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Showing posts with label STATE DEPARTMENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STATE DEPARTMENT. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Newly unredacted documents reveal a litany of allegations from Mike Pompeo’s time at the State Department


Newly unredacted records from a whistleblower complaint in the State Department have shed light on more allegations against former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and members of his former staff.

Newly unredacted records from a whistleblower complaint in the State Department have shed light on more allegations against former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and members of his former staff.

According to documents obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Pompeo and others were accused of misconduct.

The publication reports: "The alleged misconduct included false or misleading statements to the agency's legal department, misuse of government resources on personal and political activities potentially prohibited by the Hatch Act, verbal abuse of employees by Mike and Susan Pompeo and directives to staff not to communicate in writing in order to evade transparency laws."

The unredacted documents come two years after the redacted version of the whistleblower complaint was filed with the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG is said to have excluded many of the previous redactions in the version of the documents released to CREW.

"The complaint alleges “[s]everal senior career Foreign Service officials who held positions of responsibility within the Executive Secretariat” turned a blind eye to Pompeo’s “questionable activities” and, in some cases, “facilitat[ed]” them, according to CREW.

Employees in the State Department's Office of the Legal Adviser "expressed concern that some of these activities may have violated [the] Hatch Act or other regulations," but the whistleblower was "unaware that any resolution was reached, potentially because senior officials in the Executive Secretariat repeatedly declined to seek clarification or guidance from [the Office of the Legal Adviser] despite requests from subordinates to do so."

The new documents also detail the aftermath of former Inspector Steve Linick's removal from his post, which was part of a larger Trump-led effort to oust inspectors. The report also indicated that staff members were "stunned" by the directive.

"[T]his is all so surreal three days later. I'm nervous about the future," the OIG employee wrote in a May 18, 2020 email. In a later email, the official added, "I just heard Trump say we needed to get rid of the 'Attorney Generals' as a whole…Oh dear."

CREW has also received other documentation as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit aimed at uncovering information about Pompeo’s attempts to hinder the investigation into the allegations of misconduct against him.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

These Show Ponies Made Themselves Threats to Our National Security


The process of filling critical positions has been deteriorating, and consequently putting the country at risk, for decades—and it’s getting worse.

If an enemy of the United States wanted to decapitate America’s national security leadership, they could hardly do a better job of it than Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have by blocking scores of top nominees, leaving critical positions unfilled by the men and women the president of the United States has selected for those jobs.

Cruz ostensibly put a hold on 30 nominations until the U.S. agreed to sanction the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project bringing gas from Russia to Europe. Hawley has said he would block all nominees until top Biden officials resign following America’s exit from Afghanistan.

The hypocrisy of criticizing Biden’s foreign policy while they hobble it would be mind-blowing if it wasn’t coming from two reckless partisans who egged on the mob that eventually stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Both of these Senate show ponies were active supporters of a Trump administration that attacked the national security establishment in other ways—leaving key posts unfilled so that power would be concentrated with people whose loyalty was to the Donald, rather than the country. Putting key aspects of U.S. foreign policy in the hands of irresponsible, often incompetent hacks like Stephen MillerRichard Grenell, and John Ratcliffe. Raising levels of partisanship at key agencies like the State Department and the CIA while creating a severe brain drain that will take years from which to recover.

As both the New York Times and Washington Post have reported, the current situation in terms of vacant senior national security positions has reached critical levels. The papers cited ongoing research by the Partnership for Public Service showing that as of September 11, only 26 percent of the new administration’s appointees for 170 key national security positions in the Departments of Defense, State, Justice, and Homeland Security had been confirmed by the Senate, though a small selection of holdovers remained in place. Only one nominee to be an ambassador has been confirmed.

To put this into perspective, the 9/11 Commission cited the fact that only 57 percent of such positions were filled as of Sept. 11, 2001 as a source of vulnerability that urgently needed to be corrected. Assistant Secretary of State and department spokesperson Ned Price said in response to the current situation, “Among the lessons we learned from the 9/11 Commission Report is the imperative of swift confirmation of a new administration's nominees, especially in the national security and foreign policy realm. Yet today, some 80 State Department nominees—including some of our most important posts—are pending before the Senate. Some of those have already been voted out of committee on a strong bipartisan basis and merely await a floor vote. The bottom line is that America needs its full team on the field if we are to confront challenges and seize opportunities most effectively. And, right now, we don't have that team at our disposal.”

Loren DeJonge Schulman, vice president for research at the Partnership for Public Service, which is tracking appointees, has said, “That this is not more of a scandal is scandalous. The broken and deeply politicized Senate confirmation process made our country less safe then—the 9/11 attacks spotlighted that. It has worsened significantly since that time and it makes us less safe now.”

Schulman adds, “Our incredible body of federal civil servants is why this trend is an embarrassment, not a continuous disaster. They serve admirably and responsibly no matter the season. However, there are real limits to the power, reach, authority, and effectiveness of acting officials. Many are performing multiple roles. There is no denying the ‘substitute teacher’ perception even with the most competent acting officials. Further, long-term utilization of acting officials—particularly when hampered by Senate inaction—actually ends up undermining Congressional oversight.”

It was not always this way. On average, the Senate confirmation process takes about twice as long as it did in the 1980s, the lessons of 9/11 having made absolutely zero impact on the members of the Senate. During the Clinton years, there were only 16 cloture motions to move forward executive branch nominees (the process by which a Senate hold can be overcome). There were 101 during the Obama years, 189 under Trump. The result of this process becoming increasingly sclerotic is that of 340 top-level positions at Defense, Justice, State, and Homeland Security by the Partnership for Public Service, only 14 percent have been filled by Biden nominees.

Since the first stories on this backlog appeared two weeks ago, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has filed cloture on several State nominees and they are now moving through the process with several having already been confirmed. )

This is better late than never, though the movement now is a reminder that the Democratic leadership in the Senate, department heads across the government, and the White House all could have been doing more to prioritize this process all along. One current State Department official said to me, “The White House has a ton of legislative priorities. It is understandable they don’t want to fight all these battles at once. But some of the nominees I’ve spoken to feel like they have been in limbo or not being supported enough. Democrats, after all, control the Senate. It sends a bad signal if Democratic leaders themselves are not seen to be doing everything in their power to move nominations along. Recent moves in this direction are therefore seen as an encouraging sign.”

Beyond pushing harder, the fact that the process has been deteriorating and consequently putting the country at risk for decades suggests other solutions are needed. Among those that should be considered are reducing the number of jobs — presently 1,237 — that require Senate confirmation before nominees can begin to serve. Eliminating or reducing the right of senators to block such vital national security nominations would be another way to address this as would filibuster reform. Creating more permanent senior positions akin to the “permanent secretaries” found in many other governments would be another welcome improvement on our structure, providing greater continuity.

For now, though, we are at risk because not only have we failed to learn the lessons of the past, we have flouted what experience has taught, often in the name of the politics of cynicism. The stakes are too high to tolerate that and we dare not wait for another catastrophe to drive home the message that sometimes the greatest risks we face are homegrown, manufactured by the very people we elect to help defend us.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

President Biden: Extinguish the Dumpster Fire 🔥


Flaming Dumpster Tours Washington, D.C.

The failure of the Biden Administration to act on plastic pollution is a dumpster fire for the planet. Greenpeace brought a flaming dumpster to tour Washington, D.C. to demand President Biden act on tackling our plastic crisis at home and endorse a Global Plastics Treaty NOW.


The failure of the Biden Administration to act on plastic pollution is a dumpster fire for the planet. 

On Tuesday, Greenpeace brought a flaming dumpster to tour Washington D.C. to demand President Biden act on tackling our plastic crisis at home and endorse a Global Plastics Treaty NOW.  

Don’t worry if you missed it! Join us now for a lookback at the U.S. Plastic Policy Flaming Dumpster Tour. Watch today! 

Stop 1: White House

The first stop was the White House where we delivered an urgent mandate to President Biden: Be a world leader and support an ambitious, binding Global Plastics Treaty before the UN Ministerial Meetings on Sept. 1st.

Right now, the treaty is backed by almost 140 countries, but the United States is still a holdout. We need President Biden to step up to endorse the international agreement today and be a global leader in tackling the plastic pollution crisis. 

Stop 2: State Department 

The second stop was to tell the State Department to stop undermining efforts to end U.S. exports of plastic waste to the Global South.

In January, a global ban on dumping waste on developing countries went into effect  but the United States still hasn’t ratified it. President Biden needs to uphold his promise of environmental justice and act this year to fully implement the Basel Agreement to end the dumping of plastic waste on the Global South. 

Stop 3: DOE

On to the Department of Energy! 

We made a quick stop at the DOE to demand the agency stop throwing more plastic in the dumpster fire. 

99 percent of plastic is made from fossil fuels, but the DOE is backing so-called chemical recycling, a mythical false solution that cannot solve the plastic pollution crisis. It’s time to Break Free from Plastic and put a stop to the petrochemical industry’s expansion plans. 

Stop 4: EPA

The last stop of the tour was the Environmental Protection Agency (arguably the hottest dumpster fire in the past five years). 

Toxic chemicals are regularly added to plastic used for packaging, and can leach into our food and drinks. The EPA seems more worried about offending their friends in the petrochemical industry than in keeping people safe.  

It is time for the EPA to get serious about protecting us from chemicals that can cause cancer, birth defects, or immune deficiencies. That’s why we want to end our tour with a clear mandate for EPA Administrator, Michael Regan, and President Biden: The planet cannot wait for comprehensive U.S. and global policy to address the plastic and climate crisis. 

Thank you to the almost 25,000 supporters who have already used their voices to demand President Biden endorse a Global Plastic Treaty. Watch the video and add your name to demand President Biden act now to solve the plastic pollution crisis. 

John Hocevar,
Oceans Director, Greenpeace USA 


Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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