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Showing posts with label NUCLEAR ARSENAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUCLEAR ARSENAL. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2021

No one needs another F-35 fighter jet


For defense corporations, the Pentagon budget is a lot like Santa’s sack of presents. And just like spoiled children, they seem to get everything they want:

F-35 fighter jets (that don’t work)? — ✅ Trillions for the nuclear arsenal? — ✅ “Security assistance” for foreign militaries, regardless of their human rights records? — ✅

The amount of money we’re talking about is simply staggering: up to $7 TRILLION has gone directly from taxpayers into weapons makers’ corporate bank accounts over the past two decades. What would healthcare and education look like with that level of investment?

The end of the year is a time for reflection and resolutions so here’s ours: 2022 will be THE year we turn the tide on this fundamental flaw at the heart of our country’s priorities.

But influencing Congress is more challenging than ever, and every day we’re up against lobbyists and special interests with deep pockets and unethical relationships. Win Without War is one of just a handful of organizations willing to take on this corruption — and we need your help if we want a chance at tearing up their weapons wishlists.

We’re setting the stage to fundamentally shift our country’s misguided priorities, and we rely on grassroots donations from everyday people like you to power our work. A donation of any amount will fuel our fight to upend the status quo and cut the cozy, corrupt ties that keep the profits flowing.

We’ve been building toward this moment with allies in Congress and everyday people across the country for years. Now, we’re on the verge of something incredible — and 2022 could be our chance.

Because people just like you are tired of being told our communities’ priorities are ‘unrealistic’ and ‘too expensive’ while we spend BILLIONS on weapons and war every year. 

You know what’s unrealistic? Thinking you can bomb your way to peace.

Now, we’re seeing a growing number of bold progressive lawmakers agree. And with their help, we’ve been able to build enough power to successfully BLOCK the Pentagon’s attempts to sneak war funding into our COVID recovery and infrastructure spending

It’s proof our work is paying off — and it’s why we’re gearing up to go even harder. 

But winning won’t be easy. Because with their biggest argument for irrational spending — the war in Afghanistan — now gone, you can bet your bottom dollar weapons contractors will come out swinging to find new wars and new weapons to fight them with.

You and I know that it’s time that we tear up weapons CEO and lobbyists’ wishlists. And to make sure we succeed in this much-needed generational change, we need all the wind at our backs that we can muster. So I need to ask.

 We rely on grassroots donations from everyday people like you to power our work.

Thank you for working for peace,

Sara, Stephen, Kate, and the Win Without War team

© Win Without War 2020
1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
(202) 656-4999 | 

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