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Friday, August 6, 2021

Social Media Week of Action

Real Justice

There’s less than one week left to stop the first of two Republican-backed recall efforts against San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin — we can’t do it without your help.

Our opponents are doubling down to stop Chesa’s good work, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars from right-wing billionaires and police associations to spread lies and misinformation about public safety in San Francisco.

But we have something they don’t: real grassroots power. That’s why TODAY we’re launching a Social Media Week of Action to Stand with Chesa and share the truth about his life-saving justice work with voters!

Can you join us? Your voice on social platforms will help generate the real grassroots support we need to Stand with Chesa and stop the spread of lies about public safety by the anti-justice recall effort.


San Franciscans voted overwhelmingly for Chesa Boudin in 2019, and he kept his campaign promises introducing policies to hold police accountable, end mass incarceration and transform our justice system from the inside out.

But in this final week, the effort to recall Chesa and reverse the progress of our movement for justice is ramping up — it will take all of us speaking out to our networks to counter the vicious lies and protect our progress.

Each post on social media will help us reach more voters and grow our movement to Stand with Chesa. Please click here now to join our Day of Action and protect critical justice initiatives!

Together we can grow our people powered movement for justice and stop the right-wing recall effort against Chesa. And once you have clicked to tweet above, you can check out our full social toolkit for more to share!

Thank you,

Real Justice

Paid for by San Franciscans Against the Recall of Chesa Boudin, sponsored by Real Justice PAC.

Committee major funding from:

1. Real Justice PAC ($100,000) – contributors include Grassroots Law PAC ($200,000), Patty Quillin ($20,000)

2. Dignity CA SEIU Local 2015 ($15,000) – contributors include Service Employees International Union ($4,998,657.72), SEIU Local 2015 ($2,000,000)

3. Smart Justice California Action Fund ($15,000) – contributors include Elizabeth Simons ($425,700), Patty Quillin ($195,000)

Financial disclosures available at


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