort enters final stretch
The airstrike in Nangarhar came a day after US President Joe Biden vowed to retaliate for a terrorist attack Thursday that killed 13 US service members and at least 170 others outside Kabul's international airport.

Take Action: Call on the US to immediately bring in more Afghan refugees!

Fox News CAUGHT pulling disgusting stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

A US intelligence report fails to pinpoint COVID's origins
A much anticipated report failed to reach any firm conclusion on whether the coronavirus first found its way into humans through contact with an infected animal or that the virus somehow escaped from a lab in Wuhan.

"Arbitrary and cruel": Democrats excoriate Supreme Court decision on eviction moratorium
The court's six conservative justices sided with a group representing landlords, who had argued that the CDC had no authority to impose such a restriction on its own.

Take Action: Add your name to call on Congress to raise the minimum wage!

Trump's former national security adviser says it's "impossible" for Pompeo to "rewrite history" on his negotiations with the Taliban

Pompeo and Trump have come under attack over their agreement with the Taliban, which stipulated that US troops be withdrawn from Afghanistan on the condition that the militant group not turn the country into a terrorist base. At the signing ceremony in Qatar, Pompeo posed for photos alongside the Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, who is anticipated to head the next Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Take Action: Call for wealthy countries to take in Afghan refugees

Stephen Breyer hints at retiring from the Supreme Court
The 83-year-old liberal justice offered insight into his thought process, noting, "I don't think I'm going to stay there till I die."

Take Action: Tell Congress to strengthen and expand Social Security!

Rudy Guiliani swears he hasn't "gone off the rails"
"I don’t think I've ever done an interview drunk," the former Time Man of the Year said.

Brother and sister banned from high school for not wearing masks
"The Bible says we’re made in the image of God and Satan tries to cover that up. A mask is a sign of oppression," their father said.

Texas anti-mask "Freedom Rally" organizer fighting for his life with COVID-19
Caleb Wallace, a 30-year-old father of three, has been unconscious, ventilated, and heavily sedated in an ICU since Aug. 8.

Federal judge debunks Gov. Abbott’s COVID-fighting rationale, blocks Texas ban on transporting migrants
US District Judge Kathleen Cardone, a George W. Bush appointee, determined that the governor’s order violated the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution and said Abbott’s rationale did not withstand basic scrutiny.



Yes. Seriously.


PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition telling Congress: no more wars for nothing, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Top 6 Ways Trump forced Abrupt US Departure from Afghanistan; and that Time Trump said Taliban would take over War on Terror


August 22, 2021. Article, ‘Top 6 Ways Trump forced Abrupt US Departure from Afghanistan; and that Time TRUMP SAID TALIBAN WOULD TAKE OVER WAR ON TERROR’ In December, 2018, Trump ordered that half of the then 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan be brought out. The decision so angered then Secretary of Defense James Mattis that he ABRUPTLY RESIGNED HIS POSITION. Then Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Joseph Dunford said he had not recommended the halving of troop strength and that he thought it was a bad idea, both because it would cause instability in South Asia and raise the risk of terrorism against the U.S.
• On February 29, 2020, Trump announces peace in our time, with the signing of a peace treaty with the Taliban. The BBC wrote, “President Trump said it had been a ‘long and hard journey’ in Afghanistan. ‘It’s time after all these years to bring our people back home.'”
• The BBC quoted Trump further about the US combat mission against terrorists in Afghanistan; he said, “IT WAS ‘TIME FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO DO THAT WORK AND IT WILL BE THE TALIBAN AND IT COULD BE SURROUNDING COUNTRIES. I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show we’re not all wasting time.'” Trump did say, “If bad things happen, we’ll go back with a force like no-one’s ever seen.”
• Please note that Trump said he believed that the Taliban would take up the slack in fighting terrorism in Afghanistan, and that he really believed the Taliban wanted peace. As for his threat to go back in, he did not seem to realize that it would not be that easy once the U.S. was out.
• In all the press pillorying of President Biden, which has barely mentioned Trump, I HAVE SEEN NO ONE MENTION THAT TRUMP ONCE CLAIMED THAT UPON THE US WITHDRAWAL THE TALIBAN WOULD TAKE UP THE WAR ON TERROR. Even while he was talking with them, the Taliban occasionally brought old al-Qaeda commandos to the parts of Afghanistan they controlled.
• In the treaty, Trump promised to pull 8,500 troops out of the country in about 4 1/2 months. He pledged that the Afghanistan government of Ashraf Ghani WOULD RELEASE 5,000 CAPTURED TALIBAN AND AL-QAEDA FIGHTERS. Ashraf Ghani at first resisted this provision, saying he was not party to the talks and thought it a horrible idea. BUT UNDER STRONG TRUMP PRESSURE, GHANI LET THE FIGHTERS GO BY THE FOLLOWING OCTOBER.
• In return for these steps and for a promise that the U.S. would withdraw completely from Afghanistan, the Taliban pledged not to attack the remaining U.S. troops in the country by May 1, 2021. When you hear advocates of staying in Afghanistan forever say that US troops had not been attacked in the past 18 months, THAT IS WHY. THEY STOPPED THE ATTACKS BECAUSE TRUMP PROMISED TO LEAVE. If Biden had reneged and stayed, then US troops would have been in the cross-hairs again.
• The February, 2020, peace treaty was clearly rushed through by Trump in hopes it would add to his popularity and help him win the November, 2020 presidential election.
• On October 8, 2020, Trump tweeted out that all US troops would be out of Afghanistan by Christmas of that year. His Tweet took Mark Esper, the Secretary of Defense, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and Ashraf Ghani, the president of Afghanistan by surprise, or, more likely, by shock. Julian Borger at The Guardian quoted Ashley Jackson, “the director of the ODI’s Centre for the Study of Armed Groups” as saying at the time, “This is the last leverage the US had left in talks with the Taliban, and Trump is proposing to give it away for free.” Not only did Trump telegraph the endgame and give up all leverage but what he said did not even make any sense. There was no way logistically to get the then 4,500 troops out of the country. Nor was it just a one-time Trump mindfart. The administration confirmed the Christmas deadline the next day.
• Again, this announcement was clearly meant to appeal to the Trump base, many of them white working class who resented their tax dollars paying for a 20-year foreign misadventure.
• While Trump was deeply drawing down the US troop presence in Afghanistan, he was doing nothing to get Afghan interpreters and allies out of harm’s way. It was worse. His melanin-despising aide Stephen Miller knee-capped the SIV special visa program for such Afghans and threw a long-term wrench into its works that hobbled the Biden administration when it came in. So reports an aide to Vice President Mike Pence, Olivia Troye. Business Insider quotes her as saying, “Trump had FOUR years-while putting this plan in place-to evacuate these Afghan allies who were the lifelines for many of us who spent time in Afghanistan. The process slowed to a trickle for reviews/other “priorities”-then came to a halt.” She accused Miller of “racist hysteria” about Afghans and Iraqis.
• On January 15, AP reported that Trump’s Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller announced that there were only 2,500 US troops left in Afghanistan after a deep draw-down by the outgoing Trump administration.


In February 2020, President Trump announced the signing of a peace agreement with the Taliban, in the effort to bring American troops home and leave Afghanistan after decades of war.

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