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Sunday, January 30, 2022

FWD: We know who's behind the recall effort



Hi, it's Chesa Boudin. 

We're locked in a fight for the future of criminal justice reform. 

The Republicans funding the recall want to roll back our progress -- they'll bring back cash bail, increase child incarceration, and allow police to act with impunity.  

Their policies would make us less safe. And the GOP mega-donors behind the recall effort are spending lavishly to take our city backwards. 

We're facing a massive cash disadvantage, and I need your help. So we've set a goal of raising $5,000 before midnight on January 31.

Will you chip in $50 or more to help my campaign correct the record and expose the right-wing recall for what it is?

Thanks for your support, 

Chesa Boudin

----Begin forwarded message----
From: Stop the Republican Con <>
Subject: We know who's behind the recall effort 
Sent on January 26, 2022 at 10:05 a.m.

The campaign to recall San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin has a fundraising advantage of more than $2 million, thanks to an influx of cash from Republican donors in and outside of California.

Paid political operatives are using this money to distort Chesa's record -- with the goal of repealing reforms that protect workers, keep kids out of jail, and that have led to a dramatic increase in conviction rates for violent crimes.

Here's a snapshot of who is behind the Republican con:

  • William Oberndorf, who has donated more than $1 million to the GOP, supported Betsy DeVos, and put $50,000 in a measure that criminalized homelessness in 2016. 
  • Diane "Dede" Wilsey, a San Francisco "socialite" and major GOP donor, was a co-host of a fundraiser in San Francisco with Donald Trump, Jr. 
  • Mary Jung and Jay Cheng, the chief lobbyists for the San Francisco Board of Realtors, facilitated a $50,000 cash injection to the anti-Boudin recall effort. 
  • Chicago-based Daniel O'Keefe donated $50,000 to the recall effort as well as Republican David Perdue’s U.S. Senate campaign in Georgia.
  • David DeWilde, a real estate investor, donated $100,000 to one of the committees behind the recall effort. 

Here’s the bottom line: This recall is a con. Put together by GOP mega-donors and their operatives as part of a national right-wing effort to undermine progressive criminal justice reform. And like Donald Trump, they do not believe in accepting the outcome of elections when they lose.

Reverse Chesa's ban on cash bail, 
sending our city back to a time when there was a multi-pronged criminal justice system that overly penalized poor people.  If these Republican millionaires are successful, they will:

  • Increase child incarceration, leading to a cycle of poverty and crime that hurts the most vulnerable communities.
  • Allow police to act with impunity, causing a tension-filled relationship between cops and the communities they serve, leading to less trust and more crime. 

We don’t have billionaire benefactors lining up to write blank checks to support our campaign. Ours is a grassroots movement and we need your help.

Please, donate what you can to help Chesa Boudin to fight back against the GOP recall.

Thank you for your support, 

Team Chesa Boudin

Chesa Boudin was elected District Attorney of San Francisco in 2019 to reform our criminal justice system. Now, right-wingers  want to reverse our progress and return our city to a time when innocent people were locked away and police acted with impunity.

Please chip in today to keep up the fight to reform San Francisco's criminal justice system.

20 Galli Drive
Ste A
Novato, CA 94949



Ad paid for by Friends of Chesa Boudin Opposing the Recall, FPPC #1437058, Financial Disclosures available at
Committee major funding from:
1. Christian Larsen ($100,000)
2. Service Employees International Union Local 1021 Candidate PAC ($65,000)
3. Jessica McKellar ($50,000)

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