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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The people cannot be left behind


Bowman for Congress

Content warning: this email mentions strongly racist remarks

Two nights ago, I made an appearance on CNN to immediately discuss Senator Joe Manchin's decision to vote no on the Build Back Better agenda. And as I write to you today, my response on CNN has led to hundreds of tweets, texts, emails, and calls filled with racist comments directed at me and my place in Congress.

My statements on CNN have been the catalyst of dozens of calls from supporters of Joe Manchin's decision. Some of these responses to me have been as follows:

"You are nothing but an Affirmative Action figure Jamaal. I salute your racism with both middle fingers."

"I hope Manchin beats the [expletive] black out of you!! Let's go back to slavery if you are going to be so [expletive] stupid you [expletive]." 

"White people are superior."

"I am tired of tax money going to Black people. All Black people do is steal, crime, and cry, it's always somebody else's fault."

It is tremendously frustrating for me as a Black man in America to be witness to Manchin, a white man, choosing white ignorance and removed leadership. And to all of those who believe this is not about race — as long as the beneficiaries of Manchin's intransigence continue to be primarily white, and those who continue to suffer are poor, women, Black, brown, and Latino, this will always be an issue embedded in racism, in addition to sexism and classism.

This is exactly why tens of millions of Americans have been disillusioned by our government, not just the Republican party but the Democratic party as well. Joe Manchin's decision, albeit infuriating, was not surprising to our progressive movement — and only further proved that big money is stripping away the most effective parts of our democracy.

For months, we've watched Manchin, his special interests, donors, and lobbyists hack away at the Build Back Better Act under the guise that it was fiscally irresponsible. But the truth is it's not, and Manchin has been vehemently against supporting a bill that disproportionately uplifts those who have been historically left behind and disenfranchised for far too long.

The Build Back Better Act unapologetically supports people of color, women, children, and those who are living in poverty. It could help to lift them out of poverty, and so much more. So Manchin's inability to sign onto this bill only further proves that he would rather prioritize his own profits over the needs and interests of the people. Manchin is a millionaire with the privilege to obstruct such a critical piece of legislation, all while his own constituents and millions of Americans all over the country are suffering and calling on him to do the right thing.

But let's be clear about one thing. I will not let this dissuade me from continuing to fearlessly fight for those who need it the most both in NY-16 and beyond. Whether it's passing the Build Back Better Act in order to support working people and families, or working to protect and expand our voter rights that disproportionately affect Black and brown communities — there is still a world of work ahead of us and we can't stop now.

Please join me in continuing this fight for true progressive change. Now more than ever our progressive movement needs to stand together as a united movement in order to build the democracy we all deserve.

Peace and love,

Jamaal Bowman


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